
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1900 by
In the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.

J. M. PEEBLES, M.D., M.A., PH.D.

Vaccination a Curse
Personal Liberty
Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality
J. M. PEEBLES, M.D., M.A., PH.D.
Five Journeys Around the World; The Seers of the Ages; Death Defeated,
or the Secret of How to Keep Young; Ninety Years Young and
Healthy—How and Why; etc., etc.
5719 Fayette St., Los Angeles,
California, U. S. A.
Wholesale: Battle Creek, Michigan.

No man, conscious of his moral integrity, intellectual abil-
ity and studied efforts to benefit humanity, will ever apologize
for speech or book; hence I make no apology for publishing
the following pages.
The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all oc-
casions by the medical profession, and through political conni-
vance made compulsory by the state, has not only become the
chief menace and gravest danger to the health of the rising gen-
eration, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal
liberty of the American citizen.
The immediate occasion which induced me to take up the
pen against this great medical evil of the times, was the clos-
ing of the public schools in San Diego, Cal., (February, 1899),
against all children who failed to show a certificate of vaccina-
tion. Emerging from that heated contest, with my feelings and
convictions roused to their highest tension, these pages were
thrown off at welding heat; and if they are pervaded with sar-
casm and irony as well as sterling fact and solid argument, they
will serve all the better for popular appeal to the masses, who
need rousing to a realizing sense of the unmitigated scourge
that lurks on the point of the vaccinator's lancet. The general
public are not aware; the householders of the land have not
given this subject that attention which, as parents and guard-
ians of little children, it is their solemn duty to do. I send
forth this book to open their eyes, to rouse their conscience,
and to discover to them a cruel and insidious enemy where they
have been cajoled into the belief they have a friend.
For the last thirty years I have made a practical study of
the workings of vaccination in the various countries of the
globe. I have personally investigated it in Trebizonde, Asiatic

6                                                       PREFACE.
Turkey, while there holding a Consular appointment under
General Grant; in South Africa; in New Zealand and Aus-
tralia; in British India and Ceylon; in Egypt, China and the
countries of Europe; in Mexico and the Islands of the Pacific,
not omitting our own United States. I have for many years
been familiar with the heroic struggle of reformers in England
for the repeal of the compulsory enforcement of vaccination,
for resistance to which thousands among the laboring poor
have been fined and imprisoned. In all hot countries the princi-
pal mode is from "Arm to Arm" vaccination, on account of the
unruly, uncertain behaviour of the ordinary putrid calf pus.
This mode has spread syphilis and leprosy among the native
inhabitants until the indigenous populations of the Sandwich
Islands and the British West Indies are threatened with extinc-
tion. Yet the fee-hunting doctors are incessantly hounding the
legislatures for more stringent compulsory enactments, by
which they will be enabled to inflict and repeat this degrading
rite upon the defenceless natives for the enhancement of their
Moreover, vaccination is a "civilized" practice. English,
French, German, and American physicians, by means of com-
pulsory vaccination laws which they have lobbied through the
various governments and legislatures, have the masses of the
people, and especially the native populations of the countries
which their respective governments rule, at their mercy. The
native Hindoo and the tropical islanders know full well the ca-
lamitous results of arm to arm vaccination, but are powerless to
protect themselves. In the United States and Great Britain,
the evil assumes other and equally portentious forms which are
fully set forth in the following chapters.
Compulsory vaccination, poisoning the crimson currents
of the human system with brute-extracted lymph under the
strange infatuation that it would prevent small-pox, was one of
the darkest blots that disfigured the last century. Its pall,

though partially lifted, still rests like a deadly nightmare upon
the body politic, and, sad to state, the medical profession—save
a few of the most broad-minded and enlightened—have been
the chief instigators. They encouraged it just as they en-
couraged and practiced in the past profuse bleeding—just as
they encouraged catharsis, with the inflamed gums, loosened
teeth and the mercurial sore-mouth. And there are medical
Bourbons today that will salivate. Thirty years ago physicians
would not allow their fever patients a drop of cold water to cool
their parched tongues. Many died pleading—begging for
water, water!
The majority of doctors are behind the times. They may
have diplomas, but they are laggards. They are not students.
Many of them prefer the billiard-room to the post-graduate
course. They prefer the club-room to the medical laboratory,
the cigar to the clinic. They are fossils and away behind in the
researches that gladden this brilliant era.
While copious bleeding with much of the old "shot-gun"
practice has been relegated to the dreamless shades of the past,
they still compulsorily poison with cow-pox lymph; and then
piteously complain that "medical practice does not pay"—that
multitudes prefer psychic physicians, hypnotic practitioners, os-
teopathists, mental healers and sanitarium treatment to theirs.
Of course they do. This is natural; for just in the ratio that
the latter increase do graveyards grow lean and coffin-makers'
occupations are in less demand.
It is admitted that prevention is preferable to cure. And
there is not an intelligent medical practitioner in the land who
will unqualifiedly risk his reputation upon the statement that
vaccination is a positive preventative of small-pox. Volumes
of statistics as well as the highest medical science of this coun-
try, Canada, England, and the Continent would be directly
against him. The most that any physician of good standing
now contends for is that vaccination modifies the disease. This

8                                                               PREFACE.
is stoutly denied. On the contrary it rather aggravates the dis-
ease as there are two poisons now in the system instead of one
for nature to contend against. It is sanitation, diet, pure air,
calmness of mind, confidence, and cleanliness that modify the
small-pox; all of which modifiers are infinitely cheaper, safer,
and in every way preferable to cow-pox poison, which, if it does
not kill, often marks, maims, and sows the seeds of future ec-
zema, tumors, ulcers, carbuncles, cancers, and leprosy.
We have at our command testimonies—scores of testi-
monies—proving beyond any possible doubt that men unvacci-
nated have nursed small-pox patients in hospitals at different
times, for years, and never took the disease, while on the other
hand we have, with the dates and figures, the most positive
proof that those who had been vaccinated—vaccinated two and
three times—took the disease when exposed, and died there-
from. These facts are undeniable.
Time, at my age, is too precious to parry words with mere
ordinary physicians; hence, will only add that when laymen or
medical practitioners tell me that calf-lymph vaccination, how-
ever manipulated, prevents or modifies the small-pox, they most
severely, painfully, try my patience. I do not tell them they are
falsifiers, but do state emphatically that if I should say that cow-
pox vaccination invariably prevented or modified small-pox I
should consider myself either a most pitiable ignoramus or a
most infamous falsifier of facts! Such is my position, and med-
ical men, considering it, can pose upon just which horn of this
dilemma—this downy couch—they find most comfortable
The time has come for schorlarly men, for cultured, inde-
pendent physicians to speak out plainly against this baleful
scourge—to take a brave stand for the right and defend it
though the bigot's fire be kindled, or the crimson cross again be
Compulsory vaccination and class legislation of all kinds in
the interests of any profession, are opposed to the genius of

PREFACE.                                                       9
unfoldment, the spirit of the age, and to the Constitution of the
United States. They are smitten with dry rot and stamped with
the black seal of death. They are going graveward, and fee-
hungering physicians are the principal mourners. This is em-
phatically an age of research and progress. Nature, afire with
the indwelling Divinity, and voiced by the law of evolution,
says, grow—grow or die, giving place to something better. The
good and the true, only, are immortal.
Previous to the Reformation the state stood behind the
priest and enforced his edicts, from whence thousands of vic-
tims fell before the steel and the flame of a merciless persecu-
tion. Today the state stands behind the commercialized, fee-
hunting doctor, to enforce his vaccination fraud against the
lives and health of millions of little children. It is especially for
the removal of this disgraceful compulsory curse that I speak-
as with a tongue of flame, that I make my earnest, impassioned
plea. Restore the American citizen to his liberty in matters
medical as we have guaranteed his liberty in matters religious,
and then if the medical profession have any specific of value to
offer, the common sense of the people will come to know and
adopt it.
Our quotations from distinguished American physicians
and laymen: Dr. Alexander Wilder, Dr. Leveson, Dr. Foote,
Dr. Winterburn, Dr. E. M. Ripley, Dr. T. V. Gifford, Frank D.
Blue, Esq., Hon. A. B. Gaston, W. H. Burr, Esq., Washington,
D. C, the Rev. I. L. Peebles, Methodist Episcopal Conference,
Mississippi, and others. From such English authorities as Wil-
liam Tebb F. R. G. S., W. Scott Tebb M. A., M. D., (Cantab)
D. P. H., Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, Dr. Creighton, Dr. Crook-
shank, Dr. Ross, Dr. Hitchman, Dr. Sir J. W. Pease, Dr. Wil-
liam Rowley, F. R. C. P., John Pickering, F. R. G. S., E. S. S..
F. S. A. etc., Dr. T. Mackensie, F. R. C. P. From members of

10                                                    PREFACE.
the Parliamentary Commission, and the brainiest men of
Europe, are not only copious, but convincing to demonstration.
The statistics in this volume, gathered from official reports and
tabulated with the greatest care,—are strictly, positively relia-
The whole trend of the higher thought and study is against
vaccination. To this end the learned Rev. I. L. Peebles, of the
Mississippi M. E. Conference, says (page 28) in his crisp and
stirring booklet, entitled, "Opposition to Vaccination:" "If I
had ever suggested to a legislator to enact a law enforcing vac-
cination, I should repent of it as long as I lived, either for being
so cruel or so ignorant. Physicians and legislators who are par-
ties to this filthy, poisonous butchery, and who practice it with-
out having studied it most thoroughly and prayed over it most
earnestly, should be ashamed of themselves. Let us remember
that it is cruel enough to maim, scar, or butcher a person when
he wants us to, but how much more cruel to butcher him by

Since the dawn of history the most dreaded scourge of
mankind has been the prevalence of Zymotic diseases—small-
pox, plague, yellow fever, typhus, scarlatina, diphtheria, etc. In
certain years, at particular recurring periods, these diseases
contribute a very large percentage to the total death rate, es-
pecially among urban populations. They are contemplated in
the popular mind as being so swift and merciless, that whole
communities stand in helpless terror at their approach! The
desolation which has sometimes been reported from distant
cities is apprehended to be as complete as that left in the path
of a cyclone, or like the cindered remains of a great conflagra-
tion. The most dreaded among these zymotic diseases is small-
pox, because it is equally present and at home in all climates.
But the popular notion that small-pox was a veritable plague
until inoculation and vaccination provided a "sure and infalli-
ble defence" against it, is altogether erroneous. It is certainly
taken far greater account of since the days of Jenner than dur-
ing the eighteenth century, and there are strong reasons for
concluding that the special prominence given to it of late years,
is due to the clamor of doctors who desire to have the state
guarantee an unfailing resource for fees by making vaccina-
tion compulsory.
The people cannot be too often reminded that the native

