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Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC, 562 U.S. 223 (2011)
Vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe"
In the summary of the ruling in Brusewitz et al. v. Wyeth LLC, the Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of Wyeth due to the language in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act that is now memorialized at 42 U. S. C. §300aa–22(b)(1):
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”
Read about the court case in which the Supreme Court affirmed the principle of "No Liability" or at least very little for vaccine manufacturers.