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Rabies, Vaccine and Health Principles

Questions on Rabies:

1. What to do if bit by a certified rabid dog or bat?

2. If not vaccinated following a bite by a rabid animal is death certain?

3. Is vaccination effective for rabies? Why do we reject it and other vaccinations as not effective?


We frequently meet the belief that vaccines prevent disease. The apparent success of vaccines rest on the real success of sanitation and nutrition. The apparent success of vaccines also rests on 'Placebo effect', the power of belief, and perhaps on symptom suppression rather than improvement of health. Apparent vaccine success also depends upon the public mind believing that the incidence of a disease was great without vaccine and declined dramatically with the use of a vaccine. Exaggerate the pre vaccine incidence and as long as the vaccine does not cause a large number of cases of the target disease then the vaccine will seem successful even if it is actually worthless. Few people know that it is easier to be healthy without vaccines than it is with them. Pediatricians who have had the opportunity to work with both vaccinated and unvaccinated children are mystified by the fact that the unvaccinated are more healthy. Some of course understand health principles and know that toxin internally, not germs, is the primary cause of infectious diseases.

For 2000 years doctors looked at the world through the filter (belief) that 'bleeding was therapeutic'. Not until the general education of the public lead people to rebel against this mistake was it corrected. Today many look at the world through the belief that 'vaccines work'.

However, as a mental exercise, we suggest you look at the world through the following concepts.

Health is the outcome of a lifestyle which results in cell structure which is well nourished and toxin free.

Disease is the outcome of life style elements which result in cell structure which is either flawed or toxic. Life style elements which create flawed cell structure may be persistent mental or emotional states, unbalanced nutrition or toxin which can be the result of external poison injested, breathed or absorbed, injectable poison, poor digestion or poor elimination.

The two fundamental mistakes of vaccination are:
1. Virus "causes disease". In fact, frequently specific virus are found within a body without disease. Sometimes a specific disease is found without an associated virus.

2. Antibodies protect or neutralize virus. In fact, the vast majority of people are immune to a specific disease even if antibodies to that disease have never been developed. The presence of specific antibodies in one's bloodstream does not prevent developing the specific disease symptom. You cannot give a healthy person an infectious disease simply by exposing them to virus.

Overview (Rabies)

Bites and puncture wounds must be cleaned. (Blood flow cleans as does warm water and soap.)

Currently about 1 to 3 people die per year from what is believed to be rabies. [USA] In 1900, the rate was about 100 people per year. This decline is typical of many infectious diseases due to the effects of improved sanitation and nutrition.

Human rabies is very rare. If bitten by an animal, rabies is still very rare. If bitten by a rabid animal, rabies transmission to a human is still very rare. So being bitten by a rabid animal is not a death sentence by any means.
Human rabies is so rare that most Doctors have never seen the disease. Those who have seen the disease relate that the fear of the disease is more important than the disease itself.
Some question whether rabies in humans is a viral disease or a psychosomatic manifestation. Study the material in the remainder of this article and make an estimate as to whether one exposed to rabies through a bite would increase their chance of serious disease by injection of several shots of rabies vaccine or lower the chances of serious disease. Certainly evidence exists to justify one taking the attitude that the vaccine would INCREASE the chances of serious disease rather than decrease disease odds. Historical data on comparison between individuals bitten by animals believed to be rabid showed that the unvaccinated were more likely to remain healthy. Given the lack of adequate scientific testing on modern vaccines, I can not assume that modern rabies vaccines are effective or necessary.

Value of Vaccines Historically

Lets answer the third question in more detail first. If you look at the history of Smallpox vaccine you will discover that some type of smallpox vaccine has been in existence for perhaps 3500 years and some believe longer. Yet not until sanitation and nutrition made inroads into infectious disease incidence and mortality associated with infectious disease did vaccine propaganda get to finally claim a 'success'. It is clear that smallpox vaccine did at the most very little to affect smallpox incidence and a more critical study shows that where smallpox vaccination was practiced either disease actually increased, including smallpox, or the decline was slower compared to areas which did not make vaccination compulsory.

Then the next greatest 'success' of vaccine was the 'eradication' of polio. This image of 'eradication' is sold to the public in spite of the facts:

that polio was declining before the vaccine was tested,

vaccine test results were 'fiddled' to create the image of 'safe and effective',

that polio incidence doubled shortly after the Salk and Sabine vaccines were put into intensive use,

after the vaccine introduction, the definition of polio changed from 'paralysis for 24 hours' to 'paralysis occurring for 2 months',

the definition of epidemic changed from 20 cases to 35 cases,

polio as a disease name was given mostly to the unvaccinated and polio in the vaccinated became meningitis, etc.

