Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm

Measles Infection and Mitigation with Vitamin A

There is evidence that measles virus infects and damages epithelial tissues throughout the body, and in the process severely diminish the concentration of Vitamin A in the body. In a study published in 1987, children under 2 years old receiving Vitamin A supplements of 200,000 IU orally immediately on admission with measles survived those who did not by a factor of 7. Vitamin A is essential for proper performance of epithelial tissues. Another interesting development is that some children seem well protected and survive measles vaccine, but have an increased risk of death from a variety of other diseases in the years following administration of measles vaccine, conceivably because the level of allergic sensitization of the population is being steadily enhanced by the number of mandated vaccination programs.

Racial Sensitivity Differences to Vaccines and Subsequent CNS Manifestations

Another interesting fact is that some races suffer more neurological damage from diseases like measles and whooping cough (and from the vaccines) and greater intellectual impairment and subsequent behavioral disorders. A 1964 controlled study in Baltimore found that blacks suffered disproportionately from diseases like whooping cough. Blacks are also known to suffer more than whites from conditions that are the product of encephalitis, such as epilepsy and asthma, sometimes as much as 2.5 times in the case of asthma. Dyslexia is also higher in American blacks than in whites. All of this might seem to indicate that part of the overall plan of post-vaccinal disease might be racially motivated. It is interesting, considering this point, that all of the experimental vaccine programs of the World Health Organization have been initially performed in Africa. Also, the fact that black babies are predisposed to low birth weight and prematurity matches interestingly with the known fact that both conditions are also related to demyelination of immature nervous systems, predominantly because of vaccine damage. Of course, it would be human nature to try to mitigate post-vaccinal behavior disorders with drugs, which the government also conveniently supplies to inner city communities. Curious, isn't it. It is also curious that the hypersexuality which often parallels post-vaccinal minimum brain damage (MBD) is so inherent within the development of inner-city "rap" music - the parallels are amazing, and indicate a decidedly insidious slant to the overall nature of vaccination programs and the "war on drugs." Of course, no one would dare to even suggest such a thing without really good research behind the suggestion, would they?

Of course, such trends in black susceptibility would be noticable at an early stage of mass vaccination. They were. In 1931, the chairman of the White House Committee on Communicable Disease Control (WHCCDC or wick-dick), George Bigelow, noted the "higher fatality rates among Negroes and American Indians" but theorized that they were "more likely due to living conditions than to inherent hypersusceptibility." Inherent hypersusceptibility? Sounds like they knew in 1931 what was going on, doesn't it. It is also a fact that people forced into a socioeconomic situation of poor nutrition and a deficiency in vitamin A would suffer more severely from measles, especially atypical measles, adding to the problem. During the major measles epidemic in the United States in 1989, measles occurred in large numbers in black and hispanic preschool children living in the inner city.

The 1989 measles epidemic in Chicago really brought out the racial statistics. The epidemic affected over 2,000 people. African Americans suffered 71% of the cases, Hispanics 23% and the remaining 6% occurred in Caucasians. Over 32% of the cases were in infants less than 15 months old, well below the minimum age for receiving the vaccine, and well below the pre-vaccination era of 5-9 years old. As a result of the Chicago epidemic, the health department curiously lowered the minimum age for receiving a vaccination twice, finally dropping it to 6 months of age, which ironically guarantees the maximum neurological damage from the viral vaccine, the subsequent neurological problems, the subsequent behavior disorders, and the institution of "publically demanded" subsequent social control mechanisms when things get out of hand. See how it works yet? Oddly, the same pattern was followed during the measles epidemic in 1967, and again the epidemic went on unchanged. Disregarding this historical evidence, why did they do it again in 1989, unless another agenda exists underneath this rather insane behavioral manifestation by medical authorities.

