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Autism Related News
Nearing the Unthinkable Scenario of 1 in 2 Children With Autism in the U.S.
     by Marco Cáceres, July 1, 2024, Opinion
The prevalence for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among eight-year-old children in the United States reached 1 in 36 last year. At least, that’s the rate that was confirmed by an analysis published in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) epidemiological digest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) on Mar. 24, 2023. That rate was based on a survey performed in 2020 as part of a surveillance program known as the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network in 11 states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin). It represented a 18.2 percent increase over the 1 in 44 rate reported by the CDC in November 2021 for the 2018 survey.

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One in Four New Jersey Teens With Autism May Be Undiagnosed
     by Rishma Parpia, Published January 22, 2024
A 2023 study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders found that despite advances in screening and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one in 55 teenagers met the criteria for ASD; however, one in four 16-year-olds on the autism spectrum had not received a formal diagnosis.

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Dr. Douglas Hulstedt: 40%-50% of autism cases are caused by childhood vaccines
     By Rhoda Wilson on December 27, 2023
Although Dr. Douglas Hulstedt himself is without a doubt that vaccines caused 40%-50% of the autism cases he saw in his practice, he told Steve Kirsch during an interview that vaccines cause up to 90% of the autism cases according to a doctor practising family medicine in Louisiana who has treated over 8,000 cases.

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Doctor call provides even more evidence that vaccines are the leading cause of autism and SIDS
Executive summary
I had a call with over a dozen doctors and holistic practitioners today, all friends of Jason Dean. He chose doctors he knew who would be willing to go on a zoom call; there was no other selection criteria.

While they asked not to reveal who said what for fear of retribution, I will summarize some of the most astonishing statements that were made in the call today.

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It's Time You Read the Truth About Dr. Andrew Wakefield

A Thorough Analysis of the Case Against Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Mary Holland, JD
     James Lyons-Weiler, Jul 24, 2023
If you’ve heard Dr. Wakefield’s name — and you probably have — you’ve heard two tales. You’ve heard that Dr. Wakefield is a charlatan, an unethical researcher, and a huckster who was “erased” from the British medical registry and whose 1998 article on autism and gastrointestinal disease was “retracted” by a leading medical journal. You’ve also heard a very different story, that Dr. Wakefield is a brilliant and courageous scientist, a compassionate physician beloved by his patients, and a champion for families with autism and vaccine injury. What’s the truth?

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Documentaries that Include 100’s of Health Professionals WARNING The Public About The Dangers of Vaccination

[34 links to videos on vaccines. And a list of 110 Books about the dangers of medical injections.]

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Study Shows Significant Link Between Mercury and Autism
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 13, 2020
"There is … a significant relationship between mercury concentration and autism. Thus, the concentration of mercury can be listed as a pathogenic cause (disease-causing) for autism. ~ Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapy 2020"

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The Political Economy of Autism
2018-10-01, Author, Rogers, Toby M.
Autism is a global epidemic. An estimated 1 in 40 children in Australia, 1 in 64 children in the U.K., and 1 in 36 children in the U.S. have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is an enormous increase from the first known autism prevalence study in the U.S. in 1970, that established an autism prevalence rate of less than 1 per 10,000. Several studies have shown that changes in diagnostic criteria account for only a small fraction of the increased prevalence. Families of children on the spectrum face extraordinary additional expenses and decreased earnings as one parent often becomes a caregiver. Autism cost the U.S. $268 billion (1.5% of GDP) in 2015; if autism continues to increase at its current rate, autism will cost the U.S. over $1 trillion (3.6% of GDP) in 2025 (as a point of comparison, U.S. Defense Department spending is 3.1% of GDP).

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Autism Rate in New Jersey Up 43 Percent
by TVR Staff, December 23, 2019
A study by Rutgers University has found that the rate of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) four-year-old children in New Jersey rose by 43 percent from 2010 to 2014, to an estimated rate of 1 in 35 children—the highest of any state in the United States. According to the research, which was published earlier this year in a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of ASD in New Jersey was 19.7 per 1,000 children in 2010, compared to 28.4 per 1,000 in 2014.

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Wakefield New Angle / Old Story
by Jim West
The word "antibiotic" is mentioned early, yet only once in the entire study.

   [Subject four] developed recurrent antibiotic-resistant [middle ear infections] and the first behavioural symptoms...

This is revealing.

Wakefield is bent on avoiding toxicology!

