Important New Studies: Vaccinated vs Never-Vaccinated
How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?

Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?
2024 Update Reviews the Data on Ever Increasing Routine Vaccine Schedule and Health Outcomes
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH: Read or View rest of story/video here:
do-vaccines-make-us-healthier?   or   Here:

Expert validates survey analysis: vaccines ARE the main cause of chronic diseases
Confirmed: vaccines are a public health disaster because they are the #1 cause of chronic disease.

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data
“The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,”

Informed Consent Defense (2020 Pilot Survey)
Wonderful Graphs comparing various unvaccinated vs vaccinated disease rates for vaccines and Vitamin K at birth

Published: 22 November 2020 (Note correction published 22 January 2021)
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination
by James Lyons-Weiler [OrcID] and Paul Thomas

Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders
By Brian S Hooker and Neil Z Miller, First Published May 27, 2020

July 18, 2019
Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — A Summary of the Research

June 25, 2019, Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — The Science, Parts [Of a 5 part presentation]
Part_1  |   Part_2  |   Part_3  |   PDF_Parts1-5_[8.8MB]

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children
Mawson-2017-vaccinated-unvaccinated.pdf [521KB]

Another source for Mawson-2017 study

Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6-to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children
Mawson-2017-preterm-vaccinated-unvaccinated.pdf [679KB]

A great summary of why vaccinations do not work to "safely immunize."
The difference between the root cause of a disease versus the body's activities that heal is often overlooked.

Un-Vaccinated are more Healthy
Selected quotes from around the world

News: The Healthy Unvaccinated

Survey in Germany

State of health of unvaccinated children
Illnesses in unvaccinated children

The results of our survey with 7866 participants [Germany] show that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases. ...
Partial results:
[Germany]           Vaccinated %  Non-vaccinated %
Asthma                  4.7        2.39
hayfever               10.7        2.68
neurodermatitis        13.2        7.09
Allergic disease       22.9       10.65
herpes                 12.8         .5
Otitis media           11          6.67
epilepsy                3.6         .33
Diabetes                 .1         .08

The Age of Autism: Study sees vaccine risk By Dan Olmstead[2007]
A new, privately funded survey finds vaccinated U.S. children have a significantly higher risk of neurological disorders -- including autism -- than unvaccinated children.
In one striking finding, vaccinated boys 11-17 were more than twice as likely to have autism as their never-vaccinated counterparts.

Full results of the study are at
The results of the survey can be accessed as a pdf file at:

Another unvaccinated population with no autism. 30-35,000 children! [Dec2005]
^ The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret' UPI Senior Editor, Dan Olmsted [Mar2005]
CHICAGO, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- It's a far piece from the horse-and-buggies of Lancaster County, Pa., to the cars and freeways of Cook County, Ill.
But thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with thousands of Amish children in rural Lancaster: They have never been vaccinated. And they don't have autism.

No Autism in the unvaccinated Amish!
Finally, someone looked at the obvious:
The Age of Autism: The Amish anomaly (Part 1)
The Age of Autism: Julia (Part 2)

^ The Age of Autism: Witness [May 10, 2005]
Interview with Dr. Noonan who treated "thousands" of Amish.

^ The Age of Autism: Mercury and the Amish [May 20, 2005]
Finally, 6 autistic and unvaccinated Amish children found being treated by a doctor in Virginia Beach, VA. Four of the six children had elvated levels of mercury.

^ The Age of Autism: Mercury ascending [May 17, 2005]
Mady Hornig of Columbia University described how mice with an autoimmune genetic predisposition develop autistic-like behaviors after being injected with thimerosal-containing vaccines.
"Hornig played the videos for Gerberding, [director of CDC] who suddenly appeared stunned," Kirby recounts in his book. "She brought her hands to her face in disbelief.

^ The Age of Autism: One in 15,000 Amish [June 8, 2005]
The autism rate for the Amish around Middlefield, Ohio, is 1 in 15,000 [population], according to Dr. Heng Wang.
[Uncertain if that child was vaccinated.]
UPI also found scant evidence of autism among the Amish in Indiana and Kentucky, two other states with sizable Amish settlements.
Ohio, with the nation's largest Amish population, appears no different.

^ The Age of Autism: Case 1 revisited (August 15, 2005)
JACKSON, Miss., Aug. 15 (UPI) -- The first person ever diagnosed with autism lived in a small town in Mississippi. He still does.

