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Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination (Documentary) Spreading the message through the nations schools: Don't Take the Flu Shot ~ Boise, Idaho 2010 News Clips
Down the anthrax rabbit hole True Story Vaccine Coverup - Worst in US Military History The opening of this health related news clip covers the story of the first autism award for vaccine damage: ... Forced Vaccination - in Maryland
Vaccinated By FORCE, NOW AUTISTICThis little girl was taken out of the arms of her mother who didn't want her vaccinated, forcibly given vaccines, and ended up in critical condition that very day! Another Source of "Baby Girl Vaccinated by FORCE is NOW Austistic" Prince George county, Maryland Re forced vaccinations 11-17-2007 Video by Deborah Mason mother of 2 autistic spectrum children. Forced Vaccination - in the USA
Natural Solutions Foundations Stop the Shot: "Swine Flu" Vaccine: Untested, Uninsurable, Unproven Choice
1 minute 36 seconds YouTube clip Medical Choice: by Peace, Justice, Health Productions Your Children. Your Choice Vaccine injury has affected many. Green Our Vaccines
June 10, 2008RFK JR. SPEECH AT JENNY McCARTHY GREEN OUR VACCINES RALLY Three video clips, each about 6 minutes long of RFK Jr.'s speach at the ralley. See also, our Green Our Vaccines web page. Do you want to know more? Then click on this Google Search Link: Google Search: Green Our Vaccines
Vaccines - India Natural Health Centre
Dr. Leo Rebello, a homeopathic doctor in India, discusses problems with vaccination and
homeopathic alternatives to promote immunity without vaccination.
View or Download Link
Contributed by Dr. Leo Rebello DownLoad available. Interview of Shelly and Brian Walker
Several babies died of SIDS in N. Idaho in the Fall of 2007. Their deaths were close together in time and within a relatively small area both in size and population of North Idaho. One family shares the story of their son who died 3 days after being vaccinated. whose son Vance died 3 days after his 4 month vaccinations. Watch: Are vaccines to blame for infant deaths? -- The local ABC affiliate TV station (KXLY) reported on the Walker case. Good footage for background on the YouTube interview of Shelly and Brian Walker. Adverse Side Effects of Vaccines
Fetal Death | Medical Billing Records by Vaxxed.com Vaccine's Safety: A Crime Against Humanity by Dr. Tenpenny Our Son Condemned to Disability by Vaccines -- French Voice, SubTitles: English YouTube documentary: Meningococcal B vaccine in New Zealand The documentary is about a journalist who promoted the original trials of the Norwegian meningococcal vaccine. Revisiting the promotion, results and aftermath of the clinical trial, Connie Barr discovered, to her regret, that she and the public had been misled. [and] ... exposes serious concerns about the safety and effectiveness of New Zealand's MeNZB [Meningococcal B] ... vaccine. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 New Shocking Testimony About The Dangers Of Childhood Vaccinations JUNE 2011 Alternate posting of Testimony above: Vaccines: Dirty Truth Revealed - Reality Report Special Interview Tim O'Shea Vaccines and Toxins Cause Autism, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS & Crib Death by Dr. David Davis, M.D. author of the book: Dancing Cats, Silent Canaries Book description: (available on Life Long struggle of an adult who was vaccine injured as a child. I'M ALIVE, YouTube Back to the Future: Parental Concerns About Vaccine Safety by Barbara Loe Fisher Tolerance_Lost_Volume_1_of_3_volume_set TOLERANCE LOST VOLUME 1 - First 26 minutes of Volume one of Tolerance Lost - a 3 DVD disk (6 hours run time) series that provides the conclusive proof causation evidence that all vaccines, as currently constituted and deployed, cause impaired blood flow, blood sludging, and tissue damages to all organs including hypoxic (low oxygen delivery) brain damages. Use this video series to establish proof of causation for vaccine injury, to monitor the health and neurological rcovery of your loved ones, to begin the road to recovery, and as a medical-legal shield to exempt yourself and your family from mandatory vaccinations. How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain - - - Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50: Another Reason to Avoid the Recommended Vaccines. See also Aluminum | Main_Menu Aluminum The Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines on Humans "Vaccines and Childhood Illnesses: Beyond Thimerosal, Beyond Autism. 1/4 " by David Ayoub, MD It is definitely eye opening, mostly about aluminun in vaccines.and about 58 minutes(total) in length. New Warning About Everyday Poison Linked to Alzheimer's, ADHD, and Autism Dr. Mercola's interview of Dr. David Ayoub about aluminum as an adjuvant Fetal Death | Medical Billing Records by Autism