12                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
soil wherein small-pox most thrives and fattens, is "filth." It
ever follows close upon flagrant violations of the law of cleanli-
ness. Where large populations are crowded in the midst of
wretched surroundings, reeking with filth and vicious in their
dietetic and drinking habits, there expect a fearful fatality when
once the small-pox has entered their foetid precincts. The in-
dividual or the community that has a wholesome diet, pure
blood, sanitary surroundings, immunity from poverty and free-
dom from blood poisoning incident to vaccination, need have
no more fear of small-pox than from a mild attack of measles.
Until scientific sanitation began to engage the attention of state
and municipal authorities, the plague returned as punctually to
the cities of Europe as small-pox has during the last century.
Now the percentage of fatality, not only in small-pox but in all
zymotic diseases, is steadily declining, as sanitation becomes
more rigidly enforced in crowded districts, in spite of vaccina-
tion and other silly and reactionary devices which the doctors
from time to time, aided by legislation, continue to inflict on
mankind. Alfred Milnes, M. D., M. A., of London, well re-
marks—"What About Vaccination?" page 17:
"Small-pox is one of a group of allied diseases, called the
Zymotics. The name means that the disease is due to a process
of fermentation. But for common-sense purposes, it is better
to call these diseases by the plain English name of filth diseases.
They are diseases which take their rise in filth, which are na-
ture's punishment for filth, which are both frequent and virulent
where filth prevails, and which can be cleared away by the clear-
ing away of filth. Now, in the eighteenth century, in the latter
part of which Jenner lived, it must be confessed that the English
people had not yet awoke to the beauty and the necessity of
cleanliness. Filth was universal, and small-pox was terrible.
Not so terrible as many persons want to make out, but still a
formidable danger."
A. M. Ross, M. D., in his vigorous pamphlet, "Vaccination

a Medical Delusion," writes:—
"Wherever the streets are narrow, the lanes and courts
filthy; where cesspits abound and filth is allowed to accumulate
and ferment; where the weak, intemperate and unclean congre-
gate together, and where the children are ill-fed and badly
clothed—there small-pox makes its home and riots in filth and
The modes of treatment which have from time to time been
invented to combat small-pox, have been for the most part em-
pirical experiments and make-shifts, without any rational found-
ation in science, which have been abandoned, one after another,
but not until thousands of lives were destroyed and hundreds
of thousands were cursed with grievous and incurable ailments;
not until self-sacrificing reformers had spent valuable lives in
assailing the petrified superstitions of doctors and politicians.
Once committed to an error, it is amazing with what conserva-
tive persistence public bodies will continue to defend it. To re-
peal a measure once adopted would seem to be a tacit confes-
sion of falibility, and fallibility is a human defect which legis-
lativo bodies are slow to admit.
The earliest form of treating small-pox in Europe seems to
have been imported from the same region the disease came
from, namely, from the far East, which reached England by
way of the Saracens at the time of the Crusades, or by way of
the Moors who reached Spain. This earlier mode of dealing
with small-pox was styled "the red cloth treatment." A priest
and physician of the fourteenth century, John of Goddesden,
England, wrote a treatise on this form of cure. The patient
was wrapped in red cloth, while window curtatins and drapery
of red were also provided for the sick room. It was thought
this treatment conduced to throw the morbid symptoms out
to the surface; and as matter of fact, it was sinless and harmless
in comparison to the thrice accursed practice of vaccination.

14                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
About eighty years before Jenner's discovery—1721—a
practice was introduced in England, called Inoculation, which
was accomplished by taking pus matter direct from small-pox
patients and introducing it into the blood of healthy individ-
uals. Sometimes the virus was introduced into deep incisions,
but more often from the point of the lancet just under the skin.
The milder method was introduced by Gatti, a French physician,
and adopted by Sutton and Dimsdale in England about 1763.
Small-pox inoculation, the forerunner and parent of vac-
cination, like its successor, was derived from a superstition
practiced by the common people, which has come to be styled
"the tradition of the dairy maids." Jenner derived his earliest
idea of vaccination—while yet a student of medicine—from a
young country woman who had contracted cow-pox. Small-
pox inoculation was derived, not from scientific experimenta-
tion, but from a superstition practiced by the common people
in India since the sixth century. The fad having once become
the fashion, the doctors adopted and bowed to it as a fetish
which must not be questioned; and after the people had thor-
oughly learned by sad experience that it was a public curse and
not a blessing, rose in revolt against it, still the doctors—who
were now reaping a fat revenue from the practice—continued
in the vigorous defence of the superstition, and in the persecu-
tion and misrepresentation of the reformers who had arisen to
overthrow it. Mr. Porter, who was English ambassador at
Constantinople in 1755, informs us, (Gentleman's Magazine, for
October of that year): "It is the tradition and opinion of the
inhabitants of the country that a certain angel presides over
this disease. That it is to bespeak his favor and evince their
confidence that the Georgians take a small portion of variolous
matter, and, by means of scarification, introduce it between the
thumb and the forefinger of a sound person. The operation is

supposed to never miss its effect. To secure beyond all uncer-
tainty the good will of the angel, they hang up scarlet cloths
about the bed, that being the favorite colour of the Celestial in-
habitants they wish to propitiate."
We may well inquire: how did this superstition reach
England, obtain royal patronage, receive sanction by the Royal
College of Physicians, and dominate all classes of society for
more than half a century before it was finally overthrown and
superceded by another superstition that has not discounted one
whit the mischief which the earlier superstition had accom-
plished? The story may be briefly told. One Timoni, a Greek
physician in Constantinople, in a letter addressed to Dr. Wood-
ward, professor of physic, first brought the subject to English
notice. This letter was printed in the Philosophical Transac-
tions for 1714. But the real credit—or discredit—of the intro-
duction of the practice into England, was due to Lady Mary
Wortley Montagu, whose husband was ambassador to the
Porte in 1716. Lady Montagu wrote a friend in England, de-
tailing the process of "ingrafting" as a preventative against
small-pox. This famous letter was written in 1717, but the in-
oculation craze was not fairly inaugurated in England until
1721. In 1724 Steele congratulated Lady Mary for having
"saved the lives of thousands of British subjects every year."
Voltaire was in England about this time, and became an ardent
worshipper of the newly imported fetish. He knew well how
to reach the feminine portion of the population of his native
France. He assured them that the charms of the ladies of Cir-
cassia were due to this ingrafting practice, and that thousands
of English girls had adopted this method of preserving their
health and beauty. So it was not long before inoculation also
became the rage in the kingdom of Louis XV.
In the same year that inoculation reached England (1721),
244 persons were inoculated in Boston, Mass., by Dr. Boylston,
of whom six died. Numerous deaths also followed the practice

l6                                               VACCINATION A CURSE.
in England, and by 1728 it became quite generally discredited;
but in 1740 it again revived, and for thirty years held full sway.
This revival was largely due to the luck of two doctors, Robert
and Daniel Sutton, who gave minute attention to hygiene, by
which their inoculated patients generally went through with a
very mild form of small-pox, which all would invariably do un-
der a thorough system of sanitation. But this simple secret
was not generally understood in those days, and so the brothers
Sutton not only received great credit, but reaped a very hand-
some profit through their device of cleanliness. Their practice
became very popular, receiving patronage from the nobility
who paid them immense sums for their services. As small-pox
induced by inoculation was infectious, the same as when taken
in the natural way, enterprising inoculators persuaded whole
parishes to submit to it, so that all having it at once, none would
be expected to catch it by subsequent exposure. {The rich har-
vest of money accruing from the practice, therefore, became
a powerful motive in the defence and perpetuation of the sys-
tem, precisely as vaccination today, enforced by legislators and
boards of health, gives lucrative employment to a class whose
self interest prompts them to every specie of subterfuge and
special pleading to perpetuate the compulsory clause in vacci-
nation legislation.)
After the fruitless trial of nearly a century, it was discov-
ered that in occulation was sowing the seeds of a long train of
diseases, in their most fatal form, communicating infectious
complaints from one person to another—cancer, scrofula, con-
sumption, and other more loathsome diseases were spreading
to an alarming extent. It was seen and confessed by hundreds
of physicians that the net result of this practice was a multipli-
cation of ailments and an enormous increase in the total mor-
tality. Dr. Winterburn, of Philadelphia, writes,—"The Value
of Vaccination," page 18:—
"From the most trustworthy sources, however, it is evi-

dent that just as now we have epidemics of measles, and other
of the zymoses, varying greatly in intensity and fatality, so in
the pre-inoculation period there were epidemics of small-pox
of great fatality and others of very moderate intensity. But
after the introduction of inoculation, the ravages of small-pox
increased, not only directly as the result of inoculation, but each
new case became, as it were, a centre of disease, from it spread-
ing in every direction, often with great virulence. It spread
small-pox just as the natural disease did. It could be propa-
gated anywhere by sending in a letter a bit of cotton thread
dipped in the variolous lymph. In this way, not only the num-
ber of cases, but, also, the general mortality was very greatly
increased. But so hard is it to alter the ideas of a people after
they have crystallized into habit, that although it was evident
that epidemics of small-pox often started from an inoculated
case; and although the most strenuous efforts were made to
supersede it by vaccination, inoculation continued to flourish
for nearly a century and a half. It was found necessary in 1840
to make inoculation in England, a penal offense, in order to put
an end to its use. Even that has not prevented its secret prac-
tice by the lower orders, where ideas die hardest, and the rite
is even now probably more than occasionally performed."
Some knowledge of the history of small-pox inoculation
is important at this time, since it furnished so many exact par-
allels to the history of vaccination. With few exceptions medi-
cal men defended it, made light of its multiform dangers, and
held it up to public attention as the great desideratum of the
common security and welfare. They juggled with statistics
the same as vaccinators do today to defend their practice, point-
ing out that 18 per cent. of small-pox patients died who took
the disease in the natural way, while only one in ninety-one of
the inoculated died. But at last the real facts—tragic and un-
welcome though they were—confronted both doctor and lay-
man in such a signal and alarming manner, that Parliament was
invoked to put an end once and forever to the inoculating rite.

