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Newsletter by Dr. John R. Christopher, Volume 5, THE Rh FACTOR

Newsletters - Volume Two - Index (no Links)
Volume Two - Issue One Frayed Nerves
Volume Two - Issue Two Cell Deterioration
Volume Two - Issue Three Adrenals
Volume Two - Issue Four Chocolate
Volume Two - Issue Five THE Rh FACTOR
Volume Two - Issue Six Meat Freaks
Volume Two - Issue Seven Sundae Mourning
Volume Two - Issue Eight Eyesight
Volume Two - Issue Nine Garlic
Volume Two - Issue Ten Oak Bark
Volume Two - Issue Eleven Nerves___part_ii
Volume Two - Issue Twelve Alfalfa

Volume Two - Issue Five


We are about to put out to pasture one of the greatest sacred cows of all time--the Rh factor.  Millions of dollars in research have been spent on this subject.  Many lives have been lost because of a lack of understanding of just what causes the Rh factor and how to remedy the situation.  Because of the many inquiries by readers concerning the Rh factor in the human blood stream, we are going to discuss the subject in this issue of the newsletter.

The Rh factor is a heredity susceptibility to toxicity of the bloodstream: it is not necessarily a lifelong burden inherited by generation after generation, but a temporary toxic condition of the bloodstream which can be remedied by first cleaning up the bowel and then the bloodstream.

The tremendous complication and confusion that science has wrapped around the Rh factor deem it a virtually established and incurable situation save for the Rh vaccine which can be administered to the woman unsensitized to the Rh factor when she delivers her baby.  This vaccine is actually a potent anti-Rh antibody (an immunization through the use of a toxic substance) in the form of the 7S fraction of gamma globulin, a two-armed molecule.

According to the World Book Encyclopedia, the Rh factor is a substance in the red blood cells of most persons (85%).  Red blood cells that contain the Rh factor agglutinate (clump) if they come into contact with an antibody called anti-Rh.  The antibody is a substance produced by the body in response to a specific foreign material, or antigen.  The antibody acts in an immune reaction to defend the body by destroying or nullifying the antigen against which it is made.  The antigen which chemically is a protein is antagonistic to a human or animal organism in such a way that it forms an antibody against it.  The blood factors A, B, and Rh are antigens.  As an example: an antibody that is formed in Rh negative individuals will attack and destroy red cells of persons who are Rh positive in response to an antigenic challenge by the Rh factor.  This reaction can produce serious illness or death.  Persons who have the Rh factor are known as Rh positive.  Those packing it are Rh negative.  Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener, who discovered the factor in rhesus monkeys in 1940, named it Rh for the monkey.

Anti-Rh does not occur naturally in the blood.  But, if an Rh negative person receives a transfusion of Rh positive blood, anti-Rh may build up in his blood plasma.  By the time the anti-body has been produced, the donor blood is, in most cases, so diluted that no serious reactions take place.  But if the patient receives later transfusions of Rh positive blood, the anti-Rh will attack the Rh positive red blood cells and cause agglutination.

The Rh factor is inherited.  The child of an Rh negative mother and a Rh positive father may be Rh positive.  Before birth, some of the baby's blood cells may enter the mother's blood (through the placental barrier).  Then the mother may build up anti-Rh.  Most of the antibody does not form until after the baby is born, however, so it seldom causes any problems with the first child.  But if the mother becomes pregnant with another Rh positive baby, she now has a ready-made supply of anti-Rh.  The flow of large amounts of her anti-Rh into the child's blood can cause clumping and destruction of the infant's red blood cells.  This condition is called erythroblastosis fetalis, or Rh disease.  Rh disease can result in severe anemia, brain damage, and even death.  Where the Rh disease does occur, doctors treat the condition by replacing the baby's blood with fresh blood.  In most cases, this procedure eliminates any long term effect of the disease.  In several early examples in Rh literature, the mother contributed to the toxicity of her child through breast milk, since breast milk is like a blood transfusion.

Now we shall describe four of the diseases which can result to the fetus or the infant as a result of the Rh factor; some of these diseases were described as early as Hippocrates.

     "In one of these disorders, babies were born extremely misshapen, their bodies swollen by fluid.  Most had died before birth.  Occasionally, one would be live-born--a pale limp baby with a distended belly.  Respiration is initiated with great difficulty, if at all," observers noted.  "During the brief period that life remains (breathing) is characterized by great irregularity and gasping inspirations."

Fetuses and newborn babies that died of this sickness--and die they invariably did--were said to have hydrops, which means, roughly, to be waterlogged, or have universal edema (swelling).

