122                                          VACCINATION A CURSE.
Calvinist creed for five thousand dollars a year; an order in
which corporate interests will include the whole people and
where commerce will bestow its unstinted blessings upon every
member of the commonwealth; aye, an order in which the phy-
sician, a physician, indeed, from whose ranks the blood-poison-
ing vaccinator shall have disappeared; an order in which the
doctor will become the chief educator, a welcome guest in
every household; a friend whom the youth and maiden can
counsel with and confidingly trust, who will rejoice in the public
health and the private health of both soul and body, and from
whose abundant personality will radiate and flow forth the same
quality of health and life and joy which made the Christ dear
to his disciples. Jesus healed both soul and body. This is the
work of the true physician.
1840.    To extend the practice of vaccination.
1841.    To amend the vaccination act.
    Vaccination made compulsory.
    To facilitate prosecutions.
1867.    To consolidate and amend the acts.
1871.    To amend and more vigorously enforce the act.
1874.    To explain the act of 1871.
1898.    To insert the "Conscience Clause."

"I can sympathize with, and even applaud a father who,
with the presumed dread in his mind, is willing to submit to ju-
dicial penalties rather than expose his child to the risk of an in-
fection so ghastly as vaccination."—Sir Thomas Watson, M.
D., London.
Although the courts in many states have decided that
boards of health or education cannot compel school children to
be vaccinated, there is nevertheless a general and a vigorous
move of late by these same boards to enforce compulsory legis-
lation on the subject. These "boards" pretend to be acting in
the interests of humanity and of the public health. Similar pub-
lic interests were near and dear to the hearts of the Spanish In-
quisitors, who drove the Huguenots out of France and burned
scores of thousands at the stake on account of their "mischiev-
ous" opinions. No, the intelligent portion of the American peo-
ple have at last taken the true measure of such physicians as
wield the lancet and the poisoning, putrifying calf pus. As doc-
tors they are behind the age in their profession; as business
men they will pocket fees, though their professional edicts turn
every poor man's child out of the public school. I ask, how
much longer are intelligent Americans going to submit to this

124                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
infamy? How much longer will they permit an unscrupulous
class to victimize their children and defraud them of their birth-
right for the sake of putting shekels in their pockets? These
health boards and examining boards be it remembered, have
only in rare instances been asked for by the people. They are
part and parcel of the vaccinating business firm, who instead of
teaching sanitation and cleaning up centers of pollution where
zymotics originate, enforce upon a long suffering populace a
vile and discredited commercial commodity. As we always
have the "poor'' with us, so likewise the body politic is weighted
down with a surplus of doctors turned loose from the medical
colleges every year to prey upon society, not one-half of whom
have the slightest genius for physic, and ought by all means to
have kept their place in the ranks of the "Man with the hoe."
Not able to get a living in the field of legitimate medical prac-
tice, they become "shysters" of the noble profession, secure ap-
pointments on boards of health, corrupt legislatures, get up
small-pox panics, and saddle the public with fees for services
which are curses and nothin
Doctors must be supported, aye, right royally supported.
Vaccination and compulsory laws are what they have found to
be a superb thing. The public welfare—it is a hypocritical pre-
tence ! Some of them would consign every child in the com-
munity to an incurable disease, or slam the door of the school
room in their faces, for the sake of the profit their lymph-poi-
soning practice affords them. The public health is the least
and last thing that concerns many of them. The compulsory
law was not gotten up to make people more healthy, nor to pre-
vent disease. If it had been, its promoters would manifest some
solicitude regarding the real causes which every well informed
person knows are the principal sources of all the zymotic dis-
eases in this country, in the poor and crowded quarters of all
large cities. These the vaccinators, like the Levite, pass by.

Read the fearful arraignment of the distinguished Dr. A. M.
Ross, of Toronto:—
"In March, 1885, my attention was aroused by a report that
several cases of small-pox existed in the east end of Montreal.
Knowing something of the filthy condition of certain localities,
I made a careful sanitary survey of all that part of the city east
of St. Lawrence street, and southwest of McGill and St. An-
toine streets. What I saw I will attempt to describe—what I
smelt cannot be described! I found ten thousand seven hun-
dred cesspits reeking with rottenness and unmentionable filth;
many of these pest-holes had not been emptied for years; the
accumulated filth was left to poison the air of the city and make
it the seed-bed of the germs of zymotic diseases. Further, I
found the courts, alleys, and lanes in as bad a condition as they
possibly could be—decaying animal and vegetable matter
abounded on all sides. Everywhere unsightly and offensive ob-
jects met the eye, and abominable smells proved the existence
of disease-engendering matter, which supplied the very condition
necessary for the incubation, nourishment and growth of small-
"Knowing well the fearful consequences that would result
from the presence of such a mass of filth in such a densely popu-
lated part of the city, I gave the widest publicity to the subject,
hoping thereby to rouse the municipal authorities to a proper
appreciation of the danger that menaced the health of the city.
But I was an alarmist; my advice went unheeded and the filth
remained as a nest for the nourishment of small-pox, which
grew in strength and virulence rapidly, until it swept into un-
timely graves, from the very localities I have mentioned, thirty-
four hundred persons!—victims of municipal neglect. Instead
of removing the filth and putting the city in a thoroughly clean,
defensive condition by the enforcement of wise sanitary regula-
tions and the adoption of a rigid system of isolation of small-
pox patients, the authorities were led by the medical profession
to set up the fetish of vaccination and proclaim its protective
virtues, through the columns of an ignorant, tyrannical and
time-serving press. Day after day the glaring, snaring head-
lines of 'Vaccinate! vaccinate!' 'Alarm! alarm!' appeared in the
morning and evening papers. A panic of cowardice and mad-

126                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
ness followed, and tens of thousands of people were driven (like
sheep to the shambles of the butcher), to the vaccinators, who
reaped a rich but unholy harvest. Not less than 100,000 people
were vaccinated while the panic lasted, yielding an unrighteous
revenue to the vaccinators of at least $50,000.
"Cleanliness, sanitation, and hygiene were 'nonsense,' un-
worthy of notice or consideration by the board of health! Tens
of thousands of beastly vaccine points were imported and dis-
tributed among the vaccinators, who were sent forth to poison
the life blood of their victims and kindle the flame of small-pox.
"I did all in my power to convince the authorities and the
people of the sad mistake they were making; but ignorance,
vaccination, and love of money gained the ascendancy, and three
thousand four hundred innocents were sent to untimely graves.
"The truth of my prophetic warnings in March, 1885, was
amply and sadly verified by the sickening and mournful fact that
thirty-four hundred persons, mostly children under twelve years
of age, died from small-pox in the very localities I pointed out
as abounding in filth; while in the west end, west of Bleury and
north of Dorchester streets, where cleanliness prevailed, there
were only a few cases and these sporadics. I do not hesitate to
declare it as my solemn opinion, founded upon experience ac-
quired during the epidemic, that there would have been no
small-pox epidemic in Montreal if the authorities had discarded
vaccination and placed the city in a thoroughly clean and defen-
sive condition when I called upon them to do their duty in
March, 1885. The greatest incompetency, cowardice, indiffer-
ence and fickleness prevailed among the health officials. When
at last the dread disease carried off sixteen hundred victims in
October (although 100,000 people had been vaccinated), they
began to enforce a system of isolation, which I had repeatedly
but vainly recommended during March, April and May. When
vaccination ceased and isolation was enforced, the epidemic
rapidly subsided.
"The causes, then, which gives rise to and propagate small-
pox are within our control and are preventable. They may be
summed up briefly as follows :—
"Overcrowding in unhealthy dwellings or workshops,
where there is insufficient ventilation, and where animal or veg-
etable matter, in a state of decomposition, is allowed to accu-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                          127
mulate; improper and insufficient diet, habits of intemperance,
excess in eating, idleness, immorality, and unsanitary habits of
life, such as the neglect of ablution and the free use of pure
water, want of proper exercise, and other irregularities of a like
No money in that sort of thing for the third rate vaccinat-
ing doctor! It may be conceded that the average physician is
an honorable man personally, the same as the average priest or
lawyer or merchant; but vaccination with him is not philan-
thropy, but business; it is one of his modes of making a living
and getting on in the world.
Dr. Ross, above quoted, and most of the truly great physi-
cians whom I have quoted in these pages, belong to the real no-
bility of the profession. These are physicians who place the
public health and welfare above merely commercial motives.
These are physicians of the normal order, the true friends of
the race, whom future generations will delight to honor. These
not only see where the trouble is located, but do what they can
to remove the active causes of disease. It is this class who are
laboring to secure better sanitation, and who are trying to
teach the people that the real preventives of sickness lie in the
observance of the natural law. But it is small headway that a
few noble reformers can make in the direction of thorough san-
itation when they have to deal with corrupt and unscrupulous
politicians and municipal boards who are continually plotting
selfish schemes for place, pelf, and privileges for themselves.
Now, if the citizens of each municipality will exhibit a little
firmness and more conscientious enthusiasm they can make a
dead letter of the "edicts" of local boards of health and educa-
tion. In the highest courts these edicts are invariably set aside.
To each parent I declare: if you submit to have your children
vaccinated; if you allow this public enemy to enter your house-
holds with his lancet and putrid pus to imperil the future of
your children, you are morally responsible before high heaven!

128                                  VACCINATION A CURSE.
The legal authority by which the vaccinator assumes the right
to perpetuate this outrage upon the innocent little ones commit-
ted to your charge, is a base, infamous, and un-American usur-
pation which your state constitution and your highest court
do not sanction. You need not submit your children to this ac-
cursed rite, nor need you submit to have them defrauded of
school privileges which you have been taxed to provide. In
many towns local boards have been chosen in accordance with
an enlightened public sentiment; and these, knowing their con-
stitutional rights, pay no attention to the Philipics and edicts
of any state board. In other towns the sentiment is aroused,
but the health and educational boards, being creatures of the
political "ring," iSsue their mandates and then a hot contest is
at once precipitated.
I spent the winter and early spring of 1898 in my sunny
home in San Diego. Early in February—if I remember—the
local board of health directed the school board to issue a per-
emptory order that every child attending the public schools
should be required to present a certificate of vaccination to their
teacher, and on failing to do so should be excluded from further
attendance. The battle was on. Among the papers in the city,
the Union was conservative, rather siding with the vaccination
doctors; but the Sun and Vidette freely opened their columns
to my pen sketches of the situation. Only one doctor—P. J.
Parker, M. D.—saw fit to publicly notice my arraignment of the
vaccination practice, and he was extremely reserved and
guarded. I opened the ball with the following letter to the
Daily Sun:—
"Editor Sun: At the close of my lecture Sunday evening
in the hall, literally packed, the subject came up relative to vac-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                       129
cinating our school children. The consensus of opinion was de-
cidedly against it—a majority of certainly nineteen-twentieths
of those present. Further, it was a general expression that the
doctors, lawyers, druggists, and merchants be vaccinated or re-
vaccinated, and that the school children—our dear school child-
ren—be spared.
"When I began the practice of medicine over 50 years ago,
bleeding was far more popular with doctors than vaccination is
today. Times change. Vaccination 'wearing out,' as the theory
is, in from about three to seven years, I was induced to be re-
vaccinated in San Francisco just after the commencement of
our late civil war, and came near losing my arm from the dire
effects of the deadly poison. It put me in bed three weeks and
impaired my health for several years. Personally, I should in-
finitely prefer the small-pox, treating myself, than to undergo
another such life-endangering siege of suffering from vaccina-
"While there is no epidemic of small-pox in our city, nor
the likelihood of there being any, it seems not only presumptu-
ous but absolutely appalling that health officers should order
vaccination. It certainly cannot be for the picayune finances
that will accrue to a few physicians. They surely are not so
grasping and heartlessly greedy as that. Can it be from a lack
of information?
"It is well-known by the most eminent and erudite physi-
cians of today that while vaccination is not even a common safe-
guard against small-pox, it often conduces to blood-poisoning,
erysipelas, eczema, and consumption.
"Am I told, referring to 'tubes and points,' that calf-lymph-
glycerinated vaccine, 'the pure,' will be used? Pure poison!
Think of it, parents! Pure pus-rottenness—think of it! Pure
calf-lymph from calves' filthy sores put into the arms of inno-
cent babes and school children. 'Pure!' Why it is virtually
beastly calf-brutality thrust into our children's budding hu-
manity !
"The battle for compulsory vaccination was waged by
spells most vigorously in the British house of parliament for
nearly a dozen years, and finally a parliamentary commission,

after a long and most rigid investigation, virtually reported that
vaccination should be 'optional,' rather than compulsory.
"A personal friend of mine, William Tebb, of London, one
of God's noblemen, was arrested, if I rightly remember, four-
teen times for refusing to have his children vaccinated. He paid
his fines—and now wears a victor's wreath. And I, too, would
be arrested—aye, I would rot in jail before I would again have
that damnable vaccine poison thrust into my arm or into my
children's arms.
"Prof. Kanichfield, of Berlin, said in an elaborate report:
'I, too, vaccinated my children at a time when I did not know
how injurious it was. Today I would resist if necessary the au-
thorities and the police law.'
"Dr. Greogory in the Medical Times, June I, 1852, (and
then medical director of the London Small-pox hospital) said:
'The idea of extinguishing the small-pox by vaccination is as
absurd as it is chimerical, and is as irrational as it is presumptu-
"Dr. Stowell, after twenty year's experience as a vaccine
physician in England, said: 'The general declaration of my pa-
tients enables me to proclaim that the vaccine notion is not only
an illusion, but a curse to humanity.'
"In a house to house census of a number of cities, towns,
and villages in the north of England to furnish an average test
of the dangers of vaccination, there were reported '3,135 cases
of injury and 750 deaths, alleged to be due to vaccination.' This
report was sent to the members of Parliament and to the prime
"P. A. Taylor, a member of Parliament, said in a Com-
mon's speech: 'I have seen scores of parents who tell me that
they honestly believe that their children had died from vacci-
nation. I am opposed to making it compulsory.'
"Alfred Russell Wallace, LL. D., F. R. S., the compeer of
the great Charles Darwin, says: 'that vaccination is the probable
cause of about 10,000 deaths annually, by five inoculable dis-
eases of the most terrible and disgusting character.'
"William Tebb on July, 2, 1892, gave evidence before the
Parliamentary Royal Commission as to 2,138 cases of injury
and 540 deaths alleged by the proper medical signatures to be
due to vaccination up to the end of 1889. * * * In the

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        131
third report, (page 172), the number of injuries is increased to
10,309—think of it—and this in solid, conservative old Eng-
"If necessary I can furnish the testimony of many eminent
American physicians, college professors, in confirmation of the
danger, and of the deaths resulting from compulsory vacination.
"Upon the grounds, therefore, of continuous good health
to our children; upon the grounds of absolute right; upon the
grounds of personal liberty vouchsafed by the constitution of
the United States, and upon the grounds of regard to the ma-
ture judgment and cultured consciences of many educated
parents and prominent San Diego citizens, I hope—earnestly
hope—that this vaccination order will not be pressed.
The moral indignation of the community was aroused, and
the local press teemed daily with articles from indignant citizens
and with spirited editorials on the all-absorbing controversy—
the two papers named siding with the people; but the Union
editorials abounded in expressions of "good Lord and good
Devil," yet leaning perceptibly toward the latter. Among the
protests from citizens, the following is a sample:—
"Editor Sun: I consider that I have a grievance that it is
my duty to put before the people of this city.
"My son tells that he is excluded from the schools be-
cause he can not show a certificate of vaccination. I sent a note
by him this morning to Professor Freeman in which I desired
the following information: If Jamie, my son, is not allowed to
continue in the school, please, in justice to me, give me a writ-
ten notice of his expulsion. I added also: I have been a tax-
payer for many years, and if I am not to have any of its ben-
efits, unless I bow down before one of the most un-American
laws that was ever lobbied' through a legislative body, I should
have notice of it.
"He wrote on the back of the note with a pencil, as fol-
lows :—
" 'Mr. Nulton: You appear to be aware of the law. We
simply do our duty under it when we forcibly exclude children
who have not been vaccinated.'
"What conclusion can I arrive at from his answer? I have

132                                     VACCINATION A CURSE.
never brought his devotion to duty in question, neither do I
doubt that he may have excluded pupils from his school during
his past life. But I would like to know whether the boy is play-
ing 'hookey,' or whether it is the professor himself?
"Is there anything in his answer that would show to a court
of justice that the boy has been excluded from the schools?
"I have been required several times to write notes to teach-
ers why the boy was absent from school on certain days, and
when I want information they seem to be as silent as a grave-
"In regard to vaccination, I have this to say. I have heard
of many that have died from vaccination and a great deal of suf-
fering resulting from it. Now, the question is, shall I offer up
my child to this vaccine god with the hope that a ram will be
caught in the bushes and his life spared ? or shall I stand on my
feet like a true American and say to this Moloch, whose taste
for children is proverbial, 'Stand out of the way and let the car
of progress move on.'
"If a parent forces his child to be vaccinated and he die
from its effect, who murders him? Is it the parent, the vacci-
nator, or the law, or should we wag our long ears and exclaim:
'Mysterious Providence.'
"A good thing can never be over-multiplied; inflate it as
much as you please, there will be no bad results. If vaccination
is a good thing you cannot overdraw at this bank either. Com-
mence with the doctors, then the old men and women, and some
of us have nothing but an old shell left, and it would not take
much vaccine matter to fix us; then the middle-aged, then the
youth, babes, cats, and dogs.
                     S. D. NULTON."
It is but justice to say, that Dr. Remendido, the leading
physician and surgeon of the city, came out through the press
and definitely condemned compulsory vaccination. The other
physicians, with one exception, were as dumb as the dens of
frozen adders.
About this time—early in February, 1899—258 children
had been sent home by the teachers for not presenting certifi-
cates of vaccination, and many more were kept home by their