So polio eradication in the USA is another case of a disease decline occurring in spite of vaccines not because of vaccines.

Given that the two greatest propaganda successes of vaccine are, a mistake, and a deliberate fraud respectively, in addition to a general increase in chronic diseases following vaccinations, you will forgive us for being skeptical of the value of all vaccines and at a minimum require "adequate scientific proof" of both effectiveness and safety before endorsing a vaccine for even a 'Second Rate Health Program' description.
As vaccines can never be completely safe and can never be an adequate way of achieving health, we reserve the "First Rate Health Program" description to fit a life style that promotes health through a clean blood stream that is well nourished, exactly the opposite of how vaccines operate.

What to do if bitten by a rabid animal?

Now that we have a brief background, lets look at question one, what to do if bit by a rabid animal.

First: The one thing that modern science tells us is a necessity, is that the wound must be cleaned. If the bite is deep enough to fully puncture the skin then blood flow will do a good cleaning job. Warm water and soap are the next step in cleaning.

Secondly: The next thing to do after cleaning the wound is to deal with the question of fear of the disease. In fact, it is best to deal with fear of disease in advance of disease threats. It is known that fear is immune system suppressing, and a optimistic state of mind is immune system enhancing. Cases are on record of persons dying of fear even when no organic difficulty was found. Other cases are on record where a doctor has told a patient whom the doctor considers to be terminally ill, "there is nothing wrong with you". The doctor is then surprised to meet the patient a couple years later looking healthy and is told that the doctor's previous statement "so relieved their mind that they felt much better!"

In the case of having been bit by a rabid animal, it is well to remember that being bit by a rabid animal does not mean you have rabies, anymore than being punctured by a rusty nail means you have tetanus. So, even being bit by a rabid animal gives no certainty of developing rabies. If events proceed to an individual developing rabies, ONLY THEN does a high mortality rate become common but still there is treatment. Keep in mind that only 1 to 3 people are believed to die of rabies in the US per year.

Still if one is bit by a rabid animal, one does not want to join that select crowd of 3 people.

Thirdly: following a rabid bite, we must consider our health enhancing options.
Doing nothing more than one and two above frequently will be adequate, if we are optimistic and naturally healthy. Most of us know that we don't have perfectly healthy life styles, so what can we do to turn 'adequate' into excellent?

Is vaccination an option?
Are large doses of vitamin C an option?
Are herbs an option? Organic foods, etc?
What other immune enhancing options might one do?

Vaccines Harm

Unfortunately, here we need to amplify what has been said under "secondly:". Optimism and faith walk hand in hand. What one believes greatly affects the outcome of a disease challenge. We need to understand the difference between the "value of a vaccine" and the "value of a vaccination." From a physical point of view it might seem there could be no difference. However, we may say that a vaccine will always be detrimental, at least in part. We on the anti-vaccine side of the street will say, the vaccine will do more harm than good. Our opponents will say, the vaccine will do more good than harm. But both sides will agree that harm will always occur. If you think otherwise, just look at the list of ingredients and the list of detrimental side effects, which for rabies vaccine includes encephalitis, the very thing so feared in rabies!

Vaccination includes 'Placebo effect'.

Now what about vaccination? Given that the vaccine will do harm, can either side say that vaccination is beneficial? What is the difference? Simply this, vaccination includes as part of its equation the value of the recipients optimistic expectation of positive outcome. So we can never suggest that a vaccine will do less harm than good, but may have to be quiet when a loved one chooses a vaccination knowing that their indoctrinated faith plus their indoctrinated doctor's faith in vaccines makes the 'vaccination' an inevitable choice for which we can hope the expectation of a positive outcome will enhance the immune system, due to placebo effect, even more than the vaccine will suppress the immune system, even through adverse effects will definitely prove the reverse for some individuals. We believe vaccination is the least safe and poorest choice from a scientific point of view. But choices usually include factors which are not scientific. While many may disagree, unfortunately vaccine manufactures do a rather poor job of testing the two things that a consumer needs to know most, safety and EFFECTIVENESS. (Typically, efficacy is tested not effectiveness.) Those of us who have studied the vaccine subject scientifically and concluded that vaccines 'do more harm than good' will not 'feel better' as the result of putting poison in our blood stream. So I believe that if I am bit by a rabid animal it is my best choice not to vaccinate. Depending upon your beliefs, you might get the best results for yourself by accepting the detriment of the vaccine to get the placebo effect of the vaccination procedure. What ever choice you make, make it both an informed choice and one that you can put your heart into. Forewarned is forearmed.