l8                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
Nevertheless, as we shall presently see, no sooner was this su-
perstition abandoned, than the medical profession adopted an-
other which was destined to curse the world in a ten-fold
greater ratio, and while they petitioned Parliament to make the
earlier practice a penal offence, they likewise made their new
fad obligatory and compulsory. Hence the last estate of the
people was made far worse than their first, for now the liberty
of the citizen to defend the health of his family was cancelled.
The first Compulsory Vaccination Act passed by Parlia-
ment also contained this clause, retiring inoculation to the
"Any person who shall after the passing of this Act pro-
duce in any person by inoculation with variolous matter, or any
matter, potency, or thing impregnated with variolous matter, or
wilfully by any other means whatsoever produce the disease
of small-pox in any person shall be guilty of an offence, and
shall be liable to be proceeded against summarily, and be con-
victed to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding one month."
Arthur Wallaston Hutton, M. A., makes the following sig-
nificant observation,—"The Vaccination Question," page 14:—
"In the early years of the present century, when medical
men, with almost complete unanimity, were seeking to replace
the variolous inoculation by the vaccine inoculation, they con-
fessed, or rather urged, that the earlier practice had destroyed
more lives than it had saved. And this was undoubtedly true.
For not only did the practice inflict the disease on the person
inoculated, but that person became a new center of infection,
from which small-pox could be and was occasionally 'caught'
in the natural way. * * * * * * * We talk of small-
pox inoculation, as if it were an uniform practice; whereas it
really varied as much as vaccination does now. It might com-
municate the disease in its most deadly form, or it might do
just nothing at all, beyond making a slight sore, which proved,
if tested, no defence against subsequent exposure to the infec-
tion of small-pox. Disastrous, however, as the practice was—
and so clearly is that now recognized that for the last fifty
years the practice has been penal—it may be admitted that there
was 'something in it,' and that, in the special cases of medical

men and of nurses, it might still be resorted to with advantage,
if performed in isolation hospitals. For although some consti-
tutions are so susceptible of small-pox (as others are of other
fevers) that one attack does not afford security against a second
or even a third, the general rule is that one attack does confer
subsequent immunity; and a person inoculated when in good
health, and when there is no severe epidemic about, might con-
ceivably pass through the ordeal with less risk than if a natural
attack of the disease had been waited for and incurred."
As we have seen, the inoculation superstition was the chief
medical curse of the eighteenth century. It sent multitudes to
untimely graves, and permanently impaired the health of other
multitudes, since the septic poisoning from within reached the
very fountains of life and laid the foundations for a long train
of incurable diseases. In the final summing up its pledges
were broken and its flattering promises were unfulfilled. Yet
vicious as it proved, it was superseded at the hands of Jenner
by a fallacy still more monstrous, until the nineteenth century,
which, notwithstanding its boasted civilization, has been more
cursed by the doctors than was the eighteenth.
Edward Jenner, born in 1749, at Berkley, introduced vacci-
nation in England in 1798. He is credited with the fanciful dis-
covery that by poisoning the blood with cow-pox, a future at-
tack of small-pox would be prevented. This delusion has been
so completely disposed of by Dr. Creighton and Prof. Crook-
shank that I need devote but little space to the Jenner episode.
In the first place, Jenner was far from being a learned man. In
the department of exact research he was a blunderer, yet his
personal qualities were amiable and attractive. He was in the
habit of writing verses and had a faculty of making fast friends.
His medical degree was conferred with the simple preliminary,
not of an examination, but the payment of a fee of fifteen
guineas to the University of St. Andrews. And his Fellowship

20                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
in the Royal Society—according to the admission of his latest
biographer, Dr. Norman Moor, by a procedure which amounted
to a fraud. In the field of natural history, where he made some
pretensions, his knowledge was scanty and empirical. His pub-
lished observations on the cuckoo,—Phi. Trans. Vol. LXXVIII
—read in 1788, called out a witty and critical tract entitled,
"The Bird that Laid the Vaccination Egg."
In strict truth, Jenner was not the discoverer of vaccina-
tion. Many of the common folk in his time, chiefly dairy maids,
had already noted the fact that those who took the cow-pox
were less susceptible to small-pox; and years before Jenner took
the matter up, a Dorsetshire farmer, named Jesty, inoculated
his wife and two sons with the cow-pox, in the conviction that
this would prove a preventive.
This is a filth disease, a "bad disease" whose original source
is in the human degenerate; a disease communicated to the
cow's teats by stable boys who not only suffer from the "bad dis-
ease," but whose hands are soiled by grooming the greasy heels
of diseased and ill-kept horses. Bear in particular remem-
brance, that the cow-pox is not natural to the bovine species.
Bulls and steers are never troubled with it; neither are heifers
without the voluntary and conscious agency of man. It is only
milch cows that catch the disorder. Dr. George W. Winter-
burn, whom I have already quoted, writes:—
"This disease which is called cow-pox in cows, is known
as grease in the horse. Grease is a disorder
resulting from inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the
skin, about the heels of a horse, and is properly called eczema
pustulosum. The disease originating from a scrofulous condi-
tion, supervenes from exposure to wet, and from subsequent
lack of cleanliness, and is always the result of carelessness on
the part of the groom. The discharge from these vesicular pus-
tules is often profuse, very irritating to the surface over which

it flows, and foetid. * * * * This purulent matter, car-
ried on the dirty hands of farm-laborers to the teats or other
sensitive parts of the cow, produced the disorder which has
been misnamed cow-pox."
And these are the vile forms of corruption, charged with a
deadly virus—sometimes horse-grease, sometimes small-poxed
cow virus, but more frequently syphilized cow-pox—which Jen-
ner pronounced "a sovereign remedy against small-pox," and
who declared to the British Parliament when he applied for his
£30,000 reward: "Whoever is once vaccinated with cow-pox
is forever afterward protected from small-pox." Yet in spite
of Jenner's promises, and notwithstanding the civilized world
has been vaccinated and re-vaccinated ad nauseum, the world
continues to suffer from small-pox epidemics, just as it did dur-
ing the inoculation times, while such mitigation as we really en-
joy is due—in spite of vaccination—to an increased sanitation ob-
servance of more rational habits of living. Following up Jen-
ner's observations, Arthur Wallaston Hutton remarks,—"The
Vaccination Question," page 19:—
"His theory was that the disease of the horse's hoof, known
as 'horse-grease,' was the source of human small-pox and also
of cow-pox; and in this way the relationship was established to
his own satisfaction. Neither proposition is true; nor indeed
did Jenner care to maintain the truth of either proposition when
the merits of vaccination had once become established in peo-
ple's minds; but the theory justified or seemed to justify him
in describing cow-pox as variolae vaccinae or 'small-pox of the
cow;' and it is really this theory which has mis-directed pretty
nearly all the observations that have been made on vaccination
right down to the present day. Sir John Simon, a living author-
ity on the subject, explains that persons vaccinated cannot take
the small-pox, because they have had it already; and this be-
lief is still shared by hundreds and thousands of people."
Again the same high authority says:—
"But what is in truth the nature of cow-pox? It is an ail-
ment, not of cattle, but of the cow, as its name implies, exclu-

22                                                VACCINATION A CURSE.
sively, and of the cow only when she is in milk; and it is fur-
ther a disease of civilization. It does occur when a cow
suckles her own calf; nor, for that matter, does it occur where
cow-stables are kept decently clean. Jenner observed that it did
not occur when the milkers were women only; and hence his
theory that the disease originated in 'horse-grease,' his asser-
tion being (first stated as an hypothesis, and then, a little lower
down, as a thing which 'commonly happens') that the disease
was communicated to the cow's teats by a man-milker who had
just dressed the diseased horse's heels. Other observers also
professed to have noted that the disease only occurred where
there were both men and women milkers; but they drew an-
other inference as to its origin, for which they found confirma-
tion in the disease's popular name. Apparently it is in some
way due to the friction of the teats by the milker's hands; it oc-
curs spontaneously (i. e. apart from inoculation) only where
cows are milked; and its name had reference not to small-pox
but to "great-pox," with which its analogy was popularly and cor-
rectly discerned. Presumably it is a consequence of its partly
human origin that it is so easily (and ordinarily without danger)
inoculable on man, which other diseases of animals are not.
That, however, is mere conjecture; what is now certainly estab-
lished beyond all reasonable doubt is that cow-pox bears no
pathological relation to small-pox. The similarity in name is
the only connection; for, though there is superficial resem-
blance between the vaccine vesicles and the variolous pox, the
two diseases are really quite distinct. The definite establish-
ment of this fact, which of course upsets the whole alleged
scientific basis of vaccination, is due to the labors in recent years
of Dr. Creighton and Professor Crookshank, though the real
character of cow-pox had long ago been suspected."
In an article communicated to the Academie de Medicine
in 1865, by Auzias-Turenne, I quote the following language:
"Between syphilis and cow-pox the analogy may be a long way
followed up, * * * but, happily, for the vaccinated, cow-
pox passes through a rapid evolution, and does not leave viru-
lent remains for so long a time or so frequently as syphilis."
In that thorough and carefully written work of Dr. Creigh-
ton, published in 1887, he was the first to demonstrate Jenner's

mistake. He set out to find some explanation for the com-
plaints that were continually multiplying of the communication
of syphilis by vaccination. The results of his investigations
were embodied in the volume, "Cow-pox and Vaccinal Syphilis."
His early judgment was that the communication of two diseases
by one and the same act was improbable; but as the evidence
he accumulated became overwhelming, he at last gave up every
doubt that these syphilitic symptoms are part and parcel of the
cow-pox itsSlf, which is sure to make its presence felt if inocu-
lated in the system through the ordinary process of vaccination.
In the same year that Creighton published his book, estab-
lishing the connection between syphilis and cow-pox, Prof.
Crookshank was pursuing independent investigations into the
micro-pathology of a cow-disease that had broken out in Wilk-
shire, which the Agricultural Department of the Privy Council
thought might bear some relation to scarlet fever in man. In
this investigation, Crookshank also critically examined the na-
ture and origin of cow-pox, with the result that his researches
fully bore out and confirmed Dr. Creighton's conclusions. "In
fact," says Hutton, "the syphilitic nature of cow-pox is the
theory which now holds the field; and it is hardly contested by
the advocates of vaccination, who are content to rely solely on
the evidence of statistics." How horrid to contemplate!
We are therefore face to face with the gravest, and at the
same time the most disgusting, aspect of the whole vaccination
problem. Note that the cow-pox is not a natural bovine dis-
ease; that only milch cows contract it, and this invariably
through human agency. Long before Creighton and Crook-
shank wrote, it had been suspected by high authorities, that
man is not only the medium of transmission of horse-grease to
the cow's udder, but that he communicates a loathsome virus
from his own person as well. Therefore the horse-grease dis-
ease in the cow, is a very different malady from the cow-pox,
which is derived from man and from man alone! Let us be