^ The Age of Autism: Showdown in Santa Fe
By DAN OLMSTED, UPI Senior Editor [November 2005]
Mercury needs to be taken out of vaccines.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 [2005] (UPI) -- A pediatrician had an appointment Monday with the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy to deliver a blunt message: Its members need to warn state residents that the mercury in flu shots could be harmful to children -- or risk being remembered for failing to do their job.

^ The Age of Autism: The Amish Elephant
By DAN OLMSTED, UPI Senior Editor [October 2005]

^ The Age of Autism By DAN OLMSTED, UPI Senior Editor, stories for 2006

Un-vaccinated more healthy

I see many children in my practice. Some are immunized and some are not, my own children are not. I see the difference between the immunized and the non-immunized. They're much healthier and have less infections, colds, otitis media and tonsillitis.

Dr. Michael Odent has written a letter in the JAMA (1994) where his figures show a five times higher rate of asthma in pertussis immunized children compared to non-immunized children. He is also quoted in the International Vaccination Newsletter (Sept. 1994): "Immunized children have more ear infections and spend more days in hospital."

For whole article read

For more information on healthier unvaccinated children see: A May 2005 release of a German study shows: virtually no asthma, three to five times less Neurodermatis, lower death rate for unvaccinated children.
See also:

Quoted from:


In 1942, Mr Leslie Owen Bailey, a great philanthropist and founder of the Natural Health Society of Australia, accepted guardianship of 85 children whose mothers were unable to care for them. Raised in accordance with Natural Health principles, and cared for in the Hopewood House at Bowral, NSW, they were to become well known as the Hopewood children.

Many of these children were young babies, and because breast feeding was not possible, they were reared on goats milk. The older children were initially given unpasteurised cows milk, but due to mucous problems in some children, fresh fruit and vegetable juices were substituted. From age two onwards, the diet of these children consisted of fresh fruit, root and green vegetables, salad, eggs, nuts, rice, porridge, wholemeal bread and biscuits, dried fruits, unsalted butter, lentils and soya beans etc. Between meals, only fruit or fruit juices were allowed, and children were encouraged to drink plenty of water, which, coming from the local water supply was pure and fluoride free. Treats consisted of 'Hopewood lollies' made from carob, coconut, dried fruits and honey.

The Child Welfare Department, who were overseeing the children's health insisted that the children be given 'meat', but when it was served to the children, they refused to eat it. Nutritionists from the Sydney University analysed the nutritional content of the Hopewood diet and the results showed adequate, even superior levels of protein, carbohydrate, fat and minerals in the food compared with orthodox diets. After the results of these tests were made known, the Child Welfare Department no longer insisted that the children be fed meat.

It is noteworthy that amongst these 85 children, no serious illness ever occurred, no operative treatments were ever performed, no drugs of any kind were ever taken or used, and NO VACCINATIONS were ever given. The only malady that occurred was when 34 of the children developed chicken pox. They were immediately put to bed and given only pure water or fresh fruit juice. They all recovered quickly without after-effects.

Investigations revealed that these children whilst at school, had been swapping their healthy lunches for unhealthy conventional foods, so this outbreak was not altogether surprising.

In 1947, Dr N.E. Goldsworthy, a medical doctor and head of the Institute of Dental Research in Sydney, wanted to investigate the dental health of the Hopewood children. Dr Goldsworthy and his team conducted an extensive survey of the children's teeth over a ten year period. This survey showed that the Hopewood children had 16 times less decay than other Sydney children the same age. Where Sydney children had had on average 9.5 decayed, missing or filled teeth per child, there was only 0.58 in the Hopewood children. To use Dr Goldsworthy's own words, the results were "little short of miraculous". The Hopewood children were credited with having the highest standard of dental health ever studied, even surpassing New Guinea native children who were supposed to have the best teeth in the world.

The Medical Profession also took an interest in the Hopewood children with Sir Lorimer Dodds and Dr D. Clements, Head of Child Nutrition at Sydney University, monitoring their health for over 9 years. They examined both tonsils and adenoids and said they had never seen a group so free of trouble as the Hopewood children. Also, child psychologist, Zoe Benjamin, an expert of the day, spent time with the Hopewood children and expressed amazement at their independent personalities and contentment as a group.

