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F L U: Index of articles regarding FLU
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Brief Overview:
Flu Deaths are only a small percentage of the frequently stated 36,000 deaths per year associated with the flu. The 36,000 is a combined figure for both flu and pneumonia. Flu deaths alone are typically 1 to 4 % of the combined total of 36,000.
There are an estimated average of 1250 deaths associated with the flu each year in the USA [1250/36,000= 3.5%].

There is long term, large population evidence that the flu vaccine does NOT save lives in those over 65. Graphs

The flu vaccine is NOT effective in any age group at preventing the flu.

It is never safe to inject decaying matter mixed with poisons into the human body. See the adverse effects section.

Deaths from flu and pneumonia declined by about 90 percent of the year 1900 rates before the widespread use of flu vaccine. This demonstrates with certainly that the major preventive of flu deaths (and flu incidence) is sanitation and nutrition. The fact that no further declines have occured in the death rate for combined flu and pneumonia deaths tells us that the ONLY preventive for flu deaths and flu incidence is the lifestyle elements which make a healthy life. Further improvements to health as regards the flu will have to come by renewed efforts regarding sanitation and nutrition. This is especially true for the area of nutrition as the real cause of the flu is the body's need to eliminate the by-products of difficult to digest foods or food combinations. The severity of flu is similar to all other 'contageous' diseases in that the amount of toxic material in the body and the amount of available nutritional support elements (I.E. Vitamin C) are the main items which determine severity or success of the cleansing process which we call the 'symptoms of the flu.'

Using some figures from the census bureau, I calculate that from 1980 to 2000 the elderly population (over 65) grew about 1.4 times (increased 40%) while flu vaccinations have risen by over 3 times (20% to 66%) in this age group. As you can see from the next quote, deaths have increased over 200 percent

Influenza-related deaths can result from pneumonia and from exacerbations of cardiopulmonary conditions and other chronic diseases. Deaths of adults aged >65 years account for >90% of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza. In one study, approximately 19,000 influenza-associated pulmonary and circulatory deaths per influenza season occurred during 1976--1990, compared with approximately 36,000 deaths during 1990--1999. Estimated rates of influenza-associated pulmonary and circulatory deaths/100,000 persons were 0.4--0.6 among persons aged 0--49 years, 7.5 among persons aged 50--64 years, and 98.3 among persons aged >65 years. In the United States, the number of influenza-associated deaths has increased in part because the number of older persons is increasing, particularly persons aged >85 years. In addition, influenza seasons in which influenza A (H3N2) viruses predominate are associated with higher mortality; influenza A (H3N2) viruses predominated in 90% of influenza seasons during 1990--1999, compared with 57% of influenza seasons during 1976--1990.

Source of above: According to CBS News Healthwatch, "But between 1976 and 1999, the number of U.S. adults 85 and older doubled. And the researchers found that this age group was 16 times more likely to die of flu-related causes than people ages 65 to 69."
- - - Now what does that have to do with a vaccine? Over half the over 65 population dies, of all causes, between ages 65 and 85. In the 5 years of age between 85-90, 42 percent (a bit less than half) of those who start at 85 will be dead before age 90.

Graph of life expectancy for year 2003.

The number of over age 65 population went up 40%.
The number of over age 85 population doubled.
The number of deaths from flu and pneumonia almost doubled.
And all that while the percentage of flu vaccinated in this age group went up 330%, thats 3 and 1/3 times. [20 % in 1980 were vaccinated against influenza and now 65-67 % of the over age 65 age group are vaccinated against influenza.]

60 Years of Failing Flu Vaccines
    Roman Bystrianyk, Jun 02, 2024
But just how effective has the influenza vaccine been in practice? Have deaths from influenza declined due to this highly promoted annual vaccination? What do the statistics tell us about the vaccine’s impact on public health?

Cell-based Flu Vaccines
On November 20, 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of Flucelvax, which is the first U.S.-licensed (trivalent inactivated) influenza vaccine manufactured using cell culture technology. [MDCK = Dog Kidney Cells]

Do the 2013-2014 seasonal flu vaccines contain thimerosal?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several formulations of the seasonal flu vaccine, including multi-dose vials and single-dose units. (See Table of Approved Influenza Vaccines for the U.S. 2013–2014 Season.) ... some of the vaccine is produced in multi-dose vials, and contains thimerosal...