24                                       VACCINATION A CURSE.
frank. A large percentage of vaccination practice has inocu-
lated whole communities with the thrice accursed syphilitic
taint, according to the brand or stock of vaccine used; for be it
known, that vaccine corruption has now become an ordinary
article of commerce, the same as baking powders and "em-
balmed" beef. I shall hereafter show that the vaccinator can
rarely be certain of the quality of his stock, or of the extent of
harm that will result from his practice.
The identity of cow-pox and syphilis was first definitely
pointed out by Dr. Hubert Boens-Boissan in 1882; and Dr. J.
W. Collins in his "Sir Lyon Playfair" pamphlet gives 47S cases
of "vaccino-syphilis," details of which have been published by
various medical authorities, both in England and on the conti-
When these facts shall be fully realized by a much crucified
and long suffering public, it will not take long to put a stop to
the compulsory feature of this infamous crime. We shall then
no longer submit the bodies of our defenceless children to the
assaults of salaried, place-hunting doctors, nor longer tolerate
the flagrant usurpations of parliaments and legislatures over our
personal liberties and the sacredness of the family circle.
Now, to return to Jenner. His first vaccination was on a
boy named James Phipps, who later died of pulmonary con-
sumption. This was in 1787. Two years later he vaccinated
his own son, then a year and a half old, with swine-pox, which at
that time was considered as protective as cow-pox; and had not
this mode been considered too disgusting for popular ap-
proval, it would in all likelihood have taken precedence over
cow-pox vaccination. Thereafter Jenner repeatedly inoculated
his child with small-pox. But being delicate in health he died
in his twenty-first year.
Dr. John Hunter, the noted physiologist in Jenner's time,
expressed a wise judgment on the de-merits of Jenner's system.
He wrote:—

"The introduction by inoculation of mineral or vegetable
poisons into the blood is hazardous, and in certain quantities
may be destructive; but the introduction of animal products
from another living body, be it a man, a cow, or even an ass.
is infinitely more pernicious, because allied to it in being vital-
In 1797 Jenner made an abortive effort to get his treatise
incorporated into the transactions of the Royal Society. Then
he turned his attention to the feminine portion of English so-
ciety, and soon enlisted the enthusiastic support of many ladies
of the aristocracy, a number of whom became amateur vacci-
nators in their respective parishes. In this way the practice was
soon made so fashionable, so popular, and lucrative withal, that
it soon became the rage among the English people. Even the
clergy took it up, one of whom vaccinated three thousand per-
sons in three years. Indeed, vaccination came so near being
converted into a religious rite, that christening and vaccination
of children were performed on the same day.
After vaccination had been on trial for three years, before
people or Parliament had any means of knowing whether Jen-
ner's promise that vaccination would number the days of small-
pox, the king signified to his prime minister his wish that Par-
liament should award to Jenner a benefaction, and the Com-
mons cheerfully responded, voting him £30,000.
When Jenner was confronted with a large number of glar-
ing failures in high life—of cases he had pronounced as "suc-
cessfully vaccinated," who came down with small-pox, in the
confluent form, he came forward with a new doctrine to repel
his opponents, viz: "that as cases of small-pox after small-pox
were not uncommon, vaccination could not be expected to do
more than small-pox itself." Remember, this pitiful plea was
not brought forward until the failures of cow-pox to protect
had become multiplied and notorious. Dr. W. Scott Tebb, of
London, in his valuable and exhaustive work, "A Century of
Vaccination," writes, page 16: —

26                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
"On all these grounds, I demur to the theory of identity,
and hold that small-pox and cow-pox are antagonistic affec-
tions—that cow-pox, instead of being, as Dr. Barton maintains,
of a variolous, is, in fact, of an anti-variolous nature—that it
alters and modifies the human constitution so as to render some
individuals wholly, others partially, and for a time, unsusceptible
of small-pox.
"At the end of 1798, six months after the publication of
Jenner's 'Inquiry,' the case for vaccination stood thus: Most
of the children's arms had ulcerated, and the variolous test, in
the few cases in which it had been applied, had produced equiv-
ocal results. Moreover, all Jenner's stocks of lymph had been
lost, so that no further experiments could be made. Dr. Bed-
does, of Bristol, in writing to Professor Hufeland, of Berlin,
said: 'You know Dr. Jenner's experiments with the cow-pox;
his idea of the origin of the virus appears to be quite indemon-
strable, and the facts which I have collected are not favorable
to his opinion that the cow-pox gives complete immunity from
the natural infection of small-pox. Moreover, the cow-pox
matter produces foul ulcers, and in that respect is a worse dis-
ease than the mildly inoculated small-pox."
In the course of vaccine practice much confusion has
arisen from the careless manner of diagnosing the cow disease.
A variety of opposing symptoms have long been known to fol-
low in eases of vaccination with pus taken from the cow.
Thence it came to be asserted that there was a genuine cow-pox
and a "spurious cow-pox." In cases of failure the spurious va-
riety was made to do duty. Jenner held that cow-pox was
small-pox of the cow, hence the misleading name he gave it,
variolae vaccinae. Dr. George Pearson, a cotemporary of Jen-
ner, objected to this designation, asserting that "cow-pox is
a specifically different distemper from the small-pox in essen-
tial particulars, namely, in the nature of its morbific poison, and
in its symptoms." More recently Dr. George Gregory—quoted

by Dr. Tebb—opposed the identity theory.
Winterburn says—"Value of Vaccination," page 41:—
"Experimenters, entitled to respectful attention, have
shown that it is a delusion to suppose that the inoculation of
cows with small-pox has ever produced cow-pox; it produces
small-pox and nothing else. The small-pox may be induced on
the horse or cow by variolation, but the variolous inoculation is
never transmuted into grease in the horse, or cow-pox in the
cow." This is undeniable.
Dr. Seaton, a high authority, says: "It is quite out of the
question that cow-pox on the human subject should have been
transformed into small-pox." The two diseases, therefore, be-
ing specifically different, neither can have any effect to ward off
the other. Why not inoculate with erysipelas to prevent small-
pox? It would be just as rational, just as scientific, and to my
mind, just as efficient.
Dr. George Wyld, whose acquaintance I made in London,
and whom I know to stand very high as author, physician, and
scientist, endorses the conclusions of the French Academy. He
"I find that many medical men are under the false impres-
sion that all that we require to do is to inoculate the heifer with
small-pox matter, and thus get a supply of vaccine lymph. This
might become productive of disastrous consequences. Small-
pox inoculation of the heifer produces not vaccinia, but a mod-
ified small-pox capable of spreading small-pox amongst human
beings by infection."
It will hence be seen that a large share of modern vacci-
nation is really only a modified form of inoculation. It is
neither cow-pox nor horse-grease, but small-pox propagated
from human beings, through calves, to human beings again.
This fact, horrible as it is, admits of no denial.
We must therefore accept it as proven: Cow-pox is not
small-pox in the cow, but it is "horse-grease" in the cow, whose
udder often becomes secondarily infected with syphilis.
Therefore when we submit to the official vaccinator, or
we shall be treated to inoculation of virus from a small-poxed

23                                     VACCINATION A CURSE.
calf, or to the cow-pox virus often taken from a syphilized calf.
Think of it, fathers and mothers, when the "Health Board" closes
the door of the schoolroom you are taxed to support, requiring
your children to present a certificate of vaccination; requiring
that their bodies be submitted to the dangers and degradation
of vaccine corruption! May your souls rise up in indignant pro-
test against the sacrilegious invasion of the home which the
American constitution has sanctified to liberty; aye, in pro-
test against this infernal rite, becoming the hag of the pit!
Think of it, mothers, who would bring your daughters up to be
healthy, and clean, and chaste, that your state and city should
have delegated the privilege to fee-hunting doctors, to break
down the protective walks you have builded about your little
ones, and poison the fountains of their life blood with a virus
of contagion which may mock your solicitude and disappoint
the fondest hopes you have cherished for the future of your pos-
terity. Think of it, ye fathers and mothers of daughters, that
your state and municipality should put you under compulsion
to observe a rite which is liable to taint those daughters with
the virus of the scandalous disease, the out-lawed disease, the
disease whose home is the polluted den of the "Stingaree," the
disease against which civilization revolts—aye, the disease too
loathsome to name, except in whisper! Is it not quite time the
curses of the vaccine dispensation were numbered?
Small-pox is a disease of towns, of the crowded, filthy
quarters of towns. It is a disease of the poor, and particularly
of the children of the poor. The average small-pox death rate
in towns is fifty to seventy-five per cent. greater than in the
country , while towns that have a large proportion of park space
are greatly favored over those where this important feature is
lacking. The epidemic in England of 1871-72 was notably se-
vere in the mining districts where population is over-crowded.

In the miserable dwellings of the poor, air and light—two most
important essentials of health—are woefully deficient. In the
beginning of the eighteenth century the government pursued
the self-destructive policy of putting a premium on these prime-
essentials by taxing the windows of the poor. Every aperture
that would admit air or light into a dwelling had to pay for the
privilege to exist. Even a window to light a stairway, garret,
or cellar, was rated among the luxuries and had to be taxed.
So windows could not be afforded by the poor, and which
thousands who lived in filth and squalor, did not care to afford.
We should hence feel no surprise when we learn that small-pox
has always been chiefly confined to the lower strata of society.
In Austria it is fitly named the "beggar's" disease, and in all
countries it is most at home in crowded and unclean quarters.
Concerning the epidemic of 1852, Dr. Rigden writes—"Medical
and Surgical Journal, Dec. 22, 1852,—"The most severe cases,
and the greatest number, existed, generally speaking, in the dis-
tricts most thickly populated by the lower orders, and most
badly drained."
In the debate on the Compulsory Vaccination Bill in 1853,
Lord Shaftsbury pointed out "that the small-pox was chiefly
confined to the lowest class of the population, and he believed
that with improved lodging houses the disease might be all but
After the Warrington epidemic in 1873, the Royal Com-
mission pointed out, that all but eleven of 445 infected houses
were rated at less than £16 per annum, and 406 of them at
£8 or lower; and Dr. Coupland found at Dewsbury the disease
was confined almost exclusively to the filthy working class.
Again, small-pox is a disease of children, like measles and
whooping-cough, and predominantly, as already stated, the
children of the poor. In the eighteenth century, small-pox
mortality in the manufacturing towns fell almost entirely among
children under five years of age.' In Kilmarnock, from 1728 to