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NEW VAX VS. UNVAX DATA: Autism Rates Show Unvaccinated At 1 in 715, Partially Vaccinated 1 in 440
It was in late February when Oregon officials heard testimony on House Bill 3063 (HB 3063), a new bill seeking to eliminate all non-medical exemptions to vaccination in the state. At the time, much of Oregon was still reeling from a historic winter storm that caused an airport closure, brought cities to a standstill due to massive snowfall, and caused the Oregon Department of Transportation to shut down several highways. Despite the weather conditions, the bill’s hearing was moved up a full week and residents were given only two days notice to attend. Nevertheless, the hearing drew hundreds of parents as wrote, “Normally sedate hallways were packed with giggling kids…Two overflow rooms quickly filled with people — many wearing stickers opposing House Bill…”

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The Vaccine Autism Link
Posted by Age of Autism
Age of Autism embraces the belief expressed by the great Bernie Rimland that "the autism epidemic is real, and excessive vaccinations are the cause.

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'Miracle drug' called junk science
May 21, 2009
Desperate to help their autistic children, hundreds of parents nationwide are turning to an unproven and potentially damaging treatment: multiple high doses of a drug sometimes used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

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The Color by Numbers Epidemic: Formerly Low Autism Rates among Ethnic Groups Skyrocketing After Massive, Coercive Campaign to Vaccinate “Underserved” Minorities
June 30, 2014
A recent study in Pediatrics reports that autism rates now appear to be higher among the children of American born Hispanic and African American mothers and among children of mothers within certain immigrant groups:

The researchers found an increased risks of being diagnosed with autism overall and specifically with coexisting mental retardation in children of foreign-born mothers who were black, Central/South American, Filipino, and Vietnamese, as well as among United States-born Hispanic and African American/black mothers, compared with US-born Caucasians. Compared to children of US-born Caucasians, children of US African American/black and foreign-born black, foreign-born Central/South American, and US-born Hispanic mothers were at higher risk of autism, characterized by both severe emotional outbursts and impaired language skills.

This report is a dramatic turnaround from only a few years ago, when the CDC reported an entirely different pattern among ethnic groups in the US:

Non-Hispanic white children were approximately 30% more likely to be identified with ASD than non-Hispanic black children and were almost 50% more likely to be identified with ASD than Hispanic children.

What’s also bitterly fascinating—and not mentioned in media coverage of the recent study on high rates of autism among ethnic groups— is that there had also been a radical shift in ethnic and economic demographics regarding vaccine uptake. At one time, for instance, African Americans were the least compliant and most “under-vaccinated”:

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Still Covering Up: the New Autism Speaks/JAMA Study of the Cost of Autism
June 12, 2014 By John Stone
"The present study seems to do two things: regard notional cases based on a half-baked theory of general prevalence as actual, but also underestimating costs of individual real cases by more that three times (on a breakdown of their own figures)."


The other matter I cannot reconcile is the lifetime costs. The paper determines that the lifetime cost in the UK of a person with autism and ID is £1.5 million ($2.2m). Even in 2001 Järbrink and Knapp stated: “The lifetime cost for a person with autism exceeded £2.4 million” ($3.8m). But the new paper also gives a yearly cost for an autistic adult with ID in the UK as £86,981 (table 2) and £86,099 ($126,430 - table 4) and £1.5m only amounts to about 17 years’ worth. Using the figures provided for childhood costs in Table 2 and a projected average lifetime of 67 years we get a grand total of £4,864,911 (about $7.8m): more like it, perhaps, but still I fear rather optimistic. This is our new autistic workforce. We ain’t heard nothing yet: the real financial tsunami is on its way.

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[Comment/Rapid Response] Which MMR?
in reply to MMR vaccine is not linked with autism, says Danish study
May 2014
The debate about MMR-autism rages on and the Danish study is but another weak link in the chain promoted by those who, it appears, would vaccinate and be damned. Neville Goodman quotes a site that I suspect he opines will bring disrepute on anti-vaccine authors – perhaps he and Tony Floyd could look at the “critical analysis “ of the Danish Study by Ulf Branell (1) and comment. They might throw light on the validity of Branell’s statistical appraisal of the Danish study.

The Danish study does nothing to alter my view that MMR is probably a cause of autism, but the authors have perhaps unwittingly identified an important avenue of investigation (assuming their values are sound) that may lead us to the proof that MMR causes autism. ...

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Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney
MARCH 7, 2014
He does it again. Stop. Rewind. Play. And one more time. On the fourth pass, Cornelia whispers, “It’s not ‘juice.’ ” I barely hear her. “What?” “It’s not ‘juice.’ It’s ‘just’ . . . ‘just your voice’!”

I grab Owen by the shoulders. “Just your voice! Is that what you’re saying?!”

He looks right at me, our first real eye contact in a year. “Juicervose! Juicervose! Juicervose!”

Walt starts to shout, “Owen’s talking again!” A mermaid lost her voice in a moment of transformation. So did this silent boy. “Juicervose! Juicervose! Juicervose!” Owen keeps saying it, watching us shout and cheer. And then we’re up, all of us, bouncing on the bed. Owen, too, singing it over and over — “Juicervose!” — as Cornelia, tears beginning to fall, whispers softly, “Thank God, he’s in there.”