The biggest, if not sole, value of vaccination is the removal of the fear of disease from not being vaccinated! The very same fear that vaccine promoters ingrain into public consciousness.

Other Options.

"In early times, as recorded in articles available in old libraries, the kiss of a king would cure rabies. It was later discovered that a piece of the king's garment would be as efficacious.
Still later the "mad stone" when applied over the area of the bite would "draw out the madness".
Later some of the "hair of the dog that bit you" would either be chewed and swallowed or bound on the wound.
A still later discovery was that which employed an extract of "wild cockroach".
In 1806 a Mr. Kraus was awarded $1000 by the then rulers of New York territory for his scientific discovery which had kept rabies out of New York for over twenty years. His formula is a matter of record and consisted of the ground-up jaw bone of an ass or dog, a piece of colt's tongue and the green rust off a penny of George the First reign."
Page 185-186, Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean.
And of course, today, there is always vaccination although I am unaware of scientific proof that it is superior to any of the above 'remedies'.

Options continued, Herbs and Vitamin C
From, Immunization The Reality Behind the Myth: by Walene James

"Creating Natural Immunity

Follow principle and the knot unties itself. --Thomas Jefferson


If we can't prevent disease by injecting toxins into our bodies, how can we prevent it? First of all, we must begin by thinking health, rather than disease; of building or creating something desirable, rather than avoiding or destroying something undesirable. Freedom from illness is a by-product of thinking and building health, not of fighting disease.
Essentially, we build health by positive, thinking and balanced living. This latter includes biochemical balance that is supported by eating fresh, whole, natural foods, that is, foods that have not been refined, chemicalized, and overcooked. Both herbs and megadoses of vitamin C have been used successfully either to prevent infectious diseases or to shorten their duration and lessen their discomfort.1
Currently, the focus is on megadoses of vitamin C to "protect people from bacterial assaults." Other researchers prefer to think of vitamin C as helping correct body chemistry. It is this latter interpretation that we will follow, partly because it is more constructive to think of disease as something we build from within rather than something that attacks us from without. Also, research we will later explore supports this more endogenous--and, I think, more holistic--point of view."

Chapter 4 has more on use of Vitamin C. This book is available from Vaccination Liberation.

Rabies rare, vaccine not needed.
From Natural Immunity --Why You Should NOT Vaccinate! By Pat McKay

In a quote from a Newsletter by Robert S. Mendelsohn on page 81, "According to Dr Cole, there is no rabies problem in Ontario: "The number of dogs and cats that contract rabies is very small, and no human has been shown to have contracted the disease, let alone died from it, for well over 20 years."
Dr Cole says he wouldn't worry even if he were bitten by a pet and would not get the rabies vaccine, citing the fact that the disease is not as readily communicable to humans as most lay persons and doctors believe.
"In 20 years, there have been thousands of confirmed rabid animals. Hundreds of people have been exposed to bites and not all of them have been able to get the vaccine. Yet no-one has got rabies. That should tell you something."

Even vaccine manufacturer web sites admit the disease incidence is rare, although of course they offer vaccination as the only hope from 'sure death' from rabies if exposed. [vaccine manufacturer site]
… since 1990 a total of 24 (92%) of the 26 human cases of rabies acquired in the United States…

Rabies History

Again from Immunization The Reality Behind the Myth, Chapter 6. (partial chapter follows)

Chapter 6

Germ Fallout: Rabies, Pasteurization, and Vaccines

Theories imprint a whole view of the universe and make you look at everything through blinders. -William Corliss, Brain/Mind Bulletin, January 24, 1983