30                                           VACCINATION A CURSE.
1763, the infant small-pox mortality was 90 per cent. In Man-
chester, from 1769 to 1774, it was 94 per cent. In Warrington,
for the same period, 94 per cent., Chester, in 1774, 89 per cent.,
and Carlisle, from 1779 to 1787, 95 per cent. Hence, in the
eighteenth century small-pox was predominantly a disease of
infants. This continued to be the case until the 1837 epidemic,
when the average percentage fell to about 50 per cent. Since
1873 there has been a marked shifting in the small-pox death
rate in England and Wales. Here are the figures from the
forty-third annual report of the Registrar General (1880, page
22), quoted by W. Scott Tebb :—
England and Wales.—Mean annual deaths from small-pox
at successive life-periods, per million living at each life-period.
Under 5.
45 up
Vaccination optional,
1847-53.. 1,617
Vaccination compulsory,
1872-80 323
This increase in the adult mortality, we shall hereafter see,
is principally due to compulsory vaccination, and was therefore
considered a sufficient ground for the repeal of the law.
The history of small-pox in Leicester, England, has fur-
nished conclusive testimony that this disease can be kept within
narrow limits without any assistance from the hungry army of
vaccinators. In 1872 Leicester was a much vaccinated town;
but the large small-pox mortality during the epidemic of that
year, generated such an emphatic protest against vaccination
that the percentage of vaccinations to the number of births be-
gan to rapidly decline. By 1885 they dropped down to 39 per
cent.; in 1886 to 23 per cent.; in 1887 to 10 per cent.; then to
6 per cent.; and since 1891 has almost entirely ceased. From
1872 to 1895 only 23 deaths from small-pox were recorded for
Now in defence of the Leicester system—which is simply
a system of thorough sanitation—the report of its medical of-

ficer for 1893 tells a story which should be dinned into the ears
of every health board throughout the civilized world,—a story
of cleanliness as the preventive par excellence of small-pox.
Addressing his townsmen, the Leicester health officer said:—
"You are entitled to great credit—more especially in the
case of small-pox, which, by the methods you have adopted, has
been prevented from running riot throughout the town, thereby
upsetting all the prophecies which have again and again been
made. I need only mention such towns as Birmingham, War-
rington, Bradford, Walsall, Oldham, and the way they have
suffered during the past year from the ravages of small-pox, to
give you an idea of the results you in Leicester have achieved,
results of which I, as your medical officer of health, am, justly,
I think, proud." Sanitation is the all-potent watchword.
Writing on the relative value of vaccination, Dr. Scott
Tebb remarks,—page 93 of his great work:—
"Not only may well-vaccinated towns be affected with
small-pox, but the most thorough vaccination of a population
that it is possible to imagine may be followed by an extensive
outbreak of the disease. This happened in the mining and agri-
cultural district of Mold, in Flintshire. * * * * Leicester,
with the population under ten years of age practically unvacci-
nated, had a small-pox death rate of 114 per million; whereas
Mold, with all the births vaccinated for eighteen years previous
to the epidemic, had one of 3,614 per million."
Here is one among hundreds of demonstrations that can
be given of the utter worthlessness of vaccination as a preven-
tive of small-pox. If protection is good for anything it should
be effective during the prevalence of an epidemic; but we sec
that is just where the unvaccinated enjoy the greater immunity
from an attack of the disease.
Besides filth and overcrowding, hard times and war are
prominent factors in the spread of small-pox. In 1684 there
were very severe frosts over Europe, followed with a general
failure of crops. The poor suffered great privations and dis-
coragement. This was followed the next season with a vast in-

32                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
crease both of epidemic fever and small-pox. Then the great
small-pox mortality among the weavers in the east end of Lon-
don in 1719 followed upon a season of great scarcity and loss
of employment among these same weavers. Bad harvests in
England were also encountered in 1794 and 1795, causing such
widespread distress among the poor that Parliament had to take
some measures for its temporary relief. The year following—
1796—the small-pox fatality swelled to an unprecedented figure,
being the largest within the London Bills. Then the harvest
failure in 1816 was followed with small-pox and typhus in epi-
demic form.
War may be set down as another active cause of small-pox,
and of zymotics generally. War is always attended with hard-
ship, exposure, over-crowding, anxiety, and an abnormal mental
tension. Our losses in the Civil War, on the Northern side,
footed up to about 360,000, of whom 110,000 were killed, and
250,000 died of disease; which—in round numbers—62,000
were cases of typhoid; 62,000 died of bowel complaint; 62,000
from throat and lung trouble, and 62,000 from small-pox.
Small-pox in eastern France, among the peasantry in the
earlier part of 1870, was only an average amount but late in the
year, immediately following the terrible slaughter by invasion
of the German army, it broke out with unusual violence. Dr.
Robert Spencer Watson took notes on the field round Metz.
He writes:—
"November 6, 1870. Then I went to Lessy and Chatel St.
Germain, hearing everywhere the same state of distress. All
the crops gone, all the winter's firewood gone, many houses de-
stroyed, and numbers needing help in every village. * * *
When the mare's hoofs sunk deep, she knocked up bits of flesh,
and the stench was so sickening that I should have fainted but
for my smelling salts.
"In one place there were fifteen long streets of railway
vans, filled with typhus patients; in another as many streets of

canvas tents, also filled with sick. I visited these places, and
found them in the filthiest state; but the Germans had begun to
put them into order. At first, you might see soldiers, in full
small-pox, walking about the streets, but this was soon for-
"The main body were encamped outside the walls of Metz,
on low ground near the Moselle, the wetness of the season hav-
ing converted the camping-ground into a morass. In some
places the impress of the men's bodies was left as a cast in the
mud in which they had lain. Their clothes and their blanket
were saturated with mud. Their food for weeks had only been
a biscuit and a bit of horseflesh without salt. Dysentery was
universal, and typhus and small-pox raged. Over a wide area
around the camp the carcasses of dead horses were left to rot
and contaminate the air."
Mr. William Jones was in Metz when Bazaine's army sur-
rendered :—"The constant cry of the wretched sufferers for
water was distinctly heard outside the square in which they were
isolated. All these black typhus patients perished, and were
buried in huge trenches outside the walls of the city. * * *
Mr. Allen, who was vaccinated, and, he believes, re-vaccinated,
took the small-pox, and his own sister, who came over to
nurse him, caught the disease from him and died there, and was
buried in the cemetery at Plantieres outside the walls of Metz."
Dr. Scott Tebb observes: "There is, indeed, some reason to
believe that this war was the starting-point of the great Euro-
pean pandemic of small-pox in 1871-72."
The same high authority has furnished the following table,
showing the decline in small-pox from 1838 to 1895 :—
England and Wales.—Average annual deathrate per mil-
lion living, from small-pox, fever, typhus fever, and scarlet
fever, in five-year periods from 1838-95.

34                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.

"Over the whole period it will be found that the small-pox
death rate declined 96 per cent., while fever declined 82 per
cent. But the most extraordinary feature of the table is the
large small-pox death rate in 1871-75, twenty years after vac-
cination had been made compulsory." Thus from 1838 to 1871
death from small-pox had only abated 29 per cent, while fever
diminished 43 per cent.; hence, since the commencement of
registration, there was practically a very slight decline in small-
pox until 1871-72 epidemic, while the death rate from fever very
materially diminished. The cause of this abatement is very
plainly stated in the forty-second annual report of the Regis-
trar General (1879) :—
"Had the deaths from one or more of this group of causes
fallen, while those from others in the same group had risen, or
had the fall been trifling, or the totals dealt with insignificant
in amount, it might have been suspected that the alteration was
a mere alteration in name. But as the deaths under each head-
ing have declined, as the fall in the death rate from them has
been enormous—62.4 per cent, in the course of ten years—and
as the totals are by no means small, it may be accepted as an in-
disputable fact that there has in truth been a notable decline in
these pests, and it may be fairly assumed that the decline is due
to improved sanitary organization."
Here is common sense: "improved sanitary organization,"
and no class in any community understand this better than

members of the medical profession. The only rational explana-
tion, therefore, that can be assigned for the dogged persistance
with which they continue to push their accursed vaccination
practice to the front is, that it pays.
In Oriental countries—China, India, Egypt,—where sanita-
tion is almost wholly neglected, we have illustrated the utter
futility of vaccination to check the fatal strides of small-pox.
In the "Report on Sanitary Measures in India in 1879-80," page
142, we read:—
"The vaccination returns throughout India show the same
fact, that the number of vaccinations does not necessarily bear
a ratio to the small-pox deaths. Small-pox in India is related
to season, and also to epidemic prevalence; it is not a disease,
therefore, that can be controlled by vaccination, in the sense
that vaccination is a specific against it. As an endemic and epi-
demic disease, it must be dealt with by sanitary measures, and if
these are neglected small-pox is certain to increase during epi-
demic times."
Again, in the "Memorandum of the Army Sanitary Com-
mission for the Punjab" (1879), we read:-—
"Vaccination in the Punjab, as elsewhere in India, has no
power apparently over the course of an epidemic. It may mod-
ify it and diminish the number of fatal cases, but the whole In-
dian experience points in one direction, and this is that the se-
verity of a small-pox epidemic is more closely connected with
sanitary defects, which intensify the activity of other epidemic
diseases, than is usually imagined, and that to the general san-
itary improvement of towns and villages must we look for the
mitigation of small-pox as of cholera and fever."
On this branch of the problem Dr. Scott Tebb sums up as
"At the present time, compulsory vaccination, by paralyz-
ing efforts in other directions, blocks the way towards sanitary
reform. When the laws are abrogated vaccination must, like
all other medical prescriptions and surgical operations, rest
upon its own merits, or, in other words, on its inherent persua-
siveness, unaided by the arm of the law. The practice will then,