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        133
parents who wished to spare their feelings, knowing what the
result would be if they appeared without the official vaccinator's
"tag." Parents were calling at my residence every day for ad-
vice about what they could do; so accordingly I published the
following letter in the Daily Vidette: —
"Editor Vidette: Honoring your moral bravery and ad-
miring the breadth of thought and freedom of expression that
characterize your daily columns, allow me to say that the heads
of twenty-three families have called upon me at my residence
during the past week, saying, 'What shall we do, doctor, about
having our children vaccinated? We think vaccination danger-
bus. We do not believe in it, and yet we want our children to
attend school and be educated. What shall we do?'
"My invariable reply has been, I am not 'my brother's
keeper.' You must exercise your own judgment. I am frank,
however, to tell you what I should do.
"First: I should send my children to school unvaccinated,
unpoisoned with pox-lymph virus, and put the responsibility
upon the official authorities for refusing to educate them in the
schools, for the support of which I had been taxed. I should
then, as they have in Philadelphia, commence legal proceed-
ings. It should not be forgotten that before the adjournment
of our recent legislature, Senator Simmons introduced a bill pro-
viding that if any injury or detriment to health was produced
by vaccination, both the school authorities and the vaccinators
might be sued for damages. This was right. The bill did not
come to a vote. How could it, in a legislature charged and
counter-charged with bribery—a legislature neither intellect-
ually nor morally competent to elect a United States senator?
"Second: Or, I should teach my children in my own home,
inviting some of my neighbors' more advanced scholars to come
in and teach them the higher branches.
"Third: Or, I should unite with the citizens of my ward
and organize a private school, employing competent and cul-
tured teachers. For such a purpose I will contribute liberally
in the eighth ward.
"Fourth: Or, I should emigrate from slow, lag-behind San
Diego, to some one of the states east where compulsory vacci-
nation is not enforced; or, perhaps what would be more prefer-
able still, bidding adieu to the American flag (the presumed

134                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
symbol of freedom and personal liberty), I would settle in
some country, decent enough, civilized enough not to enact a
monstrous compulsory vaccination law, and enlightened enough
not to enforce if there was such a law.
"Queensland, Australia, has no compulsory vaccination
law; and grand, conservative old England, after a dozen years'
fight of the people, assisted by the ablest members of Parlia-
ment, against a majority of the doctors (who evidently had an
eye to business), passed what has been termed the 'conscience
clause,' as an addendum to the vaccination bill. This was signed
by the queen, August 12, last year. Therefore, any person, now
going before the registrar of the district, and making declara-
tion before the justice of the peace that he conscientiously be-
lieves vaccination to be detrimental to the health of the child,
is exempt from arrest or penalty. All honor to England!
"Accordingly, in the single city of Oldham, Lancashire,
England, 43,000 certificates of exemption under the 'conscience
clause' had been issued up to the first of March. Other cities
and towns are doing nearly as well. Shame, shame, to San
Diego to thus snail-like drag—drag along in great reforms be-
hind England, Australia, and some of the isles of the ocean.
"There are not only thousands of our citizens, but there
are members of the health and school board, just as strenuously
opposed to compulsory vaccination as I am. I speak by the
book. 'But it is the law.' Granted. 'It has been sustained by
the supreme court.' Then, in the name of law and order, why
was it not enforced by the previous health and school board au-
thorities? Did they not know their duty? Why were they not
dismissed from office or fined $500? Who was responsible for
that gross, official neglect? and why has this vaccination law
been virtually a dead letter throughout California these past ten
years ? and what has caused this present health-spasm ? There
is no small-pox in our city—and it is the general opinion that
there has been none. Why do not doctors post themselves?
Why are they such consummate cowards ?
"Finally, this so-called compulsory law, now the terror of
so many parents, is not law. That only is law which is based
upon the principle of justice, of right and of personal liberty.
Enactments are not necessarily laws. Enactments made by one
legislature are very often repealed by the next. The 'fugitive

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        135
slave law' was once pronounced 'law' by politicians influencing
even the supreme court; and yet a band of Quakers, with my-
self and many others deliberately violated that law—defied it,
in fact, as often as possible, by helping such frightened, fleeing
negroes as Fred Douglas, on their way toward the freedom of
the British flag in Canada. The framers of that law are now
remembered only in pity, or deserved infamy. And so history
will brand the mark of Cain upon the legislature that ten years
ago passed that infamous, unconstitutional, compulsory vacci-
nation enactment. I would not—will not, obey it! I defy it!
Arrest me, jail me, imprison me behind iron bars. I would stay
there and rot in prison before I would obey it. And further, in
the future I will vote for no member of the legislature till I
know—positively know, how he stands upon this vaccination
question. We must organize for the battle as they did for years
in England; we must call meetings and distribute literature.
"Only recently a judge of the circuit court in Milwaukee,
Wis., decided that 'the compulsory vaccination of children by
order of the board of education as a prerequisite to their admis-
sion to the public schools of that state, was unconstitutional.'
Another compulsory vaccination tumble! And yet, San Diego,
sitting under the shadow of Old Mexico, and brooded by the
skeleton of a dead-letter legislative enactment, forbids her child-
ren to enter the public schools—compels them to remain in ig-
norance because, forsooth, their intelligent parents refuse to
have brutality—cow-pox virus, calf-lymph cussedness, or any-
thing of this nature thrust into their system, believing it to be
unconstitutional, a violation of personal freedom, and danger-
ous to health. Is this America—proud, progressive America,
or old sixteenth century Spain? J. M. PEEBLES, M. D."
Next came what may be designated the Peebles-Parker
discussion which appeared in the columns of the Daily Sun.
The following is Dr. Parker's first letter:—
"Editor Sun: In a recent issue of your paper you say you
are opposed to vaccination of school children, as required by
law, and you give as your reasons that physicians are divided
among themselves as to the utility and advisability of vaccina-
tion, and also that you do not like the idea of sticking scabs onto

I36                                   VACCINATION A CURSE.
people. Permit me to reply that we do not use scabs for such a
purpose. We use lymph taken from healthy young cattle steril-
ized, put up in glass tubes and hermetically sealed up until used.
The greatest care is used in vaccination. The arm or leg where
the little wounds are made is thoroughly disinfected and cleansed
before the work is begun, and the instrument used is boiled be-
fore using, and then a light dressing of sterilized gause placed
over the wound to prevent the entrance of any poisonous germs.
Done in this way there is no danger. Some years ago when
scabs were used at times as well as lymphs, and no great care
used to sterilize or keep the vaccine pure, and surgeons were
careless in breaking of the skin without sterilizing or boiling in-
struments, we had trouble with infection and blood poisoning.
Also sometimes diseases were conveyed by using humanized
virus. But with the old methods vaccination was a God-send
to the human race. Before the days of vaccination the annual
death rate from small-pox was about 3,000 per million of the
population in England. At that rate, the death rate in the
United States per annum would be over 200,000. Deprive the
people of this country of the privileges of vaccination for twenty-
five years and we would have about the same result. Modern
treatment and care would lessen mortality some, but modern
facilities of travel would spread it more than in former times.
"One great danger in the spread of small-pox is the long
incubation period, for it is about twelve days after exposure be-
fore a person becomes sick. Anyone could be exposed to small-
pox in Cuba or Porta Rica and travel to San Diego before he
would get sick.
"In reference to the division of opinion among physicians,
there is in reality very few who oppose it. It is about as near
unanimous as it is possible for any question to be. Only about
one physician in this city speaks against it, and he says pus is
used for vaccinating. I would expose vaccination if we had to
use pus Sor such a purpose. This Dr. Peebles also stated in a
public address before the Mother's Club that he had treated
hundreds of cases of small-pox without losing a case. Any
comment on such statements are unnecessary.
"In the year 1889, Queen Victoria appointed a commission
composed of eight of the most noted medical men of England
and quite a number of eminent men in other professions, to in-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                          137
vestigate the question of the effect of vaccination. The com-
mission spent seven or more years in their investigations, held
one hundred and thirty-six meetings, examined about two hun-
dred witnesses and investigated six epidemics, which has oc-
curred in recent years at Gloucester, Sheffield, Warrington,
Devosberry, Leicester, and London. In Gloucester the prac-
tice of vaccination had been greatly neglected for some years
prior to the outbreak of small-pox. At Gloucester 26 vaccinated
children under ten years of age were attacked, of whom one
died; of unvaccinated children of like age 680 were attacked,
of whom 279 died. The report of the commission was unani-
mous in favor of vaccination as the only effective means for the
protection against the ravages of small-pox. In Germany
where vaccination has been compulsory for years, small-pox is
almost unknown in recent years. Hoping I have not made this
too long, I am,
                   Yours very truly,
P. J. PARKER, M. D."
Peebles replies:—
"Editor Sun: In-as-much as Dr. P. J. Parker, of our city,
brought my name before the public in your issue of the 11th,
touching the question of compulsory vaccination, you will cer-
tainly grant me equal space in your ably conducted journal.
"In expressing an opinion adverse to compulsory vaccina-
tion, you doubtless reflected the convictions of a large majority
of the parents of San Diego. That the eighty-nine doctors, or
the most of them, favor it, counts but little. Doctors without
an exception once favored bleeding in fevers. Both Washing-
ton and Byron, it is believed, died from blood-letting. Doc-
tors do not bleed men now-a-days; nor will they vaccinate in
the near future. Much less will they dare, however ignorant
they may be of Jennerism and the dangers attendant upon calf-
poison, to compel vaccination. I recommend medical incompe-
tents to weigh well these candid words (published Sunday) by
the leading physician and surgeon of our city:
" 'I am not in favor of anything that interferes in any way
with the personal liberty or action of any individual. If a per-
son seriously objects to being vaccinated or to having any mem-

138                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
ber of his family vaccinated, the feelings of such a party are en-
titled to respect, etc.'-—Dr. Remendido.
"Certainly every man's 'feelings,' every man's conscientious
convictions, are entitled to 'respect.' Every man's house is his
castle, and upon the constitutional grounds of personal liberty,
no vaccination doctor, lancet in one hand and calf-pox poison in
the other, has a legal or moral right to enter the sacred pre-
cincts of a healthy home and scar a child's body for life.
" 'This' Dr. Parker informs the public that 'scabs' from cow
and calf-pox sores are not used now. That is true—doctors
have advanced from arm-to-arm 'scabs' to a more refined filth—
a more delicate form of the poison pox-lymph. It is taken from
'healthy young cattle,' we are told. How is it known that these
cattle were 'healthy?' They were dumb. That they were
'healthy' could only be proven by vivisection and dissection.
Physicians know that tuberculosis is common among cows in
some parts of the country. To say that these cattle are 'healthy'
is an assertion—nothing more! All technical terms and pedan-
tic jargon aside—would a man be considered healthy if any por-
tion of his body was spotted and dotted with pustules, with in-
flamed bases—'running sores?' 'Only about one' doctor, we are
gravely told (there are some eighty-five or ninety in San Diego)
speaks against vaccination—so much the worse for the doctors!
'Only about one.' Well, I am proud to be that one! for in fact
one with the right, is a majority. Truth is never in minority—
and laggards often find it out to their sore disadvantage.
"Yes, 'Dr. Peebles stated in a public address that he had
treated many cases of small-pox and never lost a case.' How
many did 'this' Dr. Parker ever treat? and how many of them
lived? I shall be pleased to hear the doctor's 'comments.' I
pledge you my word he will be dumb.
"On my journey around the world, while in the Godavari
district, India, with a population of between two and three mil-
lions, not a day passed after the first week there that I did not
treat or assist in treating from twelve to twenty small-pox pa-
tients lying in bungalows, outside tents, and bamboo huts.
"In July, 1869, appointed by General Grant, the United
States consul to Trebizonde, Asiatic Turkey, I was in this old
city, crowded with Turks, Circassians, Georgians, Armenians,
and other races—a city of filth—during its small-pox epidemic

—and here again I treated or assisted other physicians in treat-
ing for weeks and months small-pox patients. Small-pox is
closely allied to filth, and sanitation, hygiene, pure air, healthy
diet, sunshine, and bathing are much more efficacious preventa-
tives than vaccine virus, in whatever way manipulated, and
whether called scabs, pus, lymph, serum, or calf-virus—words
do not render poisons any the less malignant.
"Speaking of 'humanized virus,' Dr. Parker says: 'The old
method of vaccination was a God-send to the human race.' On
the contrary I pronounce it emphatically a death-send, a
scourge, and a most damnable curse. Here are a few of my au-
thorities proving it:
"In the English 'Digest of Parliamentary Returns,' No.
488, session of 1878, entitled, "Vaccination Mortality,' we find
the startling statement that: 'Twenty-five thousand children
are annually slaughtered by disease inoculated into the system
by vaccination, and a far greater number are injured and maimed
for life by the same unwholesome rite.'
"Prof. Trousseau, of Paris, France, wrote in the 'Clinique
Medicale,' 1874, a medical journal published in France: 'The
transmission of syphilis by vaccination appears now to be an
established fact.'
"Prof. German, in 1878, in an address to the Diet of the
German empire, said: 'Above all, the direful fatality which
lately occurred at Lebus, would alone warrant the abolition of
the vaccination laws. Eighteen school girls, averaging 12 years
of age, were re-vaccinated and thereby syphilized, and some of
them died.'
"The report of the German vaccination commission of
1884, contains the following: 'Up to 1880, fifty cases have be-
come known in which syphilis, inoculated with vaccine virus,
caused severe illness to about seven hundred and fifty persons.'
A strange 'God-send!'
"The report of the British commission, appointed by the
queen in 1889, was not unanimous in favor of compulsory vac-
cination which fact ought to know it. By this report, anti-vac-
cinationists 'obtained a great measure of parental freedom,'
writes Dr. Winthrop from London to the New York Sun.
Dr. Parker's statement concerning Gloucester and its vac-
cination, is not only misleading but false. If figures do not lie

140                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
those that make them can, and often do. The Gloucester Of-
ficial Reports are decidedly against the benefit of vaccination.
I have them at my command. Dr. Parker is no authority.
His Ipse Dixit neither counts nor carries weight with either
students of science or medicine. The report oS the British
commission so influenced Parliament that it pronounced against
compulsory vaccination—and made the matter optional with
the people. And so the matter still stands.
"In Rhode Island, after a committee of the senate had
heard evidence on both sides of the question, it repealed the
vaccination law by a majority of 16 to 9. Petitions should be
hurried on to Sacramento demanding that this disease-breeding
law be promptly repealed.
"A late press dispatch informs us that Wm. Nagengast, of
Cleveland, O., aged 11 years, was vaccinated in the free dispen-
sary on January 4th. His arm soon became terribly swollen.
The same night he exhibited symptoms of lockjaw, and the next
evening he died, suffering intense agonies. In London, from
1859 to 1896, there were one thousand and two hundred and
seventeen admitted deaths from vaccination. There were doubt-
less five times this number, say the minority reports, but they
were 'hushed up to prevent vaccination from further reproach.'
"Engaged wholly in literary pursuits and depending upon
a livelihood from neither the vaccination business nor local med-
ical practice of any kind, I can find leisure to ventilate the vic-
iousness and villainous consequences of compulsory vaccina-
tion, and I shall do it with ungloved hands, and will therefore
say that if Dr. Parker desires a journalistic controversy with me
upon the merits and demerits of compulsory vaccination he will
find me girded for the conflict; and I promise him a "foeman
worthy his steel."
                           J. M. PEEBLES, M. D.
San Diego, Cal., Feb. 13."
I will now extend my above reply and notice the following
statements contained in Dr. Parker's letter:
(1). "The instrument used is boiled before using."
(2). "England before the days of vacination had a death
rate from small-pox of 3,000 per million of the population."
(3). "Deprive the people of this country of the privilege
of vaccination for twenty-five years * * * and we should
have the same result."

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                       141
(4). "At Gloucester 26 vacinated children under ten years
were attacked with small-pox—one died. Of un-vaccinated
children of like age 680 were attacked, of whom 279 died."
(1). This statement by Dr. Parker is very careless, for in
many noted instances it is conspicuously untrue, in fact. I will
give one instance where a United States official vaccinator uses
the lance on scores of immigrants without once cleansing it.
Our laws require that every immigrant arriving at Castle Gar-
den shall be vaccinated before they land, unless they can show
a vaccine mark or a certificate. "The surgeon sat on a box in
the storeroom, lancet in hand, and around him huddled as many
as could be crowded into the confined space, old and young,
children screaming, women crying; each with an arm bare and
a woe-begone face. * * * No pretense of cleaning the lan-
cet was made; it drew blood in very many instances, and it was
used upon as many as 276 during the first day. I inquired of
the surgeon if he had no fear of inoculating disease, or whether
he examined as to health or disease before vaccinating. He
replied that he could not stop for that, besides no choice in the
matter was left with him. The law demanded the vaccination
of each and every one, and he must comply with it or be sub-
jected to a fine."—G. H. Merkel, M. D., in Mass. Ec. Med. Jour.
November, 1882.
Here is a fact which I offset against Dr. Parker's statement
—"the instrument used is boiled before using." When we con-
sider that the point of a cambric needle, dipped in the blood
of a leprous or syphilitic patient is sufficient to communicate
the disease, if this is punctured through the skin, what a fear-
ful indictment we have against the practice of vaccination! Two
hundred and seventy-six victims vaccinated without the lancet
once being cleaned! In this way it is possible for the "calf-
lymph" to pick up on its way about all the curses which human
flesh is heir to.
(2). "Small-pox deaths in England before vaccination were
3,000 per million of the population." In the connection in which
it is used this statement as before said is entirely misleading.
There is no hint here that other zymotic diseases in England
have declined in a similar ratio with small-pox during the cen-
tury just closing; and we are entitled to claim that the same
causes that diminished scarlet fever also diminished small-pox.