Theories come and theories go. Many of yesterday's theories and practices in medicine are now regarded as superstition, for example, bloodletting and the theory of humours. What will tomorrow's savants think of our preoccupation with vaccination and fighting germs? Indeed, yesterday's knowledge frequently becomes today's superstition, and today's knowledge tomorrow's superstition. John Stuart Mill once said, "It often happens that the universal belief of one age--a belief from which no one was free, nor without an extraordinary effort of genius could, at that time, be free--becomes to a subsequent age so palpable an absurdity that the only difficulty is to imagine how such a thing can ever have appeared credible."1
Let's look at a few of the legacies of the germ theory, beginning with some of Pasteur's greatest "triumphs" --the supposed eradication of such diseasesas rabies, anthrax (sheep and cattle disease), pebrine (silkworm disease), and indirectly, undulent fever (brucellosis) by the pasteurization of milk.
Since anthrax and pebrine are somewhat afield of our concern here, we shall not explore the chicanery involved in the promotion of the idea that Pasteur saved the livestock and silk industries. It is largely a repeat of the opportunism mentioned in Chapter 5, and anyone wishing more details on the subject may consult Hume's book. Consideration of the other two diseases, rabies and undulant fever, has important lessons for us since many people believe Pasteur saved the world from the ravages of milk-borne diseases and the bite of mad dogs. Let's begin with rabies.


Rabies, according to one medical dictionary, is an infectious disease caused by a filterable virus that is communicated to man by the bite of an infected animal. Some of the symptoms listed are choking; tetanic spasms, especially of respiration and deglutition (act of swallowing), that are increased by the attempts to drink water or even the sight of water; mental derangement; vomiting; and profuse secretion of sticky saliva. And the disease is usually fatal. No wonder Pasteur, with his antirabies vaccine, was so readily hailed as the savior of humanity from this frightening scourge! Much has been made of the startling cure of 9-year-old Joseph Meister, whom Pasteur "saved" from hydrophobia (rabies). The cure seems less than miraculous when we discover that several other persons, including the dog's owner, were bitten by that same dog on the same day and continued in good health without receiving Pasteur's inoculations. Other children were not so fortunate. Mathieu Vidau died seven months after being personally treated by Pasteur. Also, another child, Louise Pelletier, died after receiving the Pasteur treatment. Dr. Charles Bell Taylor, in the National Review for July 1890, gave a list of cases in which patients of Pasteur's had died, while the dogs that had bitten them remained well.2

Apparently, then as now, organized medicine was using the police powers of the state to enforce obedience to its doctrines: A French postman, Pierre Rascol, along with another man was attacked by a dog supposed to be mad, but he was not actually bitten, for the dog's teeth did not penetrate his clothing. Pierre Rascol's companion, however, received severe bites. Rascol was forced by the postal authorities to undergo the Pasteur treatment, which he did from March 9 to March 14. On April 12, severe symptoms set in, with pain at the points of inoculation. "On the 14th of April he died of paralytic hydrophobia, the new disease brought into the world by Pasteur. What wonder that Professor Michel Peter complained: 'M. Pasteur does not cure hydrophobia: he gives it!'"3
What happened to Rascol's companion who was severely bitten? He refused to go to the Pasteur Institute and remained in perfect health! These stories could easily be dismissed as anecdotal except that there are a great many of them. An article in the Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (January 1951) gives an account of two patients who became paralyzed after they had been treated by the Pasteur vaccine. A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (January 14, 1956) relates that at a meeting of the Academy of Medicine in France it was pointed out that the use of the Pasteur vaccination for rabies may be followed as long as 20 years later by a disorder called Korsakoff's psychosis, which is a state of delirium. Twenty years later! It was also brought out at that same meeting that in a study of 460 patients treated with the Pasteur injection, 20 died.4
The Indiana State Medical Journal (December 1950) reports the case of a man of 25 who received the Pasteur rabies treatment and became paralyzed from the waist down and died shortly thereafter. "The authors say that "no one knows what causes these paralytic reactions. However, it has been definitely established, they say, that they are not caused by the rabies virus. In other words, vaccination, not rabies is the danger here. The authors go on to quote Sellers, another authority, who believes that 'not hydrophobia but rabiophobia is the most troublesome problem.' Fear of rabies, then, is what we have to fear most. "5

A story illustrating the power of suggestion to create sickness or health is told by Millicent Morden:

A ten year old boy in town had been bitten by a dog, supposedly mad. Local newspapers reported he was dying of hydrophobia. Flocks of curious people were going to the house to enjoy the horrifying spectacle. The offer of a drink of water would throw the boy into a convulsion. If any object like a handkerchief or pencil were held near his head, he would growl, snapping at it savagely with his teeth and frothing at the mouth. He frequently uttered menacing growls like those of a vicious dog.
The student doctor hypnotized him and suggested that at 5 P.M. he would suddenly get well. He left asking that a swarm of visitors be kept out.
At 5 o'clock the boy announced that he was well and wanted supper. The crowd now wanted to see the one who had wrought the miracle in curing hydrophobia. All wanted to be treated by him.6

This story, along with many others, tends to support statements made by some doctors and kennel owners that rabies is an imaginary disease. In the same radio address (quoted above), Dr. Morden mentioned other occasions when she entered a room where the patient was strapped down and even held during convulsions by one or more attendants. When she unstrapped the patient, dismissed the attendants, and assured the patient there was no such disease, she said rapid recovery followed.