Orthodoxy on Measles

"Measles is often a severe disease. Measles elimination in the United States have resulted in record low numbers of reported measles cases. While the number of reported measles increased in 1989, chances remain low that individuals will be exposed to natural measles. Most persons born before 1957 are likely to have been infected naturally and generally need not be considered susceptible. A single dose of live, attenuated measles vaccine induces antibody formation in at least 95% of susceptibles vaccinated at 15 months of age or older. A second dose is expected to induce immunity in the 5% who do not respond to the first dose. Primary vaccination may be associated with mild fever and transient rash. Central nervous system conditions including encephalitis and encephalopathy (minimal to severe brain damage) have been reported, however the incidence rate of these conditions following measles vaccination is lower than the observed incidence rate of encephalitis of unknown etiology, 'suggesting the reported neurological disorders may be caused by other factors'. There is no evidence of a greater risk of reaction to live measles for those who have previously received live measles vaccine or had natural measles. Although recipients of killed vaccine may be more likely to experience local and systemic reactions after revaccination with live measles vaccine, these individuals should be revaccinated to avoid the severe to avoid the severe atypical form of disease which often occurs after their exposure to natural measles.

Live measles vaccine is now produced in chicken embryo cell culture. Persons with a history of anaphylactic reactions should be vaccinated only with extreme caution. The replication of live measles vaccine virus may be enhanced in patients with immune deficiency diseases and by the suppressed immune responses that occur with leukemia, lymphoma, generalized malignancy, antimetabolites and radiation."


Mumps are also a rather benign childhood viral disease which seems to contribute to development of the human immune system. Women, for example, appear to be less likely to contract overian cancer if they had mumps during childhood. Adults who contract mumps, however, can sustain severe neurological damage.

The scenario with mumps is very similar to that of measles, in that a policy was followed of suppression of clinical symptoms by vaccine administration. Mumps appears to cause a very mild meningitis or meningoencephalitis that manifests itself up to 23 days after infection, with possible encephalitic symptomology including drowsiness, irritability, dizziness, convulsions, psychosis and axatia, but more commonly enlargement of the parotid salivary gland and occasional enlargement of the testicles in 20-30% of adolescent or adult males. The first vaccines were tested in the 1950's, and were produced by American Cyanamid Chemical Company using chicken embryos with the virus inactivated using formalin. The vaccine was first tested on institutionalized orphans and mental patients from one to eight years old. Interestingly, one of the three institutions participating in the test had never had a case of mumps. After the vaccine was introduced, the first cases of mumps appeared within 90 days and continued to manifest themselves during the entire testing period. Another case of the vaccine causing the disease.

There were indications in 1967 that the viral vaccine was causing the disease in children. A study was conducted using live attentuated viral vaccine on children, many of whom contracted clinical mumps within 16 days of being injected,and the outbreak continued for several months. This pattern resulted in many attempts to manipulate vaccine testing data, and the overall results showed that the injection of live mumps virus into humans shortens the general incubation time of the disease - a pattern evident with many other vaccines. Furthermore, 65% of those tested showed antibodies for mumps already in their systems before the vaccine was needlessly administered.

In 1980, reports surfaced of atypical mumps in previously vaccinated children during general viral outbreaks, with symptoms including fever, appetite loss, nausea, and a generalized rash. The atypical mumps occurred when wild natural mumps virus circulated among unvaccinated children - a normal event associated with immune system development in humans. All the children contracting atypical mumps had been injected with viral vaccine five to seven years earlier. In 1981, an outbreak of mumps occurred in Massachusetts. Out of 33 children involved, 29 had been injected with mumps virus, and 97.4% of unvaccinated children in the locale did not contract mumps.

Since 1986, there has been an increase in the incidence of mumps in the United States, with many of the new cases among high school students - far above the age when natural mumps was contracted before the start of mumps/MMR vaccine use. The conclusion by some medical people was that "not enough people had been vaccinated", a statement which is not supported by published information on the incidence of mumps and the rate of vaccine injection, with over 80,000,000 doses of mumps virus vaccine already pumped into the population. In fact even when vaccine compliance was low, the incidence of mumps was low. As compliance increases, so does the incidence of mumps, often resulting in quite substantial outbreaks. Medical personnel increase the problem by fostering mass vaccination campaigns during epidemics they themselves initially cause with the vaccines - another pattern with similiaries relative to other vaccines. It is absolute criminal negligence.