Suzanne Humphries,MDWhat Causes Autism? This Explanation Might Be the Best We've Heard! YouTube Text and Video: You can hear Paul Offit saying: "Vaccinations aren't easy. This isn't an easy thing to do. We ask a lot of our citizens. To get as many as 26 inoculations in the first few years of life, and five shots at one time. It's hard to do that, especially given that vaccination is a violent act, you pin the child down, you give them this biological agent against their will. The biological agent generally isn’t understood well by the parent, and to some extent not understood all that well by the physician." –Paul Offit 30 Seconds of Paul Offit: "You can never really say that MMR doesn't cause autism, but frankly, when you get in front of the media you better get used to saying it, because otherwise people hear a door being left open, when a door *shouldn't* be left open..." YouTube The Canary Party's New Viral Video: Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Truth In Media: Vaccine Court and Autism Never Lose a Vaccine Argument Again! Proof they cause Autism September 2, 2014 - 179 parents make video clips stating their child was made autistic by vaccines Hear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence - YouTube list Dr Blaylock Vaccines and Autism Part 1 of 14 "AUTISM YESTERDAY" Autism is Reversible Autism Yesterday is a 26-minute documentary that explores an emerging truth many parents are discovering: Autism is a reversible condition through a process known as "biomedical intervention." Vaccines, Autism and Murder #331 an interview with April Renee featured on YouTube CNN clip CDC Chief (Julie Gerberding) Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism Plus Audio clip commenting and explaining the clip Watch Clip and/or listen to explainations * Bernard Rimland Recovered Autistic Kids See Parts 1 through 4 and several other short clips about Autistic children * Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda click here to view Mercury * Video Autism Mercury - assaulting the brains neurotransmitters How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration (Great 5 minute QuickTime clip from University of Calgary) Available on YouTube: See also Legal section for autism developments. Birth Issues
An important documentary is available
through - The Business of Being Born
The FDA Shuts Down Common Infant Vaccine After Startling DiscoveryVideo Interview of Barbara Loe Fisher by Dr. Mercola. 1. A measles vaccine was found to contain low levels of the retrovirus avian leukosis virus 2. Rotateq, Merck’s rotavirus vaccine, was found to contain a virus similar to simian (monkey) retrovirus 3. Rotarix (GlaxoSmithKine’s rotavirus vaccine) was found to contain “significant levels” of porcine cirovirus 1 Gardasil
Gardasil did it/Fue el GardasilMay 25, 2017, Spanish with English Subtitles. In 2014 over 200 girls in one Columbian city fell ill after Gardasil shots. Over 1000 total injuries. Not A Coincidence TheCanaryParty-Video Dr. Russell Blaylock exposes Gardasil, HPV vaccine fraud (interview) ONE MORE GIRL - Documentary Gardasil Primer: Doctors & vaccine injured families speak out! Dr. Mercola hosts a video from CBS news, Katie Couric Reports on Serious Vaccine Safety Issues ... * Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (, posted a video introducing the key evidence in the HPV vaccination fraud. (No Longer available) MP3 Audio link to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger ( Gardasil expose: [Our Gardasil information page.(text not video) ] General/Vaccines - Education
"Reality-Based Education Module for Children" THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE TEACHING OUR CHILDREN ABOUT VACCINES Source: Now archived on
Nancy Turner Banks M.D. Activist, Speaker, Award Winning Author Nancy Banks on Vaccines (15 minutes)
22 ‘must-see’ vaccine documentaries