142                                        VACCINATION A CURSE.
But the decline in small-pox has really been far less than in
other zymotics, from which it may be fairly claimed that vacci-
nation instead of mitigating it has kept it alive notwithstanding
the presence of other really mitigating causes. By implication
Dr. Parker assumes that such investigation of the disease as
we have been able to secure, is to be set down to the credit of
vaccination. No other mitigating factor is hinted at. In dis-
cussing the causes of small-pox vaccinators stick to vaccination
as Mr. Gladstone stuck to "Mitcheltown." They never pollute
their lips by speaking aloud the word filth—having plenty of
that article in their antidote. They are silent about sanitation.
They do not tell us that small-pox is a filth-disease; that it
thrives on filth; that it is chiefly confined to the dirty and crowded
quarters in our cities. Had the doctors vaccinated for the
plague, black-death, and the sweating sickness, they would now
be claiming the credit for vaccination as the sole agent that was
efficient in practically stamping these three zymotics out of Eu-
rope. Since they cannot set up that claim, pray what has been
the cause of their decline? I answer, sanitation and improved
habits of living. Prof. Wallace, taking the Reports of the Reg-
istrar General from 1838 to 1896, makes a thorough statistical
analysis and presents the result in diagramatic form—"Wonder-
ful Century," page 305. Then he writes:—
"The main teaching of this diagram—a teaching which the
commissioners have altogether missed by never referring to
diagrams showing comparative mortalities—is the striking cor-
respondence in average rise and fall of the death-rates of small-
pox, of zymotics, and of all diseases together. This corres-
pondence is maintained throughout the whole of the first part,
as well as through the whole of the second part, of the diagram;
and it proves that small-pox obeys, and always has obeyed, the
same law of subservience to general sanitary conditions as the
other great groups of allied diseases and the general mortality.
Looking at this most instructive diagram, we see at once the
absurdity of the claim that the diminution of small-pox in the
first quarter of our century was due to the partial and imperfect
vaccination of that period. Equally absurd is the allegation
that its stationary character from 1842 to 1872, culminating in
a huge epidemic, was due to the vaccination then prevailing,
though much larger than ever before, not being quite universal

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        143
—an allegation completely disproved by the fact that the other
zymotics as a whole, as well as the general mortality, exhibited
strikingly similar decreases followed by equally marked periods
of average uniformity or slight increase, to be again followed
by a marked decrease. There is here no indication whatever
of vaccination having produced the slightest effect on small-pox
How utterly misleading and untrue therefore is the state-
ment of Dr. Parker which I am here commenting upon. Noth-
ing but his vaccination hobby is permitted to come in sight
when he would explain the causes which effect the periodical
acceleration and decline of small-pox mortality. Vaccination
is paraded as the sole cause of small-pox decline; neglect of
vaccination the sole cause when small-pox waxes strong and
rages like a conflagration.
Dr. Parker must be aware that during the period he re-
fers to, before Jenner's discovery (?) when he says small-pox
waxed stronger; that the doctors then had a "sure thing," con-
gener of vaccination, inoculation,—which they had "boomed,"
as they now boom vaccination. Inoculation was just as rational
as vaccination; yet by the same act in 1840 England made in-
oculation a penal offence and vaccination compulsory.
But finally, I utterly deny Dr. Parker's allegation that
small-pox deaths in England before vaccination was "3,000 per
million of the population." This monstrous statement was
taken from Dr. Lettsom's evidence before the Parliamentary
Committee in 1802. How did Mr. Lettsom arrive at this fig-
ure? He first assumed that the small-pox mortality of London
before vaccination was 3,000 per million of population—which,
in a future chapter I shall prove was only 2,000 per million—
and then takes that as basis for the entire population of the
kingdom, town, village, and country, making not the slightest
allowance for the cleanliness and general wholesomness of the
country in comparison with over-crowded, filth-accumulated and
poverty-stricken districts in the city of London. The popula-

144                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
tion of the kingdom was estimated to be twelve times as large
as that of London, so London population was multiplied by
twelve to yield the 36,000 annual small-pox fatality for the king-
dom. Difference in sanitary conditions never was taken the
slightest account of by advocates of vaccination. It is such
glaringly false statistics as these that Dr. Parker, and vaccina-
tors generally, are in the habit of quoting.
(3). "Deprive the people of the country of the privileges,
etc." Here again has Dr. Parker by implication raised an ir-
revelant issue. Who has said anything about depriving the
people of this country of the privilege of vaccination? I would
not deprive one American citizen of the "privilege" of taking
a half gill of calf-pus daily—either through the skin or into the
stomach if he is inclined that way. That is not the present is-
sue. What I am contending for, doctor, is that you have taken
the state in with you in this vaccination disgrace; and that you
two have agreed between you, that I shall be compelled—or my
children shall be compelled—to take your medicine! Hence I
say—and I speak it in stentorian tones—take your unholy hands
off from me and mine! Leave me to my liberty regarding the
practice of superstitions and degrading calf-lymph-poisoning
rites, and be assured , I shall leave you to yours.
(4). The statements of Doctor Parker relative to small-
pox fatalities in Gloucester are still more misleading and un-
true than any of the above. He is silent regarding the quarter
of the town in which nine-tenths of the small-pox 'cases oc-
curred ; silent too, regarding the unmistakable causes that made
the epidemic so fatal. I have space here to merely summarize
results; and I shall state nothing but what I stand ready to sup-
port by the annual reports of the medical officers of health.
Those for the years 1875 to 1888 are the work of Mr. John P.
Wilton; those for 1889 to 1895 of Dr. John Campbell. At the
time of the Gloucester epidemic—1895-6—the urban population
was 40,000; the rural population 11,000. In the southeast
quarter—the poor, filthy and crowded quarter—the drainage
was the worst possible. The new system of drains was con-
nected with the old, crooked and much dilapidated brick cul-
verts. The water supplied for domestic use was totally unfit to
drink, charged as it was with sewage pollution. Into an exten-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        145
sive bed of gravel—from which this portion of the city was sup-
plied with water, the drainage from cesspools and sewers had
free access. In the language of the medical officer: ''The
drainage of houses either empties into cesspools constructed
close to them, and leaking into the bed of gravel, or is carried
away in brick culverts, which, whenever they are uncovered,
are found to be faulty, thus allowing their contents to ooze into
the gravel. It is thus absolutely impossible that there can be
any pure water in the district."
In 1889 a flood choked these sewers and caused a back flow,
mixing vast quantities of sewage with the water on the surface.
The medical officer reports: "This water became so charged
with sewage that I feared serious consequences in the houses
that became flooded."
In this pestilence-breeding and foul quarter the epidemic
started late in 1895. At the end of the year 25 cases had been
reported, 24 of which we confined to this southeast end. Here,
my dear doctor, was the breeding ground and source of the
Gloucester epidemic of 1896. You did not think these facts
worthy of mention! Just so, that is a common fault with vacci-
nating doctors. You should have also stated, that out of the
2.036 cases of small-pox reported during the epidemic, 1,822
were confined to this same God-forsaken South Hamlet while
only 214 cases were reported north of St. Michael's Square,
where the city possessed a tolerable sanitary aspect.
Another fact: The great scarlet fever epidemic of 1892
was likewise practically confined to this South Hamlet. Every-
body with a grain of common sense knows that this epidemic
was caused by the wretched unsanitary condition at the south-
east end of Gloucester. They know, too, that the small-pox
epidemic originated in the same causes and was fed from the
same source. Yet we are assured that the "un-vaccinated"
were the occasion of the whole trouble. Get vaccinated and re-
vaccinated, and then if the sewage comes up to your window-
sills and you have no other fluid to drink, still you need not
fear the small-pox! These little matters are unworthy of men-

146                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
tion when a vaccinator is handling small-pox statistics. "Vac-
cination had been greatly neglected in Gloucester before the
epidemic," from which the reader is supposed to infer that this
species of neglect was the real occasion of the fearful outbreak.
What was neglected before the other epidemic broke out—the
scourge of scarlet fever? Vaccination cannot be made to do
duty here. Now I place these facts by the side of Dr. Parker's
statements, and leave the decision to the common sense of my
readers as to what occasioned the small-pox epidemic in Glou-
Dr. Parker also refers to Leicester as one of the stricken
cities, due to vaccinal neglect. He had better have remained
silent regarding Leicester, for it has a thunderbolt in reserve
for the vaccinators. After their small-pox epidemic of 1892-4,
the citizens rose to the dignity of the occasion and turned the
vaccinators out of office; then elected boards of guardians who
were pledged not to enforce the compulsory law. At present
the vaccinations are only one per cent. of the births. Did they
stop there? No, but they set about real prevention by putting
the city under more thorough sanitary regulations. Now Lei-
cester is not only the freest city in England from the small-pox
scourge, but the freest from scarlet fever and other zymotics
as well.
It is just as silly and illogical to refer small-pox fatality to
neglect of vaccination, as it would be to refer fatalities from
cyclones in the middle west to this same neglect.
I will now resume account of the struggle in San Diego.
The next step in the program was the organization of the Anti-
Vaccination League—Dr. J. M. Peebles, president; E. P.
Brooks and Col. J. L. Dryden, vice presidents, and F. M. Gregg,
secretary. A little later—some time in April—a rousing mass
meeting was held in the M. E. church. The following are ex-
tracts from my address on that occasion, published in the Daily

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        147
"We have assembled tonight from the different city wards
to take into consideration the compulsory vaccination law of
California—a law that has thrown nearly four hundred of our
children out of the public schools, that we have been taxed to
This compulsory cow-pox enactment, so at variance with
the higher medical science and personal liberty; so repulsive
to cultured manhood, the finer instincts of womanhood, and the
God-implanted intuitions of childhood has remained like other
unconstitutional laws passed by politicians and lobbied legisla-
tures for the past ten years, a dead letter. Why—why, if this
law was just and right, has it not been executed? Why is it now
raised? Who rolled the stone away from its mouldy and moss-
shingled tomb ? Who were the instigators ? There is no small-
pox in the city, and in the opinion of Mr. Hedges and the gen-
eral public, there has been none. Who was responsible then,
for the "scare," and who have been the financial gainers by it?
Why are children with certificates in their hands from Dr.
Stockton, the health officer, stating that, owing to their physical
condition, they were not fit subjects for vaccination, turned
away from the schools? Why this merciless blow to education
and personal freedom? Why are the conscientious convictions
of hundreds of intelligent San Diego parents violated or ridi-
culed by vacincating officials ? Why are the public school doors
slammed in the faces of innocent children—children who, turned
into the streets, wend their way home weeping for a lack of the
privilege of gaining an education? Do these health and school
boards feel justified in making and enforcing a compulsory igno-
rance law? Need I say that not only thousands of San Diego
students, thinkers, and tax-paying parents, but thousands upon
thousands are indignant at this state of things. It is currently
reported that one of our city doctors said that nobody but
'Mexicans, niggers, and ignoramuses' were opposed to compul-
sory vaccination. This is the compliment that superstition, big-
otry, and infamy pays to the intelligence of San Diego's cultured
citizens. It is as certain as the stars are abiding, that thousands
in this city will never—NEVER submit to thrusting a blood-
poisoning virus into their children's systems. They will do as
two families have done today, move over to Coronado, or they
will move into the country townships to educate their children,

148                                     VACCINATION A CURSE.
or they will establish private schools—and I honor them for
their decisions. Some families have already loft the city to ed-
ucate their children.
"This meeting has been called to consider—to devise ways
and means concerning this very serious subject, and I counsel
calmness and dignity of deportment. No matter how intense
ihe indignation that may thrill you to your soul's depths, con-
rrol the temper and be guided by the dictates of moderation and
reason. You are in the right. And in the end you are sure,
each to wear a victor's wreath. This meeting is but the prelude
to a series of similar gatherings. These will be educational,
and thrillingly interesting, and, further, they will probably con-
tinue here and in other portions of the state until the assem-
bling of the next legislature, when our votes will count. There
is nothing that a wiley, unprincipled politician so much fears
as an honest vote.
"The battle touching this compulsory vaccination law is fully
on. The people are aroused. They are organizing. They are
thoroughly in earnest. There is no lack of finances to conduct
the campaign. And like the immortal Wm. Lloyd Garrison,
these anti-vaccinationists 'will not equivocate, will not excuse,
and they will be heard.' And I may add, they will politically
'mark' every man at future elections who favors compulsory
"Anti-vaccinationists, anti-compulsionists, you are a power.
You have culture, finance, influence, conscience, energy, and I
charge you to mark such doctors as seek to enforce this dead-
letter compulsory vaccination law; mark such doctors as tell
you privately that they are opposed to compulsory vaccination,
yet are too sneakingly cowardly to openly express their honest
convictions; mark such school officials and members of health
and school boards as make themselves unnecessarily offensive
to those who conscientiously differ from them on the vaccina-
tion question; mark such public men, especially politicians as
hunt with the hounds and run with the hares, and all to catch
votes to get into offices; mark such daily newspapers (NEWS-
papers), as are owned, or edited by hunting poltroons, shaped
like men, rather than by brave, fair-minded, royal-souled men,
the worthy sons of this magnificent century!

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        149
"This cow-pox poison put into innocent children's arms is
often from diseased calves or heifers, and can resultant disease
prevent disease or produce health? Do men gather grapes of
thorns? I say diseased heifers. You take supposed healthy
heifers from the fields, confine them in 'sterilized stables' (a
phrase used by a San Diego doctor), rope them, throw them,
shave their abdomens, puncture this portion of the hairless
body with 'small-pox pustular poison;' and then watch the irri-
tation, watch the animal's thirst, the increasing inflammation
up to the point of pus-rottening—and now call this brute healthy
do you? Would you consider your own body healthy if half-
covered with inflamed pustules and discharging sores? Then
watch the applied clamps as they squeeze out the putrid mucus-
like pus mingled with a little of the animal's inflamed blood, to
be manipulated into 'pus-lymph' for your children's arms! Is
not the thought, the sight disgustingly infamous? *
"How would it do to take catarrh mucus from the nose of
some otherwise healthy young lady and manipulating up to the
point of pure catarrh lymph, introduce it compulsorily into the
school children's arms as a preventive say, against the grippe,
erysipelas, or some kind of eczema? Some doctors advanced
the theory awhile since, that traced back through the complex
laws of heredity far enough, it might be shown that there is a
close genetic relation existing between pure catarrh lymph,
pure syphilitic lymph and pure cow-pox lymph. Be the rela-
tion near or afar, I would stoutly resist any compulsory vacci-
nation law that insisted upon introducing any such lymphs—
'PURE LYMPHS'—into the human system.
"During this conflict we shall demonstrate beyond any pos-
sible question that:
*NOTE—In gathering the materials for this volume I failed to secure
one of Dr. Parker's letters in defense of compulsory vaccination, appearing
in the "Daily Sun." Writing him for his full correspondence and forward-
ing the same by special messenger, he informed me later that he did not
wish his correspondence to appear in the volume. Considering its diluted
contents in connection with that bad cause, calf-lymph poisoning, none can
seriously blame him. Nevertheless his published letters in the "Daily Sun"
became public property. And as such I am justified in using them.
Only one however appears. His last letter was an indirect plea to be let
down off from his "compulsory" stilts, gently as possible. This I did with
my accustomed grace and gentleness.