36                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
in my opinion, in the not very distant future be surely aban-
"This will prepare the way for a new era of improved health
and human happiness, the result of scientific sanitary ameliora-
tion in all departments of our social, domestic, and municipal
We should not forget that all zymotic diseases run in peri-
ods of greater and lesser intensity. This is true of yellow fever,
of scarlatina, of typhus, and diphtheria, as well of small-pox;
and it is during periods of epidemic intensity that the complete
worthlessness of vaccination is brought home to us. In the
London Lancet, July 15, 1871, we read:—
"The deaths from small-pox have assumed the propor-
tions of a plague. Over 10,000 lives have been sacrificed dur-
ing the past year in England and Wales. In London, 5,641
deaths have occurred since Christmas. Of 9,392 patients in the
London Small-pox Hospitals, no less than 6,854 had been vac-
cinated, i. e., nearly 73 per cent. Taking the mortality at 17 1-2
per cent. of those attacked, and the deaths this year in the whole
country at 10,000, it will follow that more than 122,000 vacci-
nated persons have suffered from small-pox! This is an alarm-
ing state of things. Can we greatly wonder that the opponents
of vaccination should point to such statistics as an evidence of
the failure of the system? It is necessary to speak plainly on
this important matter."
In the history of zymotic diseases we are confronted with
the very important fact, that though small-pox seemed to abate
after vaccination came into fashion, other forms of zymotic dis-
eases cropped up and swelled the death rate to the same uni-
form proportions. When one epidemic predominated—as
typhus, scarlatina, or diphtheria,—small-pox would be found
to be in abeyance; then one after another would manifest epi-
demic violence, so that the death rate went on with singular

uniformity. Given the same conditions the death rate of a peo-
ple will display the same uniform percentage from year to year,
and nothing will vary this number except a change in these
conditions. When a whole people improve their sanitary regu-
lations the death rate diminishes and the average duration of
life advances. Aggravate these conditions, either by war, fam-
ine, or intemperance in its multiform phases, and the death
rate infallibly rises to a larger sum total.
This compensatory law is well illustrated in Sweden, where
deaths from small-pox in 1825 were 1,243, and from typhus,
3,962; but four years later small-pox only claimed 53, while
deaths from typhus rose to 9,264. Then again, in 1846, the
small-pox fatality was only 2, while deaths from all causes were
72,683. In 1851 small-pox became epidemic again, notwith-
standing very thorough vaccination, when the small-pox fatality
rose to 2,448, but the total death rate was almost precisely that
of 1846, being 72,506.
The statistics of other countries reveal the same law. In
Prague, from 1796 to 1802, the total mortality was 1 in 32, when
small-pox fatality was very high; but from 1832 to 1855, when
small-pox fatality was extremely low, still the total death rate
was 1 in 32 1-3.
Dr. Robert Watt, in 1813, considering the vast number of
deaths from small-pox among children, says:—
"I began to reflect how different the case must be now;
and to calculate the great saving of human life that must have
arisen from the vaccine inoculation. At this time (1813) above
15,000 had been inoculated publicly at the Faculty Hall, and
perhaps twice or thrice that number in private practice."
In eight years (1805-13) little more than 600 had died in
Glasgow, of small-pox; whereas in 1784 the deaths by that dis-
ease alone amounted to 425, and in 1791 to 607; which, on both
occasions, exceeded the fourth of the whole deaths in the city
for the year. To ascertain the real amount of this saving of in-

38                                       VACCINATION A CURSE.
fantile life, I turned up one of the later years, and, by accident,
that of 1808, when, to my utter astonishment, I found that still
more than a half perished before the tenth year of their age;
I could hardly believe the testimony of my senses, and there-
fore began to turn up other years, but I found it amounted to
nearly the same thing. To make the facts clear, let us bring
the results of the past three decades together, thus:—
From Small-pox
Children Under
Children Under
Total Deaths
All Ages.
To ascertain how a low small-pox mortality was compen-
sated by other diseases, Dr. Watt divided the years 1783-1812
into five periods, of six years each, and in this way set forth
the proportionate mortalities :—
From Small-pox.

Children Under
Children Under
Total Deaths
All Ages.
—"Diseases of Children," Glasgow, 1813.
Now put these facts by the side of the idiotic—the false
assertions of Sir Spencer Wells, that:—
"It may not be generally known, but it is true, that Jen-
ner has saved, is now saving, and will continue to save in all
coming ages, more lives in one generation than were destroyed
in all the wars of the first Napoleon."
The fluctuations in the death rate between plague and
small-pox is strikingly similar:—
.... 896
..... 444
. . . . 0
..... 2,124
. . . . 1,317
. . . . 2,352
.... 274
.... 2,262
.... 4,410
.... 1,803
. . . . 1
. . . . 617
.... 0
.... S 64
.... 10,400
.... 3,082
..... 22
... 363
.... 314
..... 9
. . . . 1,4501
..... 6
. . . . 1,375
.... 1,274

40                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
In 1878 Sir Thomas Chambers said in the House of Com-
mons :—
"You cannot show that vaccination has reduced deaths.
or saved a single life. There may be no small-pox, but the dis-
appearance of small-pox is by no means equivalent to a reduc-
tion of mortality."
Thus I might indefinitely multiply illustrations of the truth
of this law of constancy which variations in the intensity of
specific diseases does not affect. The practice of vaccination
therefore is utterly opposed to the plain teachings of sanitary
science. It is the most untenable dogma in the whole category
of medical theories, which has never been demonstrated to be
sanctioned by any ascertained law or principle in the healing
art. No precious lives have been saved as the outcome of the
vaccine delusion, while just in proportion as it has modified the
symptoms of the contagion it professes to save us from, has
other and more disgusting forms of zymotic disease multiplied
Upon the race. Aye, more. It has become an added factor for
the wider diffusion of cancer, erysipelas, eczema, carbuncles,
tumors, leprosy, and last but not least, to relegate the "bad
disease" from its dark, infernal den, domesticate and make it
common in the households of the land!

No vaccine stock used since the days of Jenner is en-
titled to the designation "lymph." Lymph is a natural and
healthy fluid that circulates in the lymphatic vessels. All so-
called lymph—which is simply vaccine pus—is a collection of
blood corpuscles in process of destructive fermentation. The
various frauds of vaccine pus are charged with the same specific
quality, their chief differences consisting in their relative de-
grees of rottenness. They are each and all a species of septic
poison, no matter how or where they were brewed. The fer-
menting cells in this vaccine substance abound with pathogenic
globular bacteria, of which they are both the active element and
chief factor in conveying filthy diseases of the blood and skin
to the human body. Through this blood-poisoning ichor, into
which the ruthless lance of the vaccinator is daily dipped, the
germ of a legion of diseases assault the citadel of health, enters
the peaceful precincts of home, and with the connivance and as-
sistance of the politician and legislator, inflicts upon the little
children of the land the barbarous and degrading rite whose
curse will spread and multiply through generations yet unborn.
I now remember, the prophet predicted a "time of trouble" for
the last days. He must have had his eye on the vaccinator, and
knew full well when he would arrive. Lo! the last days are

42                                         VACCINATION A CURSE.
here, and the trouble predicted is upon us!
That all so-called vaccine lymph contains blood cells has
been well known to the medical profession since 1862. Dr.
Heron Watson writes (Edinborough Medical Journal, March,
1862): "There is no vaccine matter, however carefully re-
moved from the vesicle, which, on microscopic investigation,
will not be found to contain blood corpuscles." Upon this
point the statement of Dr. Husband before the Royal Com-
mission said in its report: "The evidence given by Dr. Hus-
band, of the Vaccine Institution of Edinborough, established
the fact that all lymph, however pellucid, really does contain
blood cells." (Sec. 430.) Dr. Scott Tebb writes, (A Century of
Vaccination, page 307): "There is nothing necessarily in the
appearance of the vaccine vesicle to lead one to suspect syph-
ilis ;" while Dr. Ballard informs us (Prize Essay) that "the per-
fect character of the vesicle is no guarantee that it will not fur-
nish both vaccine and syphilitic virus."
Let us see how much the guarantee to furnish "pure" vac-
cine pus is worth. Mr. Farn, director of the National Establish-
ment in England, when put under examination before the Royal
Commission, furnished some details that would be well to re-
flect upon:
"Q. 4,130. You are a medical man, are you? No.
Q. 4,133. Have you made any special study of microbes?
Q. 4,154. With such (microscopic) power as you are able
to employ would you be able to recognize or distinguish any
micro-organisms which might be present? No, I should not.
Q. 4,155. Have any micro-organisms been identified, or
stated to have been identified, for such a disease as erysipelas
and so on? I am afraid you are going rather out of my depth
as a non-medical man.
Q. 4,159. Is there any disease within your experience
whose cause you can identify with such microscopical power

as you employ ? Not that I am aware of.
Q. 4,173. Having regard to what you have told us, dc
you think it would be possible, from the microscopical examin-
ation you made, to guarantee that any lymph was pure? No
I should not undertake to say whether it would be a guarantee
that the lymph was pure. I do not know that you could do it.
Q. 4,200. Are we to understand that, as a matter of fact,
you have ever guaranteed lymph ? No.
It seems, therefore, that there is no such thing known or
obtainable as pure vaccine lymph, and it is very significant that
as long ago as 1883 the Grocers' Company, by reason of the
numerous disasters following vaccination, offered a prize of
£1,000 for the discovery of any vaccine contagium cultivated
apart from an animal body, but up to the present time the
award has not been made. The matter has, however, been set-
tled beyond all dispute by the Royal Commission itself. They
say: "It is established that lymph contains organisms, and
may contain those which under certain circumstances would
be productive of erysipelas." (Sec. 410).
—"A Century of Vaccination," page 269. .
It will hence be seen that the commercial sharks who ad-
vertise to furnish vaccine lymph "absolutely free from all or-
ganisms except the pure vaccine germ," are either as ignorant
of the microscope as Mr. Farn, or else through motives for
lucre they deliberately deceive the public. Probably both these
allegations are true.
"If it be asked, with what shall we vaccinate? the answer
would seem to be simple enough—why, with vaccinal virus, of
course. But if we ask, what is vaccinal virus ? the answer is not
readily found; nor is there, even now, after nearly a century
of vaccination, any concord in the profession as to the proper
material to be used.
* * *********
"When Jenner first performed the rite, he used cow-pox
virus. We have already seen what was the origin of this dis-

44                                     VACCINATION A CURSE.
order in the cow, viz., that it was a contagious disease trans-
ferred, by careless manipulation, from the heels of the horse to
the udder of the cow. Jenner believed that small-pox, swine-
pox, cow-pox, and grease were merely varieties of the same
disease, as he implied by the name variolae vaccinae. He vaci-
nated his own son with swine-pox. He employed the grease-
virus (horse-pox) in a large number of cases, and furnished it
to other vaccinators. Acting on his suggestion, the king of
Spain, in 1804, ordered all the children in the Foundling Hospi-
tal at Madrid to be vaccinated with goat-pox. Jenner claimed
that the virus of these and various other animals were all
equally efficacious with cow-pox in warding off small-pox. He
also used arm-to-arm vaccination, derived both from the cow
and from the horse. He therefore practiced five distinct things
under the one name of vaccination: (1) Cow-pox vaccination;
(2) cow-pox-child vaccination; (3) horse-pox (grease) vaccina-
tion, which he denominated as the equination of the human
subject; (4) horse-pox-child vaccination; and (5) swine-pox
"Although he asserted that grease, cow-pox, and small-
pox were all one disease, he made no attempt to prove it by in-
oculating the cow with variola. But, as early as 1801, Gassner,
of Gunsburg, inoculated with variolous virus eleven cows, pro-
ducing on one of them vesicles having all the characteristics of
vaccinal vesicles, and from which 'a stock of genuine vaccine
lymph was obtained.' With this small-pox-cow vaccine four
children were inoculated, and from them seventeen other child-
ren were in turn vaccinated. In the following year (1802) a
number of cows were successfully variolated at the Veterinary
College at Berlin.
"Beside this variola-vaccine lymph, as it is called, another,
and as it is asserted, a new variety of lymph or virus has been
imported. This is the celebrated Beaugency stock, which is
claimed to be a spontaneous case of cow-pox, untainted with
variolation on one hand, or horse-grease on the other.
Thus there are a number of strains of vaccine material:
a.    The original cow-pox of Jenner;
b.    Equine-pox stock;
c.    Swine-pox stock;