Yes, this year's flu vaccine contains mercury. [2006-2007] And again [2007-2008]
"PutChildrenFirst commissioned a survey by Zogby International of more than 9,000 Americans regarding their views of mercury in flu shots."
"- 76% of respondents are unaware that most flu shots contain mercury."
"- 77% believe mercury should not be an ingredient in flu shots given to pregnant women and children."
"* More than 90% of this year's [2006-2007] flu vaccine supply will contain 25 micrograms of mercury, ..."

2007-2008 Thimerosal-free and Thimerosal-containing vaccines
It appears that a significant portion of the 132 million flu vaccines in 2007-2008 season will contain thimerosal but an exact calculation was not found.

" many as 132 million doses of influenza vaccine will be available from currently licensed manufacturers in the U.S. for use during the 2007-08 influenza season."
" pasteur is projecting that 10 million to 12 million doses of thimerosal-free vaccine in pre-filled syringes or vials ..." [mostly in 0.25 mL syringes]
"MedImmune is projecting up to 7 million doses of the thimerosal free nasal vaccine, FluMist, ..."
Also CSL Biotherapy, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline are producing preservative-free vaccines this season.

Yes, last year's flu vaccine contains mercury. [2005-2006] and [2006-2007]
Dr. Mercola's web site: New Flu Vaccine is Loaded With Mercury
See also Fluzone below:

Ingredients: (sources are manufacturers statements.)
FluMist®: (MedImmune) Live attenuated cold adapted virus*, allantoic fluid (egg white), sucrose, potassium phosphate, and monosodium glutamate. Source [Inactive link]

FLUARIXTM: (GlaxoSmithKline) Chicken embryos, virus*, sucrose, sodium deoxycholate, formaldehyde, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, octoxynol-10, Alpha-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, and polysorbate 80, trace thimerosal (<1.25 mcg mercury per dose). Each dose may contain residual amounts of hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate.

Fluzone®: (Aventis-Pasteur) Chicken embryos, virus*, formaldehyde, sucrose, octoxinol-9, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, Gelatin, thimerosal in the 5mL vials (25 ug mercury/dose), no thimerosal in prefilled syringes.

* See manufacturers Package inserts for details. The links above are to the package inserts.

FLU Vaccine Ingredients depend upon the manufacturer
FluVirin, FluShield, FluZone, FluMist, Etc, Etc.

  • All are made using egg or chicken protein
  • Influenza viruses (most! are inactivated)
  • Neomycin, polymyxin, gentamycin - antibiotics
  • Thimerosal [mercury] - a harmful preservative
  • Betapropiolactone - a disinfectant
  • Nonoxynol - used to kill or stop growth of STDs
  • Octoxinol 9 - a vaginal spermicide
  • Formaldehyde - embalming fluid used to kill viruses
  • Ingredient and associated risk list for the Fluzone vaccine:

    1. Chick Embryo - this can be problematic for those allergic to eggs or egg products

    2. Formaldehyde - (Embalming Fluid) Formaldehyde has been classified as a human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Research studies of workers exposed to formaldehyde have suggested an association between formaldehyde exposure and cancers of the nasal sinuses, nasopharynx, and brain, and possibly leukemia

    3. Octoxinol-9 - This is a spermacide (kills sperm) Chills; confusion; dizziness; fever; lightheadedness; muscle aches; sunburn-like skin rash that is followed by peeling of the skin

    4. Triton X-100 - Harmful if swallowed. Causes severe eye irritation. May be harmful if inhaled or in contact with skin. Toxicology not fully investigated. The product may contain traces of ethylene oxide or dioxane, which are probable human carcinogens.

