
Websites (This Page)

Autism (This Page)

Animal (This Page)

Great Sites for Vaccine Research

Important Vaccine and Health LINKS

100+ Great Anti-Vax_Info Links (some oudated)

Jock Doubleday's LINKS (great collection)

Keyword Index for VacLib's Website

Dutch Français Finnish German Italiano Portuguese Español Links

Sheet 1: Websites

Organization Address Region

14 Studies http://www.fourteenstudies.org

AEGIS Schweiz (Luxembourg) http://www.aegis-schweiz.ch

Aktives Eigenes Gesundes Immun-System http://www.aegis.ch

American Rally for Personal Rights-Vaccination Choice, Parental Consent http://americanpersonalrights.org/

Arnica http://www.arnica.org.uk UK
Association Liberté Information Santé (ALIS) (France) http://www.alis-france.com

Associazione per Malati Emotrasfusi e Vaccinati http://www.vaccinazione.it

Australian Vaccination Network www.avn.org.au

Axel Makaroff http://www.axel.org.ar/ Argentina
British Medical Practice On Trial www.cryshame.com

Child Health Safety http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/

Classen Immunotherapies Inc www.vaccines.net

Co.R.Ve.L.Va http://www.corvelva.org

COMILVA (Italy) http://www.comilva.org

Coordinamento Nazionale Danneggiati da Vaccino (CONDAV) http://www.condav.it

Dr. Tenpenny VIC http://www.drtenpenny.com

Eltern für Impfaufklärung www.efi-online.de

European Forum on Vaccine Vigilance http://users.telenet.be/vaccine.damage.prevention France/Europe
Global Vaccine Awareness League (GVAL) http://www.gval.com

klein-Klein-Aktion http://www.klein-klein-aktion.de Germany
Tisani Verlag impfen http://www.tisani-verlag.de/impfen/ Germany
Name Germany
Dr. Steffen Rabe's impf-info.deBeiträge zu einer differenzierten Impfentscheidung http://www.impf-info.de

http://www.impf-report.de/ http://www.impf-report.de

Impfkritik.de http://www.impfkritik.de

Informieren Sie sich bevor es zu spät ist http://www.impfrisiko.eu

Groupe médical de réflexion sur les vaccins http://www.infovaccin.ch

Groupe Médical de Réflexion sur les Vaccins (Switzerland) http://www.infovaccins.ch

Hapi Health http://www.hapihealth.com

Hendersonville Vaccine Awareness www.hendersonvillevaccineawarenessnetwork.com TN
Hisunim - Hebrew http://www.hisunim.com Isreal
Homefirst www.homefirst.com

Illinois Vaccination Awareness Coalition www.vaccineawareness.org

Immunization Awareness Society NZ http://www.ias.org.nz/

InfoVac http://www.infovac.ch

Libertas Sanitas http://www.libertas-sanitas.de

Maine Vaccine Choice http://mainevaccinechoice.org ME
Maine Vaccine Information Center http://www.mainevac.org

Maryland Coalition for Vaccine Choice http://mdvaccinechoice.wordpress.com

Medical Voices Vaccine Information Center http://www.medicalvoices.org

Mercola www.mercola.com

Meryl Nass, MD Anthrax www.anthraxvaccine.org ME
Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccination (MOM) http://www.momvaccines.org/

National Vaccine Information Center www.nvic.org

Nederlandse Vereniging Kritisch Prikken (Holland) http://www.nvkp.nl Netherlands Dutch Association for Conscientious Vaccination
New Hampshire Coalition for Vaccine Choice www.vacChoiceNH.org NH
New Jersey Coalition for Vaccine Choice www.njvaccinechoice.com NJ
New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice http://nyvic.org/

No Mercury http://www.nomercury.org New Zeland
Off the Radar - HPV Vaccine www.offtheradar.co.nz New Zeland
OK Health Freedom (Vaccines only) http://www.oklahomahealthfreedomnetwork.org

PAVE People Advocating Vaccine Ed www.vaccineeducation.com NC
Preventie Vaccinatieschade - Kris Gaublomme, MD www.vaccinatieschade.be

Preventie vaccinatieschade (Belgium) http://www.vaccinatieschade.be

Profitable Harm (christina england - anonymous) http://www.profitableharm.com

PROVE www.vaccineinfo.net

Schutzverband fur mpfgeschadigte e.V. http://www.impfschutzverband.de/phorum5

Stichting Vaccinatieschade (Holland) http://www.vaccinatieschade.com

Stop het vaccin Baarmoederhalskanker http://www.vaccinatieschade.nl Netherlands
Tax Tyranny - Vaccines http://www.taxtyranny.ca/images/HTML/Vaccines

The Informed Parent (United Kingdom) http://www.informedparent.co.uk

The Institute for Molecular Medicine http://www.immed.org

The One Click (Vaccines Only) http://www.theoneclickgroup.co.uk UK
The Truth About Gardasil http://truthaboutgardasil.org/

Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute http://www.thinktwice.com

Treating Autism http://www.treatingautism.co.uk/ UK
Vac Damaged Support Group http://www.jabs.org.uk UK
Vaccination Debate - Ian Sinclair www.vaccinationdebate.com

Vaccination Dilema - Greg Beattie http://vaccinationdilemma.com

Vaccination Information & Choice Network http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/

Vaccination Information & Choice Network (archives) http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccination Information Australia http://www.visainfo.org.au/

Vaccination Information Service http://www.vaccination.inoz.com Australia
Vaccination Risk Awareness Network www.vran.org BC, Canada
Vaccine Awareness Network (VAN) http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/ UK
Vaccine Awareness of North Florida www.know-vaccines.org Fl
Vaccine Free Kids http://www.vaccinefreekids.org/ MD
Vaccine Information Serving Australia http://www.visainfo.org.au Australia
Vaccine Injury Coalition VIC www.vacinfo.org FL
Vaccine Liberation www.vaclib.org ID
Vaccine Liberation Relay www.vaccinetruth.com

VaccSecure http://www.vaccsecure.com

Vactruth www.vactruth.com

Vacunación Libre http://www.librevacunacion.com.ar/ Argentina
Vacunaction Libre www.vacunacionlibre.org Spain
WAVE www.novaccine.com

whale.to www.whale.to

Wisconsin Vaccine Information Center http://www.wisvic.org

Александр Коток, MD, PhD http://www.homeoint.org/kotok/ Russia
Лига Защиты Гражданских Прав http://www.privivok.net.ua

LiSa (Germany)

John Martin http://www.ccid.org/safety.htm

The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (United Kingdom)

Society of Homeopaths (United Kingdom)

Sheet 2: Autism

Adventures in Autism
Autism Action Network http://www.autismactionnetwork.com
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)
Autism File www.autismfile.com
Autism South Africa
National Autism Association
Age of Autism
Autism Canada
FAIR www.autismmedia.org
DAN! http://www.defeatautismnow.com
Generation Rescue http://www.generationrescue.org

Sheet 3: Animal

Stop the Shots! http://www.stoptheshots.com
Canine Health Concern http://www.canine-health-concern.org.uk
Pet Vaccine Education http://www.facebook.com/medicalvoices#/pages/Pet-Vaccine-Education/185643573728?ref=mf