VACCINE STOCK.                                              45
d.    Goat-pox stock;
e.   Variola cow-pox of Ceely, and others;
f.    Spontaneous cow-pox of Beaugency.
"Each of these have passed through many transmissions,
and to a certain extent have become crossed or intermixed,
and with the exception of what is now called 'calf-lymph,' it
is impossible for anybody to tell what he is using. This so-called
'calf-lymph' is offered in two varieties. One of these is claimed
to be inoculation from the Beaugency stock, which it is con-
fessed, is of unknown origin, and which from the mildness of
the vaccine-disorder which it sets up, is of dubious value.
"The other variety of 'calf-lymph' is derived from small-
poxing a heifer, and from the vesicles thus produced calves are
inoculated; these in their turn furnishing the 'lymph' or virus
for the human subject.
"This furnishes two more varieties of vaccine material:
g.    Calf-Beaugency stock;
h. Calf-small-pox-cow-pox."
—"The Value of Vaccination," pages 37-39, Winterburn.
"When the Royal Commission on Vaccination was re-
luctantly conceded by the late (Conservative) government in
April, 1889, the medical profession was (and still is) in a state
of hopeless confusion as to the merits of the various vaccines
introduced and recommended by rival purveyors. One variety
is used in Germany, another in France, a third in Belgium, and
in England all have been tried more or less. It was suggested
by the medical press that the Royal Commission should deal
with this much vexed phase of the vaccination embroglio;
and after the evidence of Dr. Cory, Dr. Gayton, Mr. Farn, and
other vaccine experts, it was anticipated the commission would
have made a pronouncement on the subject. This professional
expectation has not been realized. To illustrate the extent of
this medical confusion, and for the information of those who
contemplate subjecting their children to the vaccine operation,
the writer subjoins a list of some of these vaccines:
(1)    The original Jennerian Virus, or Horse-grease Cow-
(2)     Woodville's spontaneous Cow-pox Virus, contami-
nated with small-pox.
(3)     Swine-pox with which Jenner inoculated his eldest

46                                            VACCINATION A CURSE.
son. 'Swine-pox' has no relation to a pig's disease; but is
only an old name for the mildest form of small-pox, called also
the white small-pox, or pearl-pox. (Crookshank, 'History and
Pathology of Vaccination,' Vol. I, page 287.)
(4)   Horse-pox or horse-grease passed through the cow.
(5)   Spontaneous Cow-pox—the Gloucestershire brand.
(6)   Ceely and Babcock's lymph—small-pox passed through
the cow.
(7 The Beaugency Virus.
(8)  The Passy Virus.
(9)  Dr. Warlomont's Calf-lymph, in points, tubs or pots
of pomade as supplied to the Royal Family in England.
(10)   The Lanoline vaccine or vesicle pulp invented by
Surgeon-Major W. G. King, and used extensively in India and
(11)   Donkey-lymph, the discovery of Surgeon O'Hara,
and strongly recommended to municipalities in India.
(12)   Buffalo-lymph, recommended in India as 'yielding
more vesicle-pulp than calves,' but chiefly conspicuous for its
abominable odor.
(13)   To these must be added the lymph passed through
numberless more or less diseased human bodies, which has
been shown by high authorities to be capable of spreading lep-
rosy, syphilis, and other loathsome and incurable diseases."
—Anti-Vaccination League Circular.
Dr. Warlomont, of the Government Vaccine Depot, Bel-
gium, advises medical practitioners, when families apply for vac-
cination, to require such families to furnish their own vaccine
material, thus making the family take the risk while the doctor
pockets the fee.
Since one form of vaccination after another has been tried
and then abandoned because of the evil effects which followed,
still the doctors and vaccine-farm firms have found the practice

VACCINE STOCK.                                              47
far too profitable to think of abandoning it; and so from time
to time they announce the discovery of a new brand of vaccine
material, which they guarantee a gullible public to be double
proof against the remotest possibility of danger, and an absolute
safeguard against small-pox. "Pure Calf-lymph" is at present
the harmless elixir which vaccination promoters offer in the
market. Just how this "lymph" is manufactured is one of those
mysteries which the vaccine firms never impart to their patrons;
and whether the secret is out or not, I know the nature and
habits of the species, and propose to throw a search-light upon
it long enough to allow the general reader to note a few items
regarding its behavior.
We have already seen that all vaccine material is animal
pus, which is animal tissue in process of decomposition or ret-
rograde metamorphosis—but a small remove from absolute
rottenness. In other words, it is the serum of a particular dis-
ease thrown out upon the skin, and this putrifying serum in-
variably contains a specific virus, a putrefactive or septic poison,
no matter in what way the putrefaction of animal tissue has
been induced. The vaccine pus may be charged with one or a
dozen forms of septic poison, according to the nature of the
putrifying tissues which have contributed to its production.
Nor is the danger lessened, but rather augmented, by subse-
quent transmissions, as every additional channel through
which it passes will contribute its own taint of involved dis-
Dr. T. V. Gifford, of Kokomo, Ind., in an address before
the Anti Vaccination Congress in Paris (1889), professes to
have learned at least one method of producing vaccine calf-
lymph. He says:—
"A Boston medical student, whom I had long known as a
reliable gentleman, voluntarily informed me how they pro-
duced bovine virus at the Boston vaccine farm, where students
are permitted to see the whole operation. He said they shave

48                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
the hair from the udder of the heifer with a razor, then scratch
or bruise the udder with a steel-tined instrument and leave it to
fester simply from the bruising. Now put this with the follow-
ing which I have already quoted form Dr. Spinzig—'Vaccina-
tion is tantamount to inoculation and is septic poisoning'—and
this from the little Philadelphia book afore mentioned—'that
vaccine virus has no special properties inherent to it'—and this
from another scientific writer—'All pus of animal organisms
has the same specific quality and differs only in strength and de-
grees of rottenness or development'—and you have a solution
of the whole question, which is simply this: It makes no dif-
ference how the pus is produced, whether by bruise, wound or
introduction of other pus or other foreign poison. The degree
of virulence of the pus is governed by the character of the tis-
sue out of which it is formed and the length of time it remains
in the sore."
Again, "Animal lymph is admitted to be too active, es-
pecially in tropical countries, to be used direct; and in gen-
eral, therefore, it is available only after one or two removes,
when it carries with-it diseases both animal and human, as has
been shown in evidence before the Royal Commission on Vac-
—"Leprosy and Vaccination," page 181, Wm. Tebb.
On this important phase of the vaccination question I will
cite a number of authorities who are at the very summit of the
medical profession, most of whom will be found quoted in Dr.
Scott Tebb's excellent work, "A Century of Vaccination."
The London Lancet (June 22, 1878), in a criticism of Dr.
Henry A. Martin, observes:—
"The notion that animal lymph would be free from chances
of syphilitic contamination is so fallacious that we are surprised
to see Dr. Martin reproduce it, and so contribute to the per-
petuation of the fanciful ideas which too commonly obtain on
the origin of vaccino-syphilis.
"Dr. Henry M. Lyman observes: 'It is certain that the
disturbances, produced by the use of a virus which has been
newly derived from the cow, are generally much more marked
than the effects which follow the use of a more perfectly hu-

VACCINE STOCK.                                              49
manized lymph.'"
—"American Medical Times" for March 8, 1862.
"But there is a special vesicular vaccine eruption attending
the acme and decline of the vaccine disease. The Germans have
called it 'Nachpocken.' I have often, nay almost always, seen
it as a secondary eruption on the teats and udders of the cows
immediately before and after the decline of the disease in them.
The same I have repeatedly seen in children, especially in the
early removes from the cow; and still continue at times to wit-
ness it, to the great temporary disfigurement and annoyance
of the patient, and the chagrin and vexation of the parent. It
is essentially a genuine vaccine secondary eruption. I have wit-
nessed it in vaccinating the dog. I have colored illustrations of
this secondary eruption in man and animals, and have seen
some severe and a few very dangerous cases in children where
the skin and visible mucous membranes were copiously occu-
pied with it."—Dr. Scott Tebb, page 367.
"Vaccination with bovine lymph has brought to light a
series of phenomenal symptoms, except to those medical men
who have kept fresh in their minds the descriptions of Jenner
and the early writers. Jenner described the disease caused by
early removes from the cow, and he consequently gave a picture
of only the intensest forms of it, in his 'Inquiry' and 'Further
Observations.' A glance at the colored engravings in Jenner's
great work, in Woodville's, Pearson's, Bryce's, Willan's, and
all others, shows that the vesicle was larger and the areola more
intensely red than in the cases familiar to us up to the time
of the introduction of the Beaugency lymph. The reader of the
early vaccinographers can hardly believe there was not some
exaggeration in their descriptions of the serious constitutional
symptoms, and the bad ulcers which sometimes succeeded vac-
cination ; ulcers so bad, indeed, that they had to be treated
with solution of white vitrol."
—Dr. Thomas F. Wood, New Jersey.
"In the report of the Oxford Local Board to the New Jer-
sey Board of Health, Dr. L. B. Hoagland, in referring to an ep-
idemic of small-pox, says: 'About fifteen hundred persons were
vaccinated during its prevalence, one-third of them with human-
ized virus, and the remainder with non-humanized bovine virus,
the constitutional effect being much the more marked when the