    5. Gelatin- Made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals.

    6. Thimerisol (mercury derivative) - Several cases of acute mercury poisoning from thimerosal-containing products were found in the medical literature with total doses of thimerosal ranging from approximately 3 mg/kg (Your vaccine contains 25 ug per 5mL dose) to several hundred mg/kg These studies reported local necrosis, acute hemolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal tubular necrosis, and central nervous system injury including obtundation, coma, and death

    7. Sodium Phosphate - Phosphates are slowly and incompletely absorbed when ingested, and seldom result in systemic effects. Such effects, however, have occurred Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, blood chemistry effects, heart disturbances and central nervous system effects. The toxicity of phosphates is because of their ability to sequester calcium. Irritant due to its acidic nature. May cause inflammation and pain on prolonged contact, especially with moist skin. May sequester calcium and cause calcium phosphate deposits in the kidneys.

    8. Sodium Chloride(Salt) - Very large doses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and prostration. Dehydration and congestion occur in most internal organs. Hypertonic salt solutions can produce violent inflammatory reactions in the gastrointestinal tract. May irritate damaged skin; absorption can occur with effects similar to those via ingestion.

    In light of the information above, this short video on vaccines really hits home:

    How You’re Being Lied to about the Risks of Getting a Flu Vaccine Annually
    by Jeremy R. Hammond | Jan 11, 2019
    The government and media systematically deceive the public about what science tells us about the risks of getting an influenza vaccine every year.

    Read rest of original story here:

    Great series on the Flu with references
    by Jeremy Hammond
    Part 1 - February 7, 2018
    Should You Get the Flu Shot Every Year? Don’t Ask the New York Times.
    Read article here

    Part 2 - April 2, 2018
    How the CDC Uses Fear and Deception to Sell More Flu Vaccines
    Read article here

    Part 3 - January 11, 2019
    How You’re Being Lied to about the Risks of Getting a Flu Vaccine Annually
    Read article here

    Part 4 - May 14, 2019
    The CDC’s Criminal Recommendation for a Flu Shot During Pregnancy
    Read article here

    Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine
    Published: 15 March 2012
    We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8).

    Read rest of original story here:
    File# 8360flu.php

    Repeat Influenza Vaccination Yields Reduced Antibody Response (June 06, 2017)

    Archive of above on

    June 13, 2017 More on the topic above.
    Study: Repeated Flu Shots Decrease Antibody Response – More Evidence that Annual Flu Shots are Worthless

    RARE: True Placebo controlled trial - unvaccinated vs vaccinated
    Study: Flu Vaccine Causes 5.5 Times More Respiratory Infections – A True Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study
    The utter absurdity of vaccination ‘science’ is revealed in this study. It claims a flu vaccine results in less disease risk because it causes antibodies to develop, in spite of not reducing the likelihood of contracting the disease and also resulting in 5.5 times more incidents of similar diseases!
    In other words, a vaccine’s effectiveness is not determined by whether it prevents disease, but rather by whether it causes antibodies to be produced!

    But the story is even worse than this. The study also demonstrated that the vaccine resulted in recipients having 5.5 times more respiratory illness. Here’s a partial breakdown of their results:
    	[Estimated risks based on 1000 person years]
    				Vaccinated 	 Placebo(saline)
    Any Seasonal Influenza 		58 			88
    H1N1 (Swine Flu ‘Pandemic’) 	58 			0
       Total Influenza Cases 	116 			88
    Noninfluenza Viruses 		
       Rhinovirus (common cold) 	230 			59
       Coxsackie/Echovirus 		160 			0
       Other Respiratory Viruses 	97 			29
          Total Other Viruses 	487 			88
    Read rest of story here.

    Abstract of the study above.
    Caution: above study had only 69 vaccinated and 46 placebo test subjects
    Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine
    Oxford Academic - Clinical Infectious Diseases

    What Science Says About Getting A Flu Shot
    A good summation of the available information about the flu shot.

    A Shot Never Worth Taking: The Flu Vaccine ~ by Kelly Brogan, MD

    11 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu
    Archived on

    The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself.

    Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccines

    General Information:

    Package Inserts: 2007-2008
    FLU Vaccine Package Inserts:
    Name - Manufacturer
    Fluarix - GlaxoSmithKline |

    FluMist - MedImmune | Fluvirin - Novartis Vaccine (formerly Chiron Corp.)