December 15, 2016 (NaturalNews) In no particular order, here are 22 highly informative, must-see vaccine documentaries that you could share with your firends. They all have to do with various factors of vaccination – evidence, efficacy, injuries, health effects and medicinal politics. Vaccinations posted by The Weston A July 24, 2015 [6 minutes 32 seconds] Text related to above YouTube The Most Important Decision Parents Will Ever Make: Whether or Not to Vaccinate Their Child What they are not telling you about vaccines. Immunity - Natural and otherwise Dr Tetyana Obukhanych Talk At Aligned Chiropractic Kelowna B.C. March 2013 How to Start Researching Vaccines A Message to Mothers Mother's intuition has protected us from the beginning of the human race... The shocking truth about what's really in vaccines: Mercury, MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination (Documentary) Confessions of a Pharmaceutical Industry Representative (English Language) Confesiones de una Representante de la Industria Farmacéutica (Spanish subtitles) Vaccines & Overdosed Babies Is the current immunization schedule safe? Vaccines are drugs. They contain antigens, preservatives, adjuvants, stabilizers, antibiotics, buffers, diluents, emulsifiers, excipients, residuals, solvents, and inactivating chemicals. (etc.) Vaccine Primer Health Professionals Speak Out Posted multiple times under variations of title * * * Dr. Russell Blaylock on Who Created Orthodox Medicine Text description and Dr. Russel Blaylock on Alex Jones TV Doctors on Vaccines Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Larry Palevsky Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths Same 11 part series on YouTube as link above Expert Pediatrician Discusses Vaccines (Part 1/11) Three Videos: Click on Flu Vaccine exposed Video: Flu Vaccine Exposed by Neil Z. Miller - slide show/video about 3/4 way through more details on effectiveness of flu vaccine * Bronwyn's documentary -- Vaccination: THe Hidden Truth Shocking Documentary on Dr. Mercola's site Preview of Dr. Gary Null's Vaccine Nation Vaccine Nation by Gary Null (The Directors Cut) 1 hr 30 minutes Free Google Videos. Doctors and parents expose how vaccines are crippling our children. Dr. David Ayoub, M.D. lectures on Vaccines, Mercury, Autism and other disease The drugging of our children Skidmarks disease: THE parable of our modern medical times A collaboration between Mike Adams and Dr. Joe Mercola * Merck scientist on YouTube admits introducing AIDS to America Dr. Hilleman, who developed the Mumps, Rubella and Measles vaccines, said: "Vaccines are the bargain basement technology of the 20th century." Maurice Hilleman at Merck admitting that polio vaccines were contaminated by SV40. * In Lies We Trust Dr. Leonard Horowitz presents a hard hitting 16 part series. 2:30:38 in length. Education (Other than Vaccines)
The Video You Need To See Before You Spend Another Second Arguing About Health Care Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film FestivalsIntroduction to exposing SBS misdiagnosis and a trailer for the movie, The Syndrome. The film: The Syndrome Index of articles about SBS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Di Buckland tells the story of her son James as he battled against Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.In Peril - Chemically Injured Part 1 and Part 2 The true story of living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2 More Information on MCS: Home: Books with Video Trailers
Vaccine Epidemic the Book How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children. Released February 2011. Video: Book: Available in bookstores everywhere. MP3 files
MP3 Audio link to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger ( Gardasil expose: Vaccine Related Music
Dirty MedicineGentle relaxing music with a serious message (YouTube) by Kevin Green More Kevin Green: KeviGreen | KevinMichaelGreen | ReverbNationDVD for purchase: Issues in D - Music CD produced by Jamie Murphy Jamie Murphy's "The Shot" Music Video on YouTube and here: "The Shot" Music Video on Mugs, tee shirts and bags with Alan Yurko's VaxWorld designs are available here: CDs with Alan's music (Burnt Bridges) are also available. JPEG/GIF/PNG Graphics that tell the vaccine story
The big picture (of Vaccines)