In 1989, it was finally determined that it was the strain of virus used in the vaccine that caused mumps meningitis. The virus isolated from patients who developed meningitis 21 days after injection was identical to that used in the vaccine. Serious neurological symptoms from mumps or MMR vaccine was documented in Sweden between 1982 and 1984, and in Germany in 1989, where 27 cases of neurological problems were noted with mumps vaccine. Cases of vaccine-induced meningitis were also noted in Canada, with one child dying 10 days after injection. In 1992, further evidence was collected that mumps virus preparations in MMR vaccine were causing parotitis and meningitis when mumps vaccine virused were isolated from cases of post-vaccinal meningitis.

A study was done in Canada in 1989 that studied the epidemiology of mumps in Alberta between the years 1980 and 1982. It was concluded that mumps, as naturally contracted, is a generally mild disease, tending to occur early in life, with no documented mortality. The need to inject individuals with viral vaccines was not clear, but it was eventually decided that injection of children with MMR vaccines was "cost effective."

Other instances have been cited relative to mass immunizations with mumps and subsequent outbreaks, or lack of them. From 1967 to 1977, both the incidence of vaccination for mumps and mumps outbreaks were low. Ten years later in 1987 a mass vaccination campaign for mumps was started in Chicago for no apparent reason - there were no reports of mumps. Immediately after the campaign mumps went rampant in Chicago for seven months, primarily affecting those 20 years old and older. One of the most disturbing trends with mumps, like other diseases, is the shift from children toward adults, who are more susceptible to complications of testicular and ovarian infection. Medical personnel creating a disease epidemic again? Yes. Part of the population control program? Maybe. All of this clearly illustrates what is really happening. Why would these people be so determined to continue this policy, despite all of this published evidence, unless it was a conscious intentional act geared toward creation of disease, subsequent profit, and prolongation of their warped paradigm?

Orthodoxy on Mumps

"Mumps is primarily a disease of young, school-age children. Vaccination against mumps is not a requirement for entry into any country. Susceptible children, adolescents and adults should be vaccinated with a single dose of vaccine unless vaccination is contraindicated. Combination with measles and rubella vaccines should be considered. Mumps vaccine can be of particular value for children approaching puberty and for adolescents and adults, particularly males, who have not had mumps. Persons can be considered susceptible unless they have documentation of previous vaccination on or after the first birthday, physician-diagnosed mumps, or laboratory evidence of immunity. Many persons in the U.S. will receive two doses of mumps vaccine as a result of the new two-dose schedule for MMR vaccination which is now recommended in the United States to control measles. Because there is no evidence that persons who have previously either received the vaccine or had mumps are at any risk of local or systemic reactions from receiving live mumps vaccine, testing for susceptibility before vaccination is unnecessary."


Diptheria is an acute infectious disease caused by a bacterium characterized by development of a membrane on the epithelium of the throat which causes soreness. The membrane development may interfere with breathing. Diphtheria is serious but it is an extremely rare disease. In 1980, the number of cases in the United States numbered less than 5. In Nazi Germany, diphtheria vaccine injection was made mandatory in the late 1930's, resulting in a 17% increase in the disease and over 600 deaths. The disease rate fell after injections were stopped. During an epidemic in Chicago in 1969, a full 25% of cases had already been injected with diphtheria vaccine, and 12% showed full immunity. The evidence suggests the vaccine was worthless and contributed to the incidence of the condition.