150                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
"I. Vaccination docs not prevent smallpox. This every
well-read, intelligent physician already admits.
"II. Vaccination, by reducing the vitality through trans-
mitting poisonous pus-brutality into the human system, not
only tends to, but actually invites the epidemic termed small-
"III. That our soldiers vaccinated in the San Francisco
camps previous to sailing for the Philippines, and told that they
were immune from small-pox, a number of them had the small-
pox over there and several died from the disease.
"IV. That, as vaccination weakens the constitution, affects
deleteriously the red blood corpuscles, it necessarily deteri-
orates the public health and is a danger, a menace, to the same.
The death rate was greatly diminished both in Switzerland and
in Leicester, England, after compulsion was abandoned.
"V. That vaccination lays the foundation for erysipelas,
eczema, carbuncles, abscesses, nervousness, pimpled faces, con-
sumption, and cancers.
"VI. We shall show that there is no such thing as pure
calf lymph. To talk of pure lymph is equivalent to talking of
pure poison originating from a putrified pustular sore, which,
according to the distinguished Dr. Creighton, bears a striking
resemblance symptomatically to syphilitic poison. The Hon.
J. A. Bright, M. P., and member of the London Royal Vaccina-
tion commission, testified that 'there are no means of determin-
ing the purity of lymph or limiting the certainty of its inflamma-
tory effects.' (The Lancet, Oct. 20, 1892.)
"VII. We shall show that compulsory vaccination, while
it does not prevent small-pox, has maimed thousands for life
and caused the death of hundreds upon hundreds. In the third
report of the minutes of the vaccination evidence commission,
1890, testimony was given before the Royal Commission of six
thousand two hundred and thirty-three cases of serious injury
and eight hundred and forty-two deaths from vaccination. Can
parents afford to run the fearful risks of vaccination poisoning?
"VIII. Finally, as a registered physician in the state of
California, as a professor for several years in a medical college,
as a United States consul in Asiatic Turkey, during a portion of
General Grant's administration, counseling with an English
physician, or personally treating small-pox, which, by the way,

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                             151
I should prefer to have, under proper sanitary conditions to
Jenner's cow-pox, I protest against the compulsory vaccina-
tion law of this state that turns many of our children out of the
public schools. I denounce it as a menace to good health, as a
violation of personal freedom, and opposed to all those fraternal
interests that constitute us the parts of one great brotherhood,
clearly conscious that what affects one affects all through the
laws of thought, of sympathy, of heredity, and the amenities of
social life."
Previous to sending the manuscripts for this volume to the
press, I forwarded a communication to Dr. Parker by a special
messenger, asking him for all his letters appearing in the daily
press in defence of vaccination, for publication in this volume.
He but briefly noticed my request. Evidently he was not very
anxious to be booked and read in public libraries. This, on his
part, was a shrewd stroke of discretion.
Compulsory vaccinationists dare not meet in open manly
debate anti-vaccinationists. They lack the courage of their
convictions. Statistics and yawning graves face them. During
this struggle in San Diego with the doctors, the health and
school boards, with my didactic energies, saying nothing of an
innate Scotch grit, I challenged the vaccinating-believing doc-
tors to meet me in open discussion upon this subject in the
opera house, the proceeds above the expenses to go to some
benevolent institution. These were to be the questions or prop-
ositions for consideration.
1.   Resolved, That the Jenner inoculation and the later calf-
lymph-virus vaccination, while not a preventative of small-pox,
endangers health, by poisoning the blood and promoting various
zymotic diseases.
2.    Resolved, That compulsory vaccination laws are uncon-
stitutional, un-American in genius, a barrier to education, and
a menace to personal liberty.
And believe me, readers,—not a doctor entered the arena.
Such dastardly cowardice required no comment! * * * *
Now, in the face of California's compulsory vaccination laws,

152                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
the un-vaccinated children of the city attend the public schools
side by side with their cow-pox scarred playmates.. Such re-
sults can be secured in any town or city of the commonwealth
if the people will arouse themselves, distribute literature, get up
public meetings and air this terrible delusion—calf-lymph vac-
In the midst of this local controversy I sent the following
communication to the R. P. Journal, San Francisco, which was
published in its issue of Feb. 16, 1899:—
For over fifty years I have been battling in such movements
as anti-slavery, temperance, prohibition, the reform health-
dress, woman suffrage, class legislation, "doctors' trusts," and
now I am fighting on the vaccination battlefield. And the mad
battle is fully on, here in San Diego.
A vaccination law, passed some ten years ago by the Cali-
fornia legislature, has remained nearly a dead letter; but now,
without a case of small-pox in our midst, the board of health,
afflicted with a sort of health-spasm, has proposed that all the
school children of this city, whose population is 22,000, be vac-
cinated. And the threat is thrown out that unless parents com-
ply and have that putrid calf-lymph put into their children's
arms, their children will be denied the privilege of attending the
schools. I repeat, the battle is on. My whole nature is aroused
and I have written articles in every San Diego newspaper except
one against the enforcement of this unjust law. Of the eight-
five resident doctors in San Diego, only three or four are op-
posed to vaccination, and these, with one exception, are too
cowardly to stand up and say so, or to even sign a legislative pe-
tition to repeal the law or so amend as to make it optional with
the parents. The school board has not yet issued the order,
though the health board is urging them to do so.

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                       I53
The public is thoroughly awake. At the Mothers' Club
meeting in our city lately the lower room in the school house
was literally packed to hear the vaccination question discussed.
Though many doctors were invited to come and defend vacci-
nation, only two made their appearance. These spoke in its de-
fense. I was present, clad in medical war paint, with my left
hand full of anti-vaccination documents, sent me by Wm. Tebb,
of London, Prof. Alexander Wilder, of Newark, and others.
The discussion was keenly, critically hot. Thank the gods, a
large portion of the mothers present were opposed to vaccinat-
ing the children. My opposition was vehement, if not violent.
I defied the law. I pronounced it unconstitutional; and, treas-
onable or not, I advised the mothers present to positively re-
fuse to have that diabolical poison put into their children's arms
—a poison that upon the highest medical authority does not
prevent small-pox—but does kill thousands every years. Fool-
ishly vaccinated a second time myself when in San Francisco
in 1861, I was in bed three weeks from the poison. I came near
losing my arm, and I felt the effects of the villainous virus for
several years.
What the doctors call pure virus—"tubes and points"—I
publicly pronounced filthy, vile, impure, calf-lymph "cussed-
ness." During the discussion I advised that instead of vacci-
nating and poisoning the blood of our clean, sweet-faced chil-
dren, that the doctors, druggists, lawyers, and preachers of San
Diego—all be vaccinated and the dear, innocent children be
spared. This was not a popular presentation to the vaccina-
tionists present, and yet, two-thirds of the ladies cheered me
roundly. Oh, that our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters
could vote, as they do in New Zealand, Wyoming, and some
other states! Heaven hasten woman-suffrage.
Assuredly not. The law of God, written in the moral na-

154                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
ture, is above any law enacted by political legislatures. Many of
their pronounced laws, though having the signatures of govern-
ors, are not laws. They are often repealed during the very
next session of the legislature. Law to be law, must be based
upon the eternal principle of right—the absolute principle of
right and justice. I will not obey an unconstitutional law—a law
that entails disease and death—a law that infringes upon my
personal liberty. And be it treason or not,—I will urge in the
faces of popes, priests, and politicians, others not to do it. This
vaccination law is undoubtedly unconstitutional—and is in per-
fect keeping with "medical trusts" and these nefarious "doc-
tors' laws" that seek to compel patients to employ only physi-
cians of their own school.
This vaccination law is so odious, so dangerous to Health',
that it has never been enforced to any considerable extent in our
noble state, California. It never will be. The people are too
progressive. Petitions are now being circulated in this city for
its speedy repeal. The English Parliament has recently, be it
said to the glory of England, made vaccination optional with the
The old fugitive-slave law was once the law of this coun-
try, North and South. And this law was compulsory; Northern
men were required to hunt, catch, hold, and return the negro
(nine-tenths white, perhaps) back into slavery, who were run-
ning for the freedom of Canada, and for safety under the British
flag. I would not, did not obey this law. Though compara-
tively much younger then than now, I defied it, and I am proud
to say that with a family of good Quakers in Cayuga county,
New York, I helped several runaway negroes to make their way
by the "underground railroad," as it was called, into the Cana-
dian dominion. Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, the
Quakers, and thousands of reformers, were charged with trea-
son for criticising a government that enacted such a congres-
sional law (the Fugitive Slave Law), in the interests of per-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                       155
petual slavery. They refused to obey it. Garrison was mobbed
in Boston, Foster was egged in Worcester, Foss was stoned,
others were vindictively persecuted by unprincipled politicians
and conservative bigots. But the law was finally repealed—
and slavery itself abolished. Now Phillips, Garrison, Foss, Ab-
bie Kelley, Parker Pillsbury, Henry C. Wright, and many of
those brave old soldiers of freedom,—scarred soldiers, fighting
for personal liberty and equality before the law,—are honored,
and their very tomb-stones are wreathed in unfading laurel;
while the congressional and political manufacturers of that old
fugitive-slave law, are either forgotten, or their names have
half-rotted-away into the silence of merited infamy. Such will
be the fate of this California vaccination law, and its doctor-in-
spired makers. Let the eighty-five doctors of San Diego, and
the board of health—one or more of which are doctors—take
due notice. Justice is sure to come!
During February (1899), as the controversy was waxing
warmer, the doctors of San Diego made a sortie to get up a
small-pox scare! The wife of J. Q. Hedges came to San Diego
from Los Angeles, and died Feb. 19th. Before leaving Los An-
geles she received a severe strain from lifting a heavy box. This
caused back-ache, headache, vomiting and hemorrhage. The
doctors pronounced it a case of small-pox and further reported
the woman knew she had been exposed to small-pox, and con-
fessed to this. But the husband denied that she had been ex-
posed or that she had made any such confession; as he was in
the room during the consultation and heard all that was said.
Nine different persons had been in the sick-room before the
woman died, and everyone of these was quarantined for twenty-
one days, not one of whom took small-pox. One doctor ad-

156                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
mitted the woman died from hemorrhage—so the husband stated
—and not from small-pox. But the doctors succeeded just the
same in working up a panic, in moving the local board to en-
force the compulsory law on vaccination—and withal, in enrich-
ing their purses. There was not the shadow of a small-pox case
in the city.
The sequelae as the doctors would say, or after effects of
this scare, may be in part gleaned from a Sun editorial, March
"The finance committee of the common council will meet
tonight at 7:30 o'clock and some interesting bills will come up
for approval or rejection. Among the number will be one from
Dr. Jones, who was quarantined for 21 days by order of the
board of health. Dr. Jones wants $210 for the twenty-one days'
service." How modest the fee!
"Then there are claims of $2.50 per day each for three ex-
tra policemen for twenty-one days necessitated by this same sus-
pected small-pox case. The pest house, too, has been repaired
at an expense of some $350 to date and small claims for medi-
cine, disinfectants, etc., amounting to $50 will also be presented,
making a total of $767, chargeable to the small-pox scare to date.
The bill of Nurse Lowe, who escaped quarantine has not yet
been settled nor that of the undertakers, who buried Mrs.
Hedges, but both bills will doubtless bring the amount up to
over $1,000.
" 'A few more small-pox cases and we're a busted com-
munity, rain or no rain,' said a city official this morning, and
really it does seem expensive to have these little luxuries.
"By virtue of sec. 17 of article 13, of the city charter, the
board of health has power to appoint additional health inspect-
ors and at a conference held yesterday it was decided to appoint
a committee to inspect all passengers coming on trains from
Los Angeles. This will cost a few hundred dollars, but the
health board feels the precaution is necessary."
This small-pox scare—when there was no small-pox—made
San Diego's doctors the laughing stock of all the regions
'round about. Only one, Dr. Jones, however, was quarantined!
* * * It can now be stated that the labors of our Anti-Vaccina-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        157
lion league have been largely crowned with success. True, we
have not as yet secured a repeal of the detestable compulsory
law, but we have compelled a truce on the part of the local
boards and opened wide once more the doors of the public
schools. Complete victory is in sight.
The municipal boards of Los Angeles are still enforcing
the compulsory law, and so in my October "Temple of Health,"
I thus warned northern tourists who were expecting to spend
the winter in Southern California to shun Los Angeles:—
"Persons with families, proposing to spend the winter in
Southern California, sending their children to the public schools,
should avoid Los Angeles as they would a den of vipers, and
go on down to San Diego, where parents are not (now) com-
pelled by school boards to have their children's blood poisoned
with cow-pox virus, before they can enter the public schools."
This, the editor of a Los Angeles paper, Dr. A. P. Miller of
the East Side News, copied, and then added:—
"Let us add, that it was Dr. Peebles' efficient work which
rescued the children of San Diego from the tyrant's clutch.
Live another hundred years, doctor, and sweep all such mon-
strous usurpation of power from off the earth."
The Boston Daily Globe—Nov. 24, 1899,—says: "Four
children of one family at Highland Falls, N. Y., are dangerously
ill as the result of vaccination. All are badly poisoned, and the
results will probably prove fatal. The school trustees ordered
the vaccination. The father of the little ones is an inmate of
the Soldiers' Home, and the mother is a poor washer-woman."
A "poor washer-woman!" No redress for that stricken family,
for that disrupted and ruined home; and the next time the con-
servative M. D. comes down from his professional stilts to no-
tice an anti-vaccinator, he will repeat the stale declaration: "We
use lymph taken from healthy young cattle, sterilized, put up
in glass tubes and hermetically sealed up until used." Hence,
how could the lymph be to blame ? It must have been an "act
of Providence." The school trustees ordered it. Who takes
the risk in this business ? Why, the American people of course,
among whom there is only a small per cent. of such characters

158                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
as Wm. Tebb and Dr. Ross. The rank and file of our American
citizens are today tamely and supinely submitting to this form
of legal criminality, contented with a passing record of facts
as a matter of daily news, and only rarely proving themselves
equal to the supreme occasion, as Mr. Lawbraugh did in Gen-
eseo, Ill., fighting the vaccinators until he reached the steps of
the state supreme court, where he got his rights.
Here is another case reported in a Boston paper. I clip
the following from "The Banner of Light," of Dec. 9, 1899:—
"The supporters of that divinely-inspired barbarism known
as vaccination are no doubt rejoicing with exceeding great joy
over the beneficent effects of its application in Maiden, Mass.
Percy Tanner, a boy of thirteen years, is the latest victim to this
wicked practice. He was vaccinated on Friday, Dec. 1, and his
arm began to swell shortly afterward. On Saturday he went
into convulsions, and passed away on Sunday. Medical aid was
summoned, but the doctor could do nothing to save the boy.
If the boy had been stabbed, or killed by a blow, his assailant
would have been arrested for murder. As it is, the vaccinating
doctor is still at large, ready and even anxious to treat other
healthy patients by similar methods. Wherein does murder by
assault differ from murder by vaccination? Only in one respect
—the latter is enforced by law, and those who commit it are
protected from punishment. Other kinds of homicide are
deemed crimes, but this one seems to be a special privilege of
a few men called doctors, to whom the state gives a license to
kill ad libitum. Young Tanner's death is the third caused by
vaccination in Maiden alone.
"N. B.—There are no cases of small-pox in Maiden, nor
is there any special danger from that disease. When will the
people assert themselves and secure the repeal of this most odi-
ous law?"
This winter (1900) there is a movement all along the line
to enforce the compulsory law. In almost every state school
boards have issued peremptory orders to vaccinate, or other-
wise to exclude the children from the public schools. The taxes
paid by the parents for public school service are not considered.
The law, the boards and the vaccinators have the power of life

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        159
and death, the same as was arrogated by the ancient kings.
Lobbies and corrupt politicians make the laws. "Damn the
people," say these impious usurpers; "their province is to obey
the laws and pay taxes." And half the people seem willing to
pay this price for the privilege to live. The millionaire classes
dear rule in America today. The idea of the sovereignty of the
citizen, has come to be regarded by the privileged classes as a
form of silly twaddle which orators may affirm and re-affirm on
the Fourth of July; but it has become obsolete as a working
principle for business men. Aye, business men, including the
vaccinating syndicate, who "stand in" with the politicians and
get the kind of legislation they want, and then proceed to dic-
tate terms to the protesting citizen with impunity.
I admit that the coined phrase—-"damn the people"—stands
for a certain fact, since only a minority in the mass are sturdy
and self-sacrificing defenders of both general and personal lib-
erty. A very considerable contingent among our voting popu-
lation do not appreciate or care for any stake they may have
in the government, and therefore hold their vote as a com-
mercial commodity which they are ready to sell in the market
and which political parties are just as ready to buy. This class
of people, too, will generally turn their children over to the vac-
cinator rather than be subject to any expense or inconvenience
in protecting them.
Civilization breeds curses unknown to barbarism. A prim-
itive and childlike people are sure to fade and die out by con-
tact with a civilization like the mercenary Anglo-Saxon. Our
sectarists and schools do not compensate for the evil effects of
our vaccination-virus syphilis and "rotgut" whiskey. In a later
chapter I shall show that vaccination imposed by the countries
of Europe and the United States upon the West Indies, Sand-
wich Islands, South Africa and Hindustan, outweigh all the
other curses we have imposed upon those unfortunate peoples.
Japan, though civilized, is departing from her ancient traditions

160                                   VACCINATION A CURSE.
and borrowing her models from the West. She is now being
taken in hand by the commercial sharks and has recently
adopted our vaccination practice and issued a decree making it
compulsory. In the Philippines, too, the irrepressible vacci-
nator is plying his unholy calling. There, as here, it is finan-
cially profitable.
Down in Georgia the vaccinators are likewise busy. I clip
the following from the New York World, Nov. 17, 1899:—
"Americus, Ga., Nov. 16.—Two cases of small-pox exist
here and the local authorities have passed an ordinance making
vaccination compulsory. Half a hundred members of the First
Church of Christ (Scientists) oppose vaccination as against the
doctrines of Christian Science, and the affair will be settled in
the courts.
"Where citizens have refused to obey the new ordinance
charges of disorderly conduct have been made against them in
the Mayor's court.
'Yesterday Mrs. C. B. Raines, wife of a prominent physi-
cian, was summoned to court for refusing to be vaccinated.
She is a Christian Scientist. Upon her refusal to be vaccinated
or leave the city, Mrs. Raines was sentenced to thirty days in
the police barracks. At the request of friends sentence was sus-
pended until today, when the entire Christian Science church
congregation was summoned to court upon the same charge.
Among the number were many young girls, business men,
matrons, and mothers with their babies.
"Attorneys for the Christian Scientists secured a continu-
ance until tomorrow. The Christian Science church is an incor-
porated body and holds a charter from the state of Georgia
guaranteeing religious liberty. The members will steadfastly
refuse to be vaccinated contrary to their religious creed, and
the entire membership will doubtless be sent to prison tomor-
row for contempt of court."
This appears in the daily press merely as an item of news;
no comments; no protest against this flagrant injustice and vio-
lation of individual rights. Here is a religious body who have
normal and conscientious scruples as well as rational and scien-

