Shots Fired: Vaccine weapons, medical tyranny and the war against humanity by Shannon Rowan. 796 pages including references.


Shots Fired: Vaccine weapons, medical tyranny and the war against humanity by Shannon Rowan. 796 pages including references.

5 in stock

SKU: ShotsFired003



Shots Fired: Vaccine Weapons, medical tyranny and the war against humanity

Vaccine weapons, medical tyranny and the war against humanity by
Shannon Rowan, Foreward by James McCumiskey

From the author of WiFi, Refugee; Plight of the Modern-day Canary, and
co-author of
Welcome to the Masquerade; Prelude to the Coming Reset, comes
a hard-hitting, in-depth exposé on vaccine and allopathic medical
history; Germ Theory and the true origins of disease; the viral
paradigm and fraudulent “science”; statistics manipulation and
corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and government health
regulatory bodies; the rise of medical tyranny and medical apartheid;
and the continued devastating impacts of the new experimental mRNA
drugs (aka: Covid-19 “vaccines”) on human health, including human
genetic-modification, unprecedented numbers of debilitating
illnesses, injuries and deaths—all constituting violations of the
Nuremberg code and unrelenting crimes against humanity, perpetrated
by those who stand to profit the most from an oppressed, locked-down,
technology-dependent, drugged citizenry; namely World Economic Forum
globalists, and Big Pharma and Big Tech industrialists.

For a longer description, Click Here: Shots-Fired-info.pdf

The TOC is 4 pages! Click here: Shots-Fired-TOC.pdf

Additional information

Weight 15 oz