Health or Health Freedom Related videos The Secret to Stop Aging via Oxygen Teaching by using animated figures Toxic Teeth Mercury Amalgam Fillings off-gassing vapor TEDxNextGenerationAsheville - Birke Baehr - "What's Wrong With Our Food System" 11 year old boy talks about food "And How Can We Make A ..." Entertaining Expert Lecture on Vitamin D Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases - 59 minutes Sitting Can Be Dangerous To Your Health Statistics regarding the current medical system Example of Why We MUST Stop the MOTHERS Act Did You Know Healing Could be So Simple? Through the use of the principles of Dr. Geerd Hamer’s German New Medicine, Dr. Holt explains how an astonishing variety of illnesses have an emotional cause -- and an emotional cure. Processed People (and processed food,) The Movie Grow your own food HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION - Radical Change Taking Root Check out the ingredients in some child multivitamins. Also note the video clip that Dr. Mercola has to explain the yearly cycle of need for Vitamin D. Alex Jones interviews Dr. Scott Whitaker on his new book entitled MediSin (medicine) 1 of 5 Off-Topic - Just Neat Stuff
Incredible balancing act Thoughts like flys in our head YouTube clip - intro to Meditation More clips on Meditation: YouTube clips on Meditation Living off the land. How to grow all your own food in a small area The Hubble deep field photos The Orangutan and the Hound We Now Have A Total Gangster Government Do a search for Sand Painting by Ilana Yahav - Sand Artist Or just click here, for YouTube, SandFantasy "Love 2008" and see the Related videos in the Righthand side bar SandFantasy "Love 2008" - No Glass Ceiling, Just Blue Sky - Movie - (slide clip) The Truth (Vertigo (Be sure to listen at least half way through as the second half mirrors the first half.) YouTube Beautiful Minds: Stephen Wiltshire Stephen is a high functioning Autistic and artist with almost perfect memory... Inspirational talk Dr. Randy Pausch - from Oprah Dying professor, Dr. Randy Pausch knows he is dying and makes the most of his time... Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story of recovery and awareness Stroke of insight: Jill Bolte Taylor on -|- Inspirational quotes, scenery and music HISTORIA-DE-UN-LETRERO-(THE-STORY-OF-A-SIGN) With a stroke of the pen, a stranger transforms the afternoon for another man in this emotionally stirring short film by Alonso Alvarez. HISTORIA DE UN LETRERO (THE STORY OF A SIGN) Beautiful graphic YouTube HD clip that turns out to be beer ad Parental Rights and CPS
Saying No to Vaccines
Why Parents Should Not Vaccinate Their KidsA Resource Guide for Everyone Concerned With Vaccination Dr. Nancy Banks on Vaccines Dr. Tenpenny: Link to Google Video 1 Hour 2 minutes Google Video Home page for book and accompanying Video in link above: Dr. Tenpenny's blog for vaccine adverse effects Legal Issues The Canary Party's New Viral Video: Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Truth In Media: Vaccine Court and Autism Probe to Reveal Link Between Vaccine Settlements and Autism Parts 1 and 2 Fox News – US Pays $ Millions In Secret To Vaccine-Caused-Autism Injured Kids Parts 1 and 2. Judge Napolitano - Supreme Court Vaccine Side-Effect Case in Bruesewitz, v. Wyeth The Judge and Sekulow get it. The government coerces you to get a vaccine, then prevents you from being able to go to court and sue if you are injured by it. No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates PSA No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates PSA, National Vaccine Information Center, NVIC ARPR - Mary Holland JD - Vaccination Choice is a Human Right The American Rally for Personal Rights - Informed consent and parental choice in vaccination. May 26th 2010, Chicago, IL. Vaccine Information Forum at U. of Texas - Are Vaccine Mandates Good for Public Health? Tuesday Nov. 10, 2009 7pm-9:30 CST - University of Texas - Art Auditorium Panelists opposing vaccine mandates: Dawn Richardson, co-Founder of Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, DO Flying in from Ohio, has dedicated her medical practice to the delivery of effective alternative treatments for quality of life complaints in children and adults, including asthma, allergies, autism, chronic fatigue, thyroid and adrenal disorders, menopause, fibrocystic breasts, chronic pain and vaccine-related injury. ( Panelists supporting vaccine mandates: Dr. Tom Betz-Regional Medical Director, Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Service Region 7 Gary Null Speaks Out Against Vaccine Industry [1/3] - NYS State Assembly NEW YORK 'SINCERITY TEST'