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My take on Autism Awareness Day
by David Foster
I coached Special Olympics for over 20 years, and I have been a vaccine safety advocate for about 20 years, so I may have a different take on Autism Awareness Day than most.

Through Special Olympics I was exposed to many children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, although those involved with an organized activity like SO would necessarily be relatively high functioning. My point is that there are many many autistic individuals, who are very low functioning, that you will never see, some cannot take care of themselves in any way, some wander constantly and many cases of wandering end up in their death. Autism impacts families in profound and sometimes very damaging and dangerous ways.

So please, media and pundits, stop referring to autism as a "gift".

I fully support the intent of Autism Awareness Day to foster both awareness of and tolerance for those with autism. We need to work on both social programs as well as treatment regimens to deal with the exponentially growing number of autistic people in our midst.

But what we ALSO need to do is stop creating new autistic children.

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Vaccine Industry Watchdog Obtains CDC Documents That Show Statistically Significant Risks of Autism Associated with Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal
(PRWEB) February 19, 2014
For nearly ten years, Brian Hooker has been requesting documents that are kept under tight wraps by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His more than 100 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have resulted in copious evidence that the vaccine preservative Thimerosal, which is still used in the flu shot that is administered to pregnant women and infants, can cause autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

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Posted on February 23, 2014 by ChildHealthSafety

This Study Reveals Children are Being Vaccinated With Toxic Levels of Aluminium Causing Neurological Damage and Autism

A recent study conducted by Canadian scientists Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic revealed that the more vaccines that children receive containing the adjuvant aluminum, the greater their chance is of developing autism, autoimmune diseases and neurological problems in the future.

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Administration of aluminium to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes.
Epub 2013 Jul 19.
Our previous ecological studies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has demonstrated a correlation between increasing ASD rates and aluminium (Al) adjuvants in common use in paediatric vaccines in several Western countries. The correlation between ASD rate and Al adjuvant amounts appears to be dose-dependent and satisfies 8 of 9 Hill criteria for causality.

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B-lymphocytes from a population of children with autism spectrum disorder and their unaffected siblings exhibit hypersensitivity to thimerosal.
Epub 2013 Jun 9.

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Autism, Vaccination and Immigrants - Yet Another Clear Correlation by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) seem more common among young Somalis in Minnesota and among immigrant communities in several western countries. At least as late as 2003, Ethiopian-born immigrants to Israel had no recorded cases of autism. [That is correct: Not a single one!]

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An Autism-Gene in a Dish v In Vivo Veritas
10-15-2013 by F. Edward Yazbak MD
Many thousands of American children have developed autism.

The Institute of Medicine’s Immunization Safety Review Committee held its ninth and probably its most important meeting on vaccination and autism on February 9, 2004. The purpose of the meeting was to review all “pro and con research” on the subject.

Relying in part on findings reported in certain Danish studies[1], the committee concluded in its May 14, 2004 report [2] that the “body of epidemiological evidence” favored rejection of a causal relationship between vaccination and autism. It also recommended “that available funding for autism research be channeled to the most promising areas.”

Since then, enormous amounts of money have been poured into “genetic” research.

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Let there be sunlight! Is sunscreen implicated in the development and rise in the incidence of autism?
Date: 10-3-2013 by Sandy Gottstein
In the past year some interesting information has “come across my desk”, which suggest to me a very interesting possibility. These findings are as follows:

1. Vitamin D deficiencies have been found to be related to auto-immune disorders, autism, and cancer and cardiovascular disease.

2. The recommended dose for vitamin D is thought by some to be way too low.

3. Fish at lower depths in the ocean accumulate higher levels of mercury.

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Nearly two dozen medical studies prove that vaccines can cause autism
October 01, 2013
(NaturalNews) Mainstream doctors and media pundits are notorious for claiming that the vaccine-autism debate is over and that no legitimate scientific evidence exists to suggest even a possible link between vaccinations and autism spectrum disorders (ASD): case closed. But a thoroughly-researched report recently published by Arjun Walia over at Activist Post reveals that there are at least 22 published scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism and that there are many more out there with similar findings.

Much of the original controversy stems from Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study back in the late 1990s, which exposed gastrointestinal inflammation as an obvious side effect of vaccination with the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Dr. Wakefield obviously struck a major nerve with his research, which was quickly torn apart by the establishment and maliciously paraded around as being fraudulent, even though his groundbreaking findings have repeatedly been validated and replicated by many other studies.