A second, seemingly different, sickness sometimes struck live-born babies who at first seemed relatively healthy.  A few hours after birth, their bodies began to change color.  Their skins became deep yellow, golden, or bronzed.  When they were examined carefully, their little bellies were found to be swollen--due to enlargement of the liver, spleen, and other organs.  Underneath yellowing skin, the flesh became pallid and bloodless.  Some of these babies died in heart failure, apparently for want of red blood cells.  For others, death came a different way.  They grew lethargic, moving their limbs only in rigid, stiff motions.  Their eyes looked squinty.  Their cries became feeble and high-pitched.  They fed poorly.  Convulsions followed, and the most fortunate, perhaps, soon died.  "Surviving infants," a textbook author later remarked, "are physically helpless, unable to support their heads or to sit.  Walking is delayed or never acquired and marked (mental) retardation is present."  In fatal cases, these babies' brains were found to be stained bright yellow by bilirubin, a substance made in the liver from the remnants of damaged red blood cells.  In some less severe cases, if the brain was not damaged, the baby might fully and spontaneously recover.  This condition was popularly called "yellow jaundice"-a redundancy, since "jaundice" means yellow.  Its technical name was icterus gravis neonatorum--severe yellowing of the newborn.

The third seemingly unrelated sickness was an especially severe anemia.  This deficiency in red blood cells sometimes was complicated by inexplicable episodes of hemorrhaging into the baby's lungs, gut, or spinal column.  Whatever its cause, which was unknown, this condition seemed to be triggered by events before birth, and so was designated congenital anemia.  Usually it became critical in the second or third week of life.  Some babies died; most recovered.

The fourth disorder was a disturbance of the blood and blood forming tissue in fetuses and newborn babies.  It has been named erythroblastosis fetalis, meaning the presence of too many erythroblasts, or immature red cells.  Erythroblasts are unable to do mature red cells' regular work of carrying oxygen to the body tissues and carrying away carbon dioxide.  They could be identified and counted on a blood smear under the microscope because they possess cell nuclei--which disappear as red cells mature.  A normal newborn's blood contained at most one or two erythroblasts per hundred red cells.  But in erythroblastic babies these inadequate cells might account for a quarter of all the red cells.  Not surprisingly, the surfeit of erythroblasts occurred in babies who had an enormous excess of blood-forming, or hematopoietic, tissue.  Instead of being largely confined to the bone marrow, as is normal in the newborn, in erythroblastic babies this tissue had spread through the entire body.  It filled and caused swelling of the liver and spleen, and extended into the kidneys, along blood vessel walls, and even encroached upon the brain." (Zimmerman, 1973, pp. 20-23).

The following illustrations are examples of antibodies seen by scientists through the microscope.  They are cell-deteriorators.  "Antibodies are contained in a small fraction of the serum called gamma globulin ... The 7S is a lighter, smaller, two-armed molecule.  The 19S is larger, heavier, and has five arm-like projections.  At the tip of each projection is a part that grabs and anchors to the antigen against which I fie antibody is directed."

Relation of the Liver to Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Early in gestational life, red cells are made by the fetus' liver and spleen.  But, normally, blood-making in these organs ends before birth; red cell manufacture shifts to the marrow of certain bones.  Ferguson was struck by the fact that several of his autopsy cases were, in this respect, grossly abnormal.  These dead babies' livers and spleens were filled with patches of blood making activity; erythroblasts were present in extraordinary numbers. (Zimmerman, 1973, p. 23-24.)

"The Rh incompatibility is responsible for erythroblastosis in 92 per cent of cases.  Postmortem examinations performed upon infants who died despite repeated transfusions with Rh negative blood revealed that their deaths were usually due to overwhelming toxicity induced by liver insufficiency." (Wallerstein, 1948, p. 170-178).  Often fatty degeneration is noted and liver cells are loaded with fat.  In other words, the liver is not able to carry on its function of purifying the blood.

Detoxification Procedures

It is imperative that all expectant mothers and fathers have a clean, uncongested, well-functioning liver.  The fetus can only inherit the conditions of its ancestors.  We owe it to the future generations to provide them with top quality organs.  This we can do through proper nutrition: cleansing, wholesome foods, clean water, sunlight, fresh air, relaxation and exercise, herbal foods where necessary to rebuild debilitated areas of the body.  We must depart from the traditional medicinal toxic arsenal of drugs upon society.  It is much simpler to prevent the tragedies brought about by the Rh factor, which is nothing more than a toxic blood stream, than to command the forces of hoards of technicians to be on standby to correct our ignorant and lazy misjudgments.