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                          161
tific objections, against vaccination. The vaccinated are safe
anyhow—according to the oft-repeated assertion of the vacci-
nators—from all danger of taking small-pox from the unvacci-
nated. Then why not leave the unvaccinated to their own lib-
erty? Answer: because the aggregate fees from the whole pop-
ulation being vaccinated would be greater than those accruing
from only a part being vaccinated. As long as the state has
guaranteed this business, why not run it on "business princi-
ples?" In the tithing days of the compulsory priest-tax, if we
didn't pay up promptly, we were threatened with future damna-
tion. Now, having transferred the privilege of compulsion from
the priest to the doctor, he brings calf-lymph-virus-hell right
into our households, here and now;—brings it to stay and blos-
som out into eczema, sores, tumors, and various skin diseases.
I clip the following editorial from the Los Angeles "Med-
ium," Sept. 21:—
"The foulest blow that could possibly be struck at liberty
of conscience has been dealt out this morning, (Monday, Sept.
18,) when the doors of the public schools (by decree of school
directors backed by the board of health and an infamous state
law,) closed against our children because we cannot consent to
have their young bodies poisoned and enfeebled by the injection
of vaccine rottenness into their healthy veins.
"This invasion by the doctors of the most sacred right of
home, (the protection of our children's welfare,) is the most hu-
miliating subjugation to another's will in a matter where intelli-
gent conviction of duty points in the opposite direction, which
parents can endure. Humiliating as it is for the fathers to bare
their backs to the lash of these diplomatized tyrants, these ras-
cally whippers-in, it is ten thousand times more so for the
mothers. Fathers have the one noble and unquestioned right
remaining, viz. legislative protest and appeal. Woman has no
such able weapon as the ballot with which to defend the objects
of her supremest love from desecration by these M. D.'s in
their unholy work. Is it possible that woman needed this last
and most audacious heart-thrust to goad her on to demand and
secure the noblest right of citizenship,—a voice in making the

162                                       VACCINATION A CURSE.
laws by which she shall be governed in the fulfilment of her duty
to her children?
"Mother love is the highest expression of the human soul,
and must yet command every resource for the carrying out its
sacred impulses.
"We especially ask our brother voters, to meet with us and
tell us whether they intend to pay their school taxes while their
children are robbed of the benefits so precious to every Ameri-
can heart;—to consider what steps to take toward the repeal of
the infamous law;—to take counsel with the mothers as to the
surest and most speedy way to secure an honorable representa-
tion in the legislative halls of the state.
"Since our children cannot be allowed to run in the streets
deprived of the advantages of school, while we carry forward
measures for the repeal of this unrighteous law, we must devise
means for assuming the unjustly imposed burden, of private
schools for them. Come one, come all, to the meeting an-
nounced on opposite page.
              MRS. O. F. SHEPARD."
I clip another protest from the Chicago "Times-Herald,"
Nov. 20, 1899:—
"Chicago, Nov. 20.—To the Editor: The article bearing
the title 'Vaccination for Chidren' should be read by the parents
of all school pupils. I had just such a case of vicious vaccinat-
ing and my little boy died from the poison introduced into his
system by the vaccination. When the entire city becomes
aroused against the crime of vaccination then will every attempt
to carry out the outrage of vaccinating healthy children be sup-
pressed. There is no law to compel pupils to suffer any person
to tamper with the health of school children, and the doctors
know it, yet they threaten the parents with keeping out of school
the children who are told to leave the school if vaccination is at-
tempted to be enforced. Let no rest be given the agitation of
anti-vaccination. It is a crime, and no mistake, to infect a
healthy babe with poison of any kind.
778 North Rockwell Street."
I will now go a little outside the local province and insert a
letter from an able Italian physician—Charles Ruata, M. D.,

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                               163
Professor of Hygiene and of Materia Medica in the University
of Perugia, Italy. It was published in the New York Med.
Jour., July 22, 1899:—
PERUGIA, Italy, June 21, 1899.
To the Editor of the New York Medical Journal:
"Sir: In his presidential address to the American Medical
Association Dr. Joseph M. Mathews had the goodness to call
mad people, misguided people those who have not the good
luck to be among the believers in the preventive power of vac-
cination against small-pox. It is not surprising to hear such
language from fanatics; in fact it is most common to see igno-
rant men make use of similar vulgar expressions; but it seems
to me almost incredible that the president of such a powerful as-
sociation as the American Medical Association in his address
showed himself so enthusiastic in his belief as to forget that re-
spect which is due to his colleagues who do not have the same
blind faith.
"It may be that we anti-vaccinationists are "mad" and "mis-
guided," as Dr. Joseph M. Mathews affirms in his late address,
but I feel that we are far more correct in our expressions, al-
though we do not believe, but are quite sure, that vaccination
is one of the most wonderful and most harmful mistakes into
which the medical profession has ever fallen. ' I can assure you
that if I am a madman, my madness is very contagious, because
all my pupils for several years have become as mad as I am, so
that several thousands of the foremost medical men in Italy are
suffering now with the same kind of madness.
"One of the most prominent characteristics of madness is
shown in illusions and hallucinations which are accepted as fun-
damental truths. Now, let us see what are the main facts about
vaccination and small-pox in Italy:
"Italy is one of the best vaccinated countries in the world,
if not the best of all. This we can prove mathematically.
"All our young men, with few exceptions, at the age of
twenty years must spend three years in the army, where a regu-
lation prescribes that they must be directly vaccinated. The of-
ficial statistics of our army, published yearly, say that from 1885
to 1897 the recruits who were found never to have been vacci-

164                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
nated before were less than 1.5 per cent., the largest number be-
ing 2.1 per cent. in 1893, and the smallest 0.9 per cent. in 1892.
This means, in the clearest way, that our nation twenty years
before 1885 was yet vaccinated in the proportion of 98.5 per cent.
Notwithstanding, the epidemics that we have had of small-pox,
have been something so frightful that nothing could equal them
before the invention of vaccination. To say that during the
year 1887 we had 16,249 deaths from small-pox, 18,110 in the
year 1888, and 13,413 in 1889 (our population is 30,000,000) is
too little to give a faint idea of the ravages produced by small-
pox, as these 18,110 deaths in 1888, etc., did not happen in the
best educated regions of our country, but only in the most igno-
rant parts, where our population live just as they lived a century
ago—that is, the mountainous parts of Sardinia, Sicily, Cala-
bria, etc. Among the great number of little epidemics which
produced the 18,110 deaths mentioned, I will only note the fol-
lowing: Badolato, with a population of 3,800, had 1,200 cases
of small-pox; Guardavalle had 2,300 cases with a population of
3,500; St. Caterina del Jonio had 1,200 cases (population,
2,700); Capistrano had 450 cases (population, 1,120) ; Mayerato
had 1,500 cases (population, 2,500). All these villages are in
Calabria. In Sardinia the little village of Laerru had 150 cases
of small-pox in one month (population, 800); Perfugas, too, in
one month had 541 cases (population, 1,400); Ottana had 79
deaths from small-pox (population, 1,000), and the deaths were
51 at Lei (population, 414). In Sicily 440 deaths were registered
at Noto (population, 18,000), 200 at Ferla (population, 4,500),
570 at Sortino (population, 9,000), 135 at San Cono (population,
1,600), and 2,100 deaths at Vittoria (population, 2,600)! Can
you cite anything worse before the invention of vaccination?
And the population of these villages is perfectly vaccinated, as
I have proved already, not only, but I obtained from the local
authorities a declaration that vaccination has been performed
twice a year in the most satisfactory manner for many years
"Vaccinationists were not a little puzzled by these facts,
and yet with the greatest certainty they asserted that this enor-
mous number of deaths was due to want of revaccination. Hap-
pily, in Italy we are able to prove that revaccination has not the

LOCAL CONTESTS.                                        165
least preventive power. I only give a few figures: During the
sixteen years 1882-'97, our army had 1,273 cases of small-pox,
with 31 deaths; 692 cases, with 17 deaths, happened in soldiers
vaccinated with good result, and 581 cases, with 14 deaths, hap-
pened in soldiers vaccinated with bad result. This means that
of a hundred cases of small-pox, fifty-four were in persons vac-
cinated with good result, and only forty-six in those vaccinated
with bad result, and that the death rate among those vaccinated
with good result was 2.45 per cent. and only 2.40 per cent. in
those vaccinated with bad result.
"Vaccinationists say that when vaccination does not 'take'
the operation must be repeated, because no result means no pro-
tection given. Now, we see that soldiers not protected because
vaccination did not 'take' were less attacked by small-pox than
those duly protected by the good result of their revaccination ;
and that the death rate in those vaccinated with good result was
greater than among those in whom vaccination did not 'take.'
"Our vaccinationists did not lose their extraordinary cour-
age before these facts, and they objected that, they might be ac-
counted for by considering that during the years before 1890
vaccination was not well performed. I can not understand this
objection, but accepted it, and have limited my analysis to the
last six years, during which the only lymph used in all our army
has been animal lymph, exclusively furnished by the government
institute for the production of animal lymph. The results are
the following: The total number of our soldiers during these
five years was 1,234,025, of which 783,605 were vaccinated with
good result, and 450,420 with no result. In the first the cases of
small-pox were 153—that is, 1.95 to every 10,000 soldiers, while
in the others the number of cases was only 45—that is, 0.99 cases
to every 10,000 soldiers. The 'duly protected' soldiers were at-
tacked by small-pox in a proportion double that among the 'un-
protected' soldiers.
As you see, these are official statements, extremely trust-
worthy, because the official statistics were made in a country
where and at a time when no one thought that it was possible
to raise a doubt against the dogma of vaccination. In our coun-
try, we have no league against vacination, and every father

166                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
thinks that vaccination is one of the first duties; for these rea-
sons no bias could exist against vaccination in making these sta-
tistics. I could continue for a long while to quote similar facts,
but I wish to call your attention only to the two following ones:
During the three most terrible years of epidemics that we have
had in Italy lately (1887, 1888 and 1889) the death rate from
small-pox among our people of the same age as the soldiers
(twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-two years) has been 21 per
100,000, and it was 27.7 during the worst year (1888). In our
army the same death rate during nine years (1867-75) has been
20 per 100,000, and it was 61.3 during the worst year (1871).
"In consequence of our young men being obliged to spend
three years in the army, it happens that after the age of twenty
years, men are by far better vaccinated than women, and, if vac-
cination did prevent, after the age of twenty small-pox should
kill fewer men than women. But in fact just the reverse has
happened. I give here the statistics of the three years 1887,
1888 and 1889 as the ones of greatest epidemics, but all the other
years give the same results:
Deaths before
the age of 20....
After the age of 20
After these facts I would most respectfully ask Dr. Joseph
M. Mathews if he can show that in considering them I have lost
my mind. At any rate, I do not consider it correct for a medical
man to make use of such language against other medical men,
who have the only fault of considering facts as they are, and
not as one wishes they should be.
"The prSgress of knowledge has for its principle base, truth
and freedom, and I hope that in the name of truth and freedom
you will publish these observations, badly expressed in a lan-
guage that is not my own, in your most esteemed journal.

"Small-pox, typhus, and other fevers, occur on common
conditions of foul air, stagnant putrefaction, bad house drainage,
sewers of deposit, excrement-sodden sites, filthy street surfaces,
impure water, and over-crowding. The entire removal of such
conditions is the effectual preventive of disease of these species,
whether in ordinary or extraordinary visitations."—SIR ED-
In the last century it was the intelligent poor who, with an
unerring instinct in such matters, were the first to rise in open
revolt against the practice of inoculation, a practice which the
doctors assured the general public would modify and mitigate
the severity of small-pox to the extent that would render it
harmless. The inoculators had a pecuniary interest in the prac-
tice then, the same as vaccinators have in the practice they are
now, through legislation, pushing to the front for its compulsory
enforcement. It was thoughts and votes—it was the popular
dread and the persistent opposition of laymen which finally over-
threw the old inoculation practice. So in this more modern
practice, if the doctors were not supported by political legisla-
tion, there would be little to complain of. The vaccinator would
be but rarely consulted, and it would not be long before the gen-
eral verdict would be pronounced against it.

l68                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
There are very many painful facts associated with the prac-
tice of vaccination which point toward a distinct vaccinal dia-
thesis as having been engendered in the general population from
the presence in the blood of the vaccinal virus as an active mor-
bid agent. But few families in this country have escaped its
baleful effects. This deadly virus works its way slowly, perhaps,
into the weakest organs of each child, and there industriously
sets up its inversive kingdom to wage an unrelenting war against
the physiological integrity of the organism. The vaccine virus
once introduced into the blood it extends its poisonous influ-
ence, and later usurps permanent possession. It has come to
stay, and henceforth make a hades of trouble for the possessor.
This malignant spirit, intrenched in the very center of the life
forces, will defy all the arts we may employ to exercise it. Some
poisons are swift, instantaneous ; they speedily accomplish their
destructive work and then depart; but the vaccine-poison is a
composite fiend into which has entered the subtle germs or
sporules of eczema, leprosy, consumption, cancer, erysipelas,
scrofula, syphilis, and tetanus together with other diseases
known and unknown, picked up on the way from Jenner to the
present time. Once installed beneath the skin, they take their
time to "develop their claim"—one year, ten years, this genera-
tion or the next; no matter, death has a mortgage on the prem-
ises and will claim his own and receive it on demand. If vaccina-
tion were made a penal offence today, yet would the crop of dis-
eases which the vaccinator has sowed continue to yield its terri-
ble harvest of disease and death for generation to come. And the
major portion of all this—like a bastard bundle of live flesh—is
set down at the door of compulsory legislation—legislation
which has been urged and manipulated and lobbied through by
politic-members of the medical profession.
In the present chapter I shall reproduce a small per cent. of
the reports of vaccinal injuries and fatalities, as furnished by hos-
pital surgeons, medical practitioners, and official reports of

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                  l69
boards of health. And I may here premise that vaccinal injuries
among the upper classes are far less frequent than those re-
ported from the lower walks of life. The children of the upper
class, particularly in England, have good resisting powers, the
result of good feeding, plenty of exhilerating exercise, comfort-
able clothing, abundant bathing, and a clean neighborhood
where filth and infection do not abound. Nor is vaccination en-
forced among the upper class as with the poor.
Vaccinators are never troubled about filthy quarters in a
crowded city. They never call a mass meeting of citizens to dis-
cuss the menacing danger of cess-pools. Cess-pools have no
terrors for them; but an unvaccinated person is a "focus of con-
tagion" that threatens the very foundations of the public health.
Even the vaccinated are not safe while a town is menaced by the
presence of an unvaccinated person! How fortunate that we
have among us a class of skilled experts (?) who thrill with dis-
interested solicitude for our citizens of every class, lest they
catch the small-pox!
A small-pox epidemic is feared; the doctors fan the flames
of public anxiety until a panic is on. The order then goes forth
to vaccinate—to vaccinate everybody. A motley crowd of
mothers with their-children from among the poor gather at the
vaccination station. No mother is asked by the doctor in
charge: "Have you any one at home down with a fever, or suf-
fering from any disease, the virus of which floating about in the
air may taint the blood of anyone who may have an abrased
skin?" No, the business on hand is to vaccinate. The conse-
quences may be considered later. The prospect of the fee is not
to be lightly considered. The thing has to be done. It is law,
and it is—it is—business. Bring forward the children.
The first case I shall here present is a marked one; a most
pathetic and distressing one. I reproduce it from Dr. John

Pickering's large work, "Which, Sanitation or Vaccination,"
page 159. Dr. Pickering is a prominent physician of Leeds,
"I proceeded to Colne to investigate the circumstances sur-
rounding this impotent lad early in March, 1890. My visit at-
tracted some attention, and on its reaching the ears of the editor
of the 'Burnley Gazette,' one of the staff was sent to Colne to
furnish a full report. I take the following particulars from the
above-named periodical, dated March 26, 1890, and as it is from
the pen of a strictly impartial observer it will have more weight
with some people than one written by myself.
"The victim of the disease which is attributed by the parents
and various medical men, including Dr. Miller, medical officer
of health for Nelson, to the effect of vaccination, is a young lad
residing with his parents in Sutcliffe's Place, Colne. Thither our
representative proceeded for the purpose of investigating the
matter. The mother of the lad, a cleanly and intelligent woman
received myself and guide, and conducted us to the spacious
kitchen. Here we found the lad seated listlessly in a large, com-
fortable rocking-chair by the side of a glowing fire. He was
clothed in a shirt, vest, and knickerbockers, his arms and legs
being left uncovered, and presented an appearance painful in the
extreme. Dwarfed and deformed, with a small pale face, large
eyes which instead of beaming with intelligence, showed a hope-
less indifference to everything which passed around him, the
lad's condition looked pitiable indeed. His mother informed
us that he was nearly twelve years old, but the unfortunate boy
looked no more than five at the outside. The right arm, which
had been vaccinated, was much the worse deformed of the two.
It was scarcely as thick as three fingers of an ordinary man's
hand, and was drawn up across the narrow chest, as if in a sling,
the hand being turned away at an unnatural angle, giving a dis-
located and claw-like appearance. Only two thin, skeleton-like