    Fluzone - sanofi pasteur |

    FluLaval - GlaxoSmithKline |OK'ed October 5, 2006 for adults. [2007-2008 Package Insert]
    Beautiful Quote:
    " FLULAVAL is an influenza virus vaccine indicated for active immunization of adults 18 years of age and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and type B contained in the vaccine. (1)
    This indication is based on immune response elicited by FLULAVAL, and there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL. (14)

    FluMist Package Inserts:
    PDR Drug information for Flumist Vaccine 2007-2008 Formula 2007-2008 Formula

    Package Inserts and Manufacturers
    for some US Licensed
    Vaccines and Immunoglobulins [GENERAL vaccines, not just flu]

    ARCHIVED - Package Inserts:
    Following four links for 2005 package inserts was taken from:
    [begin quote]"
    Influenza Vaccine Package Inserts

    For details about influenza vaccines being produced by the four manufacturers licensed in the United States, consult their package inserts at the following links:

    "[end quote]

    FluMist Package Inserts:


    Source for the Package insert for Fluzone 'preservative free' 2002-2003 Formula.
    If you dont want to download this 132K .PDF file, here are a few highlights: [original is 8 pages]

    Aventis Pasteur Inc.
    Swiftwater PA 18370 USA

    " a sterile suspension prepared from influenza viruses propagated in chicken embryos. Thfile:///home/du/ virus-containing fluids are harvested and inactivated with formaldehyde. Influenza virus is concentrated and purified in a linear sucrose density gradient solution using a continuous flow centrifuge. The virus is then chemically disrupted using Polyethylene Glycol p-Isooctylphenyl Ether (Triton r X-100 - A registered trademark of Rohm and Haas, Co.) producing a "split-antigen." The split-antigen is then further purified by chemical means and suspended in sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution. Fluzone has been standardized according to USPHS requirements for the 2002-2003 influenza season and is formulated to contain 45 micrograms (µg) hemagglutinin (HA) per 0.5 mL dose, in the recommended ratio of 15 µg HA each, representative of the following three prototype strains: A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1), A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2) (an A/Moscow/10/99-like strain) and B/Hong Kong/1434/2002 (a B/Hong Kong/330/2001-like strain). 1 Gelatin 0.05% is added as a stabilizer. Fluzone is supplied in two unit dose preservative-free presentations distinguished by a pink syringe plunger rod: a 0.25 mL prefilled syringe (for pediatric use) and a 0.5 mL prefilled syringe; both are formulated without preservatives but contain a trace amount of thimerosal [(contains 49.6% mercury),(<=0.5 µg Hg/0.25 mL dose) (<=1.0 µg Hg/0.5 mL dose)] from the manufacturing process. Fluzone is also supplied in two other presentations: a 0.5 mL prefilled syringe and 5 mL vial of vaccine, of which both contain the preservative thimerosal [(mercury containing compound), 25 µg mercury/0.5 mL dose]. Fluzone, after shaking syringe/vial well, is essentially clear and slightly opalescent in color. ANTIBIOTICS ARE NOT USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF FLUZONE."

    "Among persons aged >=65 years, influenza vaccination levels increased from 33% in 1989 to 66% in 1999, surpassing the Healthy People 2000 goal of 60%. "

