PAD Autism is only the Tip of the Iceburg by Koren Publications, Inc. 8.5″ by 11″ pad of 50 sheets


 (Pad): Autism is only the tip of the Iceberg Koren Publications, Inc. 8.5″ by 11″ pad of 50 sheets $15.00 by Ted Koren 50 pages Open people’s eyes to the dangers of vaccination. This chart reveals the full impact of vaccination in our children. The Following conditions are among those linked to vaccine damage: Allergies […]

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SKU: PADautismIceburg001


 (Pad): Autism is only the tip of the Iceberg

Koren Publications, Inc. 8.5″ by 11″ pad of 50 sheets

$15.00 by Ted Koren 50 pages

Open people’s eyes to the dangers of vaccination. This chart reveals the full impact of vaccination in our children.

The Following conditions are among those linked to vaccine damage:
Allergies (including food allergies), anaphylaxis, anorexia, arthritis,
Asperger’s syndrome, asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis),
brain tumors, bulimia, cancer, chronic pain, convulsions,
crib death (SIDS), Crohn’s disease, depression, diabetes, dyslexia, ear
infection, encephalitis (brain damage), eye and vision disorders,
eczema, fainting, fatigue, febrile convulsions, genital warts,
Gullain-Barré syndrome, hearing disorders and deafness,
heart irregularities, hives, infertility, joint pain, kidney failure,
learning disorders, menstrual irregularities, mental retardation,
multiple sclerosis (MS), ovarian tumors, pervasive developmental
disorder (PDD), pneumonia, rage, rashes, reproductive system
complications, seizures.
You have a choice.
Say No To Vaccination.

Additional notes about the spectrum of vaccine damage and freedom of choice are printed on this great visual aid to spreading vaccination truth.