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                17I
fingers were extended, the others being clutched together in
one close clasp. The whole limb was paralyzed and totally use-
less. On the back of the hand, the elbow, and shoulder, were
sores too hideous to be described in detail, which exuded, al-
most continually, a foul yellow matter. The elbow joint was
swollen and contrasted strongly with the slenderness of the
arms above and below, which were merely skin-covered bones.
Two other sores existed, one on the body under the arm, and
another under the chin. This latter wound had closed up, but
the mother of the lad said that some time ago, a hole under the
chin, where the sore now existed, went so far down that 'you
could see the roots of the tongue.' On the left cheek was an-
other large sore which disfigured the little face sadly. The left
arm, although not so deformed as the right, was of very little
use to its owner, being thin as a lath, except at the joints. The
back of the left hand too was covered with a foul, festering mass,
and the fingers were slender and elongated until they also re-
sembled the claw of a bird. Sores, little better than those on the
hands, almost covered the lad's knees; and both feet, which
were naturally small, bore similar corrupt excrescences. The
mother informed us that all the sores exuded filthy matter which
made perfect cleanliness among the lad's clothing and bedding
impossible, although she made every effort within her power to
effect this end.
"Another young lad of about nine years old was in the
room, and he presented an appearance the exact opposite of that
of his elder brother. He was a sturdy strong little fellow with
ruddy cheeks and bright eyes, and looked as if he had never
known a day's illness. 'This child,' said the woman, 'has been
vaccinated too, but I plucked the stuff off the minute it had been
put on, and I wouldnSt have another child vaccinated like the
other one if I was to go to Court every day.'
' Several doctors, it appeared, had attended the eldest lad
at different times, but all had been equally unsuccessful, Dr.
Brodribb. Medical Officer of Health for Colne, had lanced one
of the sores on the lad's right hand, but this treatment only
made the hand appear worse, and the mother would not permit
him to use the lancet on the other hand. Dr. Miller, Medical
Officer of Health for Nelson, had attended the lad and had told

172                                     VACCINATION A CURSE.
the mother that neither he nor any other doctor could cure
him. 'The child's blood,' he said, 'is poisoned from head to
"Questioned as to how long the child had been in that con-
dition the mother said that from the time the child was vacci-
nated it had never been healthy, but not until two years after
the operation had been performed did the sores break out in
the manner described. The child then had endured nearly ten
years of this 'living death,' as his condition has been described.
Many people had done their best to relieve him, the woman told
us. 'I had him at one doctor and he said that if he did not cure
him he would not charge anything. He gave him fifteen bottles,
at 2s. a bottle, and he was just as far off when he had got it as he
was before he began, and he said, 'I'll give him up.'
"The mother of the boy said she had had twelve children,
and had always been a hearty woman. Her husband was also
a healthy man, and she could not think that the lad had taken
any disease from them. They had always lived in Colne, in
Chapel Fold 15 years, and in Colne Lane 20 years. After de-
scribing the various treatments to which the child had been sub-
jected, the woman went on to speak of the manner in which his
life was spent. He had never learnt to read. He had been sent
to school when he was able to get about, but he had been or-
dered back, as it would not do for him to sit with the other
children. When he was better than usual he was able to run
about a little and on fine days he would wander about the street
on which they lived; and on one occasion he was even able to
walk as far as the station. The other children in the street
would not play with him, and directly he went Snto the thor-
oughfare their parents called them into the house until the boy
had gone. Thus the poor lad was shunned like a leper and at
that early age, experienced one of the greatest trials to which
he could possibly be subjected."
Dr. Pickering continues :—"The subject of my illustration
has been described by medical men as a case of 'vaccinal syphi-
lis.' Not that I think much of their opinion. It may be that or
it may be that and something more. I lean to the latter opin-
ion. * * * My illustration shows what an ugly blot and
what a ghastly risk vaccination is when it can change a healthy

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                173
child into an object the mother can never look at without a
shudder. No consideration in the wide world, save that of its
money value, would lead a body of men, claiming some knowl-
edge of pathology, physiology, and chemistry, to retain an ob-
servance where such accidents are possible."
This poor boy died while Dr. Pickering's book was going
through the press. His agonies were so terrible a few days be-
fore his death, that he said to his mother, "Mother, give me
some poison to send me home." That had already been done by
the vaccinator, who probably felt as little concern over the result
as the saloonkeeper does over the wrecked and wretched home
whose husband and father he prepared the pit-falls for which
precipitated his destruction.
Many children die of diseases after vaccination, previously
unknown to physicians—diseases so malignant as to suggest
a connection with a distinct order which requires new rules of
classification in order to refer them to their proper categories;
an order in which the last and highest potency of both human-
ized and animalized virus have formed a conjunction and evolved
a new species, from which a new and distinct diathesis has been
established in the human organism. Those who wish to experi-
ment with these poisons on their own person, by all means leave
them to their liberty; but to subsidize this practice by state
grants and enforce it by means of state penalties, is a usurpation
of personal liberty which the American people would not tole-
rate a single day if they could once realize the really dangerous
As early as 1808 Dr. Richard Reece wrote—Prac. Dict, of
Domestic Medicine, London :—
"Even if the cow-pox did afford a certain security against
small-pox infection, as Dr. Jenner has represented it, it would
still remain a question whether the human race would really be
benefited by its universal adoption, since the cutaneous erup-
tions that have followed have in many instances proved more
fulsome than even small-pox itself. That those eruptions do oc-
cur after cow-pox infection must be allowed by its most stren-

uous advocates, being perfectly novel, of a nature unknown be-
fore the introduction of vaccination, and pecular to those who
have been vaccinated, and often so inveterate as more than
to counterbalance the trivial advantages that we were first led to
expect from its introduction." Again, he says:—"It must be
allowed that the local inflammation excited by the inoculation
with this matter, is of a very unfavorable nature, and often ends
in a deep sloughing, frequently producing such an adhesion of
the muscles of the arm, as very much to confine its motions;
and some instances have occurred of the mortification spread-
ing, so as to destroy the life of the child; an instance of which
happened in St. George's Fields. The child was inoculated at
the Cow-Pox Institution, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street; the in-
flammation of the arm exceeded its usual boundary; on the
sixth day mortification ensued, which proved fatal to the child.
In the "Medical Observer" for September, 1810, Dr.
Charles McLean gives a list of sixty cases of vaccinal injuries,
with the names and addresses of ten medical men, including two
professors of anatomy, whose families had suffered, seriously
suffered, from vaccination.
Dr. Scott Tebb, of London, details the following case:—
"A Century of Vaccination," page 282:—
"At an inquest held on December 8, 1882, on the body of
Lilian Ada Williams, born in St. Pancreas Workhouse, and vac-
cinated on the seventh day after birth, the jury found 'that the
death caused by suppurating meningitis, following ulcera-
tion of vaccine vesicles on the arm, and they were of opinion
from the results of the post-mortem examination that the vacci-
nation of the child ought to have been postponed."
"Such instances are by no means rare, as disclosed in Ap-
pendix ix. to Final Report of the Royal Commission, one of the
most flagrant cases there reported being a fatal one of pyaemia
in a 'puny and probably syphilitic' seven months child weigh-
ing 4 pounds 2 ounces, and vaccinated when less than two clays
after birth. (No. cxxi)."
The London "Lancet" remarks in a leading article.—Vol.
II, page 35:—

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                175
"There is a belief—it may be denounced as a prejudice, but
it is not the less a deeply-rooted conviction, and one not con-
fined to the poor or the ignorant—that if the vaccine disease
may be transmitted by inoculation, other diseases less beneficial
may be propagated in the same manner, and by the same opera-
tion. Many a parent of high and low degree dates constitutional
disease in her offspring to vaccination with 'bad matter.' Who
shall say that this etiological conclusion is always false?" In
the number for October 28, 1854, (vol. ii., p. 360), it is stated:—
"The poor are told that they must carry their children to be
vaccinated by medical men who may be strangers to them.
They apprehend—and the apprehension is not altogether un-
founded, or unshared by the educated classes—that the vaccine
matter employed may carry with it the seeds of other diseases
not less loathsome than the one it is intended to prevent."
That cow-pox disease is sufficient to cause death in a
weakly child, is shown by a case where calf-lymph was em-
ployed, recorded by Dr. Farrar—British Med. Jour., Oct. 13,
1894: "I consider her death to have been due to a constitu-
tional malaise, induced by vaccine virus in a poorly nourished
Again, Dr. Tebb writes—"A Century of Vaccination," page
"A disease of the skin which has been especially referred
to by the Vaccination Commissioners is impetigo contagiosa.
The frequent occurrence of this malady after vaccination has
been remarked on by the late Dr. Tilbury Fox and others. An
extensive epidemic of impetigo contagiosa was occasioned by
vaccination in the Isle of Rugen in 1885; seventy-nine children
were vaccinated on June 11 with humanized thymos-lymph ob-
tained from a government establishment at Stettin; all, with
three exceptions, were attacked with impetigo contagiosa, and,
by infection, the disease was spread to 320 out of a population
of 5,000 inhabitants. A commission of inquiry was appointed
by the German government, who reported that they were unan-
imously of opinion that the outbreak of the disease had been a
direct consequence of calf-lymph vaccination."
In Prof. Wallace,—"Wonderful Century," page 232, are the
details of a most distressing case:—.

176                                   VACCINATION A CURSE.
"As an example of the dreadful results of vaccination, even
where special care was taken, the following case from the Sixth
Report of the Royal Commission (p. 128) is worthy of earnest
attention. It is the evidence of Dr. Thomas Skinner, of Liver-
pool :
' 'Q. 20,766. Will you give the commission the particulars
of the case?—A young lady, fifteen years of age, living at Grove
Park, Liverpool, was re-vaccinated by me at her father's re-
quest, during an outbreak of small-pox in Liverpool in 1865, as
I had re-vaccinated all the girls in the Orphan Girls' Asylum in
Myrtle Street, Liverpool (over 200 girls, I believe), and as the
young lady's father was chaplain to the asylum, he selected, and
I approved of the selection, of a young girl, the picture of health,
and whose vaccine vesicle was matured, and as perfect in appear-
ance as it is possible to conceive. On the eighth day I took off
the lymph in a capillary glass tube, almost filling the tube with
clear, transparent lymph. Next day, 7th March, 1865, I re-
vaccinated the young lady from this same tube, and from the
same tube and at the same time I re-vaccinated her mother and
the cook. Before opening the tube I remember holding it up
to the light and requesting the mother to observe how perfectly
clear and homogeneous, like water, the lymph was, neither pus
nor blood corpuscles were visible to the naked eye. All three
operations were successful, and on the eighth day all three vesi-
cles were matured 'like a pearl upon a rose petal,' as Jenner de-
scribed a perfect specimen. On that day, the eighth day after
the operation, I visited my patient, and to all appearance she
was in the soundest health and spirits, with her usual bright
eyes and ruddy cheeks. Although I was much tempted to take
the lymph from so healthy a vesicle and subject, I did not do
so, as I have frequently seen erysipelas and other bad conse-
quences follow the opening of a matured vesicle. As I did not
open the vesicle that operation could not be the cause of what
followed. Between the tenth and the eleventh day after the re-
vaccination—that is, about three days after the vesicle had ma-
tured and begun to scab over—I was called in haste to my pa-
tient, the young lady, whom I found in one of the most severe
rigors I ever witnessed, such as generally precedes or ushers
in surgical, puerperal, and other forms of fever. This would

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                 177
be on the 18th of March, 1865. Eight days from the time
of this rigor my patient was dead, and she died of the most
frightful form of blood poisoning that I ever witnessed, and I
have been forty-five years in the active practice of my profes-
sion. After the rigor, a low form of acute peritonitis set in, with
incessant vomiting and pain, which defied all means to allay.
At last stercoraceous vomiting, and cold, clammy, deadly sweats
of a sickly odor set in, with pulselessness, collapse, and death,
which closed the terrible scene on the morning of the 26th of
March, 1865. Within twenty minutes of death rapid decompo-
sition set in, and within two hours so great was the bloated and
discolored condition of the whole body, more especially of the
head and face, that there was not a feature of this once lively
girl recognizable. Dr. John Cameron, of 4 Rodney Street, Liv-
erpool, physician to the Royal Southern Hospital at Liverpool,
met me daily in consultation while life lasted. I have a copy of
the certificate of death here.
" 'Q. 20,767. To what do you attribute the death then ?—
I can attribute the death there to nothing but vaccination.'"
Prof. Wallace continued:—"In the same report, fifteen em-
inent medical men gave evidence as to disease, permanent in-
jury, or death caused by vaccination. Two gave evidence of
syphilis and one of leprosy as clearly due to vaccination. And,
as an instance of how the law is applied in the case of the poor,
we have the story told by Mrs. Amelia Whiting (QQ. 21,434-
21,464). To put it in brief:—Mrs. Whiting lost a child, after
terrible suffering, from inflammation supervening upon vaccina-
tion. The doctor's bill for the illness £1 12s. 6d.; and a woman
who came in to help was paid 6s. After the first child's death,
proceedings were taken for the non-vaccination of another
child; and though the case was explained in court, a fine of one
shilling was inflicted. And through it all, the husband's earn-
ings as a laborer were 11s. a week."
Let us moralize for a moment. Had Mrs. Whiting's child
been injured or killed by a railway train, he could sue the com-
pany for heavy damages. But suppose the state not only
quashes this indictment, but arrests and fines Mr. Whiting for
not having already exposed his second child to the same danger.

178                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
We should justly conclude that the corporation and the state
were in a conspiracy to sacrifice the children of the poor. The
case is not quite parallel, I admit; for while we can readily dis-
cover an adequate motive in the vaccinator, it would be difficult
to find a corresponding motive in the corporation. Here the
vaccinator had already killed one child, and not only collected
his fee for inoculating the blood with his vaccine poison, but
also another fee for treating the fatal symptoms he had occa-
sioned. One would think he ought to be satisfied with this, and
so spare the crucified and bereaved parents further sorrow.
But no, the vaccinator was not going to stop with any half way
sacrifices. Mr. Whiting had failed to show due respect for the
vaccinating god in not bringing all he had and placing it upon
that vaccine god's accursed altar. And therefore, notwithstand-
ing the day's wages were barely sufficient to keep the family
from hunger, he is arrested and fined. There must surely be
impending a judgment day for the manifold oppressions which
have so long cried to heaven for redress.
Dr. Pickering writes—"Sanitation or Vaccination," pages
''In a census organized by the A. V. Leagues in Scarbro,
about four year ago (1888), the results as to cases of injury, the
experience of the householders of a certain district were certi-
fied to as follows: Cases of injury 74, and of death 37; total
in. An analysis showed them to be composed of skin diseases,
more or less severe, 24; scrofula, 2; abscesses, 13; convul-
sions, 3; ruined health, 16; erysipelas and other forms of blood-
poisoning, 18; crippled for life, 7; not stated, 28; total, 111.
These results, it must be allowed, are somber and suggestive
in detail.
"Other answers, in various towns, have yielded similar re-
sults. If Scarbro, a health resort, gives such convicting evi-
dence as to the baneful effects of the complications and sequelae
of vaccination, what would 'Whitechapel' say?"
*****              *             *
"Look at that little child the mother is fondling on her

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                 179
knees. She how she caresses it; 'tis the loveliest of all earthly
gifts. Its skin is white as Alpine snow; its rounded arms and
legs are supple, yet firm withal. The eyes are bright as when
they first saw Eden. Its sleep is calm and sweet. With a sense
of awe and anxiety unknown to man that mother lingers over its
fair features, and heaves a sigh pitiful and sad—that child has
to undergo a medical operation on the morrow. A medical
operation!! The morrow comes, and with it the doctor. He
has carefully selected 'good matter,' the incision is made, and
the cancerous deed is done. After many assurances, which are
not worth a breath—the mother heeded them not—the vacci-
nator packed up his traps and away he went, dreaming not of
what he had left behind to work out its cunning. In a few days
the child became ill; the arms were inflamed, the eyes and nose
were running sores; it wasted away, and death ended the puny
child's career, and that was all! No, it was not. The mother
lost her child; her reason went after it, and she was consigned
to a mad-house. The father was a widower and childless. This
is vaccination! Do you say it is an exceptional case ? So far
as father and mother are interested, yes; but not so with regard
to the child itself. I maintain that for the United Kingdom a
folio volume of the size of Dooms-Day Book would be required
in which to register the mishaps of a single twelvemonth!
"Here is another case of vaccine injury, unique and har-
rassing in its details. A child was vaccinated, and a short time
afterwards it developed sores over the whole body. Infirmaries
and their medical staffs were helpless to relieve the sufferer, and
it survived for nearly two years; but the skin shrivelled up and
resembled that of a mummy. Prior to its decease the parents
covered up the face, it was so agonizing to look at.
Here is a case, also related by Dr. Pickering, though not a
special case of vaccinal injury, it is nevertheless so full of sug-
gestiveness and common sense, I will insert it here—page 65:—
"During the epidemic years 1871-2, I had the most singular
requests made to me. I was sent for to see patients young and
old, in all stages of the disease and at all hours of the day and
night, both in Leeds and the suburbs. One morning when I was

l80                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
about to leave my house a note was brought from Miss H., the
daughter of a soldier, saying that the husband of a sister of her
maid, living at Armley, was very bad with the small-pox, and
would I kindly go and see him. After reading my letters at the
office, I took the train up to Armley, and proceeded to the house
of a Mr. Skinner, at the address furnished me by my correspond-
ent. He was in a bad condition truly. I never saw a worse case.
The wife was in a state of mind bordering on distraction. She
said to me, 'The doctor says my husband can't recover, He
came yesterday and said he should not go into the bed-room
again, as it was the severest attack he had seen.' I answered,
'You may perhaps save your husband's life if you are prepared
to carry out my injunctions with a woman's will.' 'Sir,' she re-
plied, 'tell me what I am to do, and it shall be done.' 'Go, then,'
I said, 'at once to the nearest shop, and purchase a piece of
mackintosh two yards by two, and some soft soap; place the
mackintosh under him, and wash the body well with wash
leather, using the soft soap and tepid water; do this five or six
times during the day and, when the fever symptoms abate, you
can reduce the washings to three or four per day, but the ablu-
tion of the body must be continued morning and night for a
fortnight. After the second day you can use a bed-room towel
instead of the wash leather, but in the present tender state of the
skin the wash leather will not irritate it more than he can bear.
Let him have milk, oatmeal gruel, and as much cold water as he
can drink. Have the windows and doors open, but keep him
warm with extra blankets. In a few days—two or three—
sponge the body with cold water after the tepid wash, and with
this treatment put an additional blanket over him, so as to en-
tourage a healthy re-action. Do this, and you have done your
best to save your husband's life.' I repeated my orders again
where necessary, and left the two, wife and husband, in charge
of the good angel of Sanatory Science.
"In three weeks time that man was at his work, 'sound,
wind and limb.' "He and his wife have since emigrated to Aus-
tralia, and I heard, only a month ago, they were doing well in
their adopted country. This man had been vaccinated."
That small-pox is such a terrible scourge, is chiefly due to
popular ignorance. Drastic drug specifics are not required in