Diphtheria vaccine is a toxoid vaccine which includes the actual toxins produced by the Diphtheria organism, slightly modified through treatment with heat or chemicals. A bacterial toxin homes in on specific organs of the body. In the case of Diphtheria, the organ is the adrenal gland. Diphtheria antitoxin is produced by injecting Diphtheria toxins into a horse. Blood, containing animal viruses, proteins foreign to humans and the reactive substances from the horse immune system in response to Diphtheria toxins, is removed from the horse and allowed to clot. The antitoxin serum which weeps out of the clot is then treated with an antibiotic and is subsequently injected into humans as "vaccine" to theoretically enable the human to deal with subsequent toxins produced by theoretical future contact with the Diphtheria bacteria. The only other way to create supposed antitoxins in humans is to inject weakened Diphtheria bacteria into them. The first vaccines outside of Germany for Diphtheria were generally introduced about 1939.

Between 1939 and 1942 it became evident that, paradoxically, the presence of Diphtheria antitoxin in human blood did not prevent contraction of the disease, and furthermore there were people working in Diphtheria clinics who were unvaccinated for Diphtheria who had the organisms in their blood who never showed symptoms of the disease. Despite the existence of these paradoxes, vaccines were disseminated and appeared to have a remarkable effect on the incidence of the disease in Britain in the short term period between 1940 and 1955. When the disease is examined on a larger time scale, it is evident that the largest drop in Diphtheria occurred between 1865 and 1875, before the bacteria had even been isolated, indicating the spread of the disease was on the way out all by itself. The antitoxin was first used experimentally around 1900, and coincided with a large drop in recorded cases. Orthodoxy does not have much to say, except "Diphtheria remains a serious disease throughout much of the world. Most cases occur in unimmunized or inadequately immunized persons." No level of antitoxin provides absolute protection. However, current recommendations by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommend DT doses at 2,4,6 and 12-15 months of age, well before the immune system and neurological myelination processes have progressed.


Tetanus, as a condition, is also known as "lockjaw", and is caused by a microorganism that produces a potentially fatal condition characterized by extreme muscular rigidity, spasms of the respiratory muscles, asphyxia and death. The organism, which is found in soil and the intestinal tract of some farm arnimals, usually enters the body through an open wound. The incubation period for the microorganism varies from one day to three weeks. Treatment is harsh, and involves the use of artificial airways, muscle relaxing drugs, antibiotics and antitoxins - in short, hell on earth for whomever contracts the condition. Since 1976 there have been less than 100 cases in the United States, and the majority of these have been in individuals over the age of 50. Between 1982 and 1984, 9 cases occurred in children. No deaths occurred in anyone under 30 years old. The vaccine compliance rate is about 95% with school age children. Prior to widespread vaccines for this condition, there were about 500 cases per year. It has never been adquately addressed to whether individuals should unequivocally receive the vaccine without receiving an injury first.

The tetanus vaccine is another toxoid vaccine. It elicits a reaction of swelling, redness and abcesses in 3-13% of those receiving the injection, and allergic reactions have been documented with repeated exposure. Long term side effects are currently unknown. Vaccination is given in a series of four injections which appears to provide protection for 10 years. There is no known reason to inject infants with the tetanus toxoid, especially because the infant immune and nervous systems are not developed and the true effect on the system of the toxoid is unknown. Children under two years old are not at risk of contracting tetanus, according to the available research. The first injections should not be given earlier than 12 months of age, and then every 10 years thereafter. Serious wounds might demand tetanus immune globulin, made from human tissue sources, which contains antibodies to the tetanus bacterium; this must be provided within 48 hours or less after any serious injury. If in doubt, contact a qualified health professional. Tetanus toxoid or immune globulin (TIG) can be acquired not in combination with any other vaccine, but of course you never know what else is in the vaccine you receive.

Current ACIP recommendations, however, oddly include both Diphtheria and Tetanus toxoid administration in situations of wound management rather than single antigen tetanus toxoid. It is unknown what effect both of these have together at the same time in the human body, especially in light of the combination of chemical preservatives present in both vaccines, the Diphtheria having its origin in animal tissue.