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Let there be sunlight! Is sunscreen implicated in the development and rise in the incidence of autism?
by Sandy Gottstein 10-3-2013
In the past year some interesting information has “come across my desk”, which suggest to me a very interesting possibility. These findings are as follows:

Vitamin D deficiencies have been found to be related to auto-immune disorders, autism, and cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The recommended dose for vitamin D is thought by some to be way too low.

Fish at lower depths in the ocean accumulate higher levels of mercury.

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The Canary Party's New Viral Video: Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
08 September 2013
For many years now, families of vaccine injured children have had difficult time trying to explain to the uninitiated why the vaccine program is so problematic. Vaccine interests constantly push the sound bite, "vaccines are safe, vaccines save lives," but the harsh reality of the damage being done is a much more complicated story.

The Canary Party has produced a five minute video to explain the heart of the vaccine problem in this country. Because liability protection has been removed from all involved in making and administering vaccines, the program has become corrupted, begun harming untold numbers of children, and abandoning the injured.

SNL Alumni Rob Schneider graciously voiced the important video, which makes the case that the vaccine program is broken, and informs viewers of the upcoming Congressional hearings examining the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform.

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Agent Orange, Corporatism, Government, Coleen Boyle…. and Autism?
September 24, 2013
Autism prevalence is 1 in 50 in the U.S. How is the Agent Orange health compensation fiasco for Veterans the same as Vaccine Safety and Autism? Thousands of Viet Nam Veterans exposed to the chemical Agent Orange were denied compensation, there was an obstruction of justice, and it took a directive from Congress to fix it over the course of 30 years.

Congress issued a directive for federal agency vaccine safety studies including baseline studies to show exposure and health outcomes (VICA Section 27). In a rising autism epidemic, unfettered science and detailed analysis hold promise for answers, but data is far from available and the process for collection and access to de-identified data remains stymied.

And according to information obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, obstructions of justice that may have denied thousands of vaccine injured children with Autism compensation in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program appears to have been revealed through malfeasance in CDC science studies, possible destruction of early 1990’s government studies showing mercury issues, alleged removal of unvaccinated children from the data sources making it harder to perform vaccinated v unvaccinated studies, and barred transparency to the Vaccine Safety Datalink for independent research.

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New Research Finds Annual Cost of Autism Has More Than Tripled to $126 Billion in the U.S. and Reached £34 Billion in the U.K.
New York, N.Y. (March 28, 2012)
Lifetime Care of Individuals with Autism Highest for Those with Intellectual Disability $2.3 Million U.S. and £1.5 Million U.K. New York, N.Y. (March 28, 2012) – Autism Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, today announced preliminary results of new research that estimates autism costs society a staggering $126 billion per year (U.S.) – a number that has more than tripled since 2006, and annually in the U.K. has reached more than £34 billion (equivalent to $54 billion U.S.). The costs of providing care for each person with autism affected by intellectual disability through his or her lifespan are $2.3 million in the U.S. and £1.5 million ($2.4 million) in the U.K. The lifetime costs of caring for individuals who are not impacted by intellectual disability are $1.4 million in the U.S. and £917,000 in the U.K. (equivalent to $1.46 million). The Autism Speaks-funded research, conducted by researchers Martin Knapp, Ph.D., of the London School of Economics, and David Mandell, Sc.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, will be presented at the international conference “Investing in our Future: The Economic Costs of Autism,” hosted by Goldman Sachs in collaboration with the Child Development Centre and Autism Speaks, on March 31 in Hong Kong.

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Autism linked to deficiency in healthy gut bacteria: Research

(NaturalNews) Parents and caregivers of autistic children have been saying it for decades, and now the scientific community is finally catching up with reality: gastrointestinal abnormalities are a common marker associated with the diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). And a new study recently published online in the journal, PLoS One, has specifically identified imbalanced and deficient gut flora as a major symptom, and potentially even a primary cause, of autism in many of the children diagnosed with the condition.

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Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism
01/14/2013 9:43 am
The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as "vaccine court," has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for "pain and suffering" and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars.

The government did not admit that vaccines caused autism, at least in one of the children. Both cases were "unpublished," meaning information is limited, and access to medical records and other exhibits is blocked. Much of the information presented here comes from documents found at the vaccine court website.

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Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines [2010]

See Full US Congress Hearings On The Autism Pandemic – Web Links Here – Video & Transcripts

Short Link

Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys develop autism symptoms after obtaining doses of popular vaccines

Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University of Pittsburgh Vaccine Study

Infant Vaccines Produce Autism Symptoms In Primates

The Autism Team Reality TV Program and Reality for Autism

Congress slams NIH, CDC reps for evading vaccine/autism evidence

From the Editor: Amish Update
Posted by Age of Autism May 09, 2012
Folks, the Amish communities are being pressed to get vaccinated. As they assimilate to "English" ways--more out of financial need than anything else--that include schooling and use of English doctors, it won't be long before the Amish, too, will be reporting more and more autism. I'm so concerned about this I'm thinking of asking my new employer if there isn't some way I could do an investigative story with these folks before it's too late. And I promise you, having lived in this area nearly 20 years now, it is soon going to be too late.