Most remarkable of all was the fact that many of these children inherited poor health due to a history of illness and malnourishment in their mothers. Despite this, and the fact that they were never breastfed nor could enjoy the normal bonding of mother to child, they were able to grow into sturdy, self-reliant children.

The Hopewood children serve as an inspiring example for all those parents who would like to raise their children naturally, and without drugs and vaccines. These children are testimony to the truth and validity of Natural Health. The full story of the Hopewood children appears in the Natural Health magazines, Volume 5, No's 3, 4, 5 and 6 and Volume 6, No 1, published by the Natural Health Society of Australia.

Copyright © 2002 Ian Sinclair
All rights reserved. Disclaimer
Quoted from:

Preliminary Survey Results - October 1992
Preliminary Survey Results - October 1992

Thank you to those members who very kindly took the time to complete and return the questionnaire. Connie has processed the first 120 surveys that were returned to her. This covered 254 children, 133 of whom were vaccinated and 121 were unvaccinated. This means that 52.3% were vaccinated and 47.6% were not vaccinated. It is interesting to see that while the numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated are almost even, there is a preponderance of health problems in the vaccinated group.

IAS does not claim that the figures represent the results of a properly controlled scientific study. Most of the respondents are members of IAS, which means the survey did not cover a random sample from the general population. However, many of the vaccinated children surveyed also had unvaccinated brothers and sisters also surveyed and as they were from the same family many other factors such as lifestyle and nutrition can be eliminated.

Briefly, the results were as follows:

  Condition                 Vaccinated    Unvaccinated    Total
  Asthma                    20 (83%)*       4 (17%)         24
  Eczema or allergic rashes 43 (73%)       16 (27%)         59
  Recurring ear infections
  or glue ear               26 (76%)        8 (24%)         34
  Grommets                   8 (100%)       0                8
  Recurring tonsilitis      11 (79%)        3 (21%)         14
  Apnoea or "near miss cot death" 9 (82%)   2 (18%)         11
  Hyperactivity             10 (91%)        1 (9%)          11
  Petit mal epilepsy         1 (100%)       0                1
* Percentage of those with the condition, not percentage of the total surveyed.

So, while 52.3% of the total were vaccinated, out of those with health problems, the percentage of vaccinated children is always above 70%.

Another figure extracted from the initial data is that 64% of the vaccinated children suffer chronic illnesses, while 20% of the unvaccinated children suffer chronic illnesses.

We look forward to a full statistical analysis of all the questionnaires and will update this when that is complete.

Above taken from: - now on
Preliminary Survey Results - October 1992

PDF: Unvaccinated Children are healthier
Excerpted from Investigate Before You Vaccinate: making an informed decision about vaccination in New Zealand

Standard for
Eliminating Mercury (Thimerosal) in Vaccines,
Ban the Triple Vaccines, DPT & MMR,
and Permit Freedom of Choice

Selection from:

The following tables for "Behavior" and "Childhood Diseases" list the number of children and percent (%) of children in each of the three vaccination groups.

Table 1.



































Table 2.






Chicken Pox 
































Note: None of the children in the three vaccinations groups contracted Hepatitis B, Diphtheria or Tetanus.

   The accuracy of Tables 1 & 2 is verified as follows:

Table 3.

" Percentage of Children That Contracted Measles




Reference 6 



Table 1 




  1. Vaccinating children significantly reduces the percent of normal, healthy children in proportion to the number of "shots" received.

  2. Vaccinations significantly increase the percentage of both learning disabled and autistic children.

  3. Educators should review their mandated vaccination policies based on the large rate of increase of learning disabled and autistic children who require large increases in funding for special education.

  4. Vaccinations increases hyperactivity and ADHD.

  5. Vaccination is not a causal factor in Downs Syndrome.

  6. Vaccination increases the probability of contracting both measles and chicken pox compared with not being vaccinated.

  7. Vaccination increases the probability of contracting allergies.

  8. Refs. 5 and 6, and this study all support my vaccination conclusions that vaccines are neither safe nor effective and therefore parents should be given "Freedom of Choice" by governmental and other authorities.