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                  l8l
its treatment, or will not be when people order their lives in con-
formity with the physiological laws and rise above the depress-
ing influence of fear. Every year fever slays its thousands. Dr.
Pickering lived in the midst of the small-pox for years nursing
and caring for those afflicted with the disease, yet the infection
never became active in his organization.
In the "Family Physician" issued by Cassell & Co., p. 508,
we read: "We know of no cure for small-pox and the disease
must be allowed to run its course." Again on page 568: "It
must always be borne in mind that we have no specific remedy
for any of our common fevers. We cannot hope to cure them
and in many cases the object of the treatment is simply to con-
duct the fever to a favorable termination, and to ward off any
inter current disease." This work is the product of many med-
ical writers and is a compendium of physic up to date. I sim-
ply drop these hints, but it is not my present purpose to enter
upon a discussion of a rational mode of treating all zymotic af-
fections. But I will state on general principles, if the regular
doctors could bring themselves to feel a small fraction of the
solicitude for the people to adopt sanitation, hygiene and phys-
iological modes of living, that they do for forcing vaccination
on the general public, we should then have prevention on a scale
that would amount almost to perfection. If it were not for the
shekels associated with vaccination and lack of it in teaching
the laws of clean-living,—in other words, if the wampum, to use
the Indian's word for cash, could be transferred to the other
"bull's horn"—we might then hopefully look for a changed atti-
tude from that fraud of the profession whose main dependence
is the calf-lymph infected lancet, and drastic drugs.
William Forbes Laurie, M. D., Edinburgh, St. Saviour's
Cancer Hospital, Regent's Park, says: "Being anxious not to
do mischief to my fellow-creatures, and being, as regards my
own family, liable to fine or imprisonment under the Compul-

l82                                         VACCINATION A CURSE.
sory Vaccination Act, I lately wrote to some members of Parlia-
ment on the subject. I asked them to come here and see for
themselves the dismal results of vaccination in cases of paraly-
sis, blindness of both eyes, hip joint disease, consumption and
frightful forms of skin disease. Though I received replies they
have not yet inspected the cases."
Cancer in the human system is somewhat analagous to the
mistletoe on forest trees, as it grows at the expense of the life
or structure upon which it fastens. It is a morbid and foreign
growth, converting the cells and tissues of organs in which it
has established itself for the growth of its own inversive death-
prophesying structure. In its immediate vicinity the tissues de-
teriorate and die, often leaving a gap or open ulcer between
the sound flesh and abnormal growth. It is often hereditary and
may remain latent for thirty or forty years, and then suddenly
burst forth in its work of destruction. It may be propagated
or communicated to the blood of a healthy person through an
abrased skin, or from the point of a lancet, somewhat after the
manner of the leprosy contagion. In Zurich, Germany, Dr.
Hanan succeeded in propagating cancer in rats by inoculation in
1890. It may be readily communicated by means of arm to arm
vaccination, since the cancer virus is latent in the blood of many
an apparently healthy child. Nor can we be certain that calf-
lymph is free from latent hereditary cancer. Indeed, there are
not wanting the highest medical authorities who believe vacci-
nation is the principal cause of the alarming increase in cancer
during recent years.
Dr. William Hitchman, consulting surgeon to the Cancer

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                     183
Hospital, Leeds, formerly public vaccinator to the city of Liv-
erpooS, stated in 1883, that "syphilis, abdominal pathisis, scrof-
ula, cancer, erysipelas, and almost all diseases of the skin ,have
been either conveyed, occasioned, or intensified by vaccina-
tion."—Vac. Inquirer, p. 31.
Dr. Dennis Turnbull, author of "The New Cancer Treat-
ment," says:—
"In my treatment of cancers and tumors during the last 30
years, it has fallen to my lot to come in contact with all grades
of society; and, with a view of eliciting the true facts, it is my
habit carefully to interrogate my patients, relative to their gen-
eral habits of life, their antecedents, and the health of their an-
cestors. I have, therefore, fathered a considerable store of in-
formation, which enables me to speak with some authority; and
I have no hesitation in stating that, in my judgment, the most
frequent predisposing condition for cancerous development
is infused into the blood by vaccination and re-vaccination."—
The Vegetarian, London, 24th November, 1888.
"Cancer," says Dr. Hitchman, "is a blood disease; so also
is cow-pox; and when, to inherited or acquired morbid ten-
dency, vital exhaustion, digestive disorder, and unhealthy sur-
roundings, are added the various complications attending vacci-
nation, the presence of certain growths, or even bony structure
in the larynx or any other part, is not surprising to one who be-
lieves in casual sequence. Scientifically, whatever tends to a
diminution in the natural color and specific gravity, especially of
the red corpuscles of the blood, may, sooner or later, lead to
serious transformation into tubercular, syphilitic, or cancerous
affection."—Vaccination Inquirer, London, February, 1888.
It is also important to note a very peculiar relationship be-
tween calf-lymph and human tissue, namely, in their relative
rates of organic change. The growth from infancy to adult life
in man is extremely slow, while bovine organic processes are
very rapid. Hence innoculation of the blood through the skin of
a human subject with calf-lymph—however pure—would fur-
nish the conditions for the commencement and growth of can-
cer, owing to difference in rate of growth of the two sets of

184                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
plasmic cells. The foreign cells thus introduced would grow in
the weaker organ where they would become seated, at the ex-
pense of the cells in the surrounding structure; and when we re-
member that all vaccine matter is a degenerate form of lymph—
lymph which has undergone retrograde metamorphosis, putri-
faction—the disturbance and ultimate destruction it will occa-
sion by injection into the circulation, will be a hundred-fold
greater than if taken into the stomach, where nature could dis-
pose of it without sensible harm.
The lymphatic system is traversed by a far finer network of
glands and vessels than is comprised in the veins and arteries,
and according to Swedenborg, the lymph that circulates in these
vessels is "the true purer blood" of the body. Now, the poison
that finds its way through an abrasion or puncture of the skin,
is immediately taken up by the lymphatic vessels; and when a
cancer begins to grow its little branches and rootlets traverse
and ramify in these very vessels, which are specially and im-
mediately invaded by vaccination. We need not therefore, be
surprised that so many cases of vaccinal injury occur even
when ''pure glycerinated calf-lymph" only is used by the vacci-
nator. For every case of small-pox which vaccination "miti-
gates" we may be pretty sure there will be ten cases of cancer.
Cancer cases are now most rapidly multiplying in those coun-
tries where vaccination is well nigh universal—Germany, Eng-
land, New Zealand, and the United States. It has been stated,
re-stated and never denied so far as my knowledge extends, that
no Jew or Jewess was ever known to have a cancer unless they
had first been vaccinated. It is undeniable that calf-lymph virus
—the extract of heifer sores and ulcers—is the cess-pool that
breeds blood diseases—the medical wayside weed-patch, on
which grows and thrives pimpled faces, ulcerous sores, tumors,
cancers, scrofula, and consumption.
Dr. Turnbull, in his book, "The New Treatment," writing
on the origin and spread of cancers, after referring to sundry

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                               185
exciting causes—tight lacing, smoking, drinking, etc., says;
"Numbers of my patients have expressed themselves as abso-
lutely certain that they never had the slightest sign of cancer
until after they submitted to re-vaccination. Let all truly scien-
tific men cease to vaccinate, and, my word for it, the spread of
cancer will be materially lessened."
In a carefully written pamphlet on "Cancer and Vaccina-
tion," by "Esculapius," the writer concludes as follows:—
"No candid and scientific inquirer who has read the recent
works of Drs. Creighton, Edgar Crookshank, and Scott Tebb,
can be surprised that an alarming increase in cancer is even
now evident. Those who adopt so blindly the brutal practice
calf-lymph vaccination are but too surely sowing the wind
which they must inevitably reap as the whirlwind, a whirlwind of
corruption, disease, and national deterioration. Where the so-
called human lymph is employed, syphilis, leprosy, and tubercu-
losis follow in its train; and wherever calf-lymph is used, tuber-
culosis and cancer spread like a conflagration."
Erysipelas is one of the most frequent as well as serious
effects that follow vaccination. But of late years the deaths re-
sulting from this cause have been classed under different head-
ings. In England and Wales, between the years 1859 and 1880,
379 deaths from erysipelas were directly traceable to vaccina-
tion. Indeed the usual inflammation excited by cow-pox virus
is erysipelatous in character.
The following table, from Dr. Scott Tebb's work, page 346,
gives the number of deaths for each of the intervening years:—
Deaths from
erysipelas after
Deaths from
erysipelas after
... 5
..... 20
. .. 3
..... 24
. . . 2
..... 16
. . . . . 3
..... 19
. ....11
..... 29
. . .13
..... 37
..... 21
. . .10
..... 29
. . . . 4
..... 35
.... 9|
..... 32
. . 19|
..... 39
l86                                         VACCINATION A CURSE.
In the "Am. Jour, of the Med. Sciences," October, 1850,
Mr. W. Moreland, secretary of the Boston Society for Medical
Improvement, gives extracts from the records of the society
relating to erysipelas following vaccination, and reported on by
medical men. Eleven cases were given, three being fatal. Of
the eight that did not prove fatal, four were very severe, three of
which were attended with extensive sloughing.
In the "Lancet," May 31, 1863, Mr. J. R. Wells relates a case
of a lady aged 55 years, who was re-vaccinated. Symptoms of
phlegmonous erysipelas set in the following day and in four days
after the operation she died.
The "Lancet" of Nov. 24, 1883, relates the cases of two chil-
dren named Elliston and Griggs, who were vaccinated October
16, and in seven days two other children were vaccinated from
lymph taken from the child Elliston. In a short time the Ellis-
ton child and the two last children vaccinated, died of erysipelas.
The operations were performed at the regular vaccinating sta-
"In 1875, there was an official inquiry at Gainsborough by
Mr. Netten Radcliffe, of the Local Government Board, into
cases of erysipelas following vaccination, of which six died; a
searching investigation failed to dissociate the operation from
the fatal erysipelas.
"In 1882 another Local Government Board inquiry was
held by Mr. Henley and Dr. Airy at Norwich into certain deaths
alleged to have been caused by vaccination. It was shown that
eight children suffered from erysipelas 'due to some abnormal
peculiarity or contamination of the lymph;' of these, four died.
"On the 25th of May, 1883, sixty-eight recruits were vacci-
nated at Dortrecht, Holland. Of these seven were attacked
with erysipelas, and three died. In consequence of these cases,
the minister of war, Mr. Weitzel, issued a circular notifying re-
cruits that hereafter re-vaccination was not obligatory in the
Netherlands army.
"Before the South Wales and Monmouthshire branch of the
British Medical Association, on Nov. 15, 1883, Dr. C. T. Vachell,

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                     187
of Cardiff, related a series of cases where erysipelas followed
vaccination. On November I, a child, aged three months, and
an adult were vaccinated with lymph obtained from London. On
the eighth day the arm of the adult was much swollen and red.
On the same day the child presented every appearance of having
been successfully vaccinated, and five tubes were charged from
it. On November 10, five children were vaccinated from these
tubes. On the 11th and 12th all these cases were attacked with
erysipelas of the arm vaccinated, and, on inquiry, it was found
that the child from whom the vaccine lymph had been taken was
attacked with erysipelas on November 9."
"A Century of Vaccination," page 348.
Among the older records of the Local Government Board
are the following:—
"(1). A series of nineteen cases of erysipelas from vacci-
nation at Warrington, with five deaths, in 1871.
"(2). A case of serious erysipelas from vaccination with
National Vaccine Establishment lymph at Stoke Newington in
1871, in which inquiry elicited that violent inflammation had oc-
curred in others vaccinated with lymph from the same vaccin-
ifer; the vaccinifer having an inflamed arm on the thirteenth
day and a small abscess in the axilla.
"(3). Six cases of serious inflammation and three deaths
in a series vaccinated with ninth-day lymph from one vaccinifer
at Appleby, in 1873.
"(4). Several cases of erysipelas and inflammation, with
five deaths, in a series of vaccination at Chelsea, in 1875.
"(5). Twelve cases of excessive inflammation, six of ery-
sipelas, with three deaths, two cases of axillary abscess, and one
large ulcer, in a series of vaccinations at Plomesgate, in 1878.
"(6). Ten cases of erysipelas or abscesses, with four deaths,
and several cases of eczema in a series of vaccinations at Clerk-
enwell, in 1879, in which 'it is clear that the erysipelatous con-
tagion was imparted at the time of vaccination.' These assumed
the form of syphilis.
"(7). Three cases of extensive erysipelas from vaccination
at Blandford, in 1883.
"(8). Three fatal cases of erysipelas from vaccination at
Sudbury, in 1883.

l88                                   VACCINATION A CURSE.
"Between the 1st of November, 1888, and the 30th of No-
vember, 1891, one hundred and thirty-two cases of inflamma-
tory or septic disease (mostly erysipelas) following vaccination
and terminating fatally, were the subject of inquiry by the Lo-
cal Government Board. Numerous cases have also been inves-
tigated by the Royal Commission on vaccination, and are cited
in Appendix ix. to their final report.—Ibid. p. 350, Scott Tebb.
"Dr. Theodore Dimon, St. Louis "Courier of Medicine,"
1882, vol. vii., pp. 310-312. Boy, nine years old; vaccinated
January 6, 1882, with bovine lymph. Tetanus supervened on
January 27; no cause discovered except vaccination, which was
followed by an irregular shaped ulcer. Boy died on the tenth
"Dr. H. J. Berkeley, 'Maryland Medical Journal,' 1882-83,
vol. ix., pp. 241-245. Healthy man, forty years old; vaccinated
in the middle of January, 1882. Tetanus supervened on Feb-
ruary 7; death on February 13. No lesion discovered except
at the point of vaccination, which was occupied by a deep ulcer,
with an inflamed and indurated border resembling syphilis.
'"Dr. W. T. C. Bates, 'Transactions of the South Carolina
Medical Association,' 1882, vol. xxxii., p. 105. Mulatto boy,
aged five years; vaccinated February 9, 1882, with humanized
lymph. Tetanic symptoms supervened on March 8. No other
cause but vaccination discovered. Boy lived fifteen days.
"Dr. R. Garcia Rijo, 'Cronica Medico Quirurgica de la Ha-
bana,' 1886, vol. xii., p. 388 White child, two years old; vac-
cinated in April, 1886. Characteristic tetanus appeared in lat-
ter part of May. No lesion beyond vaccination discovered.
Death followed on the fourth day.
"Dr. Zahiroodeen Ahmed, 'Indian Medical Gazette,'
March, 1889, vol. xxiv., p. 90. Adult, aged twenty-one. The
symptoms appeared fourteen days after primary vaccination.
He died.
''Local Government Board, Case x., Appendix ix., Final
Report, Royal Commission on Vaccination. Female, aged two
years; vaccinated on September 10, 1889. Symptoms of te-
tanus first appeared on October 2, and patient died on the 5th
of October.