50                                      VACCINATION A CURSE.
latter was used. One child, of five years, lost its life by taking
cold in her arm; gangrene set in, and she died from septicaemia.
Some of the sores were three or four months in healing."
"In my use of bovine lymph it was observed that the vac-
cine vesicle resulting was much larger, the areola and inflam-
matory induration were more extensive, the crust large, flat,
and thin, generally ruptured, and came away before the sore
was cicatrised. In two instances the inflammatory action was so
high that the vesicle sloughed out en masse, leaving a deep
ulcer."—Dr. E. J. Marsh, Board of Health, Patterson, N. J.,
Dr. George B. Walker, of Evansville, Ind., writes: "The
bovine lymph was more violent and caused troublesome ulcera-
tion and sometimes eruption over the body."
In the Journal of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases Dr.
Morrow bears out the almost universal opinion of medical men
in the United States when he says: "The experiences of the
profession in this country with bovine lymph shows that it is
slower in its development, more intensely irritant in its local and
constitutional effects, and more prolonged in its active con-
Dr. Alexander Napier, assistant to the professor of Materia
Medica, Glasgow University, and physician to the skin depart-
ment, Anderson's College Dispensary, calls attention to a cer-
tain remarkable group of skin eruptions, which he finds re-
ported in the American journals, and with scarcely an exception
they related to cases where animal lymph was used. He first
refers to instances reported by Dr. Rice in the Chicago Medi-
cal Journal and Examiner for February, 1882, in which that
gentleman states that "about one in ten of all vaccinated have
bad arms, with a high grade of fever, and eruption resembling
somewhat that of Roseda or German measles."
—Dr. Scott Tebb, page 373.
Dr. Pierce, quoted by Scott Tebb, writes: "Judging from
the number of times I have been questioned by anxious parents
on the meaning of these eruptions, I believe with Dr. Holt that
the fact of their liability to follow vaccination should be widely
"In nearly every instance I have mentioned in which spon-
taneous generalized eruptions followed vaccination, the lymph

VACCINE STOCK.                                                5l
used was animal lymph, not humanized lymph. What does this
indicate? That, as Dr. Cameron, M. P., once argued before this
society, the nearer the virus to its original source in the days
of Jenner, the stronger it is, and the more efficient the protec-
tion it affords? Without venturing to give any opinion as to
the greater efficacy of calf lymph vaccination as a prophylactic
against small-pox—a matter which can only be settled on the
basis of a wide statistical inquiry—it seems very clear that in
animal lymph we have a more powerful material, one which
more deeply and obviously affects the system than our ordinary
humanized lymph, if the degree of constitutional disturbance
is to be taken as an index of the effectual working of the virus."
—Dr. Napier, Glasgow Medical Journal, June, 1883.
More recently we find in an article on "Small-pox in San
Francisco," by Dr. S. S. Herrick, the following remarks: "Be-
sides the uncertainty of the bovine virus, there are other fea-
tures of common occurrence, which are not pleasant and which
are not found in the human product. The sores are apt to be
quite serious in character; a considerable eruption on the body
is liable to take place; and the points of vaccination frequently
develop a raspberry-like excrescence (sometimes a true ecchy-
mosis) which may remain for weeks, and is often mistaken by
the inexperienced for the normal result of vaccination."
When the "pure calf-lymph" was found to be uniformly
harsh in its effects, and to be attended with extensive eruptions
and ulceration, a new device was invented by the manufacturers
of the vaccine stock for commercial purposes—a device to still
further mask its insidious and destructive work. This was to
add glycerine to the so-called lymph, which, it is claimed, de-
stroys all micro-organisms except the vaccine germ that is
wanted. In the first place, this is an admission that the lymph
without the glycerine, which had already been in use for years,
really contained micro-organisms in addition to the vaccine
germs, which therefore embraced a real element of danger; and
in the second place, the virtues claimed for glycerine are pure
assumption, without a shadow of evidence to sustain it.

52                                       VACCINATION A CURSE.
"The perennial cry of public vaccinators (when they are
confronted with the results) is that the lymph is 'unsatisfactory.'
Animal lymph is often attended with excessive inflammation,
and the practitioner is obliged to dilute it with glycerine, lano-
line, and other substances, and its use is much more expensive.
Moreover, a good deal of the so-called animal lymph in vogue
is only arm-to-arm vaccine, inoculated into calves, buffaloes,
sheep, and donkeys, and partakes of the diseases both of man
and of animals. Of the many cases of ulcerative and of fatal
vaccination which have come under my notice during the past
twenty years not a few have been due to the use of carefully
selected animal vaccine."—"Leprosy and Vaccination," page
381. Wm. Tebb.
"Dr. Lurman, of Bremen, gives an account of an epidemic
of catarrhal jaundice in 1883-84, in a large ship-building and ma-
chine-making establishment in that town, which is of interest
from the fact that the patients had been re-vaccinated with
glycerinated lymph. One hundred and ninety-one persons were
attacked. The disease began with symptoms of gastric and in-
testinal catarrh, which persisted a week or more, until jaundice
appeared. The symptoms comprised epigastric oppression,
anorexia, vomiting, faintness, and there was usually constipa-
tion. Yellow vision occurred in a few instances. In one case
the patient suffered from general dropsy with cerebral symp-
toms, but none of the cases were fatal. Eighty-seven persons in
the establishment, who were re-vaccinated by other surgeons
and other lymph, remained unaffected. Dr. Edwards, who re-
lates these cases in the London Medical Record of April 15,
1885, (Vol. XIII, page 142), remarks that the epidemic 'was
causally connected with the re-vaccination, in some way or
"A feature of glycerinated lymph appears to be that, when
it takes, great intensity of action is observed, both local and
general. Thus Dr. James Cantlie refers to 'much constitutional
disturbance' produced by Japanese lymph. I may also allude
to an article by Dr. Robert J. Carter. He details the results of
319 re-vaccinations with glycerinated calf-lymph. He observes
that in 106 of the patients the axillary glands were 'large, hard,
and tender, and in some instances exquisitely painful;' in three
of the cases the glands above the collar-bone were also affected.

VACCINE STOCK.                                             53
In nine cases lymphangitis was present, the lymphatic vessels
being felt as hard, swollen, tender cords along the course of the
axillary vessels. In ninety-eight of the patients there was
oedema and induration of the arm, and these manifestations
were of a 'curiously persistent character.' Dr. Carter remarked
that they were apparently dependent on the intensity of the
local inflammation at the site of the vaccination."
"Abundant evidence of the danger of glycerinated lymph
is adduced in Appendix IX to the Final Report of the Royal
Commission. The cases are, of course, mostly erysipelas or of
a septic nature; and, without including those of a less severe
character, they number 84, and of these no less than 24 were
fatal."—"A Century of Vaccination," Dr. Scott Tebb, page 382.
"I emphasize the point, that no lymph, whether human or
animal, or adulterated with other substances, can be guaran-
teed as free from danger."—Ibid., page 386.
"Glycerine is a nutritive medium for the growth of putre-
factive and other germs and being fluid, the germs soon pervade
it throughout; and, as a fact, this preparation (glycerinated
lymph) in India soon becomes putrid and septically dangerous."
Indian Lancet, March 4, 1897.
Dr. T. S. Hopkins, of Thomasville, Ga., wrote a communi-
cation concerning the results that followed the use of "patent
solid lymph:"—
"Our town authorities have employed a physician to vacci-
nate all persons who present themselves for the purpose. The
virus was procured from the New England Vaccine Company,
Chelsea, Mass., as 'bovine matter.' The result has been fearful.
Nearly every one vaccinated has suffered severely from ery-
thema or erysipelas, the arm swollen from shoulder to wrist, and
the point of puncture presenting the appearance of a sloughing
ulcer, discharging freely sanious pus. Many of the sufferers
have been confined to bed, with high fever, from five to ten
days, requiring the constant application of poultices to the arm,
and a free use of morphia for the relief of pain. I deem it my
duty to inform you of the result here from the matter used and
from whence it came. It came in cones, each one said to con-

54                                            VACCINATION A CURSE.
tain enough to vaccinate one hundred persons, at a cost of one
dollar per cone. Those who have tried it tell me they would
much prefer to have small-pox."—From the National Board of
Health Bulletin, Washington, D. C, March 4, 1882.
"We have no known test by which we could possibly dis-
tinguish between a lymph which was harmless and one which
was harmful to the extent of communicating syphilis."—Dr.
Crookshank, Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology.
Thus I might multiply testimonies indefinitely regarding
the wide-spread injury which has allowed the use of all forms
of animalized and humanized grades of vaccine material. Glyce-
rinated lymph and all modern brands of vaccine stock are only
new devices to make an old discredited virus acceptable; and
the chief reason why they continue to be inflicted on the long
suffering public, is because that public have no intelligent un-
derstanding of the insidious effects or the grave dangers that re-
sult from this ruinous practice.
Neither the parent or the doctor has any means of judging
the quality of the vaccine virus used, since it is an article of
commerce; and its production is not only associated with mer-
cenary motives, but with empirical science as well. Commerce
has usurped the field here as everywhere else, and the doctor—
who is merely a "middle man" between the vaccine dealer and
the vaccinated—knows no more about the composition of his
stock, either in its occult properties or vital chemistry, than
he does about his baking powders or canned beef; whether the
former are free from alum adulteration, or whether the latter
has passed through the hands of the embalmer. We know at
least that from first to last the whole consignment of horse-
grease-cow-pox-syphilized-vaccine pus is now, has been, and is
destined to continue the most damnable stuff that was ever ad-
mitted into the category of commercialized medical practice.
We may soon expect that the various vaccine farms will be
massed into one gigantic trust, with a lobby at Washington and

money to secure federal enforcement of a more stringent com-
pulsory vaccination act for the entire country!
"And the beast causeth all * * to receive a mark on
their arm * * and no man might buy or sell, save him that
had the mark * * and there fell a noisome and grievous
sore upon such as had the mark of the beast."—Rev. xvi-2.
Every child successfully vaccinated will carry on its body
the scar—the brute-caused scar, the grievous sore, the scar of
the "beast" till death.

The flattering promises made by Jenner and other advo-
cates of his school, that cow-pox is an absolute and infallible
protection against small-pox, we have repeatedly seen is contra-
dicted by the concurrent testimony of the highest medical au-
thorities in all civilized countries, as also by the facts with which
we are daily confronted, but more especially in seasons of small-
pox epidemic. During the last twenty years all the leading
countries of the world have expended every effort to render
vaccination general and complete. Compulsory laws have been
enacted, an army of vaccinators put into the field, tens of thous-
ands of prosecutions have been brought, together with fines and
imprisonments, against those who refused to comply with the
provisions of arbitrary legislation, and millions of dollars have
been expended to make vaccination universal. And I ask, what
beneficent result has been accomplished by this unparalleled
vigilance and expenditure? None. The average death rate
from zymotics has not diminished, except where improved san-
itary regulations have been adopted, and even there small-pox
has not diminished in a greater ratio than scarlatina or diph-
theria, as it should if the claims for vaccination had any valid
basis or justification in recorded facts. Just in proportion as
vaccination has modified the symptoms of small-pox it has ag-
gravated other forms of infection, as will be amply shown in

Part 2 of Compulsory Vaccination ...    Back to Index