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In Vaccines We Trust? Paul Offit threatens religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. A response by Suzanne Humphries, MD
August 26, 2012
Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. This statement that outlines Offit’s personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal removal of all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States of America. This is something that Offit has been working toward for years, and the likely end-purpose of his series of books. Paul Offit believes that exempting your child from vaccination is morally reprehensible. He considers himself an authority on autism, all infectious diseases, morality, history, every religious system, and infant immunology. You may also recognize Dr Offit as the one who says that all vaccines are perfectly safe and infants can tolerate theoretically 10,000 of them at once:
“A more practical way to determine the diversity of the immune response would be to estimate the number of vaccines to which a child could respond at one time…. each infant would have the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10, 000 vaccines at any one time.” [1]
The status accorded to him by the pharmaceutical and medical fields permits him to influence the opinions and practice of lower rung physicians regarding vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, even doctors will simply believe the “expert”[2] without bothering to go and check their own medical literature, to see if the self-proclaimed expertise has a solid scientific foundation. Research shows that when people listen to the expert, the part of their brains that is capable of independent thought goes to sleep.[3]

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Paternal Age Study Implicates Environment Not Genes
By Bob Krakow August 25, 2012
The headline generating paper published this week in a leading scientific journal, Kong, Augustine et al. 2013. “Rate of de novo mutations and the importance of father’s age to disease risk.” Nature 488(7412):471–475, has been promoted relentlessly in the mainstream media being featured, among other prominent venues, as the lead front page story in the New York Times. The Nature scientific paper purports to show data supporting a link between children born to older fathers and disease, specifically autism and schizophrenia.

The paper is based on the evaluation of the genetic makeup of 219 individuals, claiming significance for the finding that older fathers possessing a higher number of de novo genetic mutations than younger fathers produce more offspring with autism and schizophrenia. The purported association between older fathers and children with autism is being touted as a breakthrough finding that helps to explain the rise in the incidence of autism over the last two decades. The finding is claimed to support a genetic etiology for autism.

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Half-Siblings of Those With Autism at Raised Risk for Disorder: Study
Research also suggests that fathers, mothers equally likely to transmit higher risk
Friday, April 20, 2012
FRIDAY, April 20 (HealthDay News) -- Half-siblings of children with autism are at increased risk for the disorder, according to a recent study that provides new genetic clues about autism.

Previous research has shown that full siblings of children with autism are also at higher risk for the developmental disability. The new finding may not be surprising -- given that half-siblings share about 25 percent of their genes -- but provides new clues to how autism is inherited.

The study included more than 5,000 U.S. families enrolled in a nationwide autism registry in which there was a child with autism and at least one other sibling. Included were 619 families with at least one maternal half-sibling, meaning the children shared the same mother but not the same father. The researchers compared autism recurrence among the half-siblings to the rate among the full siblings.

The findings also suggest that in many families, the transmission of autism from parents to children is the result of the effects of many genes, with each contributing a small proportion of the risk, he said.

The study was published online April 16 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

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Dr. Andrew Wakefield Exclusive on American Investigator: Autism Numbers Likely far Higher than One in 88
April 17, 2012
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Richard Moore on the American Investigator and for The Lakeland Times, internationally renowned and controversial autism researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield says recently announced numbers on the prevalence of autism – which showed a two-year spike from one in 110 children diagnosed with ASD to one in 88 – are likely understated and by a dramatic order.

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Baby receives cocktail of seven vaccines, loses ability to speak, recovers with homeopathic shock remedies
April 3rd, 2012
(HealthyTimesNewspaper) – Baby Irene’s dad agreed with his homeopathic physician, Hannah Eagle, about the dangers of vaccines. He certainly did not plan on vaccinating his 4-month old daughter. On December 4, 2011, however, under a tremendous amount of pressure from the family pediatrician, he and his wife acquiesced and allowed a single injection cocktail of seven vaccines, as follows: DPaT (3 vaccines: diphtheria, pertussis, tetnus), HIB, Pneumococcal, Polio, and Influenza.

Baby Irene stopped communicating

Once home, she had a fever that eventually passed. The parents then began to notice that the ordinary babbling, cooing, baby talking, and so forth had completely ceased. Their baby could no longer talk! She would open her mouth and appear as if she were trying to speak, but could only manage to stick out her tongue. “She is not talking at all,” reported her terrified father. “It seems to me when she tries to make noise, all she does is stick out her tongue. Her tongue is out a lot more now and she is chewing her thumb and moving her tongue around a lot in the process.”

