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Homeopathic Prevention
Of children's diseases

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Homeopathic Prophylaxis for Childhood Diseases:
an alternative to allopathic vaccination
by Mikhail E. W. Plettner, Ph.D., M.Sc., L.Ac.

While no medicine can guarantee 100 percent immunity, a century of medical literature reveals that the following remedies are as effective in conferring immunity as anything developed in allopathic medicine. They may be taken for general immunization or used to increase immune response during seasons of high risk.

This protocol was developed and used successfully on numerous patientshpa for four decades by Francisco X. Eizayaga, M.D, of Buenos Aires. The remedies listed below are the ones that have been reported useful in homeopathic literature.

Specific Instructions for Developing Enhanced Immunity

1.      In general, nosodes (which are underlined below ), provide very specific protection.  These, however, can be difficult to find. Give your child a 200c potency of the remedy you select for three successive days. Only one remedy may be given at a time, and not more than one disease mayhpa be immunized for each week. You may require the assistance of a trained homeopathic physician in choosing or obtaining some of these remedies.

2.      Avoid giving the child coffee or strong tea as caffeine will antidote homeopathic remedies. Avoid camphor (either inhalation or contact) as it will also antidote homeopathics.  Menthol, eucalyptus, and other potent aromatics should be avoided for several weeks until antibody levels have built up as these substances also have the potential to antidote the immune provoking action of these homeopathic remedies.

3.      The remedy is best taken first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening just before bedtime. Place drops or pellets on or under the tongue. It is important for the mouth to be naturally clean for a homeopathic remedy to be effective.  Take nothing by mouth 10 minutes before or after taking a remedy (not even water).  It is recommended that the remedy be taken at least 1/2 an hour before or 1 hour after meals. First thing in the morning is preferable for convenience and effectiveness.

4.      While homeopathic immunizations have been known to be effective for as long as ten years, it is not easy for a parent to determine how long increased immunity will last in each case. Therefore, it is recommended that your child be given the appropriate homeopathic remedy every 2 - 4 years depending upon his general health.

5.      Children who have not been immunized in the above fashion or need to enhance their immunity for other reasons may take the 30c potency of the selected remedy every other day during periods when contagion is more likely.

Disorders and their Prophylactic Remedies

Chicken Pox  Antimonium tart., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox.

Cholera  Arsenicum alb., Choleratoxinum , Cuprum ac., Veratrum alb.

Diphtheria  Apis, Mercurius cyan., Diphtherinum

Hydrophobia/ Rabies  Hydrophobinum, Lyssinum, Stramonium

Influenza & Colds  Psorinum 200c given in the Fall before it becomes cold will strengthen the system against cold and flu virus;  Influenzinum et Baccilinum 200c (from Nelson’s Pharmacy, London) every 3-4 weeks during flu season greatly reduces the incidence of colds and influenza;  Ocilloccocinum, 10 pellets twice a day given at the first sign of a cold or flu will often abort the infection.

Measles  Aconitum nap., Arsenicum alb., Morbillinum, Pulsatilla, Varicellinium

Mumps  Parotidinum, Pilocarpine, Trifolium rep.

Pertussis/ Whooping Cough  Cuprum met., Drosera, Vaccinum, Pertussinum

Pneumonia - Pneumococcinum

Polio  Carbolic ac., Lathyrus sat. Physostigma,, Polio (mixed nosode), Polio (Salk)

Rubella / German measles  Pulsatilla, Rubella nosode

Small Pox  Antimonium tart., Hydrastis, Kali cyan., Variolinum

Tetanus  Ledum pal., Thuja, Tetanotoxinum;  it is often recommended that the allopathic immunization be given instead as it produces vary few problems

Tonsillitis/ Quinsy- Barita carbonica 30c given when inflammation threatens will abort the development of the inflammation

NOTE:  When allopathic vaccination cannot be avoided, the following procedure may be used to reduce the undesirable side-effects of such vaccinations.
1.      Immediately after vaccination, give Aconitum nap. 30c, twice a day for three days.
2.      After Aconitum give Thuja 30c, twice a day for 4 days.
3.      Two to four weeks after vaccination, a single dose of the nosode made from the "immunizing" agent may be given in the 200c potency if this is available.

More Homeoprophylaxis Links

Finding a regular doctor or pediatrician
Accepting non-vaccinated children

Note of disclaimer:
We provide these links as a time saver. Most have been found using a search engine and therefore we neither recommend nor discourage the use of anyone you find using these links.

This web site is no longer active: but there are several replacements.
A 12 October 2010 archived page with our updates as we receive them of the list of doctors friendly to non-vaccinating parents is here:

List of Patient-Choice-Doctors - - And several links to other sites with lists of doctors friendly to patient choice in vaccination decisions.

Holistic Pediatric Doctors list has moved to the Patient Choice Doctors page

Alternative Health Physicians

Please see also our links and information in Vaccine Damage: What can I Do? on our site. This page includes 'Reversing Autism', information on books, etc.

Pages of links:

"Find An ND"
Naturopathic and Alternative Medicine Search for practitioners.

Alternatives for Healing
Find a Holistic Practitioner – Local Search

American College for Advancement in Medicine
The voice of Integrative Medicine

Find a Homeopath

How to Find a Homeopath To find a Homeopathic Practitioner in your area, contact:

Homeopathic Educational Service
Berkeley, CA (415) 649-0294

International Foundation for Homeopathy
Seattle, WA (206) 324-8230

National Center for Homeopathy
Washington, DC (202) 223-6182

Links to several search engines for Alternative Natural Medicine Practioners

search engine for Alternative Natural Medicine Practitioners by category

NAET - Allergies and other unsolved health peoblems,
"Find A Practitoner" link menu on Left

Reversing Vaccine Damage
A page of names of individuals and organizations that may be able to provide remedies for people suffering from vaccine damage. Homeopathy, nutritional supplements and other alternative treatment methods are listed.

Also see VacLib reversing vaccine damage page

Selected links to the word "treatment"
On the site

How do I find information on treating a child who contracts a 'contageous disease'?
Generally speaking common childhood diseases can be treated at home. For more information we suggest that you go to and get ALL of Dr. Richard Schulze's newsletters and books. They will give you a REAL education in an entertaining way on how your body works, in detail, and what you can do to prevent and/or treat dis-ease, "infectious" or otherwise.
Another good book is by Dr. Schultze and Dr. John R. Christopher, and it is titled Herbal Home Care. This book covers all the typical childhood diseases with detail as to naturopathic and herbal treatment. It may be available from Azure Standard is also a great source of reasonable priced organic and natural food products.
Many people sware by a book you may be able to order thorough your library, How To Raise a Healthy Child... In Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. (Available through and other book sellers.)
      Another great book that VacLib sells along these lines is Healing Celebrations by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. He covers all aspects of healing -- from dealing with the physical as well as the emotional/mental and spiritual aspects.

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