Vaccination Liberation - Information |
Prophylaxis for Childhood Diseases:
While no medicine can guarantee 100 percent immunity, a century of
medical literature reveals that the following remedies are as effective
in conferring immunity as anything developed in allopathic medicine. They
may be taken for general immunization or used to increase immune response
during seasons of high alternative to allopathic vaccination by Mikhail E. W. Plettner, Ph.D., M.Sc., L.Ac. This protocol was developed and used successfully on numerous patientshpa for four decades by Francisco X. Eizayaga, M.D, of Buenos Aires. The remedies listed below are the ones that have been reported useful in homeopathic literature. Specific Instructions for Developing Enhanced Immunity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disorders and their Prophylactic Remedies Chicken Pox Antimonium tart., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox. Cholera Arsenicum alb., Choleratoxinum , Cuprum ac., Veratrum alb. Diphtheria Apis, Mercurius cyan., Diphtherinum Hydrophobia/ Rabies Hydrophobinum, Lyssinum, Stramonium Influenza & Colds Psorinum 200c given in the Fall before it becomes cold will strengthen the system against cold and flu virus; Influenzinum et Baccilinum 200c (from Nelson’s Pharmacy, London) every 3-4 weeks during flu season greatly reduces the incidence of colds and influenza; Ocilloccocinum, 10 pellets twice a day given at the first sign of a cold or flu will often abort the infection. Measles Aconitum nap., Arsenicum alb., Morbillinum, Pulsatilla, Varicellinium Mumps Parotidinum, Pilocarpine, Trifolium rep. Pertussis/ Whooping Cough Cuprum met., Drosera, Vaccinum, Pertussinum Pneumonia - Pneumococcinum Polio Carbolic ac., Lathyrus sat. Physostigma,, Polio (mixed nosode), Polio (Salk) Rubella / German measles Pulsatilla, Rubella nosode Small Pox Antimonium tart., Hydrastis, Kali cyan., Variolinum Tetanus Ledum pal., Thuja, Tetanotoxinum; it is often recommended that the allopathic immunization be given instead as it produces vary few problems Tonsillitis/ Quinsy- Barita carbonica 30c given when inflammation threatens will abort the development of the inflammation NOTE: When allopathic vaccination cannot be avoided, the following procedure may be used to reduce the undesirable side-effects of such vaccinations. 1. 2. 3. |
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