DVD by Gary Null Vaccine Nation


Vaccine Nation $25.00 by Gary Null Vaccine Nation In Vaccine Nation, you will find out that vaccines are directly linked to autoimmune diseases, epidemic cancers and the unprecedented increase in neurological and developmental disorders in children such as ADHD and autism. You will also learn about the incestuous relationship between vaccine manufacturers, government regulators, and […]

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SKU: DVDvaxNation001


Vaccine Nation $25.00 by Gary Null

Vaccine Nation

In Vaccine Nation, you will find out that vaccines are directly linked to autoimmune diseases, epidemic cancers and the unprecedented increase in neurological and developmental disorders in children such as ADHD and autism. You will also learn about the incestuous relationship between vaccine manufacturers, government regulators, and our National Immunization Program policy makers. Did you know that children who follow the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule receive a whopping 33 injections containing 112 vaccine antigens? According to the U.S. Dept. of Education statistics for 2008, autism affects 1 in every 67 school-aged children, and exponential increase that coincides with the exponential increase in the number of vaccines given to children.

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Weight 4 oz