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CDC Report Finds 1 In 49 Children In NJ Identified With Autism
March 29, 2012
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 88 children in the United States, and 1 in 49 children in New Jersey, have been identified as having an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a new study released today. Autism spectrum disorders are almost five times more common among boys than girls – with 1 in 54 boys identified.

The number of children identified with ASDs ranged from 1 in 210 children in Alabama to 1 in 47 children in Utah. The largest increases were among Hispanic and black children.

The report, “Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 Sites, United States, 2008,” provides autism prevalence estimates from 14 areas. It was published today in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

“This information paints a picture of the magnitude of the condition across our country and helps us understand how communities identify children with autism,” said Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “That is why HHS and our entire administration has been working hard to improve the lives of people living with autism spectrum disorders and their families by improving research, support, and services.”

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CDC Says Autism Rate Rising
Thursday, 29 Mar 2012, 6:20 PM CDT
HOUSTON - From "Scary" to "Horrifying”: that's how many view newly released autism numbers from the Center for Disease Control. Five years ago, one out of 150 children was challenged with some form of autism.

Today, the number is one in 88.

"The way I view it, the CDC has abjectly failed our children. There has been a 78 percent increase in autism in this decade.

"Inevitably, if we don't do something different they are going to keep going up," said Leslie Phillips of Katy, mother of a son with autism and board member of the National Autism Association.

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How many children have to suffer from autism to call this an emergency?” Advocates Say HHS Secretary Must Declare Autism A Health Emergency
Wed 18 Apr 2012 07:26
Grassroots autism advocacy organizations representing over 100,000 autism families held a press conference Monday, April 2, 2012, World Autism Day, to push for official recognition of autism as a national public health emergency and to analyze the federal health authorities’ ongoing failure to respond.

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CDC to Announce New Autism Rate of 1 in 88, and Likely to Declare “No Public Health Emergency” and “No Epidemic”
Wednesday, 28 March 2012 10:22
This week, the Canary Party expects CDC to announce a new autism prevalence rate of 1 in 88. As boys are diagnosed with autism at more than four times the rate of girls, this translates to 1 in 54 boys. That new rate would be an increase from the previous 1 in 110 reported two years ago by the CDC’s ADDM (Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring) Network. This would only be the latest uptick in the autism rate reported by CDC, as the disorder was diagnosed in 1 in 10,000 in the 1960s, and the rate was virtually zero before 1930.

The Canary Party also expects federal health authorities to continue to downplay the seriousness of the skyrocketing autism rate, just as they have done for the past two decades since the rate began rising dramatically. Canary Party Chairman and autism father Mark Blaxill, drawing on his own experience working with federal agencies on autism for many years, commented, “No matter how high the autism rate soars, the CDC’s continued denial of an autism epidemic is certitude comparable to death and taxes.”

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Wakefield’s Autism Research Is Cited by Researchers Who Say They Can’t Replicate It
26 September 2011
Something rather strange is going on in autism research. Andrew Wakefield was smeared, his reputation trashed, his career torched, and his work labeled every negative thing conceivable—including fraud. The Lancet pulled his work off their site; they disappeared it. Everything conceivable was done to discredit Wakefield’s work and make it disappear. So why are researchers who have disavowed Wakefield and his work, and who have stated that it isn’t replicable, now citing his papers extensively? The only thing they don’t do is use the initials M, M, and R in one breath.

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Federal government has paid out vaccine autism compensation awards to 83 families
September 21, 2011
(NaturalNews) The USA National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a crafty federal program to relieve the vaccine industry from liability for extreme vaccine injuries. Most claims have been rejected. But enough claims have been awarded to indicate the government's secret awareness of the link between a vaccine and autism while publicly denying it.

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How the mouse brain is influenced by the gut
30 August 2011
Eating a strain of gut-loving bacteria reduces anxiety-like behaviour in mice - a finding that suggests a spoonful of microbes could help stress levels go down in people too.

The human gut is home to about 1000 trillion bacteria, which prevent pathogenic bacteria infiltrating our bowels. Once thought to simply prevent diarrhoea, gut bacteria have recently been linked to autism, reducing the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and treating eczema. Now it seems these microbes can also reduce stress in animals and humans.

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Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report admits MMR vaccines cause measles, seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems
Sunday, August 28, 2011
(NaturalNews) The Institute of Medicine, which has long functioned as a front group for the pharmaceutical industry and receives tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from drug companies and global elitists (like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc.), has issued a report that declares the MMR vaccine is not linked to autism. This is now being widely reported in the conventional (controlled) media, which isn't telling you the real story behind this report.

What's the real story? That this IOM report, even though it goes out of its way to excuse vaccines and dismiss safety concerns, still openly admits that vaccines cause measles, febrile seizures, anaphylactic shock and other potentially fatal side effects. It also admits that other vaccines are linked to a whole host of bizarre side effects, including skin lesions, difficulty breathing and live virus infections (see complete list, below).

