Wyoming Vaccine Information Network


"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good." Dr. J. Anthony Morris (formerly Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the US Food and Drug Admin.)  

"There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age." Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice  

"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection" Dr. Sabin, developer of Polio vaccine.  

"My data proves that the studies used to support immunisation are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunisation provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. This question can only be determined by proper studies which have never been performed. The flaw of previous studies is that there was no long term follow up and chronic toxicity was not looked at. The American Society of Microbiology has promoted my research...and thus acknowledges the need for proper studies." --John B. Classen, M.D., M.B.A.

"These data show that DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunisation may outweigh its potential benefits. A need for re-evaluation and possible modification of current vaccination procedures is indicated by this study." --William C. Torch, M.D., Director of Child Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine

"Delay of DPT immunisation until 2 years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects. In the period of 1970-1974, when DPT vaccination was begun at 3 to 5 months of age, the Japanese national compensation system paid out claims for 57 permanent severe damage vaccine cases, and 37 deaths. During the ensuing six year period 1975-1980, when DPT injections were delayed to 24 months of age, severe reactions from the vaccine were reduced to a total of eight with three deaths. This represents an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death." --Raymond Obomsawin, M.D.

In the May 24, 1996, New Zealand Medical Journal, J. Barthelow Classen, MD, a former researcher at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the founder and CEO of Classen Immunotherapies in Baltimore, reported that juvenile diabetes increased 60 per cent following a massive hepatitis B vaccination campaign for babies six weeks or older in New Zealand from 1988 to 1991. In the October 22, 1997, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, Classen showed that Finland's incidence of diabetes increased 147 per cent in children under five after three new vaccines were introduced in the 1970s, and that diabetes increased 40 per cent in children aged 5 to 9 after the addition of the MMR and Hib vaccines in the 1980s. He concluded that "the rise in IDDM [juvenile onset diabetes] in the different age groups correlated with the number of vaccines given."

Yet some parents and doctors, concerned about the future, are looking beyond the present. ‘What we forget is that … up until the last 100 years, humans have lived in relative harmony with microbes. Yes, there have been epidemic infectious diseases in history, but they have always resolved themselves,’ said Richard Moscowitz, MD. ‘I don't think there is any real appreciation for what we may be doing by using so many vaccines to try to eradicate so many organisms.’ If we stay the present course, will mankind be free from infectious disease but crippled by chronic disease? Will eradication of feared diseases, such as AIDS, through mass vaccination be one of man's greatest triumphs or will we live in fear of deadly mutations of microbes that have outsmarted man's attempt to eradicate them? We may look back at the crossroads we are at today and wish we had decided to make peace with nature instead of trying to dominate it.” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center

"Measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, and the whole panoply of childhood diseases are a far less serious threat than having a large fraction (say 10%) of a generation afflicted with learning disability and/or uncontrollable aggressive behaviour because of an impassioned crusade for universal vaccination.......Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scientific methodology (including studies that are too small, too short, and too limited in populations represented), which is, moreover, insulated from independent criticism. The evidence is far too poor to warrant overriding the independent judgments of patients, parents, and attending physicians, even if this were ethically or legally acceptable." --Association Of American Physicians & Surgeons

"Probably 20% of American children—one youngster in five--- suffers from ‘development disability’. This is a stupefying figure….We have inflicted it on ourselves … ‘development disabilities’ are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialised countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of the millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots or branches of the hydraheaded entity called ‘development disabilities’, owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases."—Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.

Any information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal or medical advice. Wyoming Vaccine Information Network does not necessarily agree with all of the statements made in the material it shares. The decision to vaccinate is one that must be made by you in consultation with a trusted health care provider of your choice.

Please be aware that all information needs to be investigated carefully, keeping in mind that some of it may not be backed by facts. It is necessary to check on the sources to be certain that a statement is true.

This applies to both sides of the vaccination debate.

Susan Pearce and Jacque Jones
Wyoming Vaccine Information Network is a not-for-profit organization.