Video: NEW YORK 'SINCERITY TEST', part 1.Videos: Links to all 3 parts of NEW YORK 'SINCERITY TEST' Home page of Flu
Also see AvianFlu and Swineflu for more flu related clipsVitamin D More Effective than the Flu Shot * What's In A Flu Shot In light of flu vaccine ingredients, this short video on vaccines really hits home: [Requires Windows Media Player] Flu Vaccine Farce on site YouTube copy of What's In A Flu Shot The Dangers of the Flu Shot * See this before you get the flu shot Also check out this Mercury information before you get the flu shot Vitamin D not flu shots Dr. Mercola: explains why Vitamin D is important to preventing the flu The Flu Shot Vaccine Scam (Sweet Remedy clip) (video) 2/7/2008 - This short clip from the documentary Sweet Remedy (by Cori Brackett) features a short interview with Robert Scott Bell on the flu shot vaccine marketing scam. The full documentary about aspartame is... Dr. Mercola's site - - - November 2008
Two great clips on the flu vaccine:
Do Flu Shots Work? Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer First clip is a recording of a telephone call to a vaccine maker in which "... the caller asks questions about mercury and how well the flu shot actually works. The answer is -- perhaps unintentionally -- a bit more honest than what you might hear from their ads. " Second clip is a video of Dr. Mercola's wise take on a vaccine that does not work. " Why You Don't Need a Flu Shot" Dr. Mercola's website: Donald (“Donnie”) Yance, an internationally known herbalist and nutritionist who founded the Centre for Natural Healing in 1992, and the Mederi Foundation in 2006, shares his vast botanical knowledge, including how you can use herbs to help restore your health and overcome the flu. Science related to Vaccines
Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination
October 16-18, 2020Session 1, Show Us the Science Session 2, U.S. and International Vaccine Choice Advocacy Session 3, The Paradigm Shift To Health & Liberty [NVIC has released about 50 videos of the 2020 conference On Vaccination.] Read rest of original story here: Swine Flu Related Videos
Also see Flu and Avian_Flu for more flu related clips Doctors speak out about H1N1 VACCINE DANGERS WeAreChangeLA talks to Vaccine victims before they get the shot
YouTube clip (UK) Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal H1N1: Fact or Fiction? Barbara Loe Fisher Infowars November 14, 2009 It’s been about six months since the Department of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Homeland Security followed the World Health Organization and declared a very scary pandemic influenza public health emergency in the United States. Medical Doctor Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert The following video highlights a retraction made by a medical doctor, Dr. Roby Mitchell, after he initially advised a group of nurses to take the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine. Once he had read the actual package insert which comes with the vaccine and realized that the vaccine makers themselves admit it is untested and may cause a myriad of disorders to include paralysis, neurological damage, possible sterilization and may cause fetal harm in pregnant women (one of the high priority groups targeted to get the vaccine), he retracted his advice so that they would have informed consent. Multi-part series on Swine Flu by Jon Rappoport Intro To Swine Flu - Swine Flu Conference: Planning to take kids from schools & Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines Dr Rauni Kilde on Swine Flue Conspiracy Ret Chief medical Officer for Finland condemns the Swine Flue issues and explores other related matters. Excerpt from The Researchers series, BASES 5. English language with large Spanish Subtitles: La Dra Rauni Kilde habla sobre la Conspiración de la Gripe Porcina Military Riot Control Training at Vaccination Center National Health Freedom Coalition: Two posting of videos: 1. Breaking News: Diane Miller, NHFC Legal Director, appears on MSNBC TV, Thursday July 30th, speaking out about Pandemic Flu, ... 2. Michael McCormack, attorney, speaks to health freedom, noting the illness of the "body politic" is impacting the health of Americans and the failure of the health care system. Addition, greed, and power grabs, core to the problem.