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO - May 17, 2011
I grow weary of people who continually want “proof” that vaccines cause harm and can cause autism. Every year the insistence for “More research!! More research!” goes by, four million more children born each year are lined up to be injected with dozens of doses of 16 different vaccines. Many of these precious bundles will become chronically ill; some will become statistics.

Webster defines proof as "something that induces certainty or establishes validity." What level of "proof" yet needs to be demonstrated that will be described as definitive confirmation? Video of children the day before, and then the day after, vaccines have documented autistic regression; the recordings are even admissible in Court as evidence. Is that enough "proof"? Heart wrenching stories about side effects after vaccines – high pitched screaming, vomiting, seizures and even death – have been told by the thousands of parents. Is that proof, or all they all liars?

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Response to “Anti-Vaccine Proponents Claim Court Paid for Autism Cases”
Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law & Advocacy May 2011
As one of my coauthors may already have communicated to you, we take exception to the title of your piece, with specific reference to your use of the word "anti-vaccine." There is no statement in our paper that communicates any "anti-vaccine" view, whatsoever. ...

We do believe that what we found – including the number of cases of"autism" that we found – is significant, and justifies further investigation of all the compensated cases.

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Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Total Population Sample
May 9, 2011 by autismsciencefoundation
A long-awaited study of autism prevalence in Korea came out today in the The American Journal of Psychiatry. Most of the information we have about autism prevalence comes from the US, the UK and Europe, so many were looking at this as the “Korean Study”. It is that, and very much more.
The results? A much higher prevalence estimate than previously found, along with a large fraction of the autistic students previously unidentified and being educated in regular education programs.

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PDF of study, more information:

Autism's Causes: How Close Are We to Solving the Puzzle?
April 20, 2011
ROBERT MACNEIL: As we've reported, autism now affects one American child in a 110. Last month, a committee convened by public health officials in Washington called it a national health emergency. The dramatic rise in official figures over the last decade has generated a surge of scientific research to find what is causing autism.

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Autism Now: Robert MacNeil Shares Grandson Nick's Story
REPORT AIR DATE: April 18, 2011
In the first of six reports in his Autism Now series, former NewsHour anchor Robert MacNeil takes viewers on a visit with his 6-year-old grandson, Nick, to see how autism affects the whole family. Nick experiences autism not just as a brain-development disorder, but also as physical ailments affecting his whole body.

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Note: this PBS special is a 6 part series. Viewers Guide

Autism Diagnoses Bring Slew of Costs for Families

Seth Mnookin walks away without answering awkward questions on US government concessions regarding autism and vaccine
April 19, 2011
Panic Virus’ author Seth Mnookin closed his blog the other week entitled ‘More embarrassing reporting from CBS News’s Sharyl Attkisson’ (HERE) without responding to fundamental criticisms. ...

CHS summarised the points on Mnookin’s blog:-

- The US HRSA has confirmed vaccines can cause autistic conditions.

- Merck’s current Director of Vaccines Division confirmed vaccines can cause autistic conditions – and that was when she was the Head of the US Centers for Disease Control.

- Autistic conditions can be caused by multiple vaccines as was conceded by the US Department of Health and Human Services in the Hannah Poling case.

- Autistic conditions can result from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) following MMR vaccination as held by the US Federal Court in the case of Bailey Banks.

- The increase in autistic conditions, diabetes, childhood asthma and obesity can only be caused by enviromental factors as was confirmed by the current Director of the US National Institutes of Health and leading geneticist Dr Francis Collins in evidence to Congress when he was head of the Human Genome Project.

- the rate in the USA is approximately 1 in 100 and in the UK it is 1 in 64

- the cost to the UK has been estimated to be £28 billion per annum.

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Indicted Researcher Poul Thorsen: Autism Speaks' Original Trailblazer
April 19, 2011
Poul Thorsen, indicted last week (HERE) by US Attorneys for embezzling tax payers money via the Centers for Disease Control, also received $1 Million in funding through an Autism Speaks grant in 2008 (HERE). Now Autism Speaks is trying to hide their Thorsen affiliation. Why is that?

Families across the country work diligently to raise money for Autism Speaks at over 80 walks per year, despite the knowledge that Autism Speaks' research approach has always been to supplement projects currently underway by the CDC and NIH. This arrangement between Autism Speaks and the CDC/NIH amounts to a supplemental federal tax. However, walkers are willing to contribute, and individuals can light their money on fire by contributing at walks if they want.
Poul Thorsen crafted the plan to use Denmark vaccination data despite the fact that CDC, Thorsen and the NAAR board all knew that Denmark's vaccine schedule then, and now, is not remotely similar to the US vaccine schedule. The results of the Denmark studies helped the CDC out of a tough spot and over the past decade, Thorsen's studies were utilized by the CDC repeatedly to falsely reassure the American public about the safety of vaccines. CDC certainly owed Thorsen.