We begin the detoxification procedure by first cleaning up the bowel so that the nutrients can be absorbed, and wastes do not back up in the system.  For this we use the lower bowel formula: Barberry bark (this herb will also help the liver), cascara sagrada, cayenne, ginger, lobelia, red raspberry leaves, turkey rhubarb root, fennel, and golden seal root.  This combination will restore vitality to the intestines.  Its function, as well as the other formulas mentioned are described in more detail in the book Dr. Christopher's Three-Day Cleansing Program and Mucusless Diet.

If the liver is particularly congested, we suggest the liver-gall bladder formula which contains the herbs barberry, wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint.  This combination will aid in purifying the blood stream.  For if the bile does not flow freely into the intestinal tract, it goes directly into the blood stream and circulates throughout the system causing a toxic condition known as cholemia, producing indigestion, sluggishness, fever, fatigue, constipation, upset stomach, chills, and vomiting, among some of the symptoms.  In addition to the above formula, the castor oil fomentation may be used over the liver.  This will open the constipated capillaries within the liver.

The bloodstream will now enjoy a good blood purifying formula such as the Red Clover Combination which contains herbs that are cleansers, astringents, cholesterol removers, and those that strengthen and rebuild vein and artery walls.  The Red Clover Combination contains red clover blossoms, chaparral, licorice root, poke root, peach bark, Oregon grape root, stillingia, Cascara sagrada, sarsaparilla, prickly ash bark, burdock root and buckthorn bark.  The suggested dose is three cups of the tea a day or two "0" capsules three times a day six days a week until the blood stream is cleaned of toxins.  Whenever the Red Clover Combination is used, it should be taken after the bowels have been emptied so that it may be more readily absorbed through the clean intestine into the blood stream.

We should, of course, change over to the mucusless diet and go through a monthly three day cleansing using fruit juices, steam distilled water and whatever herbal aids are necessary.

It would be wise to check the iris of the eye to determine exactly which organs need special attention once the bowel and blood stream are well on their way to cleanliness. It has been our experience, in observing women who have had problems with the Rh factor in the past, that the blood zone as seen in the iris, appears a very toxic yellow.  With proper attention, this condition can be seen to diminish within a few months.

The Female Corrective Formula will strengthen the reproductive system of the female, while the Prostate Formula will help the prospective father.  Both parents will benefit by the Hormone and Estrogen Formula.  Both parents should begin these detoxification procedures before conception.  During pregnancy, the mother should drink plenty of red raspberry leaf tea; approximately one quart a day.  One may find a more detailed discussion on preparation for pregnancy in the volume Childhood Diseases, by John R. Christopher.  People could do much to correct high risk pregnancies with the Creator's available remedies if only they would take the time to learn about how to care for the body.

I well remember an incident a number of years ago, of spending some time counseling with a young lady and her boy friend.  They had brought the girl's parents with them.  They were deeply in love and wanted to get married.  However, the girl, as much as she loved this young man, had begged him not to pressure her to marry him because of her present physical condition.  Her whole system was in such a deplorable condition that there was no menstrual cycle to be detected in any accuracy at all.  The menstrual period would start; then shortly she would stop flowing and in several days might start again and continue for several weeks of heavy flow.  Other times she would go six or eight weeks, or more, without another menstrual period.  When her mother had come to see me a few days earlier, the girl had menstruated for so many weeks, she was anemic.  Her period had been so long and frequent that she was so weak and run down, she spent much of her time in bed.  This weak condition was so bad, she had been told by her doctor that she could never have children if she did get married or planned to; but she would be better off to remain single.

Her fiance insisted that they should get married and he would take care of her throughout her life, not worrying whether or not she could bear him children.  But, she did not want to spend the rest of her life a sickly woman.

I advised them to follow a blood rebuilding program and both assist and encourage each other.  The program started with three-day cleansing cycles and then included a mostly vegetarian (and mucusless) diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetable salads, pure fruit and vegetable juices (especially carrot) and the use of Dr. Christopher's Female Corrective herbs as well as our special formula for the glands. (Read his book "The Incurables" as well as "Three Day Cleanse" pamphlets, etc.)  We promised that if they would cooperate and follow instructions, her bloodstream could be rebuilt and her system strengthened before the year was over.

They got married and he nursed her at home, watching her diet carefully, and helped her step by step to follow the mucusless diet and to use various herbs to assist in the rebuilding of her reproductive organs.  They watched her blossom out over the next few months.  In a little over a year of married life, the young lady became the proud mother of a healthy baby boy.  How much nicer it is to be a healthy happy mother instead of an invalid! This couple proved that an "ounce of prevention" is better than a "pound of cure."