Read rest at:

Rationale for Use of Neonatal Umbilical Cord IgE as a Screening Test

From: Neonatal Umbilical Cord IgE Tests: Rationale for Their Use in Screening Infants for Impaired Immunity and Increased Vulnerability to Childhood Vaccines
By Harold E Buttram, MD
January 5, 2003

Very few today would question that we are dealing with an increasing pattern of sickness in today's children as compared with earlier generations. Neurobehavioral problems are epidemic including autism, learning disabilities, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If you doubt this, ask any experienced elementary school teacher who has been teaching for a number of years. In my experience, and I have talked with many of them, their answers have been unanimous and emphatic that they are now seeing a much greater incidence of these disorders with visible increases almost by the year. The same can be said for allergic disorders and general patterns of sickness.

Until recently some have contended that the increase in these disorders has been due to better diagnosis, but this is no longer the case as reflected by current CDC (Center for Disease Control) statistics. What then are the causes of this ominous health trend in our children? There are clues which relate in part to vaccines. Epidemiologic studies from England, (2) Sweden, (3) Africa, (4) and New Zealand (5) have consistently shown a much greater incidence of atopic disorders in fully vaccinated children as compared to those with limited or no vaccines.

F Imani and KE Kehoe, in following up on a study showing that the measles virus infections (synergizing with Interleukin-4) cause an IgE class switching of B-Lymphocytes, found the same switching from the MMR vaccine leading to an increase in the expression of IgE (and by inference away from the protective IgG and IgM antibodies. (6)

Read whole article at website from which this quote is taken:

Does systematic Vaccination give health to people?

Unvaccinated Children --Article by an MD

Autism more common than Measles: Shots in the Dark

Proof That Vaccinations Cause Learning Disabilities & Autism

Vaccination Statistics
by Dr. J. Mercola

Few people realize that vaccines have been linked with brain damage, lowered IQ, ADD, learning disabilities, and autism. Yet, neurological disorders are among the most listed and studied vaccine complications in the medical literature. Unvaccinated children have a level of health that is unsurpassed by "normal" children, because they have not had their immune systems depressed or tampered with by vaccines. Unvaccinated children have higher IQs and less brain dysfunction than "normal" children. Unvaccinated children are truly healthy in every way possible. Few parents are told of the real consequences of vaccines, but only that they "prevent" disease. Yet, the truth is that vaccines cause more diseases than they "prevent". Vaccines are not safe and effective as we are led to believe. Their prevention of disease is more myth than reality as we will see how they manipulate the data and facts to make vaccines appear to "work". We will look at why vaccines are bad for our health and why .... Vaccines Prevent Health.
[emphasis above added]
Read rest of article at:

CDC's reply regarding autism in an unvaccinated group

from Julie Gerberding of the CDC -- her response to Dan Olmstead's question regarding a study of the unvaccinated.

QUESTION: Dan Olmstead [ph] from UPI. Have you looked at autism in a never-vaccinated population in the U.S. and if not, why not?

DR. GERBERDING: "In this country we have very high levels of vaccination as you probably know and I think this year we have record immunization levels among all of our children, so to select out on a population basis that would be representative and look at the incidence in that population and compare it to the other population, is something that could be done, but as we're learning, just trying to look at autism in a community the size of Atlanta, it's very difficult to get effective numerator and denominator and to get a reliable diagnosis."

"I think those kinds of studies could be done and should be done. You'd have to adjust for the strong genetic component that also distinguishes, for example, people in Amish communities who may elect not to get immunized, also have genetic connectivity that would make them different from populations that are in other sectors of the United States."

"So drawing conclusions from them would be very difficult."

"I think with reference to the timing of all of this, good science does take time and it's part of one of the messages I feel like I've learned from the feedback we've gotten from parents groups this summer struggling with developing a more robust and a faster research agenda, is let's speed this up, and let's look for the early studies that could give us at least some hypotheses to test and evaluate and get information flowing through the research pipeline as quickly as we can. So we are committed to doing that, and as I mentioned, in terms of just measuring the frequency of autism in the population, some pretty big steps have been taken and we're careful not to jump ahead of our data but we think we will be able to provide more accurate information in the next year or so than we've been able to do up to this point."

"I know that is our responsibility and we've also benefited from some increased investments in these areas that have allowed us to do this and so we thank Congress and we thank the administration for supporting those investments, not just at CDC but also at NIH and FDA."

Vaccination Liberation - Idaho Chapter
Contact: Vaccination Liberation

"Free Your Mind....From The Vaccine Paradigm"

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