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, who was unconditionally opposed to the rabies vaccine because of well-documented neurologic damage and death from it, tells of a medical officer in Canada, Dr. Peter Cole, who points to inferential evidence that the disease is not as readily communicable to humans as is commonly thought.7

Many kennel owners report that in 30, 40, and even 50 years of working with dogs, they have never seen a case of rabies and that they and their coworkers have been repeatedly bitten by dogs and have simply washed the wound thoroughly with soap and water and that was the end of It.8

Time magazine (November 19, 1951) gives some advice on what to do if you bitten by a dog. "It was proved eight years ago that rabies virus can be removed from a wound more thoroughly by soap and water than by nitric acid or any other cauterizing agents." Rabies virus can be inactivated by (1) interferon, a protein substance produced by the body and activated by parts of the B complex, and (2) vitamin C. As we discussed in Chapter 4, vitamin C in sufficient quantities will prevent the development of infectious disease.
Fred Klenner found that nerve-type diseases such as polio and tetanus could be successfully treated with the proper amount of vitamin C.9 Rabies virus can be inactivated in a test tube by the addition of vitamin C, and in 1967, a veterinarian proved he could cure distemper with vitamin C. l0
What is the rabies virus? The identifying bacteria are called "Negri bodies" and are found in the brain of the dead animal. However, these bodies are found the brains of animals and people who have died of causes having nothing to do with rabies. Frequently, they are not found in the brains of animals that the experts were sure had rabies. No wonder Dr. William Brady wrote as follows the Berkeley Gazette for September 1, 1954:
I have never seen a case of rabies in man and I have never met a doctor who has seen a case, yet we know that the preventive noculation of Pasteur virus sometimes causes death. . . . The Pasteur treatment for rabies is a blind treatment and no one knows whether Pasteur treatment confers any protection against rabies. I'd never willingly receive Pasteur treatment or give it to anyone under any conceivable circumstances, because I fear material so injected has a disastrous effect in some instances. It is not always successful and occasionally paralysis follows its use.11

What is rabies? T. D. Dillon, proprietor and kennel owner, said that most cases of supposed rabies are really running fits, teething fits, worm fits, sunstroke from heat exposure, or hysteria caused by the dog finding itself in a strange environment such as a hostile, bustling, crowded city. Other kennel owners have suggested that the so-called rabid dog can be suffering from poor treatment, hunger, thirst, fear. At any rate, the Pasteur treatment is as unhealthy and risky for dogs as it is for humans. Dillon goes on to say that most dogs that he has known to be inoculated with the rabies serum have died from its aftereffects.12
Did, in fact, the incidence of hydrophobia decrease after the introduction of the Pasteur treatment? Dr. Charles W. Dulles, former lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, said, "It has been shown by statistics that in countries where that method [the Pasteur treatment] is employed the number of deaths from hydrophobia has increased and not diminished." 13 Ethyl Douglas Hume points out that prior to the Pasteur treatment the average number of deaths per year from hydrophobia in France was 30. After the Pasteur treatment, the number Jumped to 45. She also discusses at length how the figures were manipulated to give the impression of "success."14 Does this sound familiar?
What we said about the rabies virus is true for other viruses as well. The disease with which a particular virus is associated is sometimes present and sometimes not; people who have a particular virus may or may not have the disease associated with it. ...

From page 900 of 1999 Physicians Desk Reference (RabAvert vaccine)

CONTRAINDICATIONS In view of the almost invariably, fatal outcome of rabies, there is no contraindication to post-exposure immunization. However, if an alternative product (e.g., HDCV or Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed [RVA]) is not available, care should be taken if the vaccine is to be administered to persons known to be, sensitive to processed ,bovine gelatin, chicken protein, neomycin, chlortetracycline and amphotericin B in trace amounts, which may be present in the vaccine and may cause an allergic reaction in such individuals.