    "Influenza A viruses are further categorized into subtypes based on two surface antigens: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). Influenza B viruses are not categorized into subtypes. Both influenza A and B viruses are further separated into groups based on antigenic characteristics. New influenza virus variants result from frequent antigenic change (i.e., antigenic drift), resulting from point mutations that occur during viral replication. Influenza B viruses undergo antigenic drift less rapidly than influenza A viruses. Since 1977, influenza A (H1N1) viruses, influenza A (H3N2) viruses, and influenza B viruses have been in global circulation. A person's immunity to the surface antigens, especially hemagglutinin, reduces the likelihood of infection and the severity of disease if infection occurs. However, antibody against one influenza virus type or subtype confers little or no protection against another virus type or subtype. Furthermore, antibody to one antigenic variant of influenza virus might not protect against a new antigenic variant of the same type or subtype. The frequent development of antigenic variants through antigenic drift is the virologic basis for seasonal epidemics and the reason for the possible incorporation of >=1 new strains in each year's influenza vaccine." "Influenza-related deaths can result from pneumonia as well as from exacerbations of cardiopulmonary conditions and other chronic diseases. In studies of influenza epidemics occurring from 1972-1973 through 1994-1995, excess deaths (ie, the number of influenza-related deaths above a projected baseline of expected deaths) occurred during 19 of 23 influenza epidemics. During those 19 influenza seasons, estimated rates of influenza-associated deaths ranged from approximately 30 to >150 deaths/100,000 persons aged >=65 years. Older adults account for >90% of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza. From 1972-1973 through 1994-1995, >20,000 influenza-associated deaths were estimated to occur during each 11 different US epidemics, and >40,000 influenza-associated deaths were estimated for each of 6 of these 11 epidemics. In the US, pneumonia and influenza deaths might be increasing in part because the number of older persons is increasing."

    [Note: deaths per 100,000 in the >65 age group have increased after 1980.]


    "The majority of influenza vaccine distributed in the US contains thimerosal, a mercury-containing compound, as a preservative. Thimerosal has been used in US vaccines since the 1930s." [read rest on pg 4-5]


    Fluzone should not be administered to patients with acute respiratory or other active infections or illnesses. Immunization should be delayed in a patient with an active neurologic disorder, but should be considered when the disease process has been stabilized.

    Fluzone should not be administered to individuals who have a prior history of Guillain-BarrT syndrome (GBS). If Fluzone is administered to immunosuppressed persons, the expected antibody response may not be obtained. As with any vaccine, vaccination with Fluzone may not protect 100% of susceptible individuals."

    "Since the likelihood of febrile convulsions is greater in children 6 months through 35 months of age, special care should be taken in weighing relative risks and benefits of vaccination.

    Prior to an injection of any vaccine, all known precautions should be taken to prevent adverse reactions. This includes a review of the patient's history with respect to possible sensitivity to the vaccine or similar vaccine, to possible sensitivity to dry natural latex rubber, previous immunization history, current health status (see CONTRAINDICATIONS and WARNINGS sections) and a knowledge of the current literature concerning the use of the vaccine under consideration. Special care should be taken to prevent injection into a blood vessel."

    "Systemic Reactions
    Fever, malaise, myalgia, and other systemic symptoms can occur following vaccination and most often affect persons who have had no exposure to the influenza virus antigens in the vaccine (e.g., young children).1,14 These reactions begin 6 to 12 hours after vaccination and can persist for 1-2 days. Recent placebo-controlled trials demonstrate that among older persons and healthy young adults, administration of split-virus vaccine is not associated with higher rates of systemic symptoms (e.g., fever, malaise, myalgia, and headache) when compared with placebo injections. 1 Immediate - presumably allergic - reactions (e.g., hives, angioedema, allergic asthma, and systemic anaphylaxis) rarely occur after influenza vaccination. These reactions probably result from hypersensitivity to certain vaccine components; the majority of reactions likely are caused by residual egg protein. Although current influenza vaccines contain only a limited quantity of egg protein, this protein can induce immediate hypersensitivity reactions among persons who have severe egg allergy. Persons who have experienced hives, have had swelling of the lips or tongue, or have experienced acute respiratory distress or collapse after eating eggs should consult a physician for appropriate evaluation to help determine if vaccine should be administered. Persons who have documented immunoglobulin E (IgE)--mediated hypersensitivity to eggs--including those who have had occupational asthma or other allergic responses to egg protein--also might be at increased risk for allergic reactions to influenza vaccine, and consultation with a physician should be considered. Protocols have been published for safely administering influenza vaccine to persons with egg allergies. 1,15 [.. continues on with GBS, etc]

    Back to TOP of page.

    Highlights of
    By Kristine Severyn, R.Ph., Ph.D.
    Although influenza is associated with more disease, hospitalization, and death in "at risk" populations, no adequate controlled studies exist which prove that influenza vaccine reduces the incidence of influenza in these groups.

    Past studies by NH Arden, et al, of type A(H3N2) influenza vaccine in nursing home patients yielded an average of only 27 percent efficacy with four studies demonstrating vaccine efficacy at 0, 2, 8 and 9 percent. Poor vaccine efficacy can even occur when the vaccine virus is "essentially identical" to that virus which is causing the outbreak. For influenza B vaccine, studies conducted by Arden range from 0 percent to 36 percent effective, averaging 21 percent.

    Considering that more than 90 percent of pneumonia and influenza deaths occur in persons 65 years of age or older, but that about 65 percent of all deaths (from any cause) occur in this age group anyway, it is nearly impossible to prove if flu shots significantly increase life expectancy in the elderly. Indeed one study of elderly Medicare patients in Ohio and Pennsylvania, published in Options for the Control of Influenza II, showed "no demonstrated effect of influenza vaccine in preventing death or limiting the length of hospital stay."

    Instead of being an effective prevention, evidence indicates that flu shots may be useless. Although endorsed and funded by federal and state governments the shots seem only to benefit the companies that make them, public health bureaucrats who promote them, and medical personnel who administer them.

    Back to TOP of page.

       Graphs's index page for graphs relating to flu mortality as well as one showing vaccine usage increase versus the recent increase in Mortality Rates associated with Pneumonia and Influenza.

    Scaled graph, original was posted at:

    The lack of worth of the flu vaccine is shown in a nutshell. The combined number of deaths from pneumonia and influenza declined greatly from 1900 to 1950 and continued to decline slowly until 1979 and thereafter begin to rise until the year 2000 experiended the same rate of combined deaths from flu and pneumonia as occured in 1960.

    The following data is from National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS)
    Yearly Mortality (USA)
    Note the low yearly figures for Flu associated deaths taken alone!
    Year Influenza Pneumonia Notes:
    2002 727 64,954 nvsr53_05.pdf infant =4, age 1-4=7 deaths
    2001 257 61,777 nvsr52_13.pdf rate=0.1/100,000
    1999 572 49,954 Page 58 (10th Revision numbers)
    Great graph of the number of Influenza Deaths as tabulated by CDC and found on American Lung Association site.

    CDC table archived at:

    YEAR    Number of Flu Deaths as distinguished from Pneumonia associated Deaths.
    1979       604 (2) ICD 9th rev. code 480-487
    1981     3,006
    1983     1,431
    1985     2,054
    1987       632
    1989     1,593
    1991     1,137
    1993     1,044
    1995       606
    1996       745
    1997       720
    1998     1,724
    1999     1,665 (3) ICD 10th rev. code J10-J18
    2000     1,765
    2001       257
    SOURCE: NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS, REPORT OF FINAL MORTALITY STATISTICS, 1979-2001 The average is about 1223 per year for the above 15 years.
    Note 1999 figure here of 1665 versus the other CDC page which shows 572 also differs widely in the total number of Pneumonia deaths: 62065 versus 49,954.

    The following note posted at may explain the difference:

    "The large decrease in Influenza deaths from 2000 to 2001 is largely due to a change in the coding rules, which resulted in deaths that would have previously been assigned to Influenza, instead were assigned to Pneumonia in 2001." -page 104

  • How many really die of the flu each year?
    Annual Number of flu deaths: it's a guess By Sherri Tenpenny, DO
  • Annual Flu Deaths:
    The Big Lie

    By Neil Z. Miller

  • [Real number of deaths from flu] A 1995 peer-reviewed meta-analysis published in Annals of ... (BMJ)

  • The following edited information is from the Maine (US) Lung Association website.
    There was an excellent graph at, now archived at

    which shows for the years 1979-1998, combined pneumonia and influenza deaths:
    US population 65-74 (graph shows about 60 deaths per 100,000)
    US population 75-84 (graph shows about 200-250 deaths per 100,000)
    US population 85 and up, (graph shows about 750 up to 1150 (in 1988),
    back to over 1000 deaths per 100,000)

    "Over the past twenty years, age specific death rates for pneumonia and influenza have increased in the older adult populations (65+ years), and decreased in the childhood population (0-14 years), and have remained relatively constant in other population subgroups.