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                189
"Dr. P. A. Morrow, in referring to eruptions incident to
vaccination, observes: 'It must be confessed that the profes-
sion has manifested a most decided unwillingness to recognize
their direct dependence upon vaccination.'
"Again, in the Local Government Board inquiries on ery-
sipelas, held by Mr. Netten Radcliffe at Gainsborough, and by
Mr. Henley and Dr. Airy at Norwich, before referred to, there
were in all ten deaths, and in only one of these was vaccination
mentioned on the certificate of death.
*          *            *            *            *            *          *
"It is impossible to form any accurate estimate of the total
amount of serious and fatal injuries produced by vaccination;
the following table only gives the deaths recorded by the Reg-
istrar-General :—
England and Wales.—Deaths from cow-pox and other effects of
vaccination, from 1881 to 1896.
"This shows that in England and Wales, according to med-
ical death-certificates, one child on an average dies every week
from the effects of vaccination. This fatal record, however, does
not by any means represent the damage done by the operation,
as for every death there must be a very large number of chil-
dren who are injured, but survive for years with enfeebled con-
stitutions.—Ibid pp. 360-61.
"Also, in an inquiry, on behalf of the Royal Commission,
on a series of injuries from vaccination at some villages in Nor-
folk, in 1890, Dr. Barlow found, from the brief provisional inves-
tigation he was able to make, that some septic material had been
introduced at the time of the insertion of the vaccine lymph,
and that this was mainly responsible for the untoward results

190                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
obtained. There were three deaths and in none of these was
the word 'vaccination' mentioned on the death certificate.—
Ibed p. 364."
A perusal of the history of vaccination is not calculated to
excite our veneration toward the medical profession, the older
schools of which sanction a species of blood-poisoning with con-
centrated animal virus in a manner that contravenes the prin-
ciples of all true science. Their specifics are largely derived
from the traditions and superstitions of an ignorant age. All
their theories concerning the preventive and mitigating effects
of vaccination belong to the category of pseudo-science. The
profession knows this to be pseudo-science, and yet with craft
and cunning they shun discussion, shelve complaints, evade and
mutilate facts, twist statistics, raise false and irrevelent issues,
make false returns of death from vaccinal injuries, dub anti-
vaccinators as pestilent agitators, lobby for compulsory vacci-
nation, persecute the true psychic who restores the sick without
medicine, and do many other things which reveal motives for-
eign to the public welfare.
In this domain—the vaccinating branch of the profession—
medical practitioners are inversive, reversive, and subversive;
they invert the order of nature by creating disease with the pre-
tence of preventing disease; they revert to an ancient super-
stition which Jenner borrowed from peasant milk-maids, and
which Lady Montagu borrowed from the common folk in Tur-
key; and they subvert the intention of nature by sowing an
extra crop of incurable diseases in the name of health—scrofula,
cancer, erysipelas, leprosy, consumption, etc.
No part of the organism requires greater care and attention
than the skin. It is the most fatal avenue through which poi-
sons can reach the blood. The venom of the rattlesnake would
be comparatively harmless in the stomach, but reaching the
blood and nervo-circulation through the skin it is swiftly fatal,

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                       191
while the virus of scrofula, leprosy, or cancer, reaching the
blood in the same manner, may lie latent for years and then
spring forth with malignant activity. Note also, that the func-
tion of the skin is to excrete not to absorb; it is to throw out
waste material that has fulfilled its use, not so much to take in
material, for this would be "climbing up another way" than the
one ordained by nature. Ninety-nine per cent. of all substances
that enter the body through the skin are interlopers and enemies
which forever war against the original integrity of the man.
A mosquito made a minute puncture on the neck of a healthy
girl; it had just previously left the cheek of a leper. The fol-
lowing year that maiden revealed the unmistakable symptoms
of leprosy. A blue bottle fly inoculated an abrazed surface on
the nose of a butcher; a rusty nail pierced the foot of a girl in
her stocking feet; a wasp stung a delicate child on her arm.
All these died with blood poisoning. Only last Fourth of July,
about a dozen small boys in various parts of the country re-
ceived slight skin flesh wounds from gunpowder; all of whom
developed lock-jaw in a few days, and died. And not many
months since I read accounts in the daily press of one child bit-
ten by a red ant, and another child was stung by a bee, in both of
whom blood poisoning supervened, and they died.
Thus we see how the skin is a gateway through which the
most subtle and infinitesimal poisons may reach the citadel of
life, there to deploy in the work of destruction, either slowly or
swiftly, but always surely, having only one goal, which is death.
It is through the skin the opium fiend injects the agent of his
fantasia, through the skin the viper strikes his venom; aye,
through the skin the vaccinator pushes his lance, dipped in
the virus that may have traveled from afar, gathering a legion
of diseases on the way.
It is frequently asserted by advocates of vaccination, that re-
192                                    VACCINATION A CURSE.
vaccinated hospital nurses very rarely if ever contract small-
pox, and still more rarely die of it. While we may admit with
Bacon that, "The plague is not easily received by such as are
continually about them that have the plague, as keepers of the
sick and physicians;" still, such immunitiy as they enjoy is in
no wise related to vaccination or re-vaccination. They take the
disease and die, the same as other people, but more rarely. Their
unifrom protection lies in their general health, sanitary habits,
and in their cheerful spirits, which are never associated with
fear. Dr. Robert Cory officially distributed cards to parents at
public vaccinating stations, which stated that: "For fifty years
nurses in small-pox hospitals had wholly escaped small-pox, ow-
ing to their re-vaccination." This card was originally printed
—"Nurses at the small-pox hospital, Highgate." By dropping
out "the" and appending an "s" on hospital, a much stronger
case for the vaccinator was made out. This same Dr. Cory was
the heroic gentleman who inoculated himself with syphilis from
a syphilitic child, to prove experimently by vaccination that it
could not be thus communicated. But its possibility was duly
and painfully demonstrated in his person. The sad sequel need
not be related.
I will here append a few reported cases, sufficient to illus-
trate two or three aspects relating to hospital nurses:
"Dr. C. T. Pearce said to the Parliamentary committee of
1871: 'I yesterday visited the small-pox hospital at Highgate,
and (after the statements which have been made in this room
that the nurses of that hospital are secure against small-pox by
re-vaccination) I confess that I was not a little astonished when
the door was opened by a nurse whose face was scarified all over
with small-pox. I asked the nurse how many patients there
were in the hospital? She said 104. 'Are there many vacci-
nated?' 'Nearly all, sir, now, and many of them twice over.'
'How many nurses are there?' 'Twelve.' 'How many night
nurses?' 'Two.' I went from Highgate to Northumberland
Street, and there had an interview with the assistant clerk, who

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                  I93
gave me the astounding information that at Stockwell a nurse
recently engaged because she was pitted with small-pox, was
re-vaccinated on her engagement, and she is now in bed with
confluent small-pox!"—London Soc. Tract, p. 6, Hospital
"At the Fulham Hospital, three of the re-vaccinated attend-
ants under Dr. Makuna took small-pox."—Small-pox and Vacci-
nation. Dr. W. T. Iliff.. p. 10.
"At the same hospital, Dr. Sweeting states that four of his
re-vaccinated nurses had taken the disease."
"At the Halifax Hospital, in April, 1881, the matron and
a nurse contracted small-pox from a patient; the matron had
been previously vaccinated, while the nurse had been re-vacci-
nated only a week before she was taken ill."—British Medical
Journal, May 7, 1881.
"At the Lewes Fever Hospital a nurse was engaged, and
re-vaccinated November, 1881. She took small-pox about a
week afterwards, and had it badly, but was not marked. She had
been vaccinated in infancy, and again when ten years of age."—
Vaccination Inquirer, vol. iv., p. 66. Letter, W. T. Martin.
**** * *
"In a letter addressed to Mr. Wm. Tebb, dated January 20,
1882, the late Dr. W. J. Collins states that on the occasion of a
recent debate on the vaccination question, at which the house
surgeon of the Fulham Hospital was present, he (Dr. Collins)
'had a chat with him afterwards, when he confessed that five of
his re-vaccinated nurses had taken small-pox! He (the house
surgeon) said he had not considered the difference as regards
stating between vaccinated and re-vaccinated.' " (! !)—Ibid.
"Ashton-under-Lyne has just passed through a small-pox
scare in consequence of the occurrence of some twenty cases
with seven deaths. Nearly all were vaccinated, including two
re-vaccinated nurses in the Workhouse Infectious Hospital."—
Vaccination Inquirer, v. 10, p. 5.
"The 'Leicester Chronicle,' July 1, 1893, stated that Mr.
Clarke, Inspector of Nuisances to the Blaby Union, died of
small-pox at the board's 'hospital camp.' In commenting on the
case, 'The Vaccination Inquirer' says:—'It was not long before
he contracted his own fatal illness that he remarked, in conver-

sation with Mr. Amos Booth, that he considered it impossible
for him to take small-pox, so well protected was he.' "
"Writing in 'The Star,' March 1, 1894, in reply to state-
ments in 'The British Medical Journal,' Mr. J. T. Biggs, member
of the sanitary committee, Leicester, said:—'During the present
outbreak, which began in September last, five of the nurses and
attendants at the hospital, all well vaccinated (one of the nurses
being re-vaccinated), have been attacked with small-pox. One of
these, a very bad case, died of confluent small-pox."
"Nurses, being generally advanced in years, habituated to
fatigue, and little liable to worry of spirits, do not readily re-
ceive infection."—Instructions Relative to Contagious Dis-
eases, London, 1801.
"This well-known phenomenon attending small-pox will
appear less singular when we reflect that the same observation
has been made respecting the plague, a more virulent contagion,
the history of which shows in every invasion of that dreadful
malady, that many escape, though constantly employed about
the sick, or infants sucking their infected mothers."—(Small-
pox) R. Walker, M. A., London, 1790.
''In Buck's 'Treatise on Hygiene and the Public Health,'
vol. 2, p. 521 (Art. 'Small-pox and Other Contagious Diseases')
we read: 'It is a fact, fully appreciated by medical men, that
persons constantly exposed to small-pox very rarely contract
the disease. In the case of physicians, health inspectors, nurses,
sisters of charity, hospital orderlies, and some others, this is the
rule; and of over one hundred persons who have been, to my
knowledge, constantly exposed, some of them seeing as many
as a thousand cases, I have never personally known of more
than one who has contracted the disease; but there are many
writers who believe perfect immunity to be extremely rare. In
this connection, attention may be called to the exemption of
certain persons who occupy the same room, and perhaps bed.
with the patients, and though sometimes never vaccinated, al-
together escape infection."
"The late Dr. W. J. Collins, of London, who had a long
experience as a public vaccinator, in his essay entitled 'Have
You Been Vaccinated?' writes:—
" 'I have had a good deal to do with nurses, and know

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                                    195
their physical capabilities as well as any man. At one time I
had a staff that I was in the habit of employing, and they were
so constituted in mind and body as to resist any infection. They
were built upon the square, hard as nails, broad as they were
long, with plenty of room for the vital organs to play. They
had no idea of danger, and seemed to have been born before
nerves were invented. They were always in capital spirits, and
troubled with a good appetite. * * * These nurses were
in constant attendance upon patients who were suffering from
small-pox, fever, etc. They had never been vaccinated or had
small-pox.' "
"Mr. Thorpe Porter, M. R. C. S., of the Small-pox Hospi-
tal, South Dublin Union (see 'Medical Press and Circular
March 2, 1872,), says:—
" 'With reference to re-vaccination, I have no faith in it.
Not one of the thirty-six attendants at the South Dublin Union
Sheds has taken small-pox. Only seven of the number were
re-vaccinated, and as the remaining twenty-nine enjoyed the
same immunity, wherein is the necessity of the operation?'"—
The experiments conducted by M. Toussaint, in France
(1881) leave no room for doubt that tuberculosis is due to a spe-
cific organism, and may be communicated to a healthy person
through vaccination. He vaccinated a tubercular cow with
lymph from a vaccine vesicle raised on a healthy child. Then in
turn with the lymph from the pocks of the cow he vaccinated
four rabbits and a pig. The rabbits were killed two months
afterwards and found to be suffering from tuberculosis at the
point of inoculation, in the glands and in the lungs. The pig
also developed tuberculosis, both local and general. Here we
are confronted with a fact of great significance. Toussaint's ex-
periments prove that tuberculosis is communicable through vac-
cination; and as cows are subject to the disease, both in its lat-
ent and active form, we can never be certain that the calf-lymph

from the vaccine farms is free from this subtle and insidous
In the preface to Dr. Pickering's large work—"Sanitation
or Vaccination"—he presents some significant details from his
own family history:—
"My attention was first directed to vaccination by hearing
the details of a mishap in my own family circle. The grand-
father of my first wife was a surgeon practicing in a town in the
East Riding of Yorkshire. About the year 1808 there was some
stir amongst the members of the profession at to the duty of
vaccinating their own children, I suppose by way of showing
their confidence in the operation. Now the surgeon's wife,—
a woman remarkable for her strong commone sense,—exhibited
considerable reluctance to her own children being dragged at
the chariot wheels of this new invader. At length her husband
said, 'Well, it matters this much to me: if vaccination is not per-
formed in my own family, I am so teazed about it that I must
give up my profession, and seek for some other means of gain-
ing a livelihood.' This was an argument the wife was not able
to resist; her consent was withheld no longer.
"The next question was where to find a healthy child from
whom to gather a small harvest of Jenner's 'pure lymph.' A
medical neighbor interested himself in this behalf, and in a few
days the opportunity occurred to him, when a young woman,
resident in Barnsley, came home with her child, three months
old, to visit her parents, and was advised to have vaccination
performed by the physician who had attended their own family
for many years, and she applied to him accordingly. The child
was apparently strong and healthy; vaccination was perpe-
trated ; virus was stored from this vaccinifer; and the two chil-
dren, ranging from one to three years old, members of the sur-
geon's family firstly referred to, were vaccinated in due course
with the lymph thus acquired.
"There was no taint of hereditary disease in the surgeon's
family; his progenitors had been farmers in that part of York-
shire for two centuries or more; and the wife's family came
from a healthy stock.
"Within twelve months after vaccination the two children
sickened; the ruddy cheeks became pale; and the whole con-

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                               I97
stitution showed symptoms of some unaccountable yet disas-
trous change. By a sort of instinct peculiar to woman, the wife
insisted that her husband should go to Barnsley to inquire into
the antecedents of the parents from whose child the lymph had
been abstracted. He went, when, to his dismay, he found that
both parents were the offspring of families subject to hereditary
"The cloud of dejection and regret was never lifted from
the future careers of either husband or wife; and the two chil-
dren, a boy and a girl, knew not what health was in their after
lives. The two grew up tall and handsome; both married in
due time, but the sister only had a family; she had three boys
and a girl.
"To cut a long story short, the parents died of consump-
tion before they reached 46 years of age; and of the second
generation two of the three boys and the sister died of consump-
tion before they attained their 26th year; the other boy, by em-
igrating to a warmer climate (Springfield, La., U. S.), added ten
more years to a weary and painful existence;—he died of con-
sumption, at 35 years of age.
"The sister above mentioned became my wife; we were
first cousins; she left two daughters; one died of consumption,
in her 26th year; the other still lives, but she has never known
what 'life' is; she has been more trouble in her rearing than all
the eight children by my second wife 'put together.'
"Thus the members of a whole family had been hunted
—thrust out of existence—by one unfortunate vaccination.
How many similar instances there have been in the same period
unrecorded, no one will ever know. Some estimate may be
formed when I say that, in my journeyings to and fro in the
world, I have never met with an individual whose experience did
not run on parallel lines with my own; he or she had to re-
count misadventures in his or her family, or in the family of a
friend or neighbor. No exception to this rule has presented it-
self during an advocacy extending over the third part of a cen-
tury—a remarkable fact!
If the people of England knew the full meaning of "Vacci-
nation," of the misery and death for 92 years last past, of which
it has been the sole exciting cause, and if they could but follow

198                                          VACCINATION A CURSE.
the history of each event with its far reaching consequences,
through three generations of people, not a vaccinating station
would be standing in England tomorrow night; nor is there
a vaccinator who would ever be permitted to refer to the sub-
ject in any educated family to the end of his days.
It is bad enough in all conscience, that the medical profes-
sion recommend a form of blood-poisoning as a prophylactic
against a dreaded disease; but to force such a practice on the
children of the poor, is a piece of human folly which deserves
to be branded as a merciless crime against society. The physi-
cian should be to the people the most reliable oracle, pointing
the way to life and health; but instead he sends them the way
of disaster and death—even forcing,—compulsorily forcing—
them into the path that conducts thither! Professing to stand
as guardians and protectors of the little children in seasons of
danger, he cuts off every avenue of escape by the device of pol-
itic-compulsory laws; then with lance and pus proceeds to poi-
son the fountain of youth by the performance of a rite that was
imported from the lowest pit of beastliness, sores on horses
heels and cow's teats! Neither the third or fourth generation
may atone for the injury thus inflicted. Certainly, the doctors
would abandon this dreadful business were not their pecuniary
interests so completely interwoven with it. I do not say that
vaccinators always sin against transparent knowledge, for I
know how prone we all are to nurse opinions and beliefs when
they favor our self-interest. The "love of money" is, indeed,
the root of this "evil" as of every other, and we must be very
watchful if we are not caught compounding with error when our
bank account is steadily increasing. If it were possible to sep-
arate this practice wholly from pecuniary considerations, it is
my firm conviction that the concensus of medical opinion would
right soon declare against it.
In the evil times upon which we have fallen, each individ-

INJURIES AND FATALITIES.                               I99
vial should strive to become "wise as serpents and harmless as
doves," for it is now incumbent upon each human unit in the
fermenting body politic, to watch and defend his own integrity.
Against this integrity all class-interests combine. Produc-
tion, massed in great trusts which are in possession of the labor-
saving machines, sends the individual adrift who depends upon
the labor of his hands. The grocer feeds the body with adul-
terated food; the manufacturer clothes it with shoddy gar-
ments ; the vaccinator punctures and poisons it with putrid pus
—and so on to the end of the chapter. From every direction
enemies arise to assail the integrity of the man. We must,
therefore, be alert and don our defensive armor. Of these
other sinners, I am only making a passing reference to them;
it is the chief of sinners—the public vaccinator—the seed-sower
of disease—whom these pages are designed to more especially
describe. It is my earnest desire to portray his hideous aspect,
to depict the "color of his sandals" in a manner that even the
little child—the arch enemy of whom he is—will avoid and flee
at his approach! Unfortunately, it is not the supreme desire;
of the average human creature to know the truth and follow it
whithersoever it leads. If it was, the question of reform would
be a very simple one for solution and adjustment. Persecu-
tion of reformers does not arise from the fact that they are con-
ceived in error, but they are hated and persecuted because the
proposed reform strikes at the root of class privileges and self-
It is no exaggeration to assume that nine-tenths of the dis-
eases that afflict mankind have their origin in some species of
blood poisoning; these poisons being chiefly conveyed to the
blood through the skin, but also in part through the mucous

Part 4 of Compulsory Vaccination ...    Back to Index