WARNINGS Serious systemic anaphylactic reactions have been reported and neuroparalytic events have been reported in temporal association with RabAvert, rabies vaccine administration. Against the background of 11.8 million doses distributed' worldwide as of June 30, 1995, 10 cases of encephalitis (l death) or meningitis, 7 cases of transient paralysis (including 2 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome), 1 case of myelitis, 1 case of retrobulbar neuritis, and 2 cases of suspected multiple sclerosis have been temporally associated with the use of RabAvert. Also 2 cases of anaphylactic shock have been reported. Such events pose a dilemma for the attending physician. A patient's risk of developing rabies must be carefully considered, however, before deciding to discontinue immunization. ...

ADVERSE REACTIONS … Local reactions such as induration, swelling and reddening have been reported more often than systemic reactions. In a comparative trial in normal volunteers, Dreesen et al. (3,24) described their experience with RabAvert compared to a HDCV rabies vaccine. Nineteen subjects received RabAvert and 20 received HDCV. The most commonly reported adverse reaction was pain at the injection site, reported 45% of the HDCV group, and 34% of the RabAvert group. Localized lymphadenopathy was reported in about 15% of each group. The most common systemic reactions were malaise (15% RabAvert group vs 25% HDCV group), headache (10% RabAvert group vs. 20% HDCV group), and dizziness (15% RabAvert group vs. 10% HDCV group). In a recent study in the USA (4), 83 subjects received RabAvert and 82 received HDCV. Again the most common adverse reaction was pain at the injection site in 80% in the HDCV group and 84% in the RabVert group. The most common systemic reactions were headache (52% RabAvert group vs. 38% HDCV group) and malaise (20% RabAvert group vs. 17% HDCV group). None of the adverse events was serious, almost all adverse events were of mild or moderate intensity. Statistically significant differences between vaccination groups were not found. Both vaccines were generally well tolerated. Uncommonly observed adverse events include temperatures above 38 degrees C (100 degrees F), swollen lymph nodes, and gastrointestinal complaints. In rare cases, patients have experienced severe headache, fatigue, circulatory reactions, sweating, chills, monoarthritis and allergic reactions; transient paresthesias and one case of suspected urticaria pigmentosa have also been reported. [ends page 901, Chiron Corporation]

Page 2329 PDR 1999, Pasteur Merieux Connaught ( Imovax Rabies Vaccine, HDCV [human diploid cell vaccine]) Post-exposure immunization Post-exposure efficacy of Merieux Imovax Rabies Vaccine was successfully proven during clinical experience in Iran (7) in conjunction with antirabies serum. Forty-five persons severely bitten by rabid dogs and wolves received Merieux vaccine within hours of and up to 14 days after the bites. All individuals were fully protected against rabies.

[Note: we do not know that any of these bitten individuals would have gotten rabies.
Since rabies is very rare, even from bites of rabid animals, it would be illogical to assume any benefits are proven.]

The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association has published a report in its April 1, 2008 issue, Vol. 232, No. 7, entitled: Postmarketing Surveillance of Rabies Vaccines for Dogs to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy."

Despite the extreme under-reporting of vaccinal adverse reactions, this report states on the second page that between April 1, 2004 and March 31, 2007, the Center for Veterinary Biologics, "nearly 10,000 adverse event reports (all animal species) were received by manufacturers of rabies vaccines..........Approximately 65% of the manufacturer's reports involved dogs."

The report further states on the second page that: "Rabies vaccines are the most common group of biological products identified in adverse event reports received by the CVB," and they give the following description of the adverse reaction followed by the % of dogs affected: Vomiting-28.1%, Facial Swelling-26.3%, Injection Site Swelling or Lump-19.4%, Lethargy-12%, Urticaria-10.1%, Circulatory shock-8.3%, Injection site pain-7.4%, Pruritus-7.4%, Injection site alopecia or hair loss-6.9%, Death-5.5%, Lack of Consciousness-5.5, Diarrhea-4.6%, Hypersensitivity (not specified)-4.6%, Fever-4.1%, Anaphylaxis-2.8%, Ataxia-2.8%, Lameness-2.8%, General signs of pain-2.3%, Hyperactivity-2.3%, Injection site scab or crust-2.3%, Muscle tremor-2.3%, Tachycardia-2.3%, and Thrombocytopenia-2.3%.

Read rest of story at:
2008 RABIES Vaccine-JAVMA Report Adverse Reactions in Dogs

More Information:
Adverse events following rabies vaccine
Rabies vaccine adverse reactions

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