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BioShield-Smallpox article by Lynne Born 11June2003

MSEHPA: Model State Emergency Health Powers Act

Review old Books on the Smallpox Vaccine Myth -CD available

Update: Monkey Pox MonkeyPox


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Monkeypox [And Smallpox]
By M Dowling - May 21, 2022
Globalists Held Monkeypox Pandemic Exercises Last Year

[May 2022]
Why Did The Government Just Buy 119 Million Dollars Worth Of Monkeypox Vaccine?

May 18, 2022
13 Million Freeze-Dried Monkeypox - Smallpox Vaccines Ordered

MORE: Published May 8, 2021
Bavarian Nordic JYNNEOS is the only U.S. FDA approved non-replicating smallpox and monkeypox vaccine
US Government Orders Additional Smallpox-Monkeypox Vaccines

Sources for above link:
Dailywire  |   Nypost  |   Independent

Bavarian Nordic Jynneos smallpox and monkeypox vaccine approved for adults 18 years of age and older
Published September 24, 2019
Smallpox and Monkeypox Combo Vaccine Approved by the FDA

WND News Center, May 25, 2022
CDC: Keep calm, monkeypox 'is not COVID'

by Rishma Parpia, Published May 24, 2022
Monkeypox Cases in U.S. Coincide With Vaccine Purchases by BARDA

May 21, 2022 by N.Morgan [and video by Alex Jones]
Red Alert Emergency Broadcast: Top Scientists Confirm Monkeypox Surge on Global Scale Caused by Experimental COVID Injections!! (Video)

See our news feed for more Monkeypox, Covid, etc articles.

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Adverse Effects of Vaccination

Myopericarditis following smallpox vaccination among vaccinia-naive US military personnel. []
CONCLUSION: Among US military personnel vaccinated against smallpox, myopericarditis occurred at a rate of 1 per 12 819 primary vaccinees. Myopericarditis should be considered an expected adverse event associated with smallpox vaccination. Clinicians should consider myopericarditis in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with chest pain 4 to 30 days following smallpox vaccination and be aware of the implications as well as the need to report this potential adverse advent.

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Smallpox and Vaccinia Images

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Treatment and Diagnosis

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Virus Issues

From the January 2003 Idaho Observer:

Smallpox vaccine virus' curious relationship to syphilis

by Don Harkins

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Time Lines and History

What part did vaccine play in the eradication of Smallpox?

Smallpox links from Dr. Mercola's site:
The Birth of the Vaccination Fraud
The Fraud Of Vaccination (smallpox)
A Summary of the Proofs That Vaccination Does Not Prevent Smallpox but Really Increases It

Sanitation Vs. Vaccination - The Origin of Smallpox & causes, by Dr. Hadwen
Some quotes:

"Since Edward Jenner demonstrated the use of cowpox vaccine against smallpox in 1796, vaccinations against smallpox were started. Despite this, a smallpox epidemic swept England in 1839 and killed 22,081 people."
"In 1853 the Government made smallpox vaccinations compulsory, but the incidence of the disease kept increasing, and in 1872 another epidemic killed 44,840 people, most of whom were vaccinated."
[In hospital]"One child lay for two weeks and two days with her eyes scabbed and not a single drop of water was given to relieve her."

Watch closely: the two diseases - cowpox and smallpox - are completely distinct conditions. Hadwen explains:

"What is cow-pox? It is a disease which occurs on the teats of cows; it only occurs when they are in milk; only in one part of the body, and naturally only in the female animal; it results in an ugly chancre; and is not infectious.

Small-pox, on the other hand, is not limited to the female sex as is cow-pox, nor to one portion of the body; it presents different physical signs, and, furthermore, is tremendously infectious, and the course and symptoms of the two diseases are totally different. Therefore there is no analogy between the two." [5]
TheDoctorWithin.Com/intro home page

More links from Sheri Nakken

The BEST summary of URLs for smallpox history and further research....
Good articles there

From a Maori native woman in New Zealand
Smallpox and Breast Milk
About half way down the page

" Professor George Dick, speaking at an environmental conference in Brussels in 1973, admitted that in recent decades, 75% of British people who contracted smallpox had been vaccinated. This, combined with the fact that only 40% of children (and a maximum of 10% of adults) had been vaccinated, clearly shows that vaccinated people have a much higher tendency to contract the disease. "

"There continue to be incidents like the one in West Germany in 1967, where smallpox vaccination damaged the hearing of 3,296 children, and of these 71 were rendered completely deaf. "

World health records..
"World health records (England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, British India, etc.) document the devastating epidemics which followed mass vaccination. The worst smallpox disaster occurred in the Philippines, after 10 years (1911-1920) of a compulsory U.S. program which administered 25 million vaccinations to its population of 10 million. The result: 170,000 cases and more than 75,000 deaths from smallpox. History past and present is replete with similar tragedies. "Public education" by vaccine producers and their supporters always omits self-incriminating facts." Myth #3
Furthermore, European countries that refused immunization for small pox and polio saw the epidemics end along with those countries that mandated it. (In fact, both small pox and polio immunization campaigns were followed initially by significant disease incidence increases; during smallpox vaccination campaigns, other infectious diseases continued their declines in the absence of vaccines. In England and Wales, smallpox disease and vaccination rates eventually declined simultaneously over a period of several decades.[26- Neil Miller, Vaccines: Are They Safe and Effective? p 33.])