Up in the Brigham City, Utah area I had an extremely interesting case come to our study group to see if we had a program that could be of some assistance.  The lady wanting help had had three children and all three had Rh negative factor problems. (Each of the three children had to have their blood drained out and different blood filled in).  All had a difficult time pulling through the ordeal and staying alive.

Any mother having this condition Rh factor, and having three children, one right after the other with the same problem, if she is an average woman, would say "no more"!  But the good Lord made brave women from the beginning for a lot of us to have as valiant mothers who love holding and caring for another new baby so much that they will still take the chance!  Anyway, to add insult to injury, this lady did not only have the Rh factor problem, but had just had open heart surgery.  The obstetrician warned her that if she became pregnant again, she and/or the baby could die.  But she wanted a large family.

The first thing we had her do was go on the "basics"; for instance, to use the lower bowel formula and clean out the bowels, and drink a gallon of steam distilled water each day to keep flushing the system.  She drank no less than a quart of red raspberry leaf tea, using two capsules of Dr. Christopher's Red Clover Combination blood purifier formula and followed the "Dr.  Christopher's Three Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet".

This woman's program was watched carefully during the entire nine months and the progress was excellent.  When the next baby came it was with no Rh factor problem (no blood pumped out and replaced).

This woman and her husband became parents of two more babies born a few years later, and both of them were free of this Rh negative factor.

It has been very satisfying to the parents, as well as to us who helped guide them, to know that this serious condition can be cured if we will but do something about it "naturally" as explained herein.

Good common sense, knowledge of right foods, and the Lord's good herbs can make life better for all of us if we will just use these methods.


Dear Dr. Christopher,

The main reason for writing to you was to tell you what happened to my husband's 92 year-old grandmother who was visiting with us late July.  While she was sweeping our porch off, her shoe loosened and she was climbing a short flight of cement stairs.  She tripped and fell flat on her face.  Her daughter, my mother-in-law, heard her face hit the cement, very loud crack.  Grandma was taken care of--for the first aid part--by my husband (who teaches first aid and advanced courses for the Red Cross) and she rested.  Grandma did not want any ice of the face for fear of catching a cold, so only cool towels could be used.  She rested and claimed she was feeling fine -- but oh, did she look terrible.

Almost immediately her face turned purple.  She is a spry lady and she went on being her chipper self, even after the accident.  The rest of the family had the hard time -- looking at grandma and feeling so bad for her.  THEN -- tada -- my shipment from the Herb Shop came with the BF&C syrup, the very next day.  I convinced my mother-in-law to try some syrup on grandma's face -- to (hopefully) take the bruise away.  Grandma had scraped her face on her nose and forehead, and the syrup felt immediately good, so the rest of her face was covered with it.  The syrup is so simple to use, too.

The day the shipment came, grandma went to the doctor to make sure nothing had broken or was damaged that was not obvious to us.  He assured her that everything was fine, but that the purple would change to green, yellow -- the whole schmeer!  Also, her face would be swollen upon rising in the morning, but not to worry.  Four days after the beginning application (2-3 times a day) her face was almost completely back to normal color.  There had been no swelling in the morning, as the doctor predicted either.  By the fourth day she was with her daughter in Hawaii for a visit and she called to tell me that her mother was feeling fine -- and looking back to normal.

The next story is about my large black dog.  I did something dumb -- put some chemical anti-itch stuff on him to keep him from itching.  Well, the next morning my husband said for me to check Chip's mouth, it seemed swollen. (He had licked it all off during the night - yuk!)  I knew what had happened and said, I would, turned over and went back to sleep.

When I did see him (about one hour later) I was glad my husband had said to check him out.  His pour mouth and lips were swollen out to the size of his head -- about 3 times the normal size.  Poor baby.  I was concerned about getting the swelling down, but also that his throat might swell up and he would not be able to swallow, or breathe.  His tongue seemed okay and so did his throat.  I put the BF&C syrup on the outside of is mouth -- he turned his face right after that so I could reach the other side.  Then I gave him some yellow dock tablets to keep him from scratching.  Also, he ate about 1½ jars of chickweed ointment.  It seemed to soothe his mouth while the poison went out.  We discovered he liked the CMM for poison oak -- he would lick it off my husband, given the chance.  Strange dog.  However, since we gave him the jars of chickweed, his appetite for it diminished to zero.  The next morning Chips was fine -- in fact a few hours later the swelling was down dramatically.  A happy ending to a dumb beginning.  I'm learning.

My present plans include taking the Master Herbalist course next year.  I have already made commitments for this year, but want to continue studying and learning -- and teaching.

Take care.

Scotts Valley, Calif.