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The Vaccine Religion

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"Free Your Mind....From The Vaccine Paradigm"
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Vaccination Liberation

Vaccination Liberation is part of a national grassroots network dedicated to providing information on vaccinations not often made available to the public so that one can make the only informed choice, complete avoidance and refusal.

Mission Statement:

  • To reveal the myth that vaccines are necessary, safe and effective
  • To expand our awareness of alternatives in healthcare
  • To preserve our right to abstain
  • To repeal all compulsory vaccination laws nationwide

For further information

Please read the appropriate page to answer your questions:
ExemptionsExemption information for all 50 states, DOC, PR, Guam, some countries.  |   Vaccination_101Page of links to articles relevant to making an informed decision.  |   KeyWord_Topic_ListA list of vaccine/health related topics.
We are a volunteer association and our spare time is limited.

   If necessary to contact us:
Ingri Cassel, Director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 235
Hayden, Idaho 83835-0235
To Email us your questions/comments, Click here:

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Vaccine Free America
Immunize Wizely
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Activism: Strike a Blow for Health Freedom
Note: The Activism page has moved Here.
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