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Is Autism Speaks Giving Poul Thorsen the Old Huck Finn Treatment?
April 19, 2011
In 2008, Autism Speaks reported on their epidemiology grants on their web site. They let supporters know that they were funding a one million dollar international autism registry with CDC and several international researchers including:
"Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD, University of Aarhus, Denmark and Emory University, USA.

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Poul Thorsen: The CDC Finances, Writes and Helps Publish Danish Research
April 14, 2011
With Danish CDC researcher Poul Thorsen now charged 13 counts of fraud and 9 of money laundering Age of Autism revisits this fascinating article by Dr F Edward Yazbak, originally published by ‘Red Flags’ in 2005 (Read full article HERE.) The article suggests the central role Thorsen had in the Great Vaccine Whitewash. Below is an email exchange from the paper:

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Dane indicted for defrauding CDC
April 13, 2011
A Danish man was indicted Wednesday on charges of wire fraud and money laundering for allegedly concocting a scheme to steal more than $1 million in autism research money from the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The indictment charges Poul Thorsen, 49, with 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering. The wire fraud counts each carry a maximum of 20 years in prison and the money laundering counts each carry a maximum of 10 years in prison, with a fine of up to $250,000 for each count.

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US Prosecutors Seek Extradition of Madsen MMR/Autism Denmark Study Author for US$1m MMR & Mercury Autism Research Fraud
April 14, 2011
Reuters reports that US prosecutors have indicted and seek the extradition of Aarhus University, Denmark’s MMR/mercury & autism researcher Poul Thorsen 49, on 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering. This relates to monies paid to Thorsen by the US Centers for Disease Control including for research into the relationship between autism and exposure to vaccines. Thorsen used the stolen money to buy a home in Atlanta, a Harley Davidson motorcycle and two cars, prosecutors said.

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Dr. Peter Gerhardt on the Needs of Adults with Autism
April 10, 2011
As you'll read, Dr. Gerhardt is among the growing community of autism experts who is concerned that we will soon be overwhelmed by a "wave" of adults with autism spectrum diagnoses. In his view, available resources are already swamped - and are unlikely to improve quickly in the present economic environment. Gerhardt outlines the issues, and then presents a challenge, paraphrasing Hubert Humphrey: "For generations of adults with autism and their families, this is a test we cannot afford to fail."

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SafeMinds Comments on Pediatrics Study on Thimerosal and Vaccines
September 20, 2010
This study was funded by CDC and conducted by several parties with an interest in protecting vaccine use: ... The CDC and AHIP overruled the external consultants. The paper published this week in Pediatrics reported the curious finding that increased mercury exposure from thimerosal in vaccines actually decreased the risk of having an autism diagnosis.

Study Limitations
There are two primary deficiencies in the study methodology which would lead to the curious finding of a protective, rather than a harmful effect of early thimerosal exposure found in the study. The first deficiency concerns the variables used for stratification and the second concerns the low participation rate leading to sample bias.

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The Not-So-Crackpot Autism Theory
By ARTHUR ALLEN Published: November 10, 2002
Neal Halsey's life was dedicated to promoting vaccination. In June 1999, the Johns Hopkins pediatrician and scholar had completed a decade of service on the influential committees that decide which inoculations will be jabbed into the arms and thighs and buttocks of eight million American children each year. At the urging of Halsey and others, the number of vaccines mandated for children under 2 in the 90's soared to 20, from 8.

And then suddenly in June 1999, during a visit to the Food and Drug Administration, a squall appeared on the horizon of Halsey's confidence. Halsey attended a meeting to discuss thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative that at the time was being used in several vaccines -- including the hepatitis B shot that Halsey had fought so hard to have administered to American babies.

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Vaccine Court: Autism Debate Continues
Court Again Concedes Vaccines Cause Autism
Jun 10 2009
This week, in aHuffington Postexclusive, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and investigative journalist David Kirby reveal that in the recent case of Bailey Banks vs HHS, the Vaccine Court has ruled vaccines caused Bailey’s autism and ordered compensation for his family.

Banks is the second case where the government could not deny the overwhelming evidence showing vaccines caused a child’s autism. The first was the case of Hannah Poling in March 2008. The government conceded the case and awarded her family compensation.

Small victories for these children, but what about the hundreds of thousands of other families struggling with autism? Who and what can they believe in this continuing vaccine-autism controversy?

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I Am Josh. A Boy After His MMR.
Posted by Age of Autism April 14, 2010
...Autism File magazine gave us permission to print part of this article about Josh Edwards, in the UK

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