Wakefield News
Film Review: "Protocol 7"
     John Leake, Jun 10, 2024
Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

IMDB’s tagline for Protocol 7 succinctly convey’s the film’s two major dramatic elements.
With the catastrophic regression of her adopted son, Lexi, a small-town lawyer, is confronted with the reality of corporate fraud at the highest level. Will she hold a massive corporation accountable in this true whistleblower story?
Read rest of original story here:
File# 6557wak.php

It's Time You Read the Truth About Dr. Andrew Wakefield

A Thorough Analysis of the Case Against Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Mary Holland, JD
     James Lyons-Weiler, Jul 24, 2023
If you’ve heard Dr. Wakefield’s name — and you probably have — you’ve heard two tales. You’ve heard that Dr. Wakefield is a charlatan, an unethical researcher, and a huckster who was “erased” from the British medical registry and whose 1998 article on autism and gastrointestinal disease was “retracted” by a leading medical journal. You’ve also heard a very different story, that Dr. Wakefield is a brilliant and courageous scientist, a compassionate physician beloved by his patients, and a champion for families with autism and vaccine injury. What’s the truth?

Read rest of original story here:
File# 6733sciautwak.php

Documentaries that Include 100’s of Health Professionals WARNING The Public About The Dangers of Vaccination

[34 links to videos on vaccines. And a list of 110 Books about the dangers of medical injections.]

Read rest of original story here:
File# 7436sciautrigleggarsbsfluwak.php

Wakefield New Angle / Old Story
by Jim West
The word "antibiotic" is mentioned early, yet only once in the entire study.

   [Subject four] developed recurrent antibiotic-resistant [middle ear infections] and the first behavioural symptoms...

This is revealing.

Wakefield is bent on avoiding toxicology!

Read rest of original story here:
File# 7944autsciwak <.php

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