60 Minutes report - Seen once in 1979 and then pulled - now available again If you have trouble viewing the film from Australia, then view the two YouTube clips 60 minutes - SWINE FLU VACCINE WARNING - Part I 60 minutes - SWINE FLU VACCINE WARNING - Part II Alternate Source of 60 Minutes report Congressman Paul on the Recent Swine Flu Scare [Get government out of the medical business.] Check out these two "1976" commercials for pushing the swine flu vaccine. Only one person officially died of swine flu but 25 or more died of the swine flu vaccine. H1N1 Quarantine/Martial Law/FEMA camps/Microchips Fox news h1n1 martial law Will a Pandemic lead to Martial Law ? What's In A Flu Shot Vaccines: Health Professionals Speak Out Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT by Dr. Leonard Horowitz This unprecedented H1N1-H5N1 flu outbreak implicates the Ango-American Vaccine Pipeline, says world leading consumer health protector, Dr. Leonard Horowitz Consider the skyrocketing stock values ... Note: The above video may also be watched on Dr. Horowitz's home page Three Videos: Click on Flu Vaccine exposed Video: Flu Vaccine Exposed by Neil Z. Miller - slide show/video about 3/4 way through more details on effectiveness of flu vaccine Star Trek: A Taste of Swine Flu SwineFluSafety's Channel (several Swine Flu Videos posted here) Humor Swine Flu Song Radio - MP3 audio stream Are you freaked out about the bogus swine flu fear mongering? You should know that countries that have been stockpiling "Donald Rumsfeld's Tamiflu" are feeling "taken" since it is set to expire this year - three years after they were "encouraged" to stockpile it. I did a radio show on Monday that revealed a lot of truth regarding the terrain theory of disease versus the "germ theory" that people have bought into for way too long. [Ingri is the first guest but is interviewed about 30 minutes into the show] Thursday 3.5.2009 one month before flu pandemic The Alex Jones Show part 1 | part 2 | part 3 Videos about Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr Andrew Wakefield on HPV and H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines Dr Andrew Wakefield and the GMC Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words Q1 Part 6 truth #1 - this GMC affair - effort to discredit doctors - is to protect the government who gave indeminity to the drug company truth #2 - MMR vaccine has been responsible for many adverse effects. ... I.E. Mass vaccination in Brazil followed by outbreak of aseptic meningitis... Interview with Dr. Wakefield by Dr. Mercola Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extremes to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield Avian Flu: Dangers, Hoax reveiled
Also see Flu and Swineflu for more flu related clipsShocking True Story - Avian Flu Shot? Vaccine Coverup - Worst in US Military History Dr. True Ott Bird Flu Hoax Pt. 1 Dr. True Ott Bird Flu Hoax Pt. 2 Dr. True Ott Bird Flu Hoax Pt. 3 YouTube Videos
List of over 110 personalities on video speaking out about vaccines [PDF] [PDF] Death by vaccinations from the CDC (YouTube)
By Dr. John BergmanHow to get the information from the CDC about vaccines and damage done (database) Reference: Click [Request] form, symptoms [Event Category], And By [Vaccine Type], And By [Sex], And By [Age], And By [Vaccine Manufacturer, scroll down to Event Category [Death], then scroll down to [Send] |