Stories: Flu
60 Years of Failing Flu Vaccines
     Roman Bystrianyk, Jun 02, 2024
But just how effective has the influenza vaccine been in practice? Have deaths from influenza declined due to this highly promoted annual vaccination? What do the statistics tell us about the vaccine’s impact on public health?

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Flu Affects 1% to 4% of Americans on Any Given Day
     by Frank Newport, April 28, 2009
April 28, 2009
PRINCETON, NJ -- In light of the ongoing spread of swine flu, a review of data collected as part of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index reveals the extent to which Americans generally report flu illness. On any given day, a baseline of between about 1% and 4% of the adult population reports being sick with flu, including about 2.1% on an average day so far this April. Older Americans may be more likely to suffer serious consequences if they contract flu, but the Gallup-Healthways data show that self-reports of having the flu become less prevalent as the population ages.

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he Infectious Myth Busted Part 1: The Rosenau Spanish Flu Experiments (1918)
Here is something you will never see in the mainstream news. During the 1918 Spanish Flu, which is considered to be the most contagious “virus” of all time, researchers for the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy tried to determine what caused the flu and how infectious it truly was. However, the results of their experiments proved that the flu is not infectious at all. Here is a brief overview of what took place during the studies:

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Survey Finds 50 Percent of Americans Will Not Get Influenza Vaccine
     by Rishma Parpia, Published October 16, 2023
A recent survey, which was conducted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) to better understand the public’s attitudes and beliefs about influenza, COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and pneumococcal disease, found that many adults in the United States are not concerned about these respiratory diseases. As a result, many Americans do not plan on getting COVD booster shots or influenza, RSV or pneumococcal vaccines because they do not have confidence in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

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Shock: Scientists Prove Clear Differences between Covid and Flu
     By Rhoda Wilson on August 23, 2023
By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Below, to prove the point I have reproduced the official list of common symptoms associated with the new, scary variant of covid. ...

Symptoms associated with
new variant of Covid  - - Flu

1. Sore throat - - 1. Sore throat

2. Runny nose - - 2. Runny nose

3. Blocked nose - - 3. Blocked nose

4. Sneezing - - - - 4. Sneezing

5. Dry cough - - - - 5. Dry cough

6. Headache - - - - 6. Headache

7. Wet cough - - - - 7. Wet cough

8. Hoarse voice - - 8. Hoarse voice

9. Muscle aches - - 9. Muscle aches

10. Altered smell - - 10. Altered smell

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