Vaccines: A Second Opinion
Smallpox by Ian Sinclair. More Smallpox Information.

The Risk of Smallpox and Vaccinia Vaccination Versus Nature's Way of Boosting Powerful Preventative Immunity
If smallpox was released into the American population, "dissemination from the individual cases would probably be relatively limited," Dr. Mack informed the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), that had met to set smallpox vaccination guidelines on behalf of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, in June, 2002. "We don't need vaccination, we need personnel," Dr. Mack insisted. More Smallpox Information.

Smallpox Vaccination Risks Versus Natural Healing of Smallpoxwith forward by

Homeopathy preventing illness
I encourage you to read the whole article for an idea of homeopathy preventing illness

"homeoprophylaxis is the use of "similar nosodes". In this method a nosode of the threatening miasm is given as a preventative to the specific disease. Unlike the remedy epidemicus, the specific causation of the offending miasms must be known and a proper stock available. Homeopathic nosodes have a wider band of action then orthodox immunization. Old stocks of nosodes from a previous epidemics are often effective. The nosodes of most common miasms are available from reputable pharmacies. An example of such a prophylactic remedy is Pertussin, a nosode made from the whooping cough virus. Some miasms mutate very quickly making previous epidemic nosodes ineffective. It may be necessary to make a nosode of the prevailing strain of miasma.

The nature of the situations is what must guide to the approach used by a homeopath. For example when the small-pox epidemics were treating the USA at the turn of the 20th century, the homeopaths used Variolinum as a preventative treatment for the masses. This was because there is no way during an epidemic each every adult and child can be treated as an individual. They must be treated as a group as neither time nor logistics allow for constitutional prophylaxis. For this reason many homeopaths involve in public campaigns against smallpox used Variolinum as it could be distributed to the masses as a specific preventative.

Homoeopaths involved in the wide spread use of Variolinum believed also constitutional treatment provided protection but that the use of nosodes was more appropriate for epidemics where there is a danger to public health. Constitutional analysis takes hours of individual cases management. If you must protect an entire village or town from a virulent epidemic this would not be possible. To prove the effectiveness of specific prophylaxis the homeopaths did trials in the field. In the Medical Advance 1904 there is a wonderful discussion of constitutional prevention versus specific prophylaxis with nosodes. I will post this for reference as Homeoprophylaxis 1-a."

To find a good homeopath

Injury Remedies

Homeopathic Remedy Guide for:
Workers, Union Members,
Strikers, Activists, Demonstrators,
Liberation Fighters,
& All of the Good Trouble Makers
I don't agree with what she says to use for potency. You will have to figure that out with your homeopath.
I don't agree with 1M & 10 M and the frequency she gives.
All the substances are listed there (but who knows what else might crop up).
Vitamin C & Anthrax & Smallpox

Click on huge link at top of page

He is talking about IV DOSES in extreme situations with exposure For everyone now start taking vitamin C by mouth as I've posted before This is good for every day life. This is just good common sense
The major article written about smallpox and the use of Variolinum as both treatment and Prophylactic was presented by C.W. Eaton at the AIH Meeting in 1907.
It is a long article, scanned from the 1907 Transactions, corrected, and put on my [Sheri's] web-site.

Lots ofcinformation on the NCH website

Published Articles Responding to Terrorism Homeopathically Todd Rowe MD, MD(H), CCH, DHt

Homeopathic Nosodes- Are they Useful for Bio-terrorism? J.P. Borneman

Communicating about bioterrorism and epidemic disease American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists

Resilient spirits Healing from extreme trauma Miranda Castro, FSHom, RSHom(NA), CCH

Homeopathic remedies for traumatic stress Miranda Castro, FSHom, RSHom(NA), CCH

Each one is different: Individual reactions to traumatic stress Stephen Messer, ND, DHANP

Anthrax: What you should know Eileen Nauman DHM (UK) with Catherine Creel

Side Effects of Cipro Schuld, Small, and Harris of Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC)

My Experience with Smallpox and Internal Vaccination by W. L. Bonnell, MD

(read before the IHA, June 18, 1940)

from: The Conquest of Disease by A. C. French, MD, Corpus Christi, TX; Corpus Christi Printing, 1943

Few Homeopathic doctors get to air their troubles in a Health Board Trial. But doing so, when odds seem against you, and still you are vindicated acts as a boost and benefit.

Read whole article at

Section of "More links from Sheri Nakken" was contributed by:
Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK
$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account
(go to or by mail
PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US
Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours
International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers Education, Homeopathic Education
CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

Vaccination Liberation - Idaho Chapter
Contact: Vaccination Liberation

"Free Your Mind....From The Vaccine Paradigm"

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