    The national data indicate a significant rise in the age specific pneumonia and influenza death rates among people 85 years and older.

    "Source: NCHS, 2000a,b; NCHS 1999. Rates are age adjusted to the 1940 US population.

    Nationally, death rates from pneumonia and influenza have remained relatively constant since the 1980s (approximately 12-13 deaths per 100,000 population). ..." [for a population of 280 million X 12/100k = 33,600 deaths. (combined flu & pneumonia)]

    In the time period that death rates from flu increased in the older sub-population, the following pro vaccine -short course- thoughtfuly informs us that the vaccination rates also increased!
    influenza.html (short course)

    Each year, influenza has a mortality cost of over 20,000 lives, particularly in patients over 65 with chronic co-morbidities. Fortunately, vaccination levels have risen dramatically since 1987 (33% to 65% ).

    [Fortunately, in what way, for whom? Could it be the vaccines are worthless??? ] See our section below on graphs and scroll down for a table and links to better estimates (by the CDC) of the actual number of deaths associated with the flu versus the much larger number of flu and pneumonia combined.

    Back to TOP of page.

    The CDC has a billion(*) dollar per year mandate to promote vaccines:

    2000: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a branch of the CDC knew that "Over the past twenty years, age specific death rates for pneumonia and influenza have increased in the older adult populations..." at the same time as flu vaccination rates also increased. (A)

    In October of 2002, this information was posted at: .

    February 2005: Study conducted by NIH funded by National Vaccine Program published showing flu vaccine is worthless in preventing deaths amoung elderly. (B)

    Still the NIH and CDC continue to recommend a worthless procedure.
    A $Billion still buys a lot of ignor-ance of vaccine facts.

    Now archived at:

    (B)The following quotes are from
    "The article was based on a modelling study (2) to investigate trends in winter deaths associated with the flu during a time period when vaccination coverage among the elderly had increased. The research found that there was no relationship between increased vaccination coverage and declining mortality among any age group."

    Where does the evidence come from?
    Dr Lone Simonsen and colleagues at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD, and the Entropy Institute, Boston, USA conducted the study. The research was funded by the Unmet Needs programme from the National Vaccine Program Office, Washington DC.
    [See also]

    "The coverage of flu vaccination increased from 16% to 65% over the study period." [1968-2001]

    Reference: February 15, 2005:
    (2) " Simonsen L, Reichert TA, Viboud C, Blackwelder WC, Taylor RJ, Miller MA. Impact of influenza vaccination on seasonal mortality in the US elderly population. Archives of Internal Medicine 2005,165:265-272."

    * Actually, in 2005 the CDC has a $2,114,000,000 (2+ billion) budget for "Immunization." See
    [2005] "CDC's total program level includes $1.6 billion in mandatory VFC funding, and $265 million in Public Health Service evaluation transfers."
    For Influenza Funding alone, the proposed budget for 2006 includes $197 million for CDC and VFC (Vaccines for Children) plus another $439 million for HHS Influenza Funding program activities. A total of $636,000,000.

    This is not to mention the portion of the bioterrorism preparedness program which is devoted in some way to vaccines.

    CDC page on how they calculate flu related deaths each year: Here.

    Flu News has moved here:

    Legal Issues - Employer Mandates
    Our Page on how to fight employer mandates is here.

    OSHA argues against mandatory flu shots for hospital employees

    1918 "Flu"
    Experiments Upon Volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza, Boston, November and December, 1918

    Vaccine not Flu Virus caused 1918 epidemic

    From: "Some history of the treatment of epidemics with Homeopathy"

    Did psychopath Rockefeller create the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918?
    Dr. Gary G. Kohls, MD, Fort Russ News, 22 May 2020

    Spanish Flu pandemic

    . (Received for publication, July 20, 1918.) 449.pdf

    Vaccination Liberation - Idaho Chapter
    Contact: Vaccination Liberation

    "Free Your Mind....From The Vaccine Paradigm"

    GOOGLE: Search our site: VacLib.Org or WWWeb       Back to TOP of page.
    Index of Articles for Vaccination Liberation.       